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  1. Ok so we heard you are making Guild Wars 3. A lot of people are going to want different things - everybody who posts on this thread be kind and considerate. Post your own wish list, please do not bash what others want in their posts. Krytan Herald has her own wishlist which you can watch in the link below. I also recommend watching Lazy Peon's video of the most exciting MMORPG being currently made called Ashes of Creation. The way I envision Guild Wars 3 being great is that you need to end this separate game mode system. You have a system with multiple separate parts, which are almost like completely different games. Most people come on and play 1 or 2 modes almost exclusively. The modes need to be better streamlined together. - the storyline campaign - then you have dungeons - then you have fractals - you have raids - you have WvW I suggest you watch the Ashes of Creation video to get a better understanding because I think that game is going to be the future of MMOs but Guild Wars 3 should be similar to what they are creating. Essentially GW 3 should be centered around the WvW mode. Basically a gigantic WvW set of maps and when you log in you may get a short story mode, then you pick a server, and then you are put onto a certain side of the WvW map. There may be one huge gigantic map everyone plays on or perhaps it will be divided into multiple WvW groups like the current mode and you'll have 21 servers each with a set of 3 servers and depending which server you join decides which servers you play against. In this huge WvW map setting, you will be able to make guilds and join them. There will be crafting, dungeons, raid bosses and all other types of gameplay that are embedded into the WvW world and affect the WvW world dynamically. Essentially every time you log on, the map will be different as different towers, castles, dungeons, etc, will be captured, won, lost, or changed due to different events and thus we have a truly living world set with it's own set of towns, areas, raids and adventures, all woven together in ONE seamless game and world. All events will be tallied to some kind of scoreboard like WvW and so you will want to be on a server you wish to fight for. The guilds, I would imagine are going to be only within a specific server, no cross server guilds, because although spying may be fun, the problem of in game sabotage would just be too annoying of an abusive mechanic to allow for players to do. You could join a guild on your server or simply roam around in small parties or even solo. Your actions effect the map, the territory control and the world at large. Resources would be fought over, different world bosses and missions would allow for crafting of higher tier weapons and items. The world would be continually updated and re-balance by ANET as they see necessary and the world would be ever changing, ever dynamic and ever living. Again, watch the Ashes of Creation video which is the most ambitious MMORPG ever conceived and being created and you'll see the basic path for Guild Wars 3. Of course Guild Wars 3 should be different in it has it's own style of the world, it's own races and the devs will have to be creative in coming up with new game modes, new adventures and new in game events that effect the world at large, but I would much rather see a gigantic or a WvW centered GW3 that integrates everything together into a tower, castle, town, capture point system that is much like the world we live in. Guild Wars 2 | Most Wanted Wish List https://youtu.be/tjOTrX8sLw0?si=JNnGVx3iZmFX5g21 STILL Genuinely The Most Exciting Upcoming MMORPG - Ashes Of Creation https://youtu.be/jWuJvyBs4wQ?si=flMs7JSHZR78GzJp
  2. Nice to hear your thoughts and comments! Welcome to the Big Dance. Although I appreciate your critical thinking on the game mechanics, probably comes from playing PvP - I would suggest not to focus too much on that. Basically unless you work for ANET, you're going to have no control over the play balancing lol. So it's better in my opinion to just accept things as they are, rather than constantly beat your head against a brick wall trying to change things, that everyone else is just going to argue with you about and ANET will never take anyone's suggestions anyways lmao. Vent posting on here is a good idea and that works too. Again, you gotta find a way to have fun with the game mode otherwise it'll be a constant pain for you. Depending on which class you play, you'll always find reasons on why your class should be buffed and the other classes should be nerfed. Feel free to post here but ultimately, it's up to the ANET to figure all that stuff out. As for the Warclaw, once you ride it, you'll wish it had a lot more health. 20+ players jumping on you as you run by and you're insta-dead. haha. Relax a bit, don't overthink it. Just find a group that's fun to run with and a server that plays the style you like and everything will be gravy. Cheers.
