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Foxypuff.2596's Achievements

  1. If you're referring to trophy decorations, there are a few tokens from some world bosses you can get to exchange for their respective recipe.
  2. I could give the guild a try. How do I contact for an invite?
  3. Looking to find a friendly casual guild as I'm pretty much a casual pve player. My active hours are about 4PM-5AM EDT (but not guaranteed as I can be online at random times). However, I can't guarantee I'd be on every day either. As an additional note I main asura. And I happen to be bad with names. Guild size doesn't matter too much. Discord requirement's a bit iffy for me.
  4. You can use the summon skiff mastery even while you're in the water. You and Navan will board instantly when you do. As for the skiff disappearing, it's because it's currently bugged. It's not supposed to happen.
  5. I was going on about the lack of a mini in map chat the other day considering we have the skin, pet and tonic.
  6. I've had a friend who chose a different order from me when we ran some of story together on newer alts. However, when we both completed 'Setting the Stage' in the same instance, they got put into the same order as me instead, so there's some sort of bug in which it forces party members into the same order as the instance owner rather than their chosen one.
  7. Update related to this bug. Just discovered that the skiff ends up randomly despawning a few seconds after boarding it in the homestead as well. From what I can tell from this, it seems this particular bug happens if the skiff auto spawns in an instance.
  8. They'll have something 'new' every few months, I believe. Also keep in mind that stuff you've unlocked from there won't be on the list. So if you got something from the chest before it gets moved to the merchant, it won't appear there for you.
  9. The fact that the shards somehow don't work on those elementals make them tankier than they should be.
  10. They'll also add more recipes with future updates too, and probably not just with new masteries. There are also a few recipes that are obtained from elsewhere though, such as the jade workbench recipe from the jade bot vendor.
  11. Forgot to mention that I actually didn't need to go on the skimmer. I boarded the skiff right away after resummoning it in the water.
  12. I've noticed that some nodes, particularly some plants and trees, in the homestead don't seem to be connected to the ground for some reason.
  13. I've noticed the issue as well, but it doesn't bother me that much.
  14. I'd say the griffon's fine where it is right now. The springer on the other hand could definitely use an update of sorts as right now it's hardly used outside of defiance break because of skyscales. And even then the warclaw can break defiance better with the spear charges.
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