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Everything posted by Aiphaton.9381

  1. Tried cheesing it with a friend, didn't work. She got it on our 2nd run despite us doing the exact same, so we tried with me afk-ing the entire fight, then me afking until the last part where u get 10min buff and there are only white guys anyway, then tried me joining for the split phase. Nothing worked, got it done solo eventually. Also: You get a buff/debuff as soon as you make a "wrong hit" that stacks up to 10 and says it will knock u back when you reach 10 stacks. So you can pay attention to that to check if you are still eligible or if you can already restart.
  2. And no mention about the bug in the recent patch either :I
  3. After half a dozen tries I figured out what the issue seems to be. When Scarlet splits into her 3 clones (when you hit 25%), the clones fly out from the middle to their sides. During that jump, any attack or even AoE that is still on the boss when you hit 25% will count as "wrong" damage on the ads. What worked for me was getting the boss to 30% HP, wait for the prime buff to run out, refresh it and carefully auto attack the boss to 25% (prefferedly without even giving any conditions). Then did the split and last phase normally and finally got it.
  4. Just killed it with 10 Full Viper Scourges running Parasitic Contagion; Epi and Grasp. Got all the achievements done in one go. No real pressure as long as people did their DPS and didn't require rezzing all the time. Could even facetank most of the attacks (except small hand AOEs that you can just casually sidestep). Took 1,5h with a pug group until we found the right people. Was nice having to come up with a decent strategy
  5. I hope after all this drama they include it in the Dragon Bash update today so players can finally get their Coalesence after waiting for almost 2 years ^-^
  6. Arenanet did roll out a patch today fixing some ground targeting bug issues but didn't see the necessarity to bring back the LI->LD exchange... First you say you don't remove it. -> Remove it. Then you say you bring it back with the next patch. -> Don't bring it back with the next patch. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me I guess. Gonna take a break from the game for a while. After grinding timegated Skyscale and Vision and now grinding everything else for Coalesence I cba to face another 8 weeks timegate for the remaining LD... Thanks
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