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Unicorn Luna.5204

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Everything posted by Unicorn Luna.5204

  1. Ok so I'm not going to record my DH rotation in order to understand Power SB. Doesn't make sense. Suffice it to say I wasn't the only one in the party who's mind was blown by what was happening - we're all experienced players and given every bit of information we have and have practiced since seeing this guy: this was unusual. The last thing I am thinking is maybe he was opening up with one wolf pack, worldy impact, whirling defense and starting their rotation that way which I'm going to try myself. Been playing with my power SB since this experience and have been getting better results the more I practice but still not catching up with DH burst.
  2. So I main a DH and as burst damage goes it's very rare that I'm pugging anything and someone else has faster burst than I do. It does happen but rarely is there much of a margin. There are plenty of classes that catch up and overtake in longer fights. But just running CoE now with a friend and we pulled in some pugs. The last person to join was playing power Soulbeast and as far as burst DPS goes - this person was bursting faster than me and by quite a wide margin! It didn't seem to matter if I did a perfect rotation. I asked them for their build and they just said it was "the normal sc build". One of my main alt's is a power soulbeast and runs that build. But I can't figure out what on earth I'm doing wrong because sure I can get it doing pretty good DPS but never have I beaten a DH's burst before. Does anyone have some insight? I'm really mesmerised by this. And I want my SB to burn things as fast as that dudes. <3 Edit: I'm not running exactly the snowcrows power soulbeast build - I have runes of the scholar instead of the thief...
  3. I've had the skyscale for a while now and even though the collection was tiring and a little frustrating - this side of having the thing: It was worth it. Had I known how worth it I thought it would be I probably wouldn't have been that little bit frustrated.
  4. Is there some hidden setting to hide "nearly completed" achievements if they are for PvP? I want to be able to track nearly completed achievements but I am a PvE player and because of a little dabbling in PvP over the years to work out if I definitely hate it, several times, (I do in fact consistently hate it however hard I tried) I was left with "Slayer" nearly completed at 1009/1100 kills. So today I thought I'd shift it. Went to PvP and spent some hours painstakingly killing other players until I got to 1100. I got to 1101 in the match and "Slayer" is STILL the top achievement in "Nearly Completed" because it's considered being at 92% and to make matters worse the second achievement there is now PvP related too. So I'm potentially stuck with this unless I go again into PvP which I didn't even want to do this time. If there is no option to hide these things, does anyone know of an app or something that I can use API code to track nearly completed achievements? Thanks
  5. I think discovery might be bugged as of yesterdays patch? Someone in map chat was saying when they tried to craft this that the bar would fill but no mats were used and no product received. I switched to my chef (lv400) to discover the recipe and craft one myself and only the slabs of meat are showing in the discovery tab - I have all the other ingredients in my inventory.
  6. Edit: I changed my mind. Ok so I still think it's harsh on people who can't play that much because it is a seriously time consuming collection/timegate buuuuuuuut it's a very cool feature that's not actually required for anything and in theory should never be a requirement for more than achievement points. But it gives hardcore players something to work on, it gets people logging in and aiding on the login/profit/etc side of things. My annoyance was largely completely personal because I WANT IT NOW WAH WAH WAH! So actually I take it back for the most part except for the bit about players who can't play that much. Thank you Anet. <3
  7. Ok so I just came back to the game after a year and I gotta say Episode 4 really pressed lots of epic buttons for me. Loved it. And having just finished "All or Nothing" I gotta say Aurene dying like that has broken my heart. But I'll live, as I think Aurene will, again. Just some theory work here and I don't know if I want to theorize exactly how it will happen but there's some important points to make. 1) We gotta stop killing elder dragons or Tyria is screwed even if Kralky doesn't screw it.2) Aurene was supposed to take the place of Kralkatorrik.3) When an Elder dragon dies it's magic is absorbed (or adopted, unsure of correct terminology) by a surviving (the nearest?) Elder Dragon.4) "War Eternal" as a title for an episode might be quite telling. I am reminded of the scene in Jahai Bluffs with the endless battle between the Charr and the Orrians - so is this title a reference to the endless battles going on in the mists - also referenced by Rytlock in the mini-story. Suggesting we're going into the mists for this episode.5) Aurene absorbed some Balth energy and ate a powerful Lich - I theorise it's possible that although her body is dead that these energies reside with her in some form in the mists and could influence how dying or being in the mists works for her, although no idea why she'd keep, for example, balth's energy when even he didn't when he died.6) Glint's working her magic in the mists and might be able to pull strings for others that she can't pull for herself - ie sending Eir and Snaff through to deliver a message rather than coming through herself (maybe I missed a detail that explained why she didn't come through herself, I'm a little sleep deprived after being so engrossed in this).7) What are the other options? We destroy the remaining dragons before they destroy us, ruining the magical balance and causing whatever catastrophe that's going to bring, or we let the elder dragons destroy everything ... which either way seems like the end of Tyria or at least most of Tyrians. TL;DR: We need a dragon to be the elder dragon(s). So, Aurene's gotta come back and I guess this must have been suggested before buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut... Ultimately. She's going to take the place of ALL the Elder Dragons while having grown with Tyrians/mortals in her life so she won't feel compelled to be as destructive as the original Elder dragons and won't be confrontational with the Gods when they're safe enough to return. Maybe. Or maybe she's the main destructive force of GW3. chuckles Mainly I just needed to vent this because I'm still heart broken that she died. I thought it was very beautifully done and I very much enjoyed the story getting to this point. But also: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  8. 1) Wings of Love with a backpack version. (Or just bring back white feather wings, I've been holding out for ages, I want to throw my money at you for them <3 <3 <3). 2) Invisible Glider Skin (Because I love how I look gliding when my glider doesn't load right away).
