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Posts posted by Trejgon.9367

  1. 8 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

    - Projecting: Use a buzzword without knowing what it means, https://www.britannica.com/science/projection-psychology, you calling what I did a projection is a thought-terminating cliche.

    Interesting that you concluded that I do not understand the meaning of the word. Oh and trying to call out using buzzwords while following up with buzzword, I wonder if there is a big word to call that phenomenon 😉

    8 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

    - Gamebreakingly: I never used this word,

    Yes, I did. And I used it deliberately, because you seem really deeply upset over this tiny gap. Thought a bit of hyperbole there could help you notice scale of how are you behaving.

    8 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

    - Small gap: If I took a ruler to it and extrapolated the numbers and ratio the gap is objectively larger than a blade would be. If you see the realistic weapons they would easily get through that gap (minus the hammers and maces). It's only because the game has exaggerated weapon proportions on the showy weapons that moist people like to use that this gap appears small.

    If you took a ruler, you'd notice a lot of armament which larger gaps, with a lot of internet keyboard warriors going "this armor sucks because you can just stab there" while completely ignoring the fact that said piece of armor has been successfully deployed over centuries, so let me ask you this - if you an just stab the weakpoint, why medieval people didn't just do that and win all the time? In case you had issue with guessing why - because in a heat of the fight, against non-conforming opponent, it is truely not easy to land a precise stab at the opening of this size. and scale of weapons in the game has nothing to do with my thought process in there, I assure you.

    Interestingly that you didn't even address the elephant in the room of you stating that this gap is same level of vulnerability, as the armor set from WoW, which not only has much larger gaps in neck area, but also completely exposed head.

    10 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

    - Not exposed skin: What is it then? Because "not" and forms of it are words that explain nothing and seem like they do. If I say, "I'm not happy," it can mean that I'm in a lot of different moods except for happy. It's negative communication and if people are fully aware of what they want to communicate they use positive communication where they say what is, instead of, what isn't. It's my character's skin and it's exposed even if you're unwilling to differentiate it. Will you argue that none of her skin is exposed despite it objectively being so?

    I did tell you how your picture of your Sylvari looks like. By choosing dark skin colour, and bright armor plate colour, you managed to camouflage the gap by making it look like a shadow (place in the armor which looks dark because light is obscured from reaching it. This camouflaging effect is further enhanced by the fact that no other element of her skin is anyhow exposed (at least within posted clip). Therefore outside observer has no way of determining the pigmentation of "flesh" under that armor. It is a commendable work at using colours to hide the flaws of model design. I have no idea how this point is eluding you for so long.

    14 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

    ANet can easily fix this by extending the forget to have the same proportional length on the female version as it has on the male version.

    And since we were on the topic of reading and respecting what other people are posting, I will take this moment to point out, that on the previous page, I post the picture showing that the gap is still present, and of comparable size on male model too. it just in both cases needs to look at the preview from a particular angle, and that angle was not the frontal view that I posted first. But you took that first response, went with interpretation that male gorget is longer, and did not even bothered to read when I debunked myself on this subject. And as I stated in other post, I disagree that raising gorget would be a good fix - it would introduce alot of clipping with not only it's own helmet, but make clipping worse with all the other helmets. The better solution, would be to patch this gap with a piece of mail texture, implying presence of mail coif underneath the helmet, which was standard medieval practice to do.

    The only issue with that version, would be to figure out exact length of coif so it works with other heavy pieces. This is still something that may not be on high priority for relevant artists, because it is very likely, that they need to move on tier 2 obsidian asap, and after that start working on armor sets for next expansion all together.

  2. 53 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

    I mentioned the colours, I mentioned the reason I had chosen those specific colours as that the character has incredibly dark skin.

    yes, you did, and I specifically addressed it.

    53 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

    You just expressed that you had no respect for anything I wrote as you never read it, just assumed things based on your own opinion.

    Erm, no, that's projecting, I have merely pointed out that the picture you provided of GW2 Obsidian armor is a poor example of how gap is gamebreakingly visible and huge gap, because of your colour choise disguising the issue - it does not matter what your sylvari skin is like, when the only bit visible was that smal gap, it IS going to look like just a shadow, not exposed skin. I have also asked a question, if you have tried to rotate 3d model of the WoW armor to which you provided link, which you took offense in, claiming that you provided rotated picture which - for WoW armor - you didn't.

