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  1. There's no such thing as a web API for character locations. Simple answer: the API has caching, and it'll update too slow for it to be viable. The only thing that has real time location updates, is the Mumble Link API. For that, you'll need to create a client sided application since it's local. An NPC endpoint would be too much work for little gain I imagine. There's so many NPCs in the game, and not all of them are standing in one place either. So there's probably a lot of data that's dynamic or done with scripts. Then again, I'm just a community member; I don't know how difficult it would actually be.
  2. This is gonna be difficult. The context field inside the Mumble Link API can only contain 256 characters.
  3. This new system looks like something WvW really needs and I fully support it. The idea looks well designed right now, and I can only imagine there are just a few tweaks to be done before it can be developed. If the matchmaking is designed well, it would mean that the population will be spread out way better than it is right now. This system also disallows stacking with very large communities/guilds with the alliance cap. This is a huge deal. Yes, it might mean that your current world community will be torn apart. But on the other hand: It now means that you can be immensely competitive against players you know well. And I can only imagine that WvW guilds looking for fights will get more diverse fights overall as well, instead of only fighting the same groups over and over again in the current stale match-ups. Being competitive is what WvW is all about.It's refreshing to see new players every time. You'll meet so many new people and make new guilds or even alliances for that matter. It makes WvW less stale and more interactive.Not many players like fighting against stacked worlds. It can really demotivate a world, guild, or individual players from keeping playing.It can promote roaming, because the generated worlds are made out of a group of random people, guilds and/or alliances. Upon a new world generation, people either need to communicate well with their world-mates, or they can just do whatever they want themselves on their own. This turns into more, but smaller groups in general. Right now, it doesn't happen that much because the pool of worlds to be linked is scarce and world links are generally the same anyway. Of course, how this plays out in practice is to be seen.New players aren't bound by their world they initially choose. They don't have to pay gems in order to transfer. Instead, they'll get matched with their friends immediately without them having to do look into what worlds actually are. And if they don't have any friends, they'll get matched in a random world like they are already now, except in this case, that world is probably way more active than the world they can pick right now. Because with the current system, the most active worlds are full, which won't be the case with the new system as it will spread out the population. This results into more potential players that are looking to see if WvW is something they'll enjoy.Veteran players that can't join the world their guild is in, benefit from this system as well. With the current linking system, they have to keep transferring which is a hassle and costs gems. With the new system, they'll just have to set their WvW guild and they're guaranteed to be in the same world next time the worlds get restructured.I'm afraid that, once again, the WvW community can't reach a consensus. I hope that this system will be implemented in order to revitalize WvW. Because as mentioned before, world linking is the only other alternative they are willing to have implemented in WvW. And in my opinion, world linking hasn't done much in regards of population balance, because of world stacking. This system will mean that I might invest some time in WvW again. Right now I've left WvW alone for months.
  4. From today's patch notes: Why are only the 32-slot bags updated to make them account bound? Why are the 24- and 28-slot bags left alone, and are still soulbound on use?This is incredibly inconsistent with all the other 20-slot special bags: which are mostly all account bound. Even the crafted ones are actually still tradable after using. It makes it very difficult and annoying to use the 24- and 28-slot bags as temporary bags before you can finally afford it to upgrade to 32-slot bags. The reason: You basically don't want to use them on a character that doesn't have the crafting profession to upgrade them further. If you do use them, you are stuck with that bag forever on a character that can't upgrade them further because you can't use soulbound items of other characters stored in the bank. Please consider removing the soulbind on use flag on the 24- and 28-slot bags. It just doesn't make any sense to restrict those items when all 20-slot or lower bags are account bound or still tradable after use. For a game that's supposed to be very alt-friendly, this goes against one of the core features of GW2. And as long as they will have this flag, I won't even consider making them.
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