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Everything posted by Fuhma.6840

  1. We have deposit all Material from bags which is nice. Can we get another option that opens all loot bags as well? So instead of right click on a stack and use, just have a button that does that like deposit all Materials. Just saw the QoL post...Can I move this post over there? Thanks
  2. What is the point of this spec? One of the biggest issues with Elementalist, is they have no direction on their specs. Tempest is support, yet their Aura's fall short for end game and they can't give Alac or Quickness. Those two boons alone make or break a support spec, Might and Fury are good but other classes had that out along with other boons like its nothing. Weaver is DPS, that's if you can handle a crazy amount of button rotations, keep certain traits up for added damage output, mobs don't move out of your AOE fields, and ofc surviving one hit or ambient room AOE. Catalyst is what? A weaver rotation support build? With that said here are some idea's on how to fix some of this. At least some Idea's that I have: Hammer is too slow of an attack speed. If the point of this spec is to get the Sphere out on the field why does it take so long to build the charge and then have it disappear so fast. I would say this could be fixed with reducing the cool down, but unless you are running hammer and keeping orbs up. You will only have the Sphere out ever so often as no other weapon can build Energy fast enough. Maybe try the Revenant Energy system on it? Being able to allow it fully charge or call it at half energy would be cool. Give the players the power. Sphere should give quickness with a trait. I like the idea of themes, but this spec is dead in the water with having to decide on starting in one attunement(air) and not being able to go fire for Might stacks or earth for Protection. There are better classes and specs that give quickness at no lose to other aspects to their roles. The Extra Catalyst skills are selfish. This once again goes into the theme of what this class is is it DPS is it support? Why doesn't the Sphere follow? Scrappers have Gyro's there is no reason why this should either. Make the skills on the hammer fill more impactful. This game has so much going on the screen that even on a target dummy alone, I can tell if my skills have made their mark or not. That's all I have for now on Catalyst. I would like to add that Elementalist, is one of the few classes that seem to be stuck in 2012. Earth and Arcane trait lines are dated. They don't fit any where outside of my PvP and Open world at the lost of DPS and support. Please look at Elementalist, and go from there. P.S. If you wanna get more Meme's about the state of Elementalist. Even the forums don't recognize their name as a word. https://imgur.com/a/VPndtE6
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