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  1. I am sorry about that, I didn't realize you had answered to a question I had addressed to someone else. Fair enough, it's a public forum. But I didn't open with that. I opened with pointing out that you clearly didn't get the point I was trying to make (that not an attack here, it's an observation). You're playstyle differs significantly from most people in the open world. I am not saying it's bad, but I am saying that it's necessary for people with that type of playstyle to realize, that they have a lot of knowledge about the ins and outs of the game mechanics, that the game itself does not give you, if we want to have a productive discussion. I had expressed my frustration at people forgetting, that others don't use or even know about third party content for GW2. I had expected people to take that into account from that point on. I wasn't originally negative towards raiders. But I admit I let myself become quite negative with every "25k is casual" and "inadequate players need a wake up call". "Check my kp" just happened to be the straw that broke the camels back. You didn't realize you needed to give more context, after I repeatedly said most players don't have that kind of information. That's exactly where der Hase im Pfeffer liegt (German idiom, meaning "the root of the problem"). For you it's second nature to have that kind of info. For most of us it's not. I think there would be value in discussing why people find some parts of the open world so difficult, they feel the need to come here and complain. That way we could give some constructive feedback. I personally think that Janthir is a step in the right direction, but I also think the golem room is under utilized.
  2. It's about data safety. The same reason I don't want strangers to be able to look at my bank account or health records and why I block cookies when ever possible. And believe it or not, but dodging is actually something I can do. Utilizing stability, is what I need to learn.
  3. Dude, that so besides the point. I am currently learning all that stuff. I am trying out different builds, to learn what they can do and when I should use them. Which is why I realize that that's much more effort than you can expect from casual players. But it wouldn't have to be so much extra homework, if Anet implemented a few changes (building on the special forces training area) to teach people how to play properly.
  4. @QueenKeriti.5176 Yeah. I do realize that I let myself get to emotional and get baited to much. I was not starting out shooting against raiders though. (I know that term is reductive, but if I type out pages long definitions for the words I am using no one is going to read it anyway.) Originally I was just trying to draw attention to the fact that the majority of players have absolutely no clue, that they are playing in a way that makes boss fights unnecessarily hard for them and everyone. ArenaNet has said in interviews that they intended Janthir help improve player skill. And I think in a lot of ways it's working. (Like that harvest dance event, that teaches you to trust green circles.) It would be great to have a discussion about how well it's working. It frustrates me to no end that someone complaining about the difficulty level of the bosses is told to just git gud. To just stop using sub optimal pets, up their DPS, etc. The average player has no idea what their DPS is and how much of a difference boons make. We don't care, because the game doesn't tell us why we should. And it's not helpful to call for gate keeping of open world content to give "incompetent" players a wake up call. That won't solve any problems. People still won't know that and how they can do something about it on their end. I admit, I made my points poorly. I was working under the assumption that people would understand, why I was pointing out that most players don't even know about most add ones. I misjudged how strongly raiders integrate third party content into their playstyle. I am realizing, I just don't know how to communicate to players who use kill proof so naturally, that they forget, that others don't understand the full context when they throw "check my kp" into an argument, how much extra homework they have done to get to the skill level they are at and that you can't expect that from the average player. Especially not one who care more about the fact that their pet is the first one they charmed, than how much damage or utility it offers. I am at the end of my rope here. I don't know what to say beyond: guys please remember, that most players play vanilla and that effects their playstyle and perception of the game difficulty.
  5. Do you know what a strawman argument is? Because I never said that. Off course it's possible for raiders to explore the open world as well. But whether you are a raider or an explorer depends on your mindset. If I set foot into a raid wing, I won't magically turn into a raider, now would I? If you play open world with the same play style as you do raids, you're still a raider in the open world. Do you turn off your add-ons when you play open world? Do you shut off the part of your brain, that cares about and knows the proper rotations? You weren't even able to make your point earlier, because you neglected to give necessary context. That's exactly what I meant earlier. You are demonstrating a complete unwillingness to communicate in a way that would be understandable to people who don't share your play style. Proving my point, that raiders lack understanding for open worlders. But why am I even arguing with someone who prefers to build a strawman? I thought this could be a constructive discussion, but clearly I was wrong.
  6. This topic is already being discussed in the Janthir Wilds section. You're not the only one with this problem, I have the same issue. The title is something along the lines of "can't use warclaw's lance ability".
  7. I just am kinda sad our character didn't counter that one, with "can't find something, that isn't lost", or something. I mean we're the wayfinder now not the wayknower. Btw, it's not the Kodan reaching out for diplomatic connections, so they are not the ones to look at for an example. We're the one bargain in there and pestering them about joining the alliance, so I think it's fair for them to be a bit snarky at first.
  8. I know about kp.me, but I never looked into it myself, since it doesn't interest me to know that information. And quite frankly, I find it a bit toxic. So I am not familiar with the ins and outs of it. I am not registered anywhere that requires API, so I find the idea very concerning, that someone could still get that information about my account. And I am still not sure what you are trying to tell me. If I didn't share API anywhere, they could get that info, but if I don't they, can't?
  9. Oh, yes that would be super cute. Maybe they can add that once the initial launch hype has died down a bit and you won't have everyone crowding into the theater all at one.
  10. @HanYanrou.8629 Wait? Do I understand you correctly: Random people can just get that information about MY account? Is there anyway of blocking that? I started playing in 2013, played quite intensive until HoT and took a LONG break. I have only been back since last Halloween, but only really got back to playing regularly earlier this year. Give me some time to catch up, before you judge how much I care about immersing myself in Tyria.
  11. I am not sure, what you are trying to say? That it's silly to care about kp anyway, because it's basically meaningless?
  12. No, you don't get the point. Can I find that information in-game? No? I need to go to a third party to get that information? If GW2 wanted to be the kind of game where people had to care about kill proof we would have an easy way to get that info from the game client itself. But hey, at least you seem to be halfway there when it comes to understanding open world explorers. And as soon as the Bastion of the Penitent is doable with 5k DPS, we can talk about that dialogue as well. I would love to explore that part of the game, but I understand that it's created for players who like to push their numbers. Which I don't. So I accept, that I won't get the reward of interacting with that dialogue.
  13. KP means nothing to me. See what I mean about different playstyle? What's the name of the grieving kodan mother than and where can you find her? Did her story make you tear up?
  14. I'm definitely gonna try that, thanks. My thoughts had started to wander in that direction, but I had little hope it would work. Better one mount with a messed up keybind, than 5.
  15. Absolutely. I still can't get myself to use half the ranger pets, that are considered meta. You're not going to catch me dead with a rock gazelle. But I was lucky. My favorite weapon set, engi double pistol/ granade kit, is actually meta for my favorite elite spec. However just properly matching traits and gear to your playstyle can do a lot. Simply switching from berserker gear to viper doubled my damage and it didn't affect my playstyle at all.
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