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Posts posted by Trejgon.9367

  1. 26 minutes ago, soul.9651 said:

    Dont bother. The forums are infested with people who will defend anet blindly at any costs, plus they wont accept any other opinion than "gw2 is best mmo ever and you are wrong", especially when "wow" is mentioned in any shape or form as a comparison. Plus you are not wrong, and im enjoying my half a year break from the game which still continues just because how dissapointing SoTo was instanced content wise and how they cant fix some annoying bugs since a release..

    You say that forums are infested with people who will whiteknight for AN, yet every time I look at the forums, I see way more people being overly toxic about anyone who dares to like anything about the game, so I'd say it's almost as if we were using two different forums all together.

    6 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Nah, the hiring for devs with unreal engine experience for a new project were on Anet's page. Hint: they are currently looking for several positions for "unannounced projects".  The requirements listed for VFX artists positions are experience with Unreal Engine (and specifically Niagara VFX). The requirement for Senior Director is experience in MMORPGs, but also working with console partners, and releases on both console and pc. They are also looking for Senior Unreal Gameplay Engineer (although the requirement is experience not in UE5, but with UE4).

    All that leads to several conclusions:

    1. they are working on a new project.

    2. It is a MMORPG project for a PC and console.

    3. It is based on Unreal Engine (although not necessarily UE5)

    I stand corrected on that part, admittedly I was not paying huge attention to job offers they have out currently. I guess doing UE5 MMO on the side is popular thing among MMO developers right now.

    As for the amount of people working on GW2 vs people working on that unannounced project - we do not have data to properly objectively judge. The topic of working on LWS and expantions in paralel, this may be attributed to a number of factors, company restructuring, and the fact that for the big chunk of recent time thay had big chunk of engineering folks tied to very big projects, like migrating renderer, or world restructuring.

    Do bear in mind I am not saying specifically that you are wrong on your assesment of less devs working on GW2 now than before those waves of layoffs, I am just pointing out there are more factors to take into consideration, and that in the end we cannot verify either way.

    • Like 1
  2. 46 minutes ago, Daevhalla.7823 said:

    Skill 2 - ?

    Probably the big charge shot from the video.

    We were shown animation of AA, volley thing, big charged shot with the mainhand pistol and smaller charged shot with the offhand pistol.

    Ironically enough despite describing it in the blog, the video did not show the symbol.

    5 minutes ago, Roadkizzle.2157 said:

    The difference is that the symbol also does a tiny amount of damage on its own?

    Dunno what consititues tiny for you, but I expect it to deal usual symbol damage.

    But the main difference I see there is that any enemy hit within the symbol receives the stack of burning, projectiles just allows that additional burning to be carried to enemies outside of it. Additionally symbol procs will not count as combos, so anything triggering of those will not trigger by just firing a projectile through it (it may proc of firing a combo finisher projectile through it, but it will be light field combo, not the fire field one)

    • Confused 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, Healix.5819 said:

    The door is usually down before I run out of charges, and you can weave in a blast dismount if you need filler. The trick with fireball is you can attack at range and stay out of combat, which allows you to do more damage.

    Then you are either somehow always running with alot more players in it I ever saw, or arrive very late - 10 charges can be dispensed in a very quick way and that wall has alot of hp. Personally all the time I was there for when door become siegable, I empty out all 10 charges before the doors hit the 50% even. After that is bond of vigor recovery, for additional 5 charges, and then very uneven distribution of charges recovering.

    Additional notes: you are not getting mechanically out of combat, because you are constantly delivering a damage, and game considers that putting you in combat with the gate, and for practical application, the "fight" stage on the land ends before gate becomes siegable in the first place. If there is any fight left to stay away from by the tiem siege opens, then your group somehow failed to murder stragglers.

    There is no mechanical bonus to damage for "staying out of combat" and again, if there was sieging the door does put you into combat, therefore you would not be getting it on Skyscale vs Turtle.