  3. I don't know why you guys think a queue is a bad thing. I'm always glad when I see a queue because it means the WvW maps are full and when I get in there's going to be a lot going on which is more fun. Sure there's a wait, but who cares? You just queue up and go do something else while you wait. It's not like you're unable to move while in the queue. You could go to silverwastes, go craft, do PvE, chat, whatever. There's plenty to do while you wait in the queue. It's rare all 4 maps are full. Usually there is a queue for EBG, but then you just go to another map while you wait.
  4. It seems pretty clear ANET has dropped alliances for whatever reason. Either they broke it and can't get it to work, or they have some other reason they don't want to implement it that they are too embarrassed to talk about? Pretty silly they can't just come clean with their community and tell us what is going on? Regardless, here's another alternative to alliances, in addition to the other options I've posted. How about ANET makes a designated set of WvW competitive servers? We already know the most popular WvW servers are full and no one can ever get on them. The main problem is that many of us who enjoy WvW want to play on specific servers but we can't because they're full and that never changes. So our only option to play on those servers is to join the linked server which changes every 2 months at 1000 gems a transfer plus the first 2 weeks you get no pips? HAHA - no that's f-king stupid. I know ANET has to make money but they have plenty of other ways to make money. If that really is their solution, then they might as well let people transfer servers for free then, so we can at least stay with the servers we like. Obviously they don't want to do that and they are trying to solve some problems with alliances but that seems to have failed for whatever reason that they won't explain. An alternative option is take all the full WvW servers, that many of us want to be on. The top 5 or 7, however many there are, and make them listed as competitive WvW servers. Now they'll have to do some shuffling and server migrations with the players. They would need to send out an update to all players who are on those servers that if they are not WvW players then they need to transfer off those servers. Essentially clearing out all these non-WvW players from the popular servers to make space for the WvW players. Who knows how many dead accounts they have also on there taking up space. My suggestion is they send all the players on those servers a free server transfer. After giving them a week or a month to transfer off, the servers will be updated with new rules. The WvW Competitive servers will be setup so that if players do not clock 20 hours of WvW per month, then they will be automatically transferred off the servers. Since we have the mega servers now, it really doesn't matter what server anyone is on, unless you're a WvW player. We're the only ones who care about which server we're on. The system will keep a timeclock in the WvW part of the game, similar to the way we have reward tracks and it'll tell you how long you've played this month. Once you hit your 20 hours, it'll flag you as cleared for next month. If you are under the 20 hours, it'll flag you as, needing more time or be ready to transfer off too another random server. There should also be a feature that sweeps all servers for dead accounts. ANET should make a separate server for dead accounts, they can call it whatever, "Server of Non-Active players", or "Server of Dead Accounts". Essentially if your GW 2 account has not been logged into for 1 year, then you automatically get transferred to this dead server. You just stay there till next time you log in and then the system will ask if you want to transfer to a WvW server or a PvE server? You'll get a message that explains the difference. Now what happens if you're on a PvE server but you want to move to a WvW server? Hopefully there will now be enough space that you can do such a transfer. However, if you ask to transfer over to a WvW server, the system will give you a message, telling you the rules and that you must play WvW at least 20 hours per month to stay on this server otherwise you get automatically removed. Players who get automatically removed from the WvW server must wait 1 month before asking to rejoin a WvW server, to ensure players aren't doing something weird by hopping on and off over and over again trying to break something? I would make server transfer free. I don't even know why they cost money except that ANET is a business and wants to make money of course. How about making the cost more reasonable, like 100 gems for a server transfer to any server? The non-competitive servers will still be able to participate in WvW and be ranked with the competitive servers, except there will be no 20 hour per month rule on the PvE servers. Those servers will function exactly like they do right now. We just need to make space on the full servers for more WvW players who want to join them so we don't have to be stuck on servers we don't like. Obviously WvW is very much a community activity and being in the wrong community is no fun. Some of us like being very competitive in WvW, others just want to be casual. We should allow players to go where they want and not be stuck with a bunch of people who just annoy us all the time because they don't play the way we do.