    So there are two ways of what is going on: Either you have no idea yourself of what you actually posted, and really thought that link you provided was to picture of rotated WoW armor (which would also imply you really have issue with comparing sizes of gaps, because gap you claimed to be same size as obsidian armor gap, was in fact much larger than the gap obsidian armor has), or you did exact thing you accuse me off, and did not read what I posted, and thought I was asking you to rotate GW2 display. Which would hardly make sense in conversational context.

    Regardless of which variant of events is behind your original weirdly delayed upset at me, after it happened, you clearly did not read anything I wrote after your outburst, because if you did, you would realize that I did in fact read the things you wrote, and replied to it to the best ability the sensible forum posting timeframe allows. It seems you are also assuming things (about content of my post) based of your own opinion (of my lack of respect for anything you wrote). Which are exactly things you accuse me of doing, hence as per starting of this post section - you are projecting things you do onto other poster. I'd advise you to go back and actually read what is written in your thread before throwing baseless accusations of bias further.

  3. On 3/3/2024 at 11:21 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

    And I'm saying inner lining instead of the armor itself, because I don't really like those higher collars asking to clip with whatever part of character or wardrobe they can (obsidian medium collar? Not a fan).

    Yeah the collar in combat mode already clips with it's own helmet, not to mention any longer helmet where it'd clip all the time. if that gap is to be patched properly, it needs a chainmail filling tied to the helmet itself, not rising of collar.

    20 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    while examples were being given that would be, realistically, even less protective.

    And claim was raised, that this gap is on the same level of vulnerability!

    20 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    (and I do think the set looks cool despite the helm being a little small).

    I'm liking it, and I have already an idea for new guardian fashion for when I finish dem grinds - to to be fair I am rather not going to use helmet/shoulder and gloves skins in it.

    21 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    (the big gaps on charr armor however do matter, but they are often way, way bigger than other race versions).

    Yeah that's why I originally though OP was meaning Charr version of obsidian armor.

  4. 40 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    As a matter of fact they are relevant. If anet would be a monopoly and the only way i could play mmos was gw2 then sure i would be worried about their fate a lot more.

    Ok, I was already getting a feel of it becoming pointless echo chamber with most of yoru post, but this has proven to me that you are clearly not even engaging with the points I am making.

    So here is this one:

    What kind of content are you getting in let's randomly say, dunno, ESO, for the money you have spent buying POF? That was my point. Not that you would not be able to spend rest of your money somewhere else. The moment GW2 servers go down (or any MMO while at it) you loose access to ALL the content you paid for to THAT particular studio.

    You have a point on the math of PoF+LWS4 combined pricing, I forgot that bundles are a thing, and was going on in my head with the oldie 200 gems per episode (and launch price of PoF, because I forgot that bundle happened too)

    Anyway, have a nice day, because there is no way we can have a good faith discussion, when you keep insisting that time doesn't matter, and that sensible take of AN announcement of how they are going to be delivering content from SotO onwards, was to expect them to somehow now magically being able to do 1.5 years of content released over 0.75 years, while being fully aware that they did not in fact double in size to be able to pull that off.

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  5. 11 hours ago, GBEW.5947 said:

    It is definitely my expectation because that's just what they are. It's more an expectation of accuracy than a personal preference. 

    With statement like this, I'd be somewhat expecting you to have some scientific research papers on the subject of existance of demons irl, that materially prove what they actually are.

    If you don't then this statement is nonsense in attempt to obscure the fact it is about your personal preferences of what a demon should be, by pretending there is objective known to human truth on what they are.

    • Like 1
  6. It is definitelly about convergence boss, and while I can confirm she has some attacks that both do alot of CCs and deal heavy damage (been downed multiple times by getting caught with it), and I did not notice any telegraph for this attack. not sure if there is none, or if it was obscured by other effects/ or culled by my graphical settings.

    The attack I am thinking off was some sort of ground attack in vine-like pattern that would knockback you repeatedly along the line of attack with considerable amount of damage attacked to every knockback tick.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Malus.2184 said:

    Dude, the picture I posted IS rotated. I no longer believe that you're debating in good faith since you ignored something I objectively did. This shows that you've already decided by bias that the gap is okay. Please, give that argument to anyone who knows about full-plate.