    9 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

    Wouldn't those crits be just and high comparatively as from the turtle mount?

    I think it'll be worthwhile to do some actual testing on the siege damage comparison. I feel like (and haven't tested it), all things being equal the turtle is still going to come out ahead.


    Considering the difference between base damage of respective abilities, and scaling factors, those crits would have been much higher on turtle slams, all else being equal (same stats/buffs going on)

    • Like 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

    It's too easy to get the gold to swap into gems bother buying gems. 



    The exchange has a supply of both Gems and Gold. When you trade to the exchange you influence the supply of each. The exchange rate is relative to current supply of each. The price changes geometrically as one pool empties creating a better exchange rate for the low supplied currency. The supplies are contained entirely within the exchange.[1]

    At the time of the writing of the reddit post JohnSmith was AN employee.

    It is "too easy" to convert gold to gems, only because of people who buy gems with irl money, and then sell it for gold. Otherwise conversion rates would be drastically different (if even possible to perform).

    You keep pulling gold-to-gem argument as to why AN is not earning money on gem store, while consistently ignoring the fact, that gems you are buying for gold, were paid off by someone else with irl cash.


    16 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

    Anet don't have any, I'm afraid. Thats just factual

    Nah, that is just you making things up. No correlation to facts.

    • Like 3
  5. 14 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

    I'm surprised that no one noticed Mesmer Profession purple butterlies flying around with Necromancer Profession purple condition effects. Once again, I will not be buying this expac. due this Ludicrousy

    I can't believe that, Anet would go that far to Mix and Match.. Professions Roles and Identities and their main weapons, to suit other Professions Roles and Identities....

    Considering the fluff, is that those arrows used "extracted magical energies used by others" as a fuel, yeah, they definitely may be themed after other classes/especs, and therefore have visual cues pointing to that.

    This reminds me of that tabletop RPG system that had multiple different magical beings, and then it also had mad geniuses, that could potentially create a "wonder" that would extract, and use energies of those other magical beings to fuel it's working....

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

    Crecia - originally Flame Legion but is good and redeems the idea of the Flame Legion with Efram's help.

    I was under impression that Crecia was undercover operative similar to Rytlock when they met, not actuall member of the flame legion. For whole of IBS Crecia works with Blood Legion, and Efram is the one working to redeem Flame Legion (Crecia's offspring is a member of blood legion too, and he is too old for this to be the part of new deal where Flame Legion sends it's cubs to fahrars of other legions).

  7. 50 minutes ago, Morvran.8265 said:

    Anet is working on an unreal engine 5 game, rumored to be a new MMO.

    The one that got axed at the first or second round of layoffs?

    Reminder: every time AN tried to work on new projects, at some point NCSoft came in, axed that new project and told them to continue doing GW2.....

    Also aren't you confusing dev studios here? Because I am very well dang sure I saw exact same claim on ESO forums. (UE5, new rumoured MMO, totally has only skeleton staff working on the current one...)

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, blp.3489 said:

    But the turtle slam has a 4.5s cooldown while my impression is that you can spit a fireball every second or so, maybe faster.  You can use the invigorating something or other skill to avoid the cooldown after using your stack of shots so you can fire quite a few shots in a row.  So the damage/second isn't as different as the single skill damage numbers would indicate.

    Fireball has charges limitation, and the charge recovery is much much slower than the recovery from the slam. When it comes to the gate in Nayos meta, that alone has enought hp for turtle to easilly outperform the skyscale's fireball. Not sure about other intances where siege damage is involved, didn't try to test it there quite yet.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

    The fact eso can capture more players without making core game f2p only speaks badly about gw2.