  5. Ok, if alliances is too difficult to implement I have an alternative fix. We all know the problem is the population distribtion. Maguuma crushes everyone because they have the most WvW players then any other server. How do you fix this? Add more players to the other servers, but we can't do that because the servers are full with PvE players. So this is another way to fix the problem. Stop with these server pairing changing every 3 months. What you do is make a top 9. Make it so there are ONLY 9 WvW Servers and every other server feeds into these 9 servers. That means we have 3 WvW maps rotating every week. There will still be rotations within those 9 but the second servers paired and changing every 3 months will STOP. What we need is STATIC server pairing. Make it so that the servers that need more players but are full have static secondary servers, so we all know where to go to help those servers out, essentially making those WvW servers BIGGER. The top 3 servers, will - not - have a secondary server matched to them because they are already full of WvW Servers. Here is an example with the top 9 and the full list of 24 servers. The Tier 1 servers will NOT have a secondary server, the Tier 2 and Tier 3 servers will have 2 servers added to them which DO NOT rotate. I created a Tier 4 with the 3 bottom servers. I think having those servers as "non-competitive" practice WvW servers would be a cool idea. Players who do not play WvW or who just play casually can join those servers and the number of players there will be very low. Basically like a practice server. Now Tier 2 and Tier 3 servers can add as many WvW players as they need to match the numbers of the Tier 1 servers and we have more competitive and fair play. Tier 1 - Competitive 1 Maguuma - no secondary server, already enough WvW players 2 Isle of Janthir - no secondary server, already enough WvW players 3 Blackgate - no secondary server, already enough WvW players Tier 2 - Competitive 4 Sea of Sorrows - 10 Yak's Bend , 11 Ferguson's Crossing 5 Fort Aspenwood - 12 Eredon Terrace, 13 Borlis Pass 6 Darkhaven - 14 Ehmry Bay , 15 Sanctum of Rall Tier 3 - Competitive 7 Jade Quarry - 16 Gate of Madness , 17 Crystal Desert 8 Anvil Rock - 18 Kaineng , 19 Northern Shiverpeaks 9 Tarnished Coast - 20 Sorrow's Furnace , 21 Henge of Denravi Tier 4 - practice WvW servers, they do not rotate in with the other teams. These servers are for people who do not want to play WvW or who just want to play non-competitive WvW. 22 Dragonbrand 23 Stormbluff Isle 24 Devona's Rest
  6. Ok, if alliances is too difficult to implement I have an alternative fix. We all know the problem is the population distribtion. Maguuma crushes everyone because they have the most WvW players then any other server. How do you fix this? Add more players to the other servers, but we can't do that because the servers are full with PvE players. So this is another way to fix the problem. Stop with these server pairing changing every 3 months. What you do is make a top 9. Make it so there are ONLY 9 WvW Servers and every other server feeds into these 9 servers. That means we have 3 WvW maps rotating every week. There will still be rotations within those 9 but the second servers paired and changing every 3 months will STOP. What we need is STATIC server pairing. Make it so that the servers that need more players but are full have static secondary servers, so we all know where to go to help those servers out, essentially making those WvW servers BIGGER. The top 3 servers, will - not - have a secondary server matched to them because they are already full of WvW Servers. Here is an example with the top 9 and the full list of 24 servers. The Tier 1 servers will NOT have a secondary server, the Tier 2 and Tier 3 servers will have 2 servers added to them which DO NOT rotate. I created a Tier 4 with the 3 bottom servers. I think having those servers as "non-competitive" practice WvW servers would be a cool idea. Players who do not play WvW or who just play casually can join those servers and the number of players there will be very low. Basically like a practice server. Now Tier 2 and Tier 3 servers can add as many WvW players as they need to match the numbers of the Tier 1 servers and we have more competitive and fair play. These server pairing - do not change -. They will remain static so if you want to join SoS or FA or DH, you know which secondary server to join. Give it a year and see how it goes. Adjustments can be made once a year if the servers become too imbalanced, they can be updated. Tier 1 - Competitve 1 Maguuma - no secondary server, already enough WvW players 2 Isle of Janthir - no secondary server, already enough WvW players 3 Blackgate - no secondary server, already enough WvW players Tier 2 - Competitve 4 Sea of Sorrows - 10 Yak's Bend , 11 Ferguson's Crossing 5 Fort Aspenwood - 12 Eredon Terrace, 13 Borlis Pass 6 Darkhaven - 14 Ehmry Bay , 15 Sanctum of Rall Tier 3 - Competitve 7 Jade Quarry - 16 Gate of Madness , 17 Crystal Desert 8 Anvil Rock - 18 Kaineng , 19 Northern Shiverpeaks 9 Tarnished Coast - 20 Sorrow's Furnace , 21 Henge of Denravi Tier 4 - practice WvW servers, they do not rotate in with the other teams. These servers are for people who do not want to play WvW or who just want to play non-competitive WvW. 22 Dragonbrand 23 Stormbluff Isle 24 Devona's Rest
