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Posts posted by Lightsbane.9012

  1. @Turkeyspit.3965 said:

    @Blockhead Magee.3092 said:Why? Money. Simply money. PVE makes it, WvW didn't and doesn't. Until they figure out how to monetize it better, we won't get bubkus.

    This, but also, by it's very nature, pvp modes don't need as much new content injected to it as does PvE. You see this even in subscription based MMOs like WoW. Do you think their PvP game modes get anywhere near a fraction of the content added to their game mode that PvE does? But it doesn't have to, because the content of pvp is the players you are fighting, not as much the map you are on.

    While that's no excuse for the lack of content added to both pvp modes; WoW still managed to add many maps to arena and battlegrounds, as well as adding other open world pvp events over the year despite PvE being their primary content, but you will never see the same amount of content added to WvW/PvP as LW because it's not necessary.

    i disagree that wvw/pvp need less content. They are constant chaos. Constant chaos needs new things that often. And you have no idea how many players it might draw in to the game mode if they added something even resembling a living story for pvp or wvw.

  2. you (had) one of the most unique game modes on the mmorpg market for five years running. One of the most dedicated communities that built their own story with their own accomplishments and heroism in battle. Yet you do not seem to love WvW like I do, ArenaNet. It disappoints me as a gamer. WvW is still dripping with potential and you leave it in the dust for nonsensical beyond easy pve content. I, like probably many others, like a challenge with my video games, otherwise there is no fun in it. Fighting AI is not a challenge. Fighting mobs that do not move are not a challenge, no matter how or where you fight them. Once you know their mechanics, you win. You cannot do this with players, especially a large group of organized players. Why do you neglect WvW? Do you not realize how big the WvW playerbase is? Do you not realize how many people play your game JUST for WvW?

    Let's talk about the maps. Desert borderland is an experiment that should've been a jungle map instead. I mean, thieves hiding in bushes, rangers sniping from tree tops, not to mention edge of the mists which would've been much better off as the fourth map instead of a wait for queue to pop zone. You have so much space to work with in what we, the players of your game, can see alone. The mass of land/misted out areas surrounding eternal battlegrounds. The mass of water in the middle of nearly all of it, it just feels like you've run out of passion for what caused me to fall in love with your game. Why don't you put any focus into this game mode? Why? As a fellow artist I can't imagine why you don't put more work and love into this. Let me tell you, If i am not sketching, painting, lifting, or doing my other day to days, I am here, at home, gaming. What you had with Wvw was something i always wanted, the open world pvp, the objective based combat, the free flowing movement of an army at battle, and how skill and discipline will always beat a meta, every single day. Yet the game mode has stagnated beyond the point of no return, I believe. Unless something drastic happens, unless you have some massive map in the works for a new expansion, I don't know how much longer it has. and it pains me to say that, it really does. I love this game, I love the classes, and at this point my advice to you is to watch the Wvw forum like it's your duty. Take note of what the players are saying, and do things based off of that within reason. You give everything to the pve players as if they do not already have it, and give us nothing. When does wvw get the same respect as living story?

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