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Posts posted by montecristo.1324

  1. Hello, 


    I'm a returning player, and I loved to watch the MAT on twitch when broadcasted by some streamer, I was wondering for both NA and EU who won the MAT and which were the comp played!

    Thanks in advance for the info 🙂 hopefully we will meet again soon in the hearth of the mists

  2. I think the changes to cantrips for ele are good but I'm afraid that they will serve too well cata.

    The problem with cata is the easy access to stab + stats + auras. That's why FA is working well on this spec and not on core or weaver (that should have more DPS)

    Also dragon tooth targeting and water trident damage are the problem on sceptre in my opinion .


    Side note when HoT was in beta rebound was giving some kid or alac and it was removed because on ele it was too strong, I think the cata ulti has the same problem, on a class with 20 baseline skills having the chance to reset 5 of them is a bot overturned, maybe change is to reduce of x seconds the cooldown?

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    • Confused 1
  3. 1/10


    I stopped playing the game because my friends and me were interested in other stuff after Cantha (which btw we loved and it was a 10/10), and we felt like anet was slowly going back to old bad habits...

    This patch was something I was looking for to try to convince my friend they were wrong but it seems awful!

    No big changes, just some number tweaking and also the "major" changes to war and ranger are not so interesting/game changing....

    Last but not least I really don't like the game design approach to give everyone the same buffs and condi, I understand why they want to do this, but I feel like classes will lose their uniqueness, but it's just a personal opinion ^^

    I'm sad that I waited long for this and anet missed the opportunity to do something big

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  4. Hello,

    I wanted to know how you guys fight harbringers because I find really hard to play vs them.

    Both the condi and the power version seems really solid (with this new carapace build) and have a lot of dmg and controls, I really struggle to find a weak point.

    I'm not saying it's OP, I'm asking some advice ^^



    • Thanks 1
  5. On 4/6/2022 at 4:14 AM, Ovark.2514 said:

    It might be useful in this one niche scenario, but every single time I've been targeted it's because my teammate was blaming his allies for something or another. Having the target over my head is really annoying and the only way to get it off is to target something/someone else. There needs to be an option in the settings to just not have the target display for you. That, or remove that function from sPvP like OP suggested. Targeting an ally is just rude plain and simple.

    Lol my point was that this is helpful in sPvP, my case scenario is in pvp. 

    I understand the frustrating thing that happens at times but it is too important to have a good targeting system.

    I would rather add two different targets as suggested, one for allies and one for enemies.

    Also some time I target an ally to just inform that he is doing a wrong rotation, for example if he wants to +1 me but I don't need it I target him and usually he understand and turn and go somewhere else.

    I was not blaming I was just informing and if you understand the message it's super useful

    • Like 1
  6. Spectre is over performing right now, scepter/dagger 3 hit really hard plus overload you of conditions, add the fact that is spammable and it is an issue. It doesn't need big nerfs but some number adjustment. 

    The overall feel is ok, is a change of role for thief, daredevil is still better as decapper so is good to se something different.

    But indeed I agree with the post, it needs some adjustments

    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

    Oh my dear child...if you played Random Arena in Guild Wars 1, then you do not understand the true definition of pain.


    no monk?


    /resign or AFK


    Someone died?


    /resign or AFK

    anything remotely suspicious looking like seeing a Mo/P or a W/ME ...


    /resign or AFK



    true, but the problem with GW2 is that you can't /resign

    if the team could resign maybe it would be better, put a timer on it, so at least you don't lose too much time

  8. First of all in pvp, long time ago, sharing FGS was the meta. Then they killed the ultimate with an unbelievable long CD and several nerfs.

    Nowadays earth shield is shared and it's really nice. 


    In High end PvE (fractals raid strikes) usually is not shared even though with Catalyst we might see playing a support ele that provides conjures to catalyst with the aura traits.


    I think overall the idea is super fun, and there should be more skills like this, the problem is a bit the balance and the CD, I would say that maybe it would be nice to have a trait that remove the second shareable weapons and half the CD of conjured so everyone could play his way. 

  9. I thought about catalyst a bit more. Here a couple of things I have in mind.

    First of all I like the idea, the lore, of the sphere. It really fits in the wizard/mage fantasy. It feels like one of those strange and mysterious object you can find in a magic store.


    About the mechanic, I think that a lot of ideas have been given, overall I think the F5 could work if it has something more on it, compare it to scrapper F5 for example, maybe based on the attunement it could do damage, or heal, or something. Or maybe it could be decided through traits


    Another idea can be to remove the energy part and give it a CD shared with all attunements, so you can't have multiple spheres active, it would be nice to have the option, maybe through traits, to decide either if the sphere gonna change with he attunement (like it was in beta) or if it will remain with the same attunement when it was casted, similar how glyphs work now. So you could have different play styles.


    I would like a bit more customization of the effect of the sphere based on traits overall.


    I really believe that it can become something nice, it needs some tweaks.

    • Like 1
  10. I think overall every class is fun to play against if the game is balanced. Every class has its uniqueness, warrior is clear but you miss one dodge and you get punished, eles have always something, Mesmers play around being deceiving etc.


    The not fun part comes when the balance is missing. Necro for example is just too tanky, so even tho the class is nice to play against it become annoying playing vs a tank god. Same with engi, too much sustain and DMG all together, but it's not the class imo is the balance that take off the fun 


    I think if the balance was a little better all the classes were enjoyable to play against



    • Like 3
  11. So you are one of that person who votes for SW! Shame on you!


    Just kidding 😂 I honestly don't like the pvp in this map, but I like the look of the map. 


    I think it's normal that people doesn't vote for this map, I don't vote for it too and it's annoying when this map is selected because I don't feel like improving my skills for the next competitive season.


    I just wish that ANet take some time to revamp this map and fix it so it's playable in ranked as well...

  12. Tbh I play mostly guard and ele. I'm currently playingore NW than GW, but this preview is so nice.

    I don't know the mechanics but there are two things that I love about this.

    First of all the art is really nice, I want to play this character.

    Second I love the concept of mage/thief. I always loved this archetype since I have read Jack of Shadows.


    This is the first time I experience some hype for the new exp. I hope the preview will be cool!

    • Like 4
  13. I think the mechanic itself is flawed. When you play tempest you need to overload, when you play weaver you want ro play the dual skills.


    This F5 is just ignorable, you can do your core ele stuff with a better traitline and ignore the new mechanic 


    I also predict that hammer, which is the place where the dev spent more time, will be usable only in rare scenarios and not in competitive gameplay

    • Like 6
  14. I tested quickly in pvp and I still need some time to have a better view but for now I an say this:


    UI the icon is ok, the energy no, it should be the size of Necro shroud or druid LF

    Sphere I didn't use the sphere a lot to eh honest. It's nice but a minor thing compared to the kill you get with all the aura traits, I was just dropping it some time 

    Aura traitline this is the thing that make this class viable in my opinion, is it enough to reach weaver? Se will see

    weapons I played DD because I believe that the aura on combos is op so I wanted to play more combo possible, I think hammer is just PvE but maybe I'm wrong

    Utility skills meh, I just used the block so I could play without obsidian flesh but the others are just PvE stuff


    Overall it seems to me core 2.0, as I mentioned in the past, the sphere mechanic or the hammer 3 mechanic was better used in core ele to give it something is missing 


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