    You did not post any picture of the wow armor tho. You posted link to a wiki page about the armor. On which page I then had to still on my own find the 3d preview to even find out the mask was supposed to be head piece in the first place.

    And the picture of obsidian armor you did post was as I mentioned poor example because the colours chosen actually camouflaged the gap as big of shadow.

    And now you really want to pull off "not trying to debate in good faith" after claiming that this huge gap exposing whole neck:


    Is same as this tiny gap that is only seen when I get the perfect angle?

    3 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

    I played the game for a decade and looked at Might for years and there's a huge difference between male and female since for some reason the female head model is tilted and the helmets are lowered, so on females, the gap would be large non-existent in return for more of the top of the head being revealed. The same is apparently present here where the male model of Obsidian Heavy has no gap while the female does.

    Going again by link you yourself provided:


    human female, the neck itself is ineed fairly decently protected, (was looking earlier at male at your own instruction), but as a trade off, it comes with very exposed decolt which is still much worse.

    Both of variants of the "helm" tho, are not legitimate helmets but in case of male a glorified face mask, and in case of female a spiky gorget, and both would fail to protect against any top-down attack. Trying to claim that Obsidian heavy on humans in GW2 is anyhow the same level of lack of protection, is flat out silly.

    Also, what's up with the double post? you first quote my message, and then in separate post just throw a fit that I am somehow debating in good faith? (EDIT: and the second response came 1 hour later to top that mystery off)

    And I have already gave you an option that if that tiny gap is such a huge bother, (and if you want to keep the helmet and not switch that for, thing like scalonian defender), to use koda's heavy shoulderpiece from Sorrows Embrace. This alone would make the gap virtually unhittable.

    To wrap that up, I will paraphrase your closing statement: please try to give that argument to anyone who knows anything about reality of active combat.

  8. 5 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

    Only due to location. The gaps are pretty much the same size. Helm of Might protects you if the attack comes from the side and Obsidian Heavy protects you if the attack comes from the front, that's the only difference.

    ok, but did you try to like rotate the model of the WoW armor? because the gap in that one is easilly 3 times the size of gap in obsidian armor (for human male/female) if not more. Like thing is huge and any upward jab going towards the head is going to bypass the faceplate that armor you referenced seems to call a helmet.

  9. 13 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    The Wiki states that the 6th and  final chapter of lw4 was in May. May is six months before the November 2 year mark for LW4. It has been long enough since that release that I had to rely on the wikis dates. If those are incorrect you have my apologies for using an inaccurate source.

    I do find it odd tha exaggerating by six months is apparently fine while being accurate is not. If it had been a matter of a few days or even weeks. Perhaps even a month rounding up from 23 months to 2 years, it wouldnt be worth mentioning. But exaggerating by nearly 33% is just falsification.


    Erm, context matter, there, the referenced summary of what LWS4 brough, involved raids that happened in paralel, and coalescence legendary ring. Those were released on June 11, 2019 I will admit that in haste, I did refer to Festival of the four winds release as final release of LWS4, which is error on my end, it was late, and I was running math in hurry.

    That does skew it by month and a half, so it would make that perfect same approximation for both release schedules with same overhead would be 1 year and 1 month with a half instead of just one year.

    I would say that having corrected the calculation, I will refrain from further use of 2 years (since indeed 5 months roundup is a bit much), but frankly, I doubt I will be continuing conversation in this thread for me to refer to it at all in the close future. And the big point was that calling SotO taking full year to release was same scale of exaggeration of comparision, and both were round ups in terms to type less words, and roughtly equally hurtfull for both cases.

    Additional bit of the point I was trying to make (but not addressed to you but other fellow) was that with LWS4 being so inconsistent with it's release schedule, the final comparision of "content" being brought would vary greatly depending on which part of the still double of the SotO release timescale that LWS4 had we choose to compare against. LWS4 had two content droughts of 5 months each, which is in itself ~2/3 of whole SotO release window.

    Not sure where you got the bit of "being accurate is not" because I was specifically responding to your complaint not being accurate within itself. Had your math and suggestion of arbitrary increasing SotO release schedule to compensate for rounding up used accurate numbers instead of *doubling* SotO release window my response to it would have been different.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    And you could and to this day can buy lw episodes via gold/gem conversion in-game, but you cant buy SOTO the same way, so this argument is questionable. It still doesnt require you to pay real life money for that content. 

