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Everything posted by poochz.4507

  1. Simple request.. Underwater mounts! Shark, whale, fish, I don't care...anything to be used under water....
  2. NECRO: Minions... please fix the fact that everywhere I go, it seems, I have to recast them. Leaving the water, changing maps etc...my quality of life will be much better. Minions shouldn't disappear as much as they do. Also, my minions run after enemies that I don't want while I'm waiting to mount. I can't mount with minions getting 'stuck' in a battle with a wolf in the woods. I can see not mounting while I'm in combat, but there is no control over minions actions when I don't want to attack. How about 'guard mode' so they don't attack as soon as I create them?
  3. The regular price of outfits is 700 gems, but it's always saying 'On Sale 700 Gems" on sale at regular price? Really? How about better discounts than the normal price...
  4. Same for me. Bugged. I have 2 keys, and 5 of the 10 are not openable. They appear already opened, but I haven't opened them in 2 days. Simply not resetting....
  5. Jeffrey,If you're still watching: Instead of trying to reproduce or find the issue, why don't you just make the issue a non-issue by adding checkpoints? No reproducing, no fixing, just making it so that we can actually get through a story line. I have 10 characters, level 254, and have never finished the game storyline because of disconnects ONLY on the storyline. Trying to find why 100 people have flat tires is a 'nice to know' thing, but building a better tire would just solve it in the meantime. I love the game, but the storyline? Ain't happening. The sad part is, I need some items I can only get from the storyline. Did I mention checkpoints??????????? As mentioned 100 times by others already?
  6. I love how people are optimistic about this bug getting fixed, but it's been reported for years. I can't complete any storyline since HOT that last more than 10 minutes (Which is to say ALL endings). I just played 'A Bug in the System', and what a surprise, same thing. Just another DC Story I'll never finish.Bottom line? Developers don't care, never been addressed, and they've never even acknowledged any bugs reported. Sad but true, no response..no empathy. They probably have a filter on bug reports: If subject = "Disconnects" then ignore.
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