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Everything posted by Daddicus.6128

  1. If you know how to get there, please enlighten me. I want to turn it off; it gets turned on occasionally by random mouse movements/clicks.
  2. It's not a cooldown. Always, in the past, when I looted a sunken chest, it was still available as an interactive object. Starting today, they're not. They're just decorations now, as far as I can tell. It has to be a bug, but other people CAN harvest them, so it's also an exploit of sorts.
  3. I update the wiki simply because it's the right thing to do. I use other people's collected knowledge, so I feel like I should return the favor. Now, don't get me wrong: my edits are paltry compared to some writers. But, I try to do my share whenever I see something that needs work.
  4. If there's an individual folder for each session, then one thread per question is probably going to work out well. People can easily see the question in the title and whether ANet has responded or not. However, it seems likely to me that some questions could use clarification and/or brainstorming, so "debate" is sometimes important, too. Agree on both counts. However, the determination of whether there will be a second one will be fixed in stone by whether the first one works. I can see a lot of ways this idea could go south. On the other hand, it has a LOT of potential to help them out. Personally, if they do it, I would like to see brainstorming even about the thread of ideas before the first session. I put all of the things I could think of in that post, but with thousands of other posters, I suspect I've just started picking away at the Arctic Sea with an icepick.
  5. Thanks for this, Gaile! An idea for you: Create a thread for ideas (only) for this AFC . Encourage people to not debate within that thread. If there needs to be a debate, create a new one and link to it. For ideas that people would like to talk about, we can sort of vote on them. Give them a "thumbs up" if a member thinks it would be a good thing to discuss. If any of us REALLY thinks it should be included, give it a "helpful" instead. That way, you (Gaile) can put forth an agenda to your folks so they are not blind-sided. ???
  6. Alternately, allow other characters on the account to handle (but not use) the soulbound items. Specifically for purposes of upgrading them, but I can think of other things where it would be nice, too. (Like, mystic forging things that can't be sold or salvaged. Every one of my characters has some garbage collected long ago, but not enough of the same rarity to forge them.:p)
  7. It's expensive, but not ridiculously so. Compare to upgrading from 18-slot bags to 20s. Ignoring the materials and the fact that the 18 is now useless, it cost 4g per slot to "upgrade". Compared to the jump from 15s to 18s (about 2/3 of a gold per slot), that was a tripling of the per-slot price. If the 4g per slot for 18-->20 were tripled again, a 24-slot bag should cost 48g, which isn't too far off from the actual price. I think the price is about right. However, one must carefully evaluate that against the price of buying bag slots vs. extra pack slots per bag; your analysis of this is pretty good. It's probably unwise to buy a 32/28/24 before you have your bag slots maxed.
  8. TL;DR most I suspect the reason is practical. If you're going to spend the funds necessary to buy a 24-slot bag, you're already over half way to a 28, and the 28 will be way over halfway to a 32. What I did was build a 24 and use it for a while. Then, when I had saved up the stuff, I converted it to a 28. Finally, I upgraded to a 32. My guess is that they don't think anybody is going to drain money into a 24-slotter without eventually finishing the process. But soulbound? I don't know why they chose that and not account bound. Probably there's a technical reason they didn't make the 24s and 28s account bound. Because it doesn't make a lot of sense to do what they did.
  9. Now, no fighting, children, or I'll have to send you to bed without supper. :)
  10. I played Pong on the deluxe cocktail table version in a hotel lounge till my eyes went square during one particularly rainy holiday when I was young. There was little else to do, Space Invaders hadn't come out yet. Oy! I REMEMBER those! I had forgotten all about them until your post. Yeah, I played one they had on campus, I think. It was always crashing, but it was almost the size of a ping-pong table. (Well, to my memory, anyhow!) Thanks for the memory boost!
  11. That could be. I've always lived in the upper Midwest, so it definitely could be localized.
  12. By the way, I remember when the Atari 2600 wasn't called the 2600. I think it was Atari Game Console or something like that. We just called it Atari. A friend of mine had one. We all thought his family must be rich.
