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Everything posted by dly.2485

  1. It would not be that difficult if it was an instance and a well organized group like in a raid. but this is open world content and organizing people who are casual, might not be doing the meta but doing story/map completion and some do not even speak English to understand what the Comm is asking of them, and that the final encounter is semi luck based due to RNG.
  2. I have done the meta about 20 times now (no exaggeration), I done it 4 times yesterday with varying levels of success, NO completion though, 2 of the groups were very well organized and we had 4 comms. still only got to 3% because she started flying from side to side and no-one could target her for the last 1 minute.
  3. Exactly, I actually really like Long content, like the Drizzlewood Full Map Meta. That can take ~2 hours sometimes, But its fun and I know that I will get good rewards at least in materials and the 2 chest runs after each respective section. the rewards generally in EoD seem very low.
  4. This is a good point. I am not a raider, It's not really my idea of fun, even some high level fractals I do not bother doing due to the fact most groups want certain builds, I play the build I find the most fun, its no meta build. I know many friends who also do the same and even use healing / toughness gear just to get them through the game. Raiders do not want to play with casuals and most casuals do not want to raid.
  5. I might tag up with the description "Trolling, 10g to leave the map" and see how many people pay me
  6. I do not like Braham's character much, whiney, reminds me of Lisa Simpson. But... The Icebrood Saga was a pretty good LW Story and I loved some of the content and maps. Being a GW1 player since day one, I have always liked the Charr and I also loved EotN when that was released. So I loved the new maps. Bjora Marches and Drizzlewood in particular. The Drizzlewood map meta was pretty good, especially with the extended map. I still go back and play them now. pretty fun when you just want to chill in a group, get some good rewards and spam your bow.
  7. I do not mind the pre-meta as long as the success rate was a little higher and you earned good rewards DURING the pre-meta. I get the 10% bonuses but if you actually could make 25/30g and a higher chance at some exotic items/spirit shards etc it would be worth it, but I have done the meta 3 times today and 2 times most other nights this week and not won yet, have got to 2% and a few times under 10% and its now feeling like a massive waste of time to try again, 2 hours with no real rewards, I might as well just do the other meta's which reward more. I think once people have done this once they will rarely go back. shame.
  8. Completely agree with this. I have commanded a few meta's on DE and would count myself as an above average player, I find the game very easy for the most part. Gatekeeping the Turtle mount which is one of the biggest appeals to this expansion behind this ridiculous hard public meta is a joke. It is encouraging elitism in a game where the majority are casual players. I myself only play about 6 - 8 hour a week due to work and family commitments (which most of the GW1 fanbase will be of working age now) . I have yet to find a group who is able to complete this meta even when I am organizing the groups. I do not want to discriminate on what builds I allow into my squad. Even the new changes have not really changed much, we came closer but still has 12%. I already feel like its ridiculous that I have so far wasted about 16 or so hours on this meta and I am getting to the point of thinking should I even bother. I cant imagine what the average casual player without much experience or new players feel like.
  9. Hi All, IGN: Jora BeartoothID: carrolltech.9215 As the title said I need to complete the below jumping puzzles for Skyscale, I have put so much into this chain to get skysale, but I just jumping puzzles so much. So I would like someone to complete them so I can teleport tp a a froemd (up in this case when you are at the top). I will pay 15g for each for each jumping puzzle. Eastern Complex, Sandswept Isles - [&BDQLAAA=] Note: Easier to approach from the north on the top levels of the Inquest labs.Buried Archives, Cursed Shore - [&BAsDAAA=] Note: Mounts cannot skip this JP. Portals are fine.Spelunker's Delve, Caledon Forest - [&BP4FAAA=] Note: You can Springer + Bond of Faith to skip this JP. Portals are fine.Goemm's Lab, Metrica Province - [&BLIEAAA=] Note: You can skip this JP with mounts following this guide. You don't need all the attunements to get the Skyscale here.Fawcett's Bounty, Harathi Hinterlands - [&BLIAAAA=] Note: You can Springer +/- Bond of Faith to skip this JP. Portals are fine.Shattered Ice Ruins, Frostgorge Sound - [&BH4CAAA=] Note: About halfway through, really simple to get to.Rebel's Seclusion, Fireheart Rise - [&BBoCAAA=] Note: Simply Springer up past the tents and up the cliffs.Griffonrook Run, Lornar's Pass - [&BOgAAAA=] Note: After the first Splendind Chest, on the way to the Dwarven Sack. Portals from the Skyscale can reach the waypoint.Coddler's Cove, Timberline Falls - [&BEYCAAA=] Note: Mounts cannot skip this JP. Portals are fine.Highjump Ranch, Desert Highlands - [&BJ0KAAA=]City Above the Flats - Jackal Sand Portal Entrance, on the same floating building as the mastery point. Note: This waypoint might show up before the Highjump Ranch for you.Maculate Fringe, Crystal Oasis - [&BCYKAAA=] Note: Take the Jackal portal at the top of the small JP.Glint's Legacy, Crystal Oasis - [&BEUKAAA=]Sanctum of Nabkha, Crystal Oasis - [&BPgJAAA=] Note: Run the Jackal Sand Portal route (you can skip via Springer for the most part). Or if you have a Griffon, fly in from Maculate Fringe. // Short video guide on how to skip through the puzzle with a Springer and Jackal: YouTubeSkimshallow Cove, Elon Riverlands - [&BGMKAAA=]
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