  9. @"ProtoGunner.4953" said: Yeah wiki is one of the player sources I mentioned. Kaeyi definitely drops loot, Tazza definitely drops nothing - unless the only thing she drops is the recipe which would be unlikely and unusual. I'm just about satisfied (Well, I say satisfied) that the recipe is 100% non-accessible due to a distant past loot table closing, and since dungeons are considered legacy (going by responses to my thread here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/373345 ) I'm also not particularly optimistic that #Arenanet will address this issue :(
  10. For Arenanet staff: The bit I most would like you to read is my expansion suggestion at the bottom. <3 Mounts: I anticipated mounts to ruin the game but having since acquired them all and maxed the masteries I have to say I feel these were executed very well and have made my game much more enjoyable. I also have a lot of appreciation for how much work must have been put into every map in the game to make them harder to break out of. My old under/over map hangouts have been blocked off! Story: Really enjoyed the story, I intend to replay it on another character soon. I loved the final instance but having recently replayed the arah story instance a few times I can't help but feel a little sad that arah has been made to be incredibly anti climatic in terms of difficulty, which is what makes the final PoF instance so EPIC, HoT's too. Open world:Mobs: I like that these all seem to kick a lot of bottom. However it does mean I'm less inclined to spend time doing exploring and doing map completion than I am with core Tyria or HoT of which I sometimes just 100% a map because I feel like it (and for transmute stones or keys)Maps: Really pretty I have much appreciation for the art. However, aside from the issue mentioned above I feel about as drawn to doing bounties as I am drawn to doing core tyria world bosses (in that I am not drawn to them at all except maybe I'll do core Tyria bosses because they're in a map I'm completing for fun or I'm feeling nostalgic). I absolutely love HoT meta events, particularly Dragon's Stand but PoF maps don't seem to provide as much events like these that give the same teamwork effect, if they have I haven't found them and haven't seen anyone talking about them, as these maps are so huge I feel like we're all missing a trick there. Overall I enjoy it, it looks good, it's challenging and mounts are great. However I find myself drawn more to HoT or Core Tyria than I do to PoF. Suggestion for a future expansion: As with GW1 I feel strongly about a Hard Mode setting. Two versions of every map, everything the same except for mob AI and level of rewards. I'd suggest the current PoF maps getting a slight increase in difficulty and rewards with HoT maps difficulty/rewards relatively increased to be on par. Core Tyria is currently what I'd consider the "normal mode" level of difficulty and reward. So an expansion could be "Core Tyria Hard Mode" to include the normal modes of HoT and PoF which would be the HoT and PoF maps we know and love today just downgraded to be of similair difficulty as Core Tyria is. I imagine that to be a massive programming undertaking but... it would render the entire game accessible and give the old maps reasons to be more occupied (all without having to come up with any new art or content). Thank you very much for making these games and making these stories, they have been a very big part of my life! PS: If you could make a use for gifts of exploration other than legendaries I'd be very very happy, none of the legendaries interest me so the one reward for 100% mapping is kind of wasted on me. :P <3
  11. Ok I'll stop being hopeful that it'll drop hehe. Thank you everyone!
  12. Great but do you have a source for this? This still counts as a player source which leaves the question still dubious since a different player will come along and say for example. 1) No2) No3) Yes Which is the problem I'm trying to overcome with this thread. :)
  13. Yeah dungeon vendor would be a very fair place to put these. This would of course retire my reason for seeking the recipe which is that it would be a very lucrative profit margin at present! But while it's a kind of unfair system I'll continue destroying Kaeyi until I give up or become my own source of where it drops from, hehe.
  14. Been spamming dungeons since launch bar a 2 year hiatus, I've got five myself (one dropped late last year) and I've seen others get ones I don't have. The Replicator is so illusive it's hard to know if it's even possible for it to drop - yet to hear from anyone seeing it drop this side of 2013 :/
  15. From player sources there is conflicting information about this recipe's drop but in all cases I was unable to find definite or official sources. So just trying to confirm which one of these statements is true: 1) Arenanet closed Tazza's loot table some years ago and haven't reinstated it, so she drops nothing and therefore does not drop this recipe.2) Tazza drops the recipe but you have to engage her with Kaeyi and not pull her away separately.3) Kaeyi drops the recipe so you have to defeat him before defeating Tazza. Cheers!
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