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Everything posted by Butch.4957

  1. I am honestly curious to your result. I have max shared inventory slots as well so I wonder how Anet is going to work that. Do they just say screw it and give you another slot? Or do they refund the cost of the slot in gems?
  2. I just want to dual wield shields and bash people over the heads at close range with them. Maybe a skill or three that give thematically defensive capability to the set.
  3. Why is the DCing part of the features of the fight? the "killed him" is a spoiler Anyone going through this broken, disconnecting mess of personal stories without looking at a guide is nutsBeing crazy is fun! I spent 45 minutes for the whole encounter and loved the challenge of it (I did not have any guide, game had only come out 2-3 days before I did that fight). My only wish would be that the giant ass dragon head would have been behind the altar/arena instead of in front. I did not know about it until I beat the instance and had a free second to turn around and look.
  4. Yeah, the legendaries were the hardest part of the run for my group. We only won that part due to our guild leader (I forget what character he played) focusing on rezzing the downed and dead and a stubborn and resilient Soulbeast (me) pumping out condi’s and taking as much aggro as I possibly could away from party members.
  5. Conditions are definitely useful against enemies with high armor values like these, area of effect skills for combo fields will take out adds without you paying them much heed, and make sure to have a good bit of boonstrip and condi cleanse. The champs and legendary absolutely love to slow and poison you with AoE’s right at their feet. This is the one scenario I found myself in wishing I had bear stance over troll ungent or healing spring. Edit: For any of the other Soulbeasts put there, Dolyak stance will be useful for fighting the Legendary at the end. He has a fairly long knockback/down that is rather inconvenient
  6. My guild did it just yesterday with 2 Soulbeasts, a Holomancer, a Guardian (I forget which elite spec), and a Scourage. It is very doable with adequate communication (GET DISCORD! It is free and easy to use) and we did it in just one run. Ignore adds, kill the shielders and the main bosses. You can do it. Edit: this is the build I was running if it helps.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNAV4fjEqQNLWwCmrAVLWMEsmOQwqFwEAGdnu8q72d8WixjD-jRhPQBqU5H1U/hY6eAw+DvUJIpAeUZF-e
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