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Posts posted by RedShark.9548

  1. @"SASHI.7260" said:I like your outlook OP. This is also how I play now. Dun care if I die a lot now in sPvP (actually, I turned off chat at all). I just go with the flow on what I want to do and how I wanna do it. Of course when it comes to group content on PvE with my friends, I try to be better than yesterday so I can yell a lot in our discord with the phrase, "BOOM DECAP! BOOM DECAP!" everytime i press F1 on Berserker Mode :)

    So pve is group content, but a 5v5 pvp match apparently isnt. Kinda sad, to say the least

  2. @"bethekey.8314" said:This has been a long time coming. Rush has ridiculous range beyond its stated 1200 value. Based on my crude tests in the video, I'd say it's more like 1500+ range.

    In my opinion, this error gives warriors free mobility on top of their already very mobile kit and makes it difficult to know when a dodge is necessary. I recorded two clips recently that exemplify this issue. Enjoy!

    You clearly never played warrior against actual players. Calling warrior very mobile in this day and age of gw2, lol.

  3. @Lily.1935 said:PvE is mine and many other's preferred game mode. And from that perspective it often seems that PvE is largely ignored when it comes to balance which I feel is a mistake. A lot of classes under preform and the dominant builds tend to stay dominant for years. This creates a rather stale format. Although some like the consistency of it never or rarely changing, I don't hold that position at all.

    Tackling new content with the same exact build I've been using for 4 years leads to long periods of fatigue with the game and short bursts of interest.

    You could tell me to do PvP or WvW more. But those formats are extremely stressful for me. I don't like killing other players, I get no enjoyment from being killed by them myself. I prefer spectating those. And my involvement with spectating is directly linked to my enjoyment of PvE.

    So this post is more personal feels on the issue. From my perspective, PvE is the most important part of the game. And new content is soured for me when the gameplay has stagnated for me. I enjoy a PvE experience that is evolving. And without new skills being added, balance is where I turn to to find my thrills with experimentation and adapting.

    Are you trying to say that wvw/pvp are balanced?Every single gamemode needs better balancing. Anet is neglecting balance issues since forever in gw2.

  4. @Arheundel.6451 said:

    @"Megametzler.5729" said:In my experience, build diversity went up quite a lot. Sure, there are still many guards and necros, but there were just as many before the patch. Now there are more variations on warriors, tempests are coming back, even seen more mesmers (though not yet statistically relevant).

    Put an ICD on Eternal Armory and guard is fine. Maaaybe change Rune of the Trapper. But I am having fun blasting them out of existance from range, they are horribly slow and once out of stealth can't really surprise you with anything. Only watch out for F1, that's about it.

    So basically kill of the last bit of dmg/build guards have? Theyve been over neef in everytbing else.

    So instead of trying to delete a class how about suguest buff on other parts before you call for nerfs

    see how things works? players start to cry about the dh, they nerf the dh into the ground, deleting one more viable class instead of buffing others!so, why devs nerf things instead of buffing? isnt that crazy? i watched few weeks ago some patch notes of different games, guess what: 96% OF THE PATCH NOTES WAS ABOUT CLASSES/HEROES GETTING BUFFED, 4% OF SMALL NERFS!I think the build diversity is lower than when the game started and you could see at a 5vs5 ranked game at least 6 different build, sorry but its the truth!

    Dude, you must be new to gw2.Buffing every class instead of nerfing 1 is what got us to what we got now. They used to just buff everything and the powercreep went out of controll, everybody just oneshotting each other. Thats the whole reason why they toned down everything and they sure as hell dont want to start the same thing over again.

    The OP is way right...and you are way wrong

    Is this the "healthy" game you're referring to? 4 Professions out of 9 being played in PvP?

    People really think that GW2 will last as long as WoW.......

    I was stating a literal fact of how they used to balance and what they are trying now. There is no right or wrong about that.I never said the game is in a healthy state.Thats the reason im not playing it anymore, and ive played since release.

    You totally missed my post.

  5. @dani.5680 said:

    @Megametzler.5729 said:In my experience, build diversity went up quite a lot. Sure, there are still many guards and necros, but there were just as many before the patch. Now there are more variations on warriors, tempests are coming back, even seen more mesmers (though not yet statistically relevant).

    Put an ICD on Eternal Armory and guard is fine. Maaaybe change Rune of the Trapper. But I am having fun blasting them out of existance from range, they are horribly slow and once out of stealth can't really surprise you with anything. Only watch out for F1, that's about it.

    So basically kill of the last bit of dmg/build guards have? Theyve been over neef in everytbing else.

    So instead of trying to delete a class how about suguest buff on other parts before you call for nerfs

    see how things works? players start to cry about the dh, they nerf the dh into the ground, deleting one more viable class instead of buffing others!so, why devs nerf things instead of buffing? isnt that crazy? i watched few weeks ago some patch notes of different games, guess what: 96% OF THE PATCH NOTES WAS ABOUT CLASSES/HEROES GETTING BUFFED, 4% OF SMALL NERFS!I think the build diversity is lower than when the game started and you could see at a 5vs5 ranked game at least 6 different build, sorry but its the truth!

    Dude, you must be new to gw2.Buffing every class instead of nerfing 1 is what got us to what we got now. They used to just buff everything and the powercreep went out of controll, everybody just oneshotting each other. Thats the whole reason why they toned down everything and they sure as hell dont want to start the same thing over again.

  6. Tripping on stairs and breaking my neck, resulting in instant death.

    Asura summoning golems to open gates in mere seconds.

    Summoning ice bow as ele and decimate a zerg.

    Taking 20k dmg from meteorshower with 3.5k armor.

    Taking 17 dmg from meteorshower in dmg reduction meta.

