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  1. I wouldn't be too surprised if none of the members of Dragon's Watch make an appearance (except for maybe small cameos at the beginning or the end). My prediction is that the commander is somehow completely snatched into the Amnytas region and the conflict that's going on, without any aid from their established allies. Since Zojja seems to be returning (which I'm actually not particularly excited about, she's been absent for so long that I really don't have an attachment to her as a character anymore. Maybe that'll change during the upcoming story.), I'd like to see her interact with the former members of Destiny's Edge, talk about her feelings regarding Eir's death etc. And, although I don't see her returning with a very large role since we've spent so much time with her during the Elder Dragon saga, I'd like to see some interaction between Taimi and Zojja. IIRC, they've only ever interacted with each other off-screen, so it would be cool to see what their dynamic is like. As far as other characters go, I think I'd like to see Livia return. I feel like she fits the theme of the expansion pack (ancient magic, powerful mages, seers?) very well. If Amnytas is a sort of reflection of Tyria below, we could potentially see some characters from GW1 return as reflections of their past selves. I feel like Livia could be a great addition to the team, if we do meet any familiar faces.
  2. Ah, looks like I'm not the only one. Gaining Mirage Mirror using Crystal Sands seems to bug Mirage Cloak dodge for me.
  3. My Mirage beta character will revert back to using normal dodge roll, but I'm not sure about the exact cause. Gaining Mirage Mirror using Crystal Sands seems to bug Mirage Cloak dodge for me.
  4. I'm curious about an aspect of the Void that I haven't seen discussed elsewhere. The form of the Void that we see in EoD is this shadowy matter infused with bright colors (to represent the different Elder Dragons, I'd assume). We've seen a similar effect (albeit, without the bright colors) twice before in relation to the Dragons: in Mordremoth's mind and inside Kralkatorrik. In Hearts and Minds, when we first enter Mordremoth's mind, we see a shadowy version of the Mouth of Mordremoth slithering around. IIRC, the same shadowy being appears later as we're about to attack the avatar of Mordremoth's mind, and when we're about to kill Trahearne and with him the last vestige of the jungle Dragon. In Descent, we fight Kralkatorrik's Torment. At certain phases there is a storm that seems to stun Kralkatorrik's Torment and transforms it into a shadowy version of itself. Both of these shadowy beings are, in my opinion, quite similar to how the Void is portrayed in EoD. I've been wondering whether it's at all intentional or purely a coincidence. In both instances we're technically inside a Dragon where they're most vulnerable. Could the Void have revealed itself in these situations?
  5. Although I appreciate each of the talented cast members, I had to go with April Stewart. She has sort of become the embodiment of Guild Wars for me, as she's been with the franchise for so long (IIRC she had a small role as the narrator in Prophecies but started voicing the PC in Nightfall). It'd be extremely hard to imagine my main character being voiced by anyone else. I love the change in the tone of the PC's voice that's clearly audible in her performance throughout GW2, from a calm and sophisticated noble to a determined, war-torn badass who doesn't have time for anyone's nonsense. Especially since LW:S3 you've been able to hear a lot more of the different nuances of emotion in her delivery, which just make the PC feel a lot more like a real character that's part of the story.
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