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Posts posted by montecristo.1324

  1. @Roche.7491 said:

    @"montecristo.1324" said:check this site for meta builds:

    Thanks. This site is so good.

    Do you have another for wvw/armatice bastion?

    For general builds there is always metabattle: https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki

    For pvp specific I suggest to use godsofpvp, for raid-fractals there is snowcrows which is better than metabattle: https://snowcrows.com/

    My suggestion is to start with some meta build from there, expecially for wvw and pvp, and then start a bit to switch some traits, skills, or weapons in order to get the best build suited for you. The idea of meta build is important but it is also important to understand when and what to change something! And of course it's important to have fun :D

  2. Hello, I took a break from the game and now I'm back, I used to play Weaver lighting rod with dagger and focus. Is the build still viable? I've seen a lot of tempest around but I'm looking more for a duelist role. Any other suggestion are welcome.Thanks

  3. When I log in with my tech ele/asura I don't enjoy how most of the world is fantasy lore. But when I log in with my human guardian, and Taimi start to talk to me with his radio, it feels so wrong... I don't know if it's just me but there are too many discrepancies between the two lores.There is also the steampunk lore of charrs, but this bother me less because it feels more like mechanical...How do you guys feels about this? Am I the only one that can't live with all these different styles?

  4. In gw1 I mostly played monk and Ritu. Sometimes I played ele but just for spike in HA or GvG.When I started to play gw2 I immediately pick guardian but it was not like my monk, and after 29 levels I switched to engi hoping that turrets were like my Ritu spirits.But again I stopped to play. Then one day after few months I started to play again and in pvp was in meta the ele celestial staff as side noder, when I tried ele with staff, the complexity of the attunements, the blast finisher etc convinced me and I started to main ele.For months I just played pvp, switched to the good old DD cele ele, and one day I decided to level up my char in order to play also pve and I started to do dungeons, and again my mind exploded because it was so fun to stack might and play full zerker.Since then I continued to main ele, I really love the complexity of attunement and the quick play style of Weaver. I'm really curious if we will have a new espec which new mechanics it will have!!!

    If one day I will reinstall gw1 I will for sure make an ele there too xD

  5. I think the maps are all quite balanced overall. I really like the fact of additional goals that have an impact on the game but also need and resource investment to achieve. For this reason I think Djin and Battle are the two less interesting maps. Djin map is a bit to little and the bonus point is quite useless. Battle of Kyhlo has treb which may be impactful on the game but 99% of the time gives too much advantage to enemy team using them. And it is quite simple to dodge treb.Legacy is another map where the mechanic is ignored most of the times but when it is used is so fun and nice to watch so maybe the only thing I would change there is the visibility of the spawn of the enemy team so is a bit harder to snowball

  6. @Tayga.3192 said:

    @montecristo.1324 said:I think this is not a bad idea, I'd like to see less mobility runes in order to increase the disparity between roamer classes and static classes. Of course dmg/heals/cc need to be adjusted. But it would be fun to see again the low mobility classes which are more powerful being outrotated and people would need to think more. But maybe it is just my personal taste.

    Counter argument: We shouldn't have roamer/static classes, instead we should have classes that are more fitting for roamer/static builds.

    Imagine it like this: Currently you can have a hybrid (roamerish but has teamfight potential) reaper. It isn't a pure roamer like thief is, but it's a different way of playing necro.

    I totally don't like what you described, again is personal taste but reaper flavour is melee destruction, big AOE DPS and I don't like the idea of this being as mobile as a sneaky thief or a ranger.If the next Necro spec is something with high mobility, something like a ghost spec, then I'd love to see necro roam.I think every class should have a roamer spec/setup but runes are giving this opportunity to every spec even the ones that are not supposed to roam.It is just my opinion tbh, I enjoy the game and if they keep these kind of runes I still happy, is just a personal taste

  7. I think this is not a bad idea, I'd like to see less mobility runes in order to increase the disparity between roamer classes and static classes. Of course dmg/heals/cc need to be adjusted. But it would be fun to see again the low mobility classes which are more powerful being outrotated and people would need to think more. But maybe it is just my personal taste.

  8. maybe an F5> @Kodama.6453 said:

    @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    Give Core an Arcane Attunement perhaps? Yeah I know that would be a kitten ton of new skills to add, but that would be a trade off. An Arcane attunement might be fun to play with...

    Otherwise an F5 that recharges all attunements but has a 60s CD itself might work.

    I've always wanted an arcane attunement but I'm not sure what role it could fill.

    Air seems to be mostly power based.Fire is power/condi hybrid.Water is healing and sustain.Earth is sustain/condi.

    What role would Arcane fill? I feel like elementalists, weaver especially, could really use some source of quickness.

    How about this, based off of the Ascalonian Arcane spirits that you see in game:

    Arcane attunement pulls up 5 skills that do not change even if it is a different weapon. You could do these like a conjure skill, 1 charge each, CD is only on the F5 attunement. You can only recharge these skills when you swap out of arcane attunement, wait for the CD on it, then swap back.

