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Posts posted by Obtena.7952

  1. 16 hours ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

    Sure it's not their primary role, but it's value-added utility, just like aegis and stab come with FB. No one is going to care or even notice when things are going well, but if the healer and group start to struggle, they can come in clutch.

    A scrapper of any role that can't throw down his gyro because he made build decisions that keep it off CD might feel that. Hence it didn't seem worth it to me. I've saved my group more than once with Unbroken Lines or Stalwart Stand as a CFB or QFB. And even Signet of Mercy when we didn't have a rezzer. It happens. 

    Being added-value utility is pretty irrelevant here. Put another way; It's unlikely this specific scenario of gyro having added-value utility will in ANY WAY influence a change to the game to remove movement skills because people don't like them. 

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  2. 6 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

    looks like some still don't understand the point of the topic... but i'm not surprised since anet themselves still haven't found a solution to this problem. maybe they don't care, I don't know.

    Some being you? Again ... just because something you want isn't in the game doesn't mean it's a problem Anet has to solve to put it in. 

    It probably has NOTHING to do with if they care. What it LIKELY has LOTS to do with is the fact that GW2 is part of a business, not a charity to give everyone that want's something whatever they ask for. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

    so they still haven't found a solution to their problems? i'm not even sure why you are replying to this topic, since it's not solving anything. didn't I say that this topic isn't about why they shouldn't add new races?

    That makes no sense ... the 'WHY ' new races aren't added is the SAME discussion as why they shouldn't do it. So there isn't some they haven't found a solution to their problems point of view here because it's not a problem new races aren't added to begin with. 

    Topic is about how it's 'odd' they haven't done it ... except it's not odd if it's understand how this game works as a business. 

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    What race are you not counting,?






    Well, as far as different looks go, I consider Norn just bigger humans but yeah, pedantic .. there are 5 races. But as far as the point I'm making is concerned ... the number of classes isn't actually relevant though it does beg to question:

    Why we need yet ANOTHER class for people to 'war' over fashion? Because 5 isn't enough?

    OK, so when is there 'enough' races to have 'sufficient' fashion wars? What is the limit where people stop the madness of asking for more races? It's a never-ending argument ... because Anet can ALWAYS add another class to 'improve' fashion wars ... so that's a completely trivial reason to add another class. 

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  5. 35 minutes ago, Randin.5701 said:

    Because races are aesthetics.

    OK, that doesn't change what I've said. Just spouting facts is not an argument for new races. I didn't say they weren't aesthetics. I said they don't have anything to do with COLLECTING. 

    New races are a low value proposition to both players and Anet. Period. 

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  6. 11 hours ago, Randin.5701 said:

    I mean, the term 'Fashion Wars' exists for a reason. Collecting aesthetics is what a very large chunk of what this game is about. Adding a new race would play into that.

    And a new race doesn't have anything to do with collecting aesthetics ... we can do that now with 4 races ... we could do that if there was only ONE race as a matter of fact. 

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  7. 10 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

    Arenanet hasnt done anything of value or big with GW2 since HoT/PoF. IBS/EoD added a few cool new things, but they were minor things and SoTo is full recycled and nothing new.

    A new race will add new movement and animations, so the gameplay would feel totally different, would add an entire new Lore and would make ppl play lots of hours and feel they are still doing something with GW2 not just GW:Beyond and grab money till GW3 comes out.

    Listing me the benefits of a new race doesn't change what I said.

    It would make people play lots of hours? Cool ... lots of other MORE valuable content does that as well. 

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  8. The reality is that there hasn't been any compelling reason to remove 'forced movement' from the game because there is already choice that allows people to avoid it if it's such a problem for them. They simply don't want to entertain those choices ... or git gud with the option they have chosen. SOMEHOW that translates to "Anet has to change the game" instead of "this is a ME problem". 

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  9. A new race wouldn't add anything other than JUST another aesthetic to put skins on ... this equals low value. 

    And to be clear, when we talk about what is value, it's not about what is value to YOU. It's about what is value to the whole playerbase AND to Anet. 

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  10. 15 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    You are mistaken. It is already 100% possible to inspect someone's appearance and copy it. There is only one single difference added with this feature...the ease of the inspection.

    Exactly. Again, my point is that someone is unable to judge if the person copying is using the inspection feature or not, so the argument about ease of inspection is absurd. 

    If I'm going to take the time to copy someone's look, it's irrelevant to me how easy it is to figure it out. If I'm going to get angry because someone has a look that I created, it's irrelevant to me how easy it was for someone to mimic it. 

    If the only argument is that people can inspect others fashion easily, they are going to have to provide a WAY more significant explanation for why that's actually a problem, especially if the game doesn't tell them they are being fashion inspected (it wasn't clear from the demo if that's the case or not). 

    So, here is the final conclusion. If the only argument people are making is that it's too easy to be inspected, then Anet just needs to not tell people their fashion is being inspected in the first place. 