    All gems you obtain through this way have been paid by someone else with irl money. Just FYI.

    4 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    Ofc living world was restricted to owning expac, dont know why you brought that up, but if you want to compare "per dollar" spent value of expac+lw4+ibs (since both of them were tied to PoF) then sure, lets compare PoF with LW4 and IBS for 40 euros to SOTO for 25 euros. We all know how would that end. And again "time" is not important here.

    Right now, if you wanted to get access to POF, LWS4 and IBS on fresh account you'd need to pay (or have someone pay for you) much more than 40 euros.

    And you trying to dismiss time is just you trying, because time was and is very important part of the packaging.

    4 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    From the start i stated that i only compare quality and quantity of content of these content packs. There is literary no reason to tie it up to "time" it takes for anet to develop it and cadence of releases. 

    And the point you keep missing or purposefully ignoring, is that you are not comparing two content packs, but series of separatelly priced content packs against a smaller series of permabundled content packs. Glad that you managed to get it at promotional value of free, but that does not change that the comparision you are trying to draw is flawed, for the purpose of making look one of these much worse than it is.

    4 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    I dont see the problem of LW being free for players that play the game once every 3 months (that was the requirement after all, that you only had to login once for a few secs to get it for free). But thats not the point here. We compare a content pack that you didnt have to pay for and still can get it via ingame currency to a paid content pack of a lesser quality. Nothing else. 

    The only "problem" with the fact of having to log in during the period, is that it makes the "free" deal a promotion, and not "standard" pricing.

    4 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    It literary doesnt matter. Yes, i do think it is unfair. And ofc i refered to my own experience (well since im not a hive mind and cant think for other people). Because in the end the formula for me as a customer is simple: i got more content for free than i get now for a price tag. If anet said: "ok guys, we gonna give you more content and better quality content than the previous formula, but you would have to pay us a bit every year", i would be ok with it if they actually delivered on this. I was one of the first people that expressed an opinion that paid expacs on yearly basis would be better IF they would provide appropriate quality and quantity of it (basically more content and better content than free lw content). But the sad truth is - they failed. And i see no reason not to tell anet that they underdelivered. 

    You take the "promise" of AN to be delivering more and better quality content at a yearly pricetag, but then get angry because you keep insisting on dismissing the time factor... Again going, by timescale even going in a way still favouring LWS4, the difference between LWS4 and SotO content quantity is much lesser than you keep pushing. Sure when you go by flat numbers of things like exact amount of new maps or fractals, SotO is still falling behind LWS4 even on exact fair timescale, but it is not falling behind as much as you are claiming.

    In terms of quality, That is arguable. LWS4 varied wildly in quality of it's releases, with some episodes being indeed superior to even best pieces of SotO content, but in other episodes the quality was much much lower. Averaging out, I'd say in my opinion they get comparable, with LWS4 having higher peaks, and lower dips, and SotO being more consistent.

    4 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    Anet is constantly recruiting new staff, they said themselves that gw2 playerbase is at its peak atm, so their financial situation is far beyond "unsustainable".

    Yes, under release of EoD, and with new model. And how the cash shop sales were holding up with no expacs, you could see during IBS, where in the mid-season they had to drop half the plans they had, get everyone to work on expac instead, and in the middle of that they were also hit with layoffs. I was calling LWS system of releases unsustainable, not what they are doing right now.


    4 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    And in no circumstances i would "stay with nothing to show for all the things you bought so far". There are other games and other developers.

    Other games and developpers are irrelevant to the value you get from GW2 purchases if servers were to shut down. Way to miss the point and try to deflect with irrelevant statements, in the same post that kept trying to dismiss other things as irrelevant. Nicely played.

    3 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    If we are going to falsely claim two years for LW4 when it was actually one and a half, can we claim that SotO is one and a half years (artificially adding six months) to be fair?

    If you keep insisting to be nitpicky to this degree, maybe check your math?

