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Grey.3179's Achievements

  1. You gotta admit, though it would not be realistic, it would be fun to just run around and bonk people.
  2. Pssh, you gotta dream bigger. I propose Thump be increased to 1500 range to rectify the rectification....from stealth to boot with no LOS, lol. Le sigh, we can dream, lol.
  3. What race is your character? I don't have any frogs and I want frogs, lol.
  4. Shed is a little known skill that is only available to feline pets. Leap to target and shake vigorously, leaving piles of fur on and around the target. If not allergic, the target will start brushing off the fur causing immobilization. If allergic, the target will sneeze violently 3 times and the target's eye will begin to water causing blind.
  5. lol, Hammersworn aka Mechsworn, I see what you did there.
  6. Someone please pass the Geritol, I am feeling my age this morning, lol. Yeah whippersnappers, I remember back in the day when GW2 was only Gw .25, lol.
  7. yeah I remember those guys. Xsorus and I think the other guy was Feaux Sheaux or something like that. I think the RRR build used shouts and Dwayna runes. Regen was off the charts.
  8. Yeah, used it too. It was a lot of fun.
  9. Dang grandpa, you are old. Lol, I never played those BM bunker builds. Those were the days.
  10. But we don't get a black bear when we make a new toon. However, we could name our brown bear, juvenile black bear.
  11. I am sure there are achievement oriented guilds out there. I have seen their guild tags in game. Perhaps if you asked in a major city that you were looking for a guild that does that, you might achieve your goal. Wish I could remember the guild names. Sorry I can't be more help.
  12. Thank you for the replies. I guess in the past I used Testimonies of Heroics to get the hero points for each character, but there is not an option to use previous Testimonies to do that this time.
  13. So, I main ranger and have several of them. I had enough skill points to unlock the new Untamed elite for my world completion ranger and did so. Today I went to play my ranger that I mainly play in WvW and went to use the Untamed elite, and it appears I have to unlock the elite for that ranger as well, requiring another 250 skill points. Is that really a thing where I have to unlock the elite per character and not per account? Maybe I am missing something but I don't remember having to do that before with other expansions. Any help would be appreciated.
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