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Posts posted by montecristo.1324

  1. I think portal is one of my favorite skills in the game, and I don't play mesmer. It needs thinking, and team play. There where a time where it was broken, mostly because mesmer was too good overall, but now I think it is really a "pro" skill to use in competitive environment with some coordination.I remember when a esport tournament (long time ago) was won with a portal to the lord on Legacy, it was so much fun to watch!I think this game can only get better if devs push team plays like: portals, combo field, etc

  2. Hello,

    yesterday I was running an AT and I noticed a couple of things or bugs and I'd like to know if anyone is experiencing the same and if the devs have already stated something about it.

    First of all it seems to me that during the tournament the "standing" panel is bugged and I could see only 4 teams when at the end of the tournament there were something like 20 teams, is it a bug or it is a swiss thing where I see only the opponents of my "rating"?Second, and this is more a request, at the end of the tournament are the teams ordered by their position in the ladder? Can we have the position nearby the name of the team?Last but not least, I noticed that I got a lot more qualify points for the MAT than the one I won in the tournament; it is true that I haven't used my QP in the last MAT, have those points from the last month been carried to this month?

    Thank you for your explanations and help!

  3. @Widmo.3186 said:Fireweaver might work, because its condi based. Avatarsword is kinda kitten, after 1 or 2 rotations under heavy pressure youre out of gimmicks, have fun with CCs and damage. Imho if they only nerfed stability and left sword 2 CDs alone, it would still be perfectly viable. But with both those nerfs, nah, its meme off-meta.If u want to go with meta build, try d/f LR Weaver, dashes, CC-fiesta and things.

    thanks for the info, in the last couple of days I aready switched to LR weaver, both DF and SF, definetly prefer dagger over sword!

  4. Hello guys,

    I'm leader of a small guild and we want to start our guild hall, how many people is reccomended in order to take a guild hall? is the mission hard?

    Thanks for the info


    thanks for the support guys, we made it yesterday at the first attempt in 5!it was a really fun experience! now we are studying all the things we can unlock :D

  5. Hello everyone!

    today I played some ranked for the new season and I tried to play a bit the "old" fire weaver, and it seems that is still work quite good.

    What are your opinion about it? I was curious also to test a bit the much older avatar sword (something like this), if you recall it, has anyone already tested it?

    Thanks for your opinion!

  6. PvE: fresh air (or bolt to the heart) weaver and condi weaver (fire earth weaver) uses both sword - dagger (not sure if condi uses dagger or focus)PvP: fire weaver runs sword focus, mender weaver (aka water weaver) runs sword and dagger

  7. @yann.1946 said:Which strike did you do?And yes they are designed for 10 players

    I really don't know the names, one was the one from Grothmar valley, and it was super easy, then another one quite easy where the boss at one point change and become an ice elemental, and the last one a bit more challenging, where there were two bosses

    @maddoctor.2738 said:It depends on the Strike Mission.The Grothmar valley one can be done solo (if you are really good), or duo/trio (if not), 10 or even 5 people are overkill for that oneThe latest one can be soloed easily as there are no hard requirements for more players, provided you don't use the extra challengesFraenir of Jormag is easily done in a group of 5 as it's like a low level fractal or dungeon boss

    The other 3, Claw and Voice, Boneskinner, Whisper of Jormag are designed for more players.

    Ok so for sure I did some of the easiest, thanks for the explanation, today I will try the others and see if it's better :)

  8. Hello, I'm quite a casual pve player, I usually do T4+recs and some raids with pug, so I'm not an expert, I just know some mechanics and my Weaver rotation.

    Yesterday for the first time I joined a 10 man team for strike missions and we did a couple of run. What I noticed is that the runs we did were extremely easy, and we always finished the strike without any wipe.

    My question is, was I really lucky to find a good team, or Strike missions are designed for 5 people? Or maybe we just did the easiest strikes?

    Thanks for the clarification!

  9. I think 2v2 (or maybe 3v3?) should be the main solo-duo Q for seasons while conquest 5v5 which I really like, should remain only for AT (and we should have more AT). With this solution we keep a nice conquest mode with coordinated teams which is the best thing, and we have coordinated teams in solo/duoQ during the seasons.

  10. Just wanted to thanks the devs for this new game mode, and the first balance patch, and I'm really looking forward to 3v3 too.I play with 2-3 friends and conquest was a bit a pain to organize because we always been 3-4 people online, and playing duoQ wasn't so fun because every time you don't know who will be with you.But this game mode, it's so fun!

    In my opinion, and I know people may not agree, the conquest duoQ should be replaced with 2v2 and 3v3 seasons (alternating), and we should keep the conquest 5v5 for AT only.More or less what we had in gw1 with RA and GvG(or HA).

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