    No, it only means ESO is attached to a big and loved franchise and is not tragic in it's implementation of things (just in case you tried to pull SWTOR on me :P)

    2 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

    a gem store, thats very accessible through gold,

    Since you seem ignorant on how gem exchange works, every gem you buy with gold, was a gem that someone bought with money and then sold for gold. It is a known fact for nearly (or over?) a decade now, if you are curious about source of that information, wiki has the links.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

    You both made the same point and so I'll simply answer you both at once. I did something VERY simple. The default key for mounts is X, and so I bound my skiff to Shift + X. So when I'm on my skyscale and I hit the water it's very quick. Shift + X (Skiff), 0 (Anchor), X (Mount). It takes only as long as the animations take to play out. Barely enough to get wet. So, there you go. Your arguements are invalid *tips fedora* G'day!

    My argument is very valid. if you already landed in water, and summon skiff, it is faster to just keep going with the skiff than to anchor and mount skyscale (as Manpag has laready mentioned)

    At this same moment mounting skimmer instead of skiff would also be faster than your whole procedure, I guess which of those two would be faster would depend on which masteries/jade bot modules you have, and/or what kind of terrain we are dealing with.

    So while you can continue believing that skyscale is capable of crossing seas on it's own I will just continue following water-landing with shift+3 for skimmer, have a nice day too! 🙂

    • Thanks 1
  11. 2 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

    But in your bumbling you've activated my trap card!....I don't play Yu-Gi-Oh, so just....put the appropriate trap card here.

    As with the Gryphon, Skyscales of course benefit from extra height, and if you're crossing water you should know to get some before you try. However, with End of Dragons we were also blessed with a new toy to play with: The Mobile Aquatic Skyscale Transport and Launchpad System, or Skiff because acronyms are hard. Now, even if you were crossing water and found yourself in the drink, you could pop your skiff, anchor it, remount your skyscale and take off again because, unlike the gryphon, the skyscale can actually climb into the air. So, yes, the skyscale is fully capable of crossing water, even if it might need an assist on some of the larger bodies.

    You do realize that all of these takes way more effort than just dropping into the water and remounting into skimmer right xD Also, irrelevant, it needs additional tools to properly cross large enough body of water, so most of the seas you will need more than the dragon to cross 😉

    If swapping mounts and other tools are taken into consideration, then going to the cailing, quad dash upwards+ glider boost with jade bot into gryphon, now that will allow you to cross all the bodies of water in the game without having to use skimmer.... still won't get you anywhere underwater.....



    24 minutes ago, Manpag.6421 said:

    Skyscale doing siege damage isn’t just ANet making the most useful mount more useful, it’s them giving the huge amount of players who enjoy it the opportunity to use it even more, and that’s actually a really nice thing.

    let's be real here, the only reason skyscale got that mastery with Nayos is because meta in nayos requires siege damage against the gate, and there WILL be people attempting it without the turtle, so the mastery is there primarily for them - it would be highly unfair if main map meta in a SotO map required a mount from EoD to complete.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

    Horizontal flight: If you have a high point to start, Griffon is orders of magnitude faster. Even when you can't start with a dive, it's about even. Now with updrafts Griffon is literal non-stop aerial zoomies in some maps.

    Having both you can create your own high point, since AN updated air rescue traits to allow to not only mount in air but also dismount from their relevant mounts in air.

    So you can hop onto skyscale, go up to the roof of the flight bar, double-dash upwards, activate bond of vigor, double dash again, dismount, mount griffon, and here you go for zoomies 🙂

    If you happen to have access to EoD and have trained jade bot mastery, you can add even more of distance you can build up this way, by deploying glider, and using jade bot glider boost skill before mounting the griffon, this works even better if you slot the module that buffs the distance the bot updrafts you.

    • Like 1
  13. 26 minutes ago, Oliverrr.4139 said:

    The one I think could be changed is instead of the achievement tracking essence picked up, it should instead reward the player for actually depositing the essence to Zojja

    This would encourage people camping middle even more, because they would have way less distance to run to deposit the essence, than going all the way from side islands.

