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  1. Not sure why you feel a 'stomper' should benefit from some defensive buff that he didn't actively apply reducing damage like that, but that is better than purely ignoring ALL attacks against him, I suppose.
  2. I was using an Engineer's potion as an example. Quite frankly, I didn't think about some of those other Invuln stomps. They are all bad game-play and should not be allowed in stomping.
  3. Removing down-state is viable, but don't you appreciate the counter-play to get your team member back on his/her feet to continue the battle? I would just like the stomp not to be automatic and without hazard.
  4. Really? I didn't think of that. But, since I can't Dodge when my skills are locked for 6 seconds, I guess that point is moot.
  5. I stand corrected on Shield Gen's specifically, but Catapult Shields still don't work. Also, that page shows this caveat too... Shield generators can't put domes on other shield generators, and domes can't destroy unblockable projectiles.
  6. Commander's should be reduced to a max team of 25-30 players. This will force other Commander's to coordinate and not just follow the one pin. Some boons shouldn't effect the quantity of players they do currently and some boons, for example Super Speed, should only affect the player activating the boon, not the entire squad of 5.
  7. Agreed. I was hoping they just stopped a single non-sieging player from tapping a structure's standard waypoint. They should have stopped there.
  8. AC's don't do any damage anymore. The zerg's just laugh at you and pull you off the wall from miles away. Balli's can't be aimed downward, and are blocked by your own wall crenelations, so are limited on what they can shoot. Shield Gen's and Catapult Shields don't stop AC nor Barrage damage from getting through. Part of the problem is that attacking siege can be placed in super efficient spots like up close at the ne corner of Quinton Lake tower and very few pieces of siege inside the walls can help you defend it. The siege disabler was supposed to be unblockable and is still blocked by shields and profession bubbles, so you can't even spend supply to help reduce incoming damage. There are many problems with siege equipment.
  9. I currently main Willbender, but I've played Mez, Virt, Ranger and Necro in WvW. Unfortunately, even with Willbender mobility, if they hit you with that long stun and then keep chaining it, you die. I'm not saying remove these effects, just reduce the duration each time they apply, so you can at least feel like you're active in the fight. I've seriously been killed after locked for 6 seconds at a time. The duration should not scale up on these effects, it's too devastating to game-play.
  10. I don't think 100% direct damage reduction is the solution either. You or a team should still be able to reduce the attacker to down-state too, before they get the stomp off, just as Fearing them away should work, even without the enemy player taking any damage. An example I think is still reasonable for an attacker, while stomping, is applying Stability before a stomp. As it's a boon, it can be stripped, converted, etc. to allow counter-play by your team. Invulnerability has no place in this part of the game.
  11. Something with Willbender's boon application, or the end of combat function, keeps the Willbender locked in combat much longer than ALL other professions. I play Willbender often and remain locked in combat, after completely killing all guards in camps and towers, and the ring is both either up in your capture color or finished capping, and I've been still locked in combat. This will also happen even after killing all players in the area. Please take a look at this bug.
  12. Sorry, this is not enough. There is not enough of these and they get stripped way too easily to have good counter-play, especially when you get focused.
  13. The Outnumbered functionality should be applied to the 2nd AND 3rd least populous teams on each map. This way these teams can still compete for total score and not lose points to player deaths, which inevitably happens when you get steamrolled by a 10 v 1 fight. A perfect example is having to fight the guild called MAG. The most populous team should not benefit from steamrolling players trying to defend their home or captured territory. At the very least, the most populous team should NOT gain player death points from the lesser populous teams, fighting in their own home territory.
  14. Getting stun-locked and/or Immobilized for more than 2 seconds at a time is killing game-play. There is no real counter-play to this because 99.9% of professions can't deal with this much pressure, no matter how 'get gud' you get. I think these should be applied with a cool-down, similar to how a thief can't re-apply stealth (revealed function). Or, some sort of Invuln is applied to ignore the effects of these devastating skills.This way, you can at least have some counter-play instead of just forced to sit there twiddling your thumbs, hoping they don't Invuln stomp you or bury you with damage. The current state of WvW FORCES you to play one of these over-powered professions, limiting choices of other interesting builds/professions.
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