    1- Ascalonian sword. A standard melee attach chain. No charge on this, unlimited use. 300 range2- Ascalonian bow 1. Lob an arching arrow that hits hard, leaving foes crippled.3- Ascalonina bow 2. Launch a series of arrows at your target4- Ascalonian shield. Hold up your shield and block in front of you for 2.5 seconds5- Ascalonian staff. Channel with your staff to cause an arcane storm of aoe damage.

    I don't know if I would really like to add 2.5 seconds of blocking to base elementalist for free. This is an serious increase in power to give them access to something like this by default.

    Also the whole theme seems misplaced on an elementalist. Summoning ghost weapons doesn't fit them at all.

    yes the theme is not right, and I think it should be just a buff skill. The idea of an F5 that reset the attunment CD is not bad, why instead of that a F5 that gives to the elementalist only alacrity and maybe ferocity or some dmg buff? It would be something related to the arcane, and it is not op like a instant cd reset, but is still a super useful skill for a ele

  9. if you talk about CLASS I agree, but for specific builds/specs I think we need a role, and I think role is a step over the 1v1.What I mean is this: every class should have a duelist role (1v1) but not all roles should be able to do 1v1.If you take for example ele, for me it's ok that burn weaver (duelist build) can do 1v1, but heal tempest should not be able to do a 1v1, because it is another role. I'm not saying tempest can do a 1v1, it is just an example.

  10. In my opinion one good starting point is ranger, core especially. It is quite simple to understand, but it has a good kit, and if mastered is a really strong class.I'm not saying that ranger is a simple class, but I think compared to other classes it is easy to get into it but hard to master, it has stealth, evades, combo finishers, etc.compared to a guardian is more balanced and is not an "all in" for dps, or compared to warrior is more forgiving and it needs less player ability to get the kill mostly because even while kiting the pet helps you.I'm not saying that you can afk and let the pet play, but it means that even when you are struggling to stay alive you still get a good dps.Last but not least ranger can play two roles in PvP, duelist and rotational dps, which is really good for climbing.

  11. I main ele since a lot of time and the only two class that I like to play are engi because if played with kits it remind me a lot of ele, and it uses also combo finisher etc a lot.And the other class I really enjoy is ranger, it's less complex for the number of skills but it is so well rounded with the fields, combo finishers, stealth and mechanics that I really like it.Let's say that especially ranger is not so flashy but for me is really fun to play

  12. @Eugchriss.2046 said:

    @montecristo.1324 said:In addition to this in pve and wvw there are stacking sigils. It's not a bug.although I don t know what stacking sigils are (I only play pvp), There is a reason why I posted it on pvp-subforum.

    if you lack of the game basics you can't understand what is a bug and what is a feature. This is a fuature. As said before, it is to avoid strong skills on cd, it is for proc sigils and in pve and wvw there are stacking sigils, that means that each time you do something (for example you kill a foe) you gain something until you die. In wvw for example make sense to have one of those stacking sigils that build damage and then when it is at max cap, you change to your other weapon with different sigils.

  13. The short period I played League of Legends I really liked the lore/style of Bard, kind of Miyazaki style, odd skills and really enigmatic.In Neverwinter Nights I loved to play bard + shadowdancer, again some support/magic and movementIn DnD (5e) I love the Wild Magic sorcerer, that can use some powerful magic with the cost of casting a second random spell which can be good or really bad.

  14. I love playing ele, so my post might be a bit one sided. But listen to me, all the classes, all the specs are available in this game. In my opinion, ele has some of the best builds around if you think about the fun to play factor.Now in PvE both tempest dps and weaver dps (power and condi) are really strong. As you have noticed it is a bit squishy compared to other classes but it's the fun part of this spec in my opinion. The idea of doing massive damage if mastered, and stay alive only with your personal skills it seems to me really nice. If you add to this the fact that is one of the few games where playing a mage is challenging, like being a mage should be (and not sit in the back and cast long skills).You can also fill the heal role with heal tempest, it is not in meta now, but it is still effective.

    In WvW heal tempest is really good with power staff weaver in zerg vs zerg. If you prefer roam, there are some builds like LR weaver, some dagger dagger core, for some nostalgic player like me that miss the good old DD day.

    In PvP for me now is a good time to be an Ele. Tempest heal is quite common, LR weaver can be both dps (if you play berserker) or duelist if you play avatar.

    The only thing Ele is lacking a bit for me is the core specialization, which should bring something more.

    I think what you are missing is some experience in the game, as other people already said, but don't stop play this wonderful game if you don't like a spec, maybe it is a bit to early for you to play ele, or maybe you should start with something easier than weaver, like power tempest.If you struggle with your health pool you can also equip more marauder pieces in pve, so you have a bit more vitality!

  15. "How is my character becoming any stronger from any of this?"hands.I bet you just scrap the surface of the game. If you go in pvp, wvw or raids you will be a joke. And not because you are a bad player. Because you have not mastered anything. This is a game where builds, rotations, knowledge of the game, of the skills, of the animations, are all things that matter. Not a number attached to your loot. You want to be a stronger character? show it playing the game better than anybody with the same gear.

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