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Locce.8405's Achievements

  1. Got the same bug. Last achievement collection NPC I've talked to was the fish from the animal heist, and today I got that symbol over my head as soon as I arrive in Lowland Shore. Not sure if that has anything to do with it or if it rather has something to do with last night's patch and maybe having any one of those achievement collections active. (I have quite a few unfinished ones, so no idea which one might do that.)
  2. True, and it's not like the other two hearts on that map are that far ahead in concept. It's not even just the progress speed alone; it's what the hearts actually add to the game where the first and second Janthir maps are like night and day. The heart in the west has some minesweeper action which quickly gets old if it's the only peace offering for people waiting for the next event to pop. Other than that it's just grinding mobs and events, and not even all events as rifts do not add progress at all. The map would just be better without those hearts. First map: "Let's craft areas where players can interact with the Lowland Kodans' way of life and help them out in multiple ways with or without events." Second map: "What are hearts anyway? Let's just make them glorified progress bars for events completed in that general area. Waiting and looking for events in a specific area is fun, right?"
  3. For the low, low price of 400 gems you can buy the emote tome, consume it and have it unlock literally nothing at all. Restarting does nothing. "/emotelist" does not show any emote that could refer to an emote unlocked by that tome.
  4. You are staring right at the point, yet missing it. People love playing this game. The menial busywork of flying around to find and click a lot of lanterns? Not so much. If it's a necessity to get a valuable reward people will still do it, but they won't enjoy it, and they will complain about not enjoying it.
  5. I actually don't think that Sorrow itself is that bad. Sure, it's a bit more difficult than the Demon Knight, but the main issues with Sorrow causing a fail come down to three things: When you have to do CC Sorrow does CC back by throwing people in the air and with it's really big wing-flap pushback area. In itself this isn't that big of a problem, but it becomes a giant issue when compounded with 2. and 3. Sorrows mobility really doesn't gel well with some of the potential fighting arenas. Fails against Sorrow don't seem to happen in the final phase in the middle but rather during phase 2 or 3 of the fight when Sorrow has its back against a wall or hugs a cliff, leaving little to no room to engage without being exposed to its attacks, including the CC wing-flap. And even worse... Sorrow abuses game mechanics to its advantage, and this is - hopefully accidentally - by design. Sorrow's dashes have to end at a wall or a cliff, and that means situations described in 2. are quite likely compared to a dash ending randomly somewhere in the open if the arena between wall and cliff is narrow enough. On top of that, and in my opinion the biggest contributor to Sorrow fails overall, the cliff is usually where Zojja and the Skyscale launchers are. That means there is a high probability that Sorrow's dashed end on or near either or even in the middle between both, in which case Zojja suddenly takes a lot of additional damage for as long as Sorrow decides to stay there while melee characters have a hard time dpsing Sorrow and staying out of attacks without constantly getting launched in the air by the Skyscale launcher. If there were, for example, "Sorrow-free zones" around Zojja and Skyscale launchers or any other change to that effect, that measure alone would probably eliminate more than half of Sorrow fails.
  6. Yeah, same. I'd like to try how it is to craft more than 4 billion pink nameless things, but the game won't let me. Sad!
  7. I have to say that this round of the WvW betas confuses me a bit. I have had quite a bit of fun during past betas with lots of activity and big battles waging back and forth at various times of the day, but this time around the teams are completely out of synch. There is a short time window where my alliance seems to be able to make gains with ~20 active players and for the rest of the day we still only have ~20 active players on the busiest map but get stomped by full squads from two sides. After a couple of days of this it's rare to see anybody tag up who isn't just one guy building a catapult with his friend at the nearest enemy tower. The "defeat fatigue" seems even worse than at the end of a week with a bad matchup with servers. This is indeed dumpster fire levels of bad.
  8. I doubt that would do anything since the mission makes it quite clear that it's about Amnytas. For now I am playing through the story with another character as fast as my utterly destroyed motivation allows to see if the bug strikes again at that step.
  9. I've brought one character through the story before, but having only one character to do stuff in Nayos got boring, so I wanted to follow with a couple more (and complete the achievements I had left out while I'm at it). Back then I had no problem with the tier 2 rift counting, but now I am wondering if my other chars will also get stuck on this step leaving me with a whole lot of effort for nothing.
  10. Time to revive this thread. I used the soulbound tier 2 motivation you get from the hunters, stumbled right into a tier 2 rift near the Bastion of the Obscure and completed it. Nothing. No biggie, I thought, since I had a tier 3 motivation in my pocket. Let's make some lemonade and get that "Going the Extra Mile" achievement! I activate it, and a little bit of scanning later I find a tier 3 rift, tag up and close the rift with a few random players hungry for loot. But still: nothing. And as an added bonus I didn't get the "Going the Extra Mile" achievement either. The mission text is still telling me to scan for rifts while the Heart is enhanced. Which I have now done twice. Once for tier2 and once for tier 3. So, yeah, this one is sill/again broken. Story progress blocked successfully.
  11. Those unneeded tutorial windows that don't even go away on their own but have to be actively clicked away have been a problem for quite a while, but they have really dialed up the annoyance factor to 11 and beyond with this expansion. My skyscale's wingtip touches a ley-line? Yes, please tell me for the 100th time that I need to learn the corresponding mastery before I can use them! I am in one of those turret events? Here is a big black tutorial window taking up valuable screen real estate because SURELY I didn't see the zero damage floating up and most certainly can't remember that I now have to do a barrel roll to remove the armour from that thing, you know, LIKE THE LAST IDENTICAL WINDOW SAID THAT I HAD JUST CLICKED AWAY HALF A MINUTE AGO. Sure, let's assume there are players who have a really bad memory, but at least give the rest of us a "Don't show this message again!" option. The spam is getting quite ridiculous.
  12. I am not sure why you thought I didn't already know that, but I noticed you did not make an argument in favour of needlessly complicating things with a cap that is 149 acclaim points too low to avoid such inconveniences, so I am pretty sure your reply doesn't address my opinion on the acclaim cap at all..
  13. I am in the camp that wants to see the cap for astral acclaim raised, mainly for one reason that I found out the stupid way: With the cap at 1300 it can happen that you are unable to buy the item you want because you can't claim the weekly reward AND at the same be unable to claim the weekly reward because the acclaim cap is in the way. This is especially bothersome if you are saving up for more than one big ticket item going for 1000 acclaim (e.g. mount skin plus legendary weapon starter kit) since then you can't even save the situation by swapping the order around. You are stuck with either having to wait for the next daily rewards (although I don't know what happens with the unclaimed weekly reward if there is a weekly reset in between) or buying something just for the sake of being able to claim the weekly reward at the cost of setting you back in your effort to get the items you actually want. This seems easily avoidable by raising the cap to at least 1449 which would still block players from hoarding unreasonable amounts of astral acclaim while always allowing either claiming the weekly reward or buying the most expensive item available.
  14. Just now had another bugged run with both Commissar Ignat and Countess Lavina Durheim lying on the ground pretending to be dead with no progress to the event. (There was another player in the mini-dungeon who did not do anything at any event, so maybe it has something to do with that.)
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