    LWS4 started releasing at November 17th, 2017, and finished releasing (based on the features listed by the comparision post) July 30th, 2019. Considering full 2 years would be at November 17th 2019, quick calendar check implies that the difference is approx 3.5 months (not half a year, July 30th is end of the month, and 2 years passes in mid november, meaning we deal with august, september, october and half of november of a difference)

    But if we are to apply same nipicky standard of measuring to SotO, we are not landing with full year, but with speculative (going off by specials tab countdown, but not confirmed date officially yet as far as I am aware) of release period from August 22, 2023 to May 14, 2024. To the full year there we are missing: Half of May, June, July, and most of August. Meaning that if we "artificially add" to SotO release time scale, the same we "artificially added" to LWS4, then lo and behold, we land same approximation 1 year for SotO vs 2 years of LWS4. Which was the approximation I have been consistently using in this thread. Whom could have guessed that the person so stubborn to point out to compare time scales fairly, was using same approximation for both timescales involved. Mostly because using exact counts would be to tiresome to keep doing.

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  11. 4 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:


    Should be on a male model with a helmet. What you see as exposed is a result of the armour in WoW for the most part being a texture. Look up "Jade Armor WoW Female" if you really want to see exposed.


    White armour because that Sylvari has dark skin. If I can see something clearly once I'm past the faceplate then it's visibly exposed.


    Ok once I found the buttons for 3d preview, it came out clean, that what I thought was a collar, is supposed to be face mask.

    That being said, seriously? it is nowhere near close to same neck exposure.

    Also your choice of picture for sylari, is not really telling, because at this combination it looks like a shadow, not exposed bit of anything 😉

    • Like 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

    That you can see it at all makes it visible. This is WOW's Battlegear of Moight on a male model's levels of exposure.

    Things that are visible at particular angle, are definitelly not things, anyone would be able to just notice in the heat of fight. Since I don;t play WoW I had to google it, and the graphics I found outside of completely missing any helmet in the first place, were not specifically exposing any bit of the nack for males, but had some chest exposure for females, so I have no idea what do you mean here.

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  13. 6 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    And we had a free package of content (lw4). And lw4 provides more content and better quality of said content. 

    To be precise, we had a series of updates, that were free if you were playing when they released (with bonus giveaway some time later) that happened to release over longer timespan than SotO is scheduled to. Oh additionally, access to those updates was restricted if you didn't have relevant expac as well, so even tho you could obtain it for free, you'd still need to buy expac to actually access it. If you missed out on the freebie tho, access to each of the maps and story bits requires you to pay gems for it.

    10 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    I will not be accountable for anets decision

    Nobody is saying you are accountable for it. We just tried to pointing out that comparision you are trying to draw is inherently unfair, and mildly unreasonable.

    11 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    from "buy an expansion for 40-50 euros and get a whole lot of content day one and 1-2 living world seasons as a bonus" to "get a paid expac for 25 euros thats basically provides less content than said living world season".

    That is also incorrect. They switched from "buy an expansion once in eternity for a price, get some front loaded content and features, and then if you keep logging in when we happen to release an episode, you may obtain one season for free" to "who needs expansion anyway, here is new formula that is still free if you log in when it releases, and will totally be equivalent of an expac as a whole" and then to "we will be doing more but smaller expansions, that then will give you some follow up updates for free guaranteed no matter if you log in or not"

    14 minutes ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    Its not a matter of cadence. Thats far beyond my control as a customer and i cant take it into account since anet and many other companies freely shift their release dates as much as they like. The question is as simple as this - the amount and quality of content i get for what i paid for. 

    It is definitelly matter of cadence. The fact is that you are trying to draw equivalency, between series of updates that may have been free for you (were not for everyone mind you) that were releasing in haphazard cadence over considerably longer duration, to a paid expansion that guarantees further updates being free for the rest of that particular year. You are then trying to call the latter less fair to you, because somehow, within a single year the studio cannot outdo two years of it's past, even if they are releasing in much more stable cadence in this new system.

    And in the end, since we established that AN is a business, the matter of how long they take to develop things, is precisely your concern because, if they cease to be profitable, they will go out of the market, and then you will stay with nothing to show for all the things you bought so far. So you should definitelly not be expecting AN to run unsustainable prices for you.

    And before I wrap up that particular opinion piece - there is also a subject of comparing to other available products on the market, in which case, AN is still the best price to content ratio out there in mmorpg market. It is pushing out comparable amount of content to the other big b2p title, ESO, on yearly basis, but expects you to pay once a year for whole year worth of updates, as opposed to said ESO, which expects you to either pay separatelly for each quarterly update, and/or pay for a recurring subscription along the way as well. And while I cannot comment on how much yearly is WoW or FF14 pumping out, both of these, are primarily subscription-based games (with FF14 having some sort of a freebie trial available, similar to GW2) which I am fairly confident would still translate to much more cost expected to be paid for same amount of content.

