Thee Wretched Ones [Woe] is a condi fight guild located on Darkhaven. We are a mix of newer WvW'ers and GvG'ers. Our main goal is to form a consistent, committed 15 core comp and to take on outnumbered fights. We require players to be in Discord during raids, mark yes/no if they can show up to the following WvW raid, and show up and play on our guild builds. We are a close bunch of friends and hangout outside of raid times too. Lastly, we do a 2 week trial period to make sure you mesh well and play well with the guild. Our comp is currently a tanky condi comp. You might be asked to swap your class and adapt for the sake of the comp. We will train those who are willing to learn. Classes we are recruiting: Guardian
We have 2 main commanders currently Yme(ex JADE) and myself Demon Puppet(ex aW)
Our current schedule is Sun/Mon/Wed/Sat at 8:30 Pm Est(form up at 8:15).
Join our Disc if you are interested or have questions!
Or add one of our leaders!
IGN - Demon Puppet.6873 , Kold.4260
Discord - Puppet#5980 , Yme#0348
Chrono POV -
Scourge POV -