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Everything posted by Drake.1840

  1. The main reason I bought the expansion and is highly disappointing.
  2. I can't be sure when I unlocked it this week, but experiencing the exact same issue as everyone else here, stuck at 224/225
  3. I went to great lengths to carefully place my alts around my Homestead with some roleplay elements in mind (i.e., an alt character in a chef outfit in my kitchen, etc.). As soon as I left the instant and returned, they were all in random locations again. Surely this isn't intended? Otherwise, why can we move alts at all? Is anyone else having this issue? Is this intended?
  4. Soul-Beast is destroyed. I don't think any of the truly serious Soul-Beast players really is invested any longer in this broken spec. I agree with the earlier comment that ANets constant Nerfs are just PVP game breaking (in the end). And to your point, no one really gets upset at Soul Beast anymore. Well done Anet, just keep caving. Let's see if you can keep all the cry babies happy all the time.
  5. There is a lot of haters of Soul Beast. Anet just 'caved' to them. I'm not sure why they just don't get rid of Soul Beast completely.
  6. Dwarves (not the stone variety). Is it not lore that the Dwarves turned themselves to stone to defend against an elder dragon? Perhaps with the defeat (or pacification) of either elder dragons, the commander can uncover a way (magic or otherwise) to restore the dwarves as their original selves. Bam...new playable race!
  7. What new trade skill would you like to see in the upcoming expansion. I vote for FISHING!
  8. Dwarves (not the stone variety). Is it not lore that the Dwarves turned themselves to stone to defend against an elder dragon? Perhaps with the defeat (or pacification) of either elder dragons, the commander can uncover a way (magic or otherwise) to restore the dwarves as their original selves. Bam...new playable race!
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