    That being said I cannot say I can relate to the notion of too many people camping the middle. Maybe time of day, or zone case, but in my experience so far, everytime I join the public run, someone tags up (at couple occasions had to tag up myself), usually most if not all of the instance join that tag, and blue dots tends to be somewhat decently spread around. The issues of island phase taking forever usually comes to uneven distribution of people with sensible offensive capabilities - longest I had, basically all of dps on tag (happened to be me) and in the end I ended up participating in clearing of at least half of every single island. Sorrow was going down pleasantly swiftly afterwards tho.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    Asking that failure be removed as a possibility, and that is at the core of the OP's request, is a disservice to anything that might be considered a game. 

    I do not think that this was actually core of the OP request, the glitch he refers to is a real thing, and it can fail you convergence with most o the participants not being able to do much about it - the gist of that segment is to bursting the boss to specific tresholds, and breaking CC bars, to spawn essences to keep Zoija alive, and it is perfectly reasonable to expect AN to fix bugs that break this chain of causality.

    The only problem I find with OP's post is that they have exaggerated frequency of the issue occurring.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    This is what im talking about how its employee's as I've stated in other threads..

    The saga of "everyone who disagrees is AN employee continues 😄

    1 hour ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    Everyone is saying its fine, or that they will continue to use the turtle or they like the change and it affects nothing in game.

    That is not exactly what everyone's been saying tho. What people have been saying is that the ability of skyscale to deal some small amount of siege damage does not invalidate turtle, as turtle is still better at siege damage, and has over advantages, and factors unique to itself.

    1 hour ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    Meanwhile, the reality in game is that whenever there is something to siege I see 95% skyscales spamming fireballs and almost no turtles lol.

    In-game reality is that whatever you will be trying to do, grand most of players will use skyscale, because it is a very convenient mount package in general. In case of specifically Road to Heitor meta stage where you need to siege down the gate, skyscale can get faster into the action since it can be mounted in combat, meaning you do not have to shred combat state from the previous state to start blasting.

    Speaking of in-game reality, everytime I do Road to Heitor meta, I am always seeing turtles at that particular stage - sure less of them (not surprising since one turtle enables two players to do the thing alone, and there may be substantial amount of SotO playerbase not having turtle at all) but they are always present.

    1 hour ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    So i love how there is this massive disconnect of "100%" of the forum saying its turtles all the way and in game its 95% skyscales being used, which is the point of me bringing up the topic as a thread lol.

    So you are loving the disconnect between your imagined perception of how thread is going, with your perception of reality of the game, funny that.

    1 hour ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    I also like how people are saying the turtle is still useful cuz its so tanky..... LOL the skyscale FLIES IN THE AIR, and AVOIDS ALL DAMAGE.

    For "avoiding all damage" I sure do see alot of people being blasted out of the air on skyscales, I also definitelly get hit on my skyscale way too often. Also shows, you never tried to use skyscale in Draconis Mons, otherwise you'd know that pocket raptors on that map are effectively surface to air missiles 🙂

    1 hour ago, Jumpin Lumpix.6108 said:

    Its like you guys just post on the forums but don't actually play the game, imagine that.

    In your place I would be careful with pulling that argument. Alot of your statements leaves a big room of bouncing it back at you. Just saying.

    • Like 4
    • Haha 3
  16. 6 hours ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

    I never understood why we dont have them.

    Probably because you never gave it any deeper thought on how the design logistics would apply to your idea. Especially without clashing with the general AN philosophy, where race is only supposed to matter for visuals and your personal rp/story.

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  17. In all of my 7 daily runs so far, I get sorrow most of the time. Not once Sorrow went over the water, the first and only fail happened due to complete lack of CC, and people started panicking and stopped dpsing, so we have hit neither of conditions to get next essence drop from it, while it was hammering on Zoija.

    And I have been doing these, exclusively in public.

    (Don't get me wrong, fixing bugs like not spawning essences is important thing for AN to do, but could we please stop overblowing things out of proportions in here?)

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