    Also, i miss blasting waterfields as primary healing source and flaming ppl who threw a lightfield into it.

  7. @"Edge.8724" said:After a long time playing Warrior and really trying to like it as a main class, I finally made the decision to delete it.Sorry guys!But to me, Warrior does really not feel like a "Warrior" in this game, and I always played Warrior in a lot of other game. GW1 Warrior was actually a lot more fun and it has the feel of beeing a Warrior.Not here it seems. Unless they change it, but knowing Anet's history with changes...

    Well, you came to late. Before all the nerfs, that warrior received over all those years, it actually felt like a warrior class.

  8. @Hot Boy.7138 said:idk man, that triple arc divider hitting me for 7k each in a second in my combat log says otherwise. i'm not saying warrior is without issues, but it's def not the worst.

    Getting hit by more than 1 arc divider...Big oof, ppl like you are the reason warrior got nerfed so much that the class is no threat in higher level of play, because ppl know how to dodge.

    In low level you can stomp with any class.

  9. @Valik Shin.9027 said:Warrior isn't great right now but not horrible. It is however no longer a group fighter. Its really a roamer. The spellbreaker build on meta battle is what I would recommend to based off from. Your big stuns are useless anymore so having danger 3 and full counter are their replacements. You can't just tank damage you really have to move out of aoe and even LOS at times to keep yourself alive. You do however have a great match up against guardian and most boom heavy classes

    In what world has warrior ever been good against guardian, and hiw have recent changes favored warrior against guardian? I dont even rly play this game anymore, but still, please explain what advantage warrior has over guardian with its permablocks and blinds.

  10. @"Smoosh.2718" said:Tbh this trait should be reverted. It was a defensive trait that punished brainless play. When someone is blocking, you stop attacking.

    The old trait made the person blocking stronger when the other kept attacking, thus in turn allowed a counter attack. The current trait is almost aimless/lifeless.

    As a side note, when balance changes happen.. I really wish things werent half committed. Looking at the 300s traits as an example, change the traits completely (its not as if you dont have the time to change them), if might on block is a problem, change the boon... maybe make it into something fitting to defence... Say Retaliation? maybe even Protection on a block?

    The balance team cant change functionallity, they can only change numbers, so delete those passive traits they turned them up to 300s. Only the design team can change functionallity. They said it several times.

    Dont ask me why they dont work together, its a shame.

    The might on shield is only there to fuel might makes right, but since defense line was gutted in almost every way i wouldnt even use it in any gamemode.

    I lost all hope in the devs of anet, the "more frequent balance changes" they promised are a joke.

  11. For all the ppl who say it was made to cleave downs, ive seen ppl who got hit by full zerker 100b and still rezzed the gux in downstate without any problems. It honestly just tickles.

  12. I dont even want banners to be meta in wvw, they are way too passive and i see no world were banners, thematically, work in an active way... After all, banners are something ppl look at, nothing that you actively use for a fight, like wrapping and immobalizing your foe in it.

    Ps, giving warriors 3 or even 4 weapon sets in wvw/pvp would be bonkers, a balance nightmare and so much hate from all the other classes, with even more need for disciplines fast hands, because with 3 or 4 weapons you would absolutely need those 5s swaps... Pigeonholing at its best.

  13. A few weeks ago i got so bored that i actually started gw2 again, played 2 games of pvp and felt bad for my team, because having a warrior, while the other team doesnt just is like a 4v5 for them.I took a look at godsofpvp (which generally gives a good idea about what kinda build is good) and even they said that warrior is basically unplayable. I believe teapots tournament didnt see a single warrior?

    Alt+f4 after that and only came back to play through the living world thing in like 2 hours and log back out again... Oh and to take a look at 8th birthday gift (which was underwhelming to say the least)

  14. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    @"Dawdler.8521" said:I really dont undestand what all this fuss is about. Rank 500 or rank 2500, if you havent decided whether WvW is worth continue playing outside its laughable "rewards", I dont understand why you keep going.

    Because there was 0 reason for this change.

    It didn't affect availability of ascended gear via WvW given the Triumphant armor. It didn't affect availability of legendary gear via WvW, given the normal Triumphant armor already functioned as a precursor and is even easier to acquire then the Mistforged one. On top of all actually pitting both sets against each other for no reason.

    This literally does only 1 thing: devalue the higher set armor by reducing its rarity.

    Now we could argue about rarity and how and if it should be valued, but a simple fact is: rarity does matter, evident in the absurd amounts some spend on infusions and similar items.

    If this was about getting players into WvW, then a proper approach of ADDING intermediary goals and adding more WvW unique items would have been far better. Not reducing the time spent in gaining the rewards of the mode. This implementation just makes it seem as though who ever was in charge didn't even know there was already ascended gear with all the functionality of the Mistforged Triumphent set available, bar the unique visual appearance.

    well said, i totally agree, but why even question anets decisions anymore, ive lost all faith in them after they done nothing after their big balance patch, im just disappointed with how they are treating this once great game, so much wasted potential, its a pity

  15. @Kurowolfe.7124 said:Seems the new Frost Legion meta is gonna be structured like a kind of WvW map-wide battle against Jormag, with taking keeps and whatnot.I guess that is why the actual WvW scene got shafted to the side, they spent their expertise for yet another LW map :#

    Sighs of resentment aside, I suppose it is an interesting change for the hardcore PvE players to experience. But I swore off new LW stories because of a story spoiler in Lake Doric, then in Thunderhead Peaks, that really rubbed me the wrong way, and made me disappointed in the story devs involved.

    If anyone here is doing the meta when it releases, do share how it is though. If it's decent enough, I suppose I should follow what ANet is saying and abandon EBG for some PvE-style WvW xD

    Id love to fight on jormags side and smash some pve heads in :)

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