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  11. 5 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    Again, it has always been possible to copy another's appearance choices. The only difference with this feature is the ease of doing so exactly. Can you quote whoever claims this is the same as AI stealing art?

    That doesn't make sense ... the offensive part to people is that it's easier for people to copy their fashion? That's a illogical argument because if you put a string of people in front of a fashion judge, the judge would have NO idea how hard or easy it was for those people to come up with their fashions, whether they were copied or not. 

    Let's be honest here. The only issue is that people are offended they can be inspected. That's it. It has nothing to do with ease of copying. People that are so concerned with their fashion are GOING to spend as much time as they need to create their look, whether it was copied or not. 

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  12. 3 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

    Since when is hurting someone's feelings a bad reason. It's actually a strange comment in one of the most player friendly, considerate mmorpg I've ever played. And not even close to others. 

    Just mention ow pvp or even something as standard as duelling and half of the player base goes through the roof just because they don't want to even see it.

    I mean if this was LOL or any other game I might agree. But we're talking gw2 here. Player's feelings are top priority in this game. 

    The point is that Anet makes changes to the game all the time that have negative impacts on people's feelings so it's absurd to think that this development is unique with that regard and somehow 'feelings' becomes some significant factor. 

    From another perspective, the decision to add fashion inspect wasn't 'feelings' based in the first place, so it's unlikely to be affect by 'feeling-based' arguments to affect it. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, Cuks.8241 said:

    An opt out option doesn't mean it's not the same for everyone. Everyone would get one.

    Here is the thing ... sure Anet could add an opt-out function. I'm sure if it's not too much work, they it will be considered if the consequences are significant enough. But that's not really the point.

    The point is why would they? I've YET to see an argument to add an opt-out for this other than "it hurts my feels if people can see my fashion choices". 

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  14. 8 minutes ago, Amantiel.3542 said:

    The SAFETY? Because apparently there's ACTUAL DANGER to someone using an inspect option because they like your transmog? What in the world are you saying?

    You wouldn't believe how fast some people melt if they feel their sense of entitlement is being challenged. For them it actually IS about safety. Somehow they have associated the secrets of their fashion to the worth that it has to them.

    It's not even about people copying their look. It can't be ... people can already do that and it's unlikely they would encounter person sporting the 'stolen' fashion anyways. SOMEHOW ... it's simply offensive to them that people can look at their choices. 

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  15. 18 hours ago, Leo G.4501 said:

    It's not that P2W has become subjective ...

    Yes it has been. In fact, it always has been, because there isn't a definition for it. It's simply whatever someone wants to think it is. More reasonable players will recognize that Anet selling an expansion isn't P2W. Disgruntled, angry players will label EVERYTHING Anet sells as P2W. 

    But here is the best part ... it doesn't matter what people want to call it or how they want to define it. Arguing what is P2W is not relevant ... it's just a label.

    It's not going to stop Anet or any other company from selling what they want. The reality will be reflected in how consumers patronize Anet ... and obviously they do that, regardless of whatever snowflakes are being melted over how they are labeling Anet's practices as P2W. 

  16. On 4/11/2024 at 4:35 AM, Leo G.4501 said:

    You keep saying that but it's like you're attempting to remove agency from a subjective observation. It'd be different if this were a legal definition used in court or something related to science, but this is a consumer observation description. Why you trying to take away consumer agency? If someone wants to label something pay to win because they believe it, is there harm in that?

    If that someone is attempting to throw shade at the game because of how they want to label it with their  subjective opinion of P2W, I would say yeah, that is harmful ... and that's exactly what's happening in this thread. People don't like something about the game, so they associate it with something ELSE that is generally looked down upon. The unfortunate part is that no discussion can be had because the second P2W becomes subjective because people 'feel' it's true, they can never be wrong about it. 

    The fact remains that there is nothing unreasonable about charging people to access content, regardless if that content is a simple skin or an I WIN button. No one is removing agency ... consumers still have the option to purchase things or not. This is the power we have. No one should pretend Anet is our friend or some charity. This is a business, we are its patrons. That's the relationship.

    If someone 'complains' they don't get to experience something they can readily purchase, that's their problem, which is why the OP's original post is so absurd. 

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  17. 12 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

    As I said above I think Snowcrows is one of the worst things to happen in this game. GW2 would be a completely different game if it wasn't for them and their golem benchmarks. 

    True, but not for the better. Prior to people measuring DPS benchmarks, people were trying to dictate what was optimal based on excel calculations, which were literally demonstrated to be completely inaccurate and nonsensical when applied to real encounters ingame. 

    So the reality is that prior to the existence of Snowcrows/Metabattle, the game WAS much different ... and not in a good way. 