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  14. 14 minutes ago, Malus.2184 said:

    Then the male model have a higher gorget, the female model has a visible gap between the chest and the helm.

    Let me quickly boot the game to take a look at previews there....

    Ok, had to rotate her to see it: https://imgur.com/a/AVCOuBC

    Frankly seeing how it is, I would not call it "screaming hit here", and it should be reasonable covered against slash attacks, but it would be indeed very vulnerable to being stabbed at.
    Seeing how it was not exactly visible from the up front on female, I decided to hop back to my guardian...

    When I rotate it I can just about see the gap there https://imgur.com/a/ihE3biU
    This is also a case of could be stabbed there, but at this gap size, it would be difficult to spot or aim for in the first place.

    EDIT: if you find it to be too big of an immersion issue, this ceases to be a problem if you swap the shoulderpiece to the kodan from sorrows embrace dungeon. This one will protect your neck from grand most of the angles 🙂

  15. 11 minutes ago, Senti.2890 said:

    lucifer fell because he loved god too much and were jealous of humans

    The story I heard was that he thought he can run the world busines better than God 😉

    (Still very emotional being even in that interpretation)

    • Confused 1
  16. 17 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    There is a "update" tag on wiki. You can go there and see for urself. Just a quick compare to lw4:
    LW4 had: 
    1) 6 maps (vs 3 in SOTO)

    2) 2 new mounts (beetle and skyscale) (vs 0 in SOTO)

    3) 3 raid wings (although you may argue its a expac content, but it was released during lw4) (vs 0 in SOTO, but we got 2 Strikes)

    4) 6 legendary weapons with unique look and effects, 1 legendary raid ring, 1 legendary accesory (vision), legendary runes and sigils. (vs legendary armor and sigil in SOTO with questionable models)

    5) 3 fractals (vs 1 in SOTO)

    6) Unique armor skins for each armor type (elegy+ requiem, mist shard+blossoming mist shard+ corsair pieces) (vs 3 identical sets for all armor types - thats 3 models compared to 6-12 models if you count in upgraded versions separetly)

    7) 2 spvp maps (vs 0 in SOTO)

    8 ) New masteries (cant actually count how much there is since im not ingame atm) 


    Thats just major features, it would be too much for me to list every single addition here. But you can check it urself. https://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Release

    Sure you can argue that there are rifts, but its just a glorified on demand map event. Convergences are a bit unique in that aspect. And new weapons, but that was tied to elite specs and expacs, so you cant directly compare them, but just saying designing a weapon is far less work than a full elite spec. Relics are kinda "removed and reintroduced" 6th rune piece bonuses. Weaponmaster training isnt even a proper feature (well you know they could have removed the elite spec limitation any time if they wanted to). 

    Even IBS had similar content if you look it up. 

    One thing that this comparision is omitting is that LWS4 happened in a span of 2 years, while SotO is spread over single year.

    PoF Released on September 22, 2017
    Daybreak followed in November of same year,
    War Eternal released on May 14, 2019
    Meanwhile in approximate year from SotO release we are bound to be having next expac all together. So of course SotO is going to have less content to it than LWS4 had, because the studio didn't double on manpower in between.

    And even if we apply the most generous limiter on LWS4 of exactly one year after Daybreak release, we are already dropping off:
    2 maps, 1 mount, 1 Raid Wing, 2 Legendary weapons, legendary raid wing, legendary accessory, olegendary runes AND sigils, 1 Fractal,  Mist shard and blossoming mist shard armor skins, and a fair chunk of masteries. The difference becomes much less stark, and if we narrowed down scope of what we are looking at of LWS4 to approximate even more fairly how much dev time SotO is scheduled to get, it would be much more comparable.

    2 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    And whose problem is that? anets or mine as a paying customer? Let me get this straight - I dont care what it takes them to develop the product, I dont care how much time they spend on it, I dont care of any difficulties they experience, I dont care how much people or resources they spend on it. As a paying customer the only thing i care is to buy a product and get good quality product in return, i dont need to make excuses for anet for the lack of quality. 