  7. ANET - I'm aware WvW is about warfare. However, it would be nice if you had some more positive server names. You're not trying to give everyone down syndrome and depression are you? For Christ's sake, put in some positive server names. Maybe you need to fire your depressed employees who give everything crap names.
  8. Anet - I have read on posts that it is difficult to work on and fix WvW because it's like working on an engine while the car is driving. So this is my suggestion to all of your development team. Do everything that is possible to plan for and create an update on alliances without having to implement it yet. Once you have all of that work done, which I would imagine you are close to or already have it done. Then simply post a message to all GW2 players that you are going to SHUT DOWN WvW for 1,2 or however many months it is going to take you to update it. It's fine, they will survive. Just shut WvW down, turn the car off and let the engineers fix the engine. And try to minimize the time it's down, but everyone will be much happier for it afterwards. If you need to SHUT WVW DOWN for a month or more, DO IT!!!! Get us the update !!! Thank you. Cheers
  9. The biggest problem with WvW is the fact that it's a competitive environment that has a limited number of players. During peak hours when the maps are maxed out, there's nothing more annoying than having players who are idling and taking up space that other players could be using. Whether they are doing it on purpose as trolls or just newbies, I don't know, but there are ways to fix this. We often see during big battles 3-5 players sitting around at the teleport gates for long periods. Sometimes there are players on auto-run running into the wall, for long periods. Obviously bots or trolls. I report them, but not sure the reports actually do anything. #1 - Post a message to players when they join that they should go to the obsidian sanctum if they are idling / need to work on their build. Since we have different character buildouts in WvW then PvE, I understand that sometimes players need to work on their builds and they can only do that in WvW. However, they should be sent to obsidian sanctum for that. #2 - The idle timer needs to be fixed. If a player does not engage in combat with an enemy within 5 minutes they should be teleported to obsidian sanctum. This means: - Attacked and damaged a player / NPC or wall from the other team. - Fired a siege weapon that has hit a player / NPC or wall from the other team. - Have not actively repaired a wall or built a siege structure. - Ensuring that they actually hit an enemy from the other team stops botters who setup a program to make them just push a skill over and over again to stop the idle count and try to troll our team. #3 - This idle timer can be active all the time, however if ANET thinks it is too restrictive then just make it active when the map is full. Similar to where we get a buff that says "outnumbered". Make a buff that says "Map Full - Idle Timer Engaged". Then it kicks out all idle players according to the rules that I setup above. It's difficult to balance the game with wanting to have more new players and also have a competitive environment. Quite frankly, ANET can just setup a welcome email to new players the first time they join WvW to explain this is a competitive environment and how the idle timer works. Cheers
  10. Everyone thumbs up this because I know all of you have this problem. ANET - FOR THE THE LOVE OF GOD AND ALL THAT IS GOOD. LMAO. Make these #@%$^$#^$%^ obsidian shards sellable on the market. We get them EVERYWHERE. I get like 4-10 of them every time I play and they're a complete pain in the kitten to store. I'm NOT making legendaries, the process is waaaayyy too long and boring. I don't like crafting. Every time I'm about to delete them it gives me this warning message about how valuable they are.... so we're like... well #$%# maybe I shouldn't delete them. Clearly there are players who ENJOY crafting. Let us sell these items to those players, THEN THEY can make the legendaries. Then since - crafting people - like to make legendaries, they will then sell them on the market and WE WILL BUY THEM with the gold we get from selling obsidians. See then everyone is happy. And GIVE US A HEADS UP ON THIS. Watch everyone is going to delete like 5000 obsidian shards and then the next month ANET makes them sellable and everyone rages for years about it since they lost 20,000 gold.