    There are ALWAYS going to be people that game the system; in GW2 case, optimizing their DPS. That doesn't make them or the sites that provide that information bad things for the game. What is bad for the game is when people PUSH optimization on unwilling/unknowing players, for their own selfish motives, then turn around and play the victim when people don't conform this optimal way to play. Welcome to metapushing. At least with Snowcrows and DPS meters, an objective argument can be had about the benefits and value of playing meta vs. not.  

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  18. 19 minutes ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

    You're misunderstanding. It's not a choice. They're playing a Quick Scrapper, so they HAVE to press the button, or else they don't get that precious, precious quickness. If they don't press that button, the whole team dies, and the mission fails, and presumably the middle east falls into conflict and war.....wait......anyway, there is no choice. The button MUST be pressed otherwise it's not a Quick Scrapper. it's just....Scrapper. So they've got a choice: Either don't press the button and fail everything, or press the button and run off a cliff. There's literally no middleground here.

    No, I don't misunderstand. It IS a choice that they are playing QScrapper. There are OTHER quickness specs they could choose if QScrapper doesn't work for them because 'movement' or some other nonsensical reason. 

    There is no narrative where Anet is forcing ANYONE to do ANYTHING. That's completely absurd considering the lengths that Anet has made to balance the game in the last 2 years in their roles-based system. There IS choice. People need to make better choices for themselves if the choices they made don't work for them. 

    Force movements skills DON'T need to be removed from the game. Players that don't like them simply need to git gud or choose something else. 

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  19. 6 hours ago, Sindust.7059 said:

    So if the skill said "drains your bank account and kills your dog, but you also get to give 5s of quick to your group", you would also be ok with it if it did exactly that?

    Why does anybody ever complain about anything in the game if ANet can never make bad design decisions? And if everything they do is always perfect, why do they even make changes at all? You can't improve perfection after all...

    Hold on ... you have a choice what skills you use in this game so ... the whole thread makes no sense. Don't like forced movement skills? OK, don't use them. 

    'Being OK' with skills is irrelevant if you can choose to not use them if you aren't OK with them. What you THINK is a bad design decision is just a L2P and/or a 'you making bad skill choices for yourself' issue. 

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  20. 12 hours ago, Leger.3724 said:

    This is the silent majority Arena Net should listen to extremely carefully.

    The game's combat and mastery system became a nightmare in Heart of Thorns and tons, tons, tons of people dropped the game. It started to recover with the skyscale and end of dragons. Adding a second path to skyscale in Secrets of the Obscure and Legendary open world pve armor also helped sell a barebones expansion.

    People will focus on Path of Fire not selling as well but the reality is Path of Fire sold poorly because everyone had flashbacks to Heart of Thorns.

    End of Dragons should be the expansion Arena Net thinks about as they design Guild Wars 3. Core Tyria is what they should be thinking of when designing Guild Wars 3. That - and popular video games of today have extremely simple combat mechanics. Simple is better. Simple can allow for skill differentiation and complexity. Having players pick roles is not a bad thing either, whether that's traditional tank/dps/healer or Guild Wars 1 protection monks/support/frontline dps or it's league of legends - bruiser, caster, AD damage, support and jungler. Defined roles is a good thing.

    Lots of opinion presented factually here. There is no 'silent majority' Anet should listen to ... Anet SHOULD be using data from the game to determine what content and mechanics works for players and what doesn't. Anet has over 10 years of data to tell them these things. As veteran game designers, they will port 'the good things' to GW3. To be honest, what will make GW3 a success is more about what Anet offers players to get them to spend money on the game. Sure, that's good content, but it's also how willing Anet is to follow the trends of selling things that allow players to 'accelerate' their progression. 

    As for the thread, it's easy for people to look back now and say HoT is the best. I think a more objective look at the data suggests HoT at the time of its release was not the pinnacle of game experience most players were looking for. I think it's looked on positively at this point because we have obvious power creep (which shouldn't have ever happened) and it's simply very familiar with most players. 

    IMO, the success of HoT over the history of the game is due to it's re-play value and not necessarily it's content. I liked the content in PoF the most, but there isn't much reason for me to revisit going there. 


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  21. On 3/26/2024 at 3:01 PM, Gwynnion.7364 said:

    But if I've learned anything about these forums, it's that the long-timers and overachievers don't care about anything except protecting their sunk cost.  They don't want to share, they don't want to make things easier, they don't want it more accessible.  "Get good" and a confused face is all you're going to get.

    LAWLWUT? The longtimers don't 'share' and don't want it to be more accessible? Did you post that under duress or lose a bet? That's incredibly obtuse way to think. Cringey. 

    Who do you think is providing you all the information that allows everyone to do the content without learning it themselves? Oh right ... the very people you accuse of gatekeeping to protect their sunken cost. JEEZ. 


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  22. Game wasn't to your taste? OK ... but that doesn't mean it has a design flaw. 

    But people will say anything to convince themselves it's a problem with the game when it doesn't suit them. Almost like EVERY game should be something they like. 


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