  13. Actually, it was just for completeness. I didn't want anybody to feel left out. (And, since there is someone in that range, I am glad I did!) But, you bring up a good point, and that (the creepy thing) is one reason why Gaile had me start a new poll/thread.
  14. Well, younger gamers are all thumbs when they have to move with WASD or arrow keys. “all thumbs” is that a UK phrase/idiom? I am American but heard Hyacinth Bucket say it in one of the Keeping up Appearances episode. My parents love that show. It used to be on Netflix Nah, I think it's most English-speaking countries. I'm in the USA, and I've used it as long as I can remember. Means "clumsy", I think. (If not, I've been using it wrong for ... well, let's not get into THAT again!)
  15. I understand, but really, she is correct. If we choose to openly state our age (as I have many times), that's OK. But, for the forum to let our age be known by a "back door" (if you will), isn't good for them or for us. I've worked security for longer than it's been a buzzword (32 years on the right side of the law, and maybe a couple ... more ... before that?) An ex-girlfriend of mine was killed by an ex-lover because of ... an open file folder on a clerk's desk. I've modified the details of that for her family's privacy, but the story is true. A little bit of information can go a long way in a bad guy's hands. Anyhow, I should have known better. No, Gaile was absolutely correct.
  16. Another thread (the-perils-of-being-an-older-gamer-silliness-alert) brought up the issue of age, and it got me curious as to how old we are as a community. This is a re-do of my earlier question. I should have realized that age is a personal issue, and thus should not be disclosed inadvertently (i.e. by responding to a non-anonymous poll). Gaile quite correctly closed that thread. But, she also gave permission to do it again, but anonymously.
  17. Yeah, you can go back to the guild hall from an instance by using the guild panel. I did that many times while testing out the permutations. I also did other instances where they made sense (home instance and WvW). They seem to mostly work seamlessly with the Mistlock Sanctuary. But, on occasion, you can't get back to the map you originally left.
  18. Actually, earlier in this thread I mention that I tried numerous permutations of back-and-forth between the same places (instances, WvW, Guild Hall, etc.) Generally, it works properly. Even after logging out and shutting down the game. Even after a reboot. But, rarely (it seems), you can get left in limbo. It has happened twice to me so far (about 2 weeks apart, from my first post Nov 30 to yesterday). So, I think it's a bug, but it will be devilishly hard for the devs to hunt it down. (Intermittent bugs are always the worst to chase.) I reported it in-game both times, but I suspect those will get written off as one-time glitches unless more data is brought forward. The fact that it DOES work most of the time implies that it SHOULD work, so it truly is a bug. But, how on earth do we document it so ANet has a snowball's chance in that fiery place to figuring it out?
  19. Well, I spoke too soon. It just happened to me again yesterday. Character was in the MS for several days both times. I think there is an end-case that's preventing return after some period of time away (specifically, going to and from the guild hall, home instance, and the Mists from the MS.)
  20. Yeah, I've done various permutations of the above several times since this post, and all worked fine. So, I suspect a one-time (or uncommon) glitch. Not worth worrying about any more.
  21. OK, I tried a bunch of ways, even going to MS from the guild hall. All worked fine. So, I'll chalk it off to a one-time glitch. Thanks!
  22. OK, I am able to go to Hoelbrak. So, I reported it, and I'll write a warning on the wiki. Thanks!
  23. I only tried the one, because it's so hard to get to normally. I've had this character there for months. But, if you're not having trouble, my bet is that it's because I logged out while in the MS. Thanks!
  24. I'm trying to use the portal to Tyria at the center of the Mistlock Sanctuary (MS). However, it says "you do not have access to this map". Is this a known bug? Or, a one-off? I did log out from inside the MS. Maybe that broke something?
  25. Yup, I like all those ideas, too. I thought I would keep it simple, but I'm perfectly happy to entertain other options, too.
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