    I mean cadence of releases is definitelly something, you as a paying customer should be interested in. And LWS4 has very unstable cadence of releasing varying anything between 2 months between big chapters to half a year between the same. And there are two holes of half a year withing LWS4 alone.

    Now do you wanna go and compare what SotO managed to release in half a year that in LWS4 we took waiting in between Daybreak and bug in the system? or between star to guide us and war eternal? I guess that comparision would not be so favourable for LWS4 anymore.

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  17. 20 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

    This reminds me of people complaining about how unrealistic skimpy armor is. So this heavy armor is bulky looking, meaning there is padding and plating to protect the wearer, so it's a little more realistic. Of course the head is going to look small compared to the rest. To me the proportions around the head don't look too far off from Russell Crowe's Maximus armor at the opening scene of Gladiator: huge bulky shoulders and broad chest piece.

    That would be fair argument if not for the fact, that helmet should also have it's thickness and padding underneath. Now this may depend on the body types and stuff, but full set on my guardian does not anyhow resembles anything from Gladiator movie, the difference is simply to stark. And just swapping the helmet for let's say, primeval already makes the whole look much better. And as I have mentioned, comparing to bare head, the heavy helmet on both male and female is simply too small to fit onto the head it is placed over. Which is shame, because based of the previews heavy helmet was in particular the piece I was looking forward integrating onto my guardian fashion.

    20 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

    Could it have been done better? Probably. Is it so horrendous that it warrants calling it garbage? No.

    I have not called it garbage tho. All I did was expressing feedback on the general proportions of the armor in a thread called obsidian armor skin feedback. And if the issues of proportions were amended, both obsidian heavy and medium would have very likely be the most favourite sets of mine to use. With those issues I just need to supplant helmets with something else for it to look good as a whole.

    EDIT: since I am at home rn I thought I could just as well provide the pictures representing my issue with human male heavy set:

    Full set in preview: https://imgur.com/a/Q4iP9ZR
    Swapped helmet for primeval to show helmet size difference: https://imgur.com/a/EV8wCqg
    Used the random glasses to showcase the actual head underneath and it's proportions: https://imgur.com/a/ojwjQcx

    Now for reference, I think it looks slightly better if I replace the shoulderpieces with something less bulky (this camouflages the proportion contrast between very bulky shoulders and negative bulk of the helmet: https://imgur.com/a/cf4Fdbt

    But even that last variation looks more natural if I swap obsidian helmet for primeval: https://imgur.com/a/3lmnNmG

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  18. Preview of the heavy set on my human male guardian, shows up that the helmet is not to the scale of the rest of the set. Everything else is very bulky, which I can deal with, but helmet is comically small when put next to the rest. As a matter of fact, comparatively to bare head size of that character, the helmet feels like something that would not be able to physically fit onto said head, regardless of how thin it would be made. This issue is less noticeable on human female character, due to the fact that female rendition of the main armor is much less bulky in the first place, but the helmet is still unfeasibly small. It'd have to be made of sheep paper and be worn over shaved clean head to fit as it is.

    The medium helmet also feels tad too tightly wrapped to look good (this time in reverse, it is more starkly visible on females than males).

    I was not expecting any animations considering how much manpower it took last time and what the reception was.

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  19. 52 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Now the penultimate LS4 chapter was an absolute masterpiece, but apparently that was way to much for Anet to handle and they just had to lower the bar in the finale.

    Absolute masterpiece of basic storywriting mistakes of: escalating stakes throught the roof of sensibility (Kralk chewing on the fabric of the reality itself), escalating urgency to the moon (we need to deal with it RIGHT NOW, because the only force keeping kralk from absolutely devouring fabric of reality, just failed), with a forced subversion of expectations that only served short term farming of drama, while setting up deus ex machina on he next episode, because obviously, Kralk is not going to just devour fabric of reality, but we failed to address both stakes and urgency, and expect us to somehow mantain suspention of disbelief through multiple months of "oh no we lost and Kralk will devour the fabric of reality, in a friggin MMO.

    The only thing that was anyhow good in the writing of All (f)or Nothing, was the spectacle of the big boss fight. That's it.

    War Eternal was just unavoidable conclusion of the mess they left off at the end of previous episode. There was simply no other way to feasibly continue development of a story from the mess your "masterpiece" left after itself. Any feasible "better" development of finale, would require penultimate episode to be less crap in writing in the first place, and at least address ANY of the escalations it commited.

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