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Everything posted by Kenogu.3640

  1. Explanation of the Issue When using action camera, target an enemy that can normally be targeted by an essence skill. (e.g. the Drakkar stun phase). The essence skill special action will pop up for use, but will fail when activated with the broadcast + chat log message: Invalid target. Attack a foe imbued with the essence weak to this ability. This seems to happen either/or when tab-targeting or right-click targeting in action camera, but I haven't been able to confirm what the precise sub-conditions are to trigger the effect. Sometimes untargeting and retargeting works, but often not.
  2. Simply being able to make account-bound clones of account-bound legendaries would solve most - if not all - of the proposed problems, and would probably make slot management more sane in equipment templates; plus, it would be less strain on the internal representation of these weapons in-game, since it's still 'just items' as far as the engine is concerned.
  3. Re-opening this letter, because it's only becoming more applicable with the repeated outages we've been seeing. Better communication is essential, as EU players are widely stating they have little trust remaining. You are in danger of losing vast swathes of players, and you need a better strategy than the one you've been using.
  4. EU and NA are not disconnected - I want our EU compatriots to be able to continue playing alongside us, as well. And I have a few friends who play in EU, some of whom have been reporting on the latency and login issues for some time.
  5. ArenaNet developers and PR staff, I've been with the game since 2012, so I know it's not your general policy to expose much information about what causes issues and what mitigation plans and timelines you have to fix things. And for these eight years, you haven't really needed them! Your track record is extraordinary compared to your peers in terms of keeping a system live and stable. But we've got a problem now that threatens to erode all the trust you've built up from years of excellence. For many EU players, there's been months of brutal, seconds-long latency; and now, a major rollback and its daily aftershocks of login server errors and crashes. While the rollback may have been well-resolved, the aftershocks make players worry that a fault-line has been formed, one which will continue to make the game unplayable. When players are uncertain about a game's future - or at least, their ability to continue playing it - they will leave. If another rollback occurs due to the underlying issues at stake, they will certainly leave. There's too many echoes from dealing with rollbacks in other MMOs for players to stick around and be subjected to the risk of repeated rollbacks. There's also a limit to patience in dealing with login server errors constantly, getting in the way of every little thing. When other companies encounter issues of this scale, they do one vital thing: they communicate. They become more transparent about some of their internals. Why do that? It shows you are working towards or have already created a diagnosis for the problem. Players can follow your reasoning and see why the problem is difficult, and sympathize somewhat with the scale of the problem. It can even help players understand which factors were and were not out of your control, and most issues are a factor of both architectural accidents and bad luck. It shows what your actions have been. Players can see what steps you've taken, that you've been acting so far to tackle the issue with excellence. It allows them to root for you instead of dwelling only on the issue. It shows them what long-term plans you have to mitigate the issue from arising in the future. This component is critical when the issue is a recurring one: it shows that you have taken steps to change your system in such a way that a whole category of failures is significantly less likely to recur. This request is not aimed towards harassing or demanding information, but rather to lay out a case for you to do so in this situation. Players that may have dismissed a one-time hiccup are becoming rapidly more frustrated by what seems to be a daily chronic issue, and your time to respond before many of them begin a mass exodus is running short. I also genuinely hope that player tempers running high doesn't lead to further harassment for you all. That is not something I desire for any dev, least of all you lot. I hope this request is a helpful one for you. Best Regards, Firiann Fellshard (US, Tarnished Coast, Software Developer)
  6. I'm noticing some odd behaviour in Guild Upgrades. Pinging this endpoint repeatedly, I get two different-sized payloads each time. Might be some sort of sharding issue? https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/guild/upgrades?ids=129,130,156,167,176,180,182,204,290,303,308,322,354,366,368,381,415,424,428,440,443,444,451,486,504,520,524,605,610,622,638,756,765,782 EDIT: It's not just the upgrades listing. I'm noticing similar issues in the treasury: I'm noticing the list of 'needed_by' upgrades for items in the treasury alternately growing and shrinking, sometimes dropping upgrades we know we have unlocked. There's definitely something weird going on with at least a segment of the API.
  7. One point I'm not sure that's been touched on (a quick use of the search bar gave nothing): How does this interact with gifting? When I give a gift to a friend, usually it's with a personal touch - an outfit that suits their tastes or fits their character, or that makes for a great in-joke (like the fluffy cat hat!)This ability to tailor a gift to a friend is muted entirely with these tickets. I can't pick something fitting; I can only throw a ticket their way and hope it lands on a lucky number. This, of course, in addition to the concerns already stated. I would gladly pay more than 400 gems per skin, and for several more skins, if I had certainty as to what I was receiving. Please select an honest business model - the loyalty of your players and your own ethical reputation depend on it.
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