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Everything posted by Nihevil.8024

  1. There has been many promotions over the life span of the game with items you can't get after it ends
  2. Why would it be unfair? The people that have those finishers, earned it by playing the seasons. There are a lot of items that are unobtainable for a majority of the player base due to not getting them at the time or being a promotional item. Right now there's literally a special emote and toy for buying a $33 promotional coffee bundle that's not obtainable any other way.
  3. Who says we will or they have even considered it?
  4. Hello fellow gamers and Arena Net employees, hope all is well. I understand it has been talked about in the past, but I wanted to bring it up again to hopefully put a worm in Arena Nets ear. It has been a very long time since WvW Seasons, could you please make the season finishers permanent for us? In my opinion they are the coolest finishers in the game and I would love to be able use it all the time without eventually losing it due to only having 250 charges. Thanks for your time and hopefully consideration.
  5. Unfortunately you're right, Arena net is as bad as blizzard when it comes to communication.
  6. We had this feature since launch, why remove it now? Why are you so worried about the security of the commands now? Also just days after saying multiboxing is ok. It's quite suspicious. People are going to start using the same passwords for their alt accounts. All these terrible decisions that keep being made is going to make your company as disliked as blizzard. lol
  7. How wouldn't they know the risks? I mean they're probably using launchbuddy or another program to stores account info to easily go into different accounts or multibox. It's just aggravating that it was disabled. Due to this change I'm going to be storing several accounts information just in a notepad on my desktop, which is even more insecure. I'm not going to typing out every password and email just to gain access to alts. lol
  8. ya blew it. I thought I could actually recommend your game again with the release of the new expansion.
  9. One copper, ore or currency, doesn't matter. Also The Hunter, but that's not as important. NA
  10. I just use them as mules to put all the crap I get from achievements and living story stuff
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