  11. We need a way to enhance player retention for WvW. I feel like the majority reason why people stop playing WvW is because when their server is outnumbered it's so frustrating to try to defend that everybody just quits because it's not fun at all. How about we add a buff balancer for a team that is "outnumbered" on a map. Something like the Lord of the Core Keep of the team that is outnumbered now gets "Righteous Indignation" until they are no longer outnumbered. Yes that would make the Core Keep uncapturable until that team is no longer outnumbered, which I have no problem with. I would be fine with them making the walls invincible of the core keep when "outnumbered" but that would probably be technically much more difficult then just using the "Righteous Indignation" buff. I would say it lasts for 5 minutes after the "outnumbered" goes away. This puts less stress on those players who play during off peak times and are simply trying to defend, maintain and play some even though they are basically solo or only have a few members on. Sure there are some teams who may utilize this tactically by avoiding a certain map if a big blob is on the map, but if they purposely leave that map, then that blob has full reign and can paper everything else. As I've said in other posts, I have no problem with making the Core Keep much more difficult to capture or even uncapturable. Thanks, friendly thoughtful replies only.
  12. he probably just wants attention. if you ignore him he'll keep posting but it'll be like he's not there. 🤣
  13. 🤣 haha omg that was funny Archon Wing. Not sure if you were serious or trying to be funny. Guys you need to change servers. If you are active in WvW, come to Fort Aspenwood. There is a good community there. Of course there are some spammers and annoying people in team chat, but that's why God Blesses the block button! And thank GOD A.net gave us INFINITE blocks, unlike other games where you max out at like 50. I have like half the world blocked and life is good. The biggest problem I have seen there is that we have some spies / saboteurs from mags or BG we believe. As if mags and BG don't already have a large enough advantage they have to cheat also by pulling tactivators before they attack with spies. And they spy which is also lame. Hopefully alliances will fix some of this stuff. Good luck guys - hope you join a good server or alliance when/if that ever happens.
  14. I'm not sure what server you're on but we regularly have huge battles with maxed out all 3 zergs fighting for SMC in the Lord room. Mags vs. BG vs. Anyone else. The game runs fine if you have good internet. It's mostly the FPS but I just set it to 30 FPS and I have a good graphics card so it works fine. Definitely not a problem with a good computer and good internet.
  15. I think he's referring to giving small teams more defensive power so they can hold out longer for reinforcements. Currently the big servers just wreck the small servers too easily and quickly. 50-man squad CAN EASILY crack a T3 in under 5 minutes if they know what they are doing and there are only 5 defenders. Now obviously if 20-50 defenders jump in and help out then NO, a 50-man squad can't crack that easily, nor should they. An alternative to stronger siege power if you just want to give towers and keeps more holdout time for reinforcements would be simply increasing the strength of the walls. I would be happy if they increased the wall health by 2x-3x. This would simply give commanders and squads more time to show up and defend. I bet morvious.3194 simply plays on off peak hours. I understand off peak hours for your server is not fun generally. If every time you log on and your team is the underdog because you're outnumbered and playing defense. It's incredibly frustrating and most players just quit because of this. We need more player retention so I'm all for increasing wall defenses health 2x - 3x.
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