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Posts posted by supreme.3602

  1. @Arheundel.6451 said:

    @"Dahir.4158" said:

    @"Dahir.4158" said:Kinda sad how poor the class has become, tbh. We can't even be considered the best healing/cleanse class anymore, or even do decent DPS in WvW with staff. It's truly a shame that the class I started out with, and have been playing for 12K hours and more, has been turned into a punching bag by ArenaNet.

    @"Dahir.4158" said:My friend, you must be playing some other class with no weapons equipped or something.

    This is definitely a L2P issue, because tempest is killing it at the moment in WvW. Like tonight, our raid was pushing hard and balls deep into the enemy, and that's because of the tempest sustain. It's crazy. I don't know what your problem is with it, but please don't tell others that the spec/design is bad when it really isn't.

    If you have the right build, you can clear conditions and heal like a boss. You don't need to provide stability or resistance. Other classes can do that for us. Our job is to heal, CC and provide amazing cleanses. Don't expect any less and you won't be disappointed.

    I thought you could clear/heal like a boss ...now you say you're a punching bag ...did the "mighty tempest" build already run its course?..Don't worry, next balance patch they will give you 3s (gasp) regeneration to "wash the pain away" in accordance with their plains

    We do, but not as well as scrapper.

    You're basically a nice decoration but never necessary......I am pretty sure you were stating otherwise last time

    No, you were the one upset about not being able to "compete" with firebrand heals or "clear condis nearly as good". You even called it "trash level", but the changes that were done back then brought tempest back into the limelight, though not as much as I would have liked. Scrapper still does a better job at both, but what I said was in regards to your disgruntled comments about firebrands being better than us, because we don't provide stability or resistance. That's not our job. It never was.

  2. @Arheundel.6451 said:

    @"Dahir.4158" said:Kinda sad how poor the class has become, tbh. We can't even be considered the best healing/cleanse class anymore, or even do decent DPS in WvW with staff. It's truly a shame that the class I started out with, and have been playing for 12K hours and more, has been turned into a punching bag by ArenaNet.

    @"Dahir.4158" said:My friend, you must be playing some other class with no weapons equipped or something.

    This is definitely a L2P issue, because tempest is killing it at the moment in WvW. Like tonight, our raid was pushing hard and balls deep into the enemy, and that's because of the tempest sustain. It's crazy. I don't know what your problem is with it, but please don't tell others that the spec/design is bad when it really isn't.

    If you have the right build, you can clear conditions and heal like a boss. You don't need to provide stability or resistance. Other classes can do that for us. Our job is to heal, CC and provide amazing cleanses. Don't expect any less and you won't be disappointed.

    I thought you could clear/heal like a boss ...now you say you're a punching bag ...did the "mighty tempest" build already run its course?..Don't worry, next balance patch they will give you 3s (gasp) regeneration to "wash the pain away" in accordance with their plains

    We do, but not as well as scrapper.

  3. Kinda sad how poor the class has become, tbh. We can't even be considered the best healing/cleanse class anymore, or even do decent DPS in WvW with staff. It's truly a shame that the class I started out with, and have been playing for 12K hours and more, has been turned into a punching bag by ArenaNet.

  4. @Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    @Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:You know, I remember when weaver first came out, it was doing nearly

    Ele isn't in the best spot currently, but I can't pretend that the class has always been doomed to failure and obscurity.

    You shouldn't have to pretend because the past doesn't justify the present state of the profession. If that was the case then guardian should have been nerfed into obscurity forevermore in WvW, because it has defined the meta since day 1. Every profession has been broken at something at some point, but that's no excuse for destroying the class and then taking years to bring it back up again.

    You guys are lamenting that Ele has always been some underpowered and neglected profession. It wasn't. Hell, in PVE it isn't that bad even now. 35k DPS is nothing to scoff at, and it isn't that hard to play. I don't do PVP much, but from what I've seen on the thief forum, apparently weavers are this super-invulnerable monstrosity with unlimited sustain and explosive damage.

    And in WvW, staff weavers have become crap. All that sword nonsense is irrelevant. We want staff to be good again.

  5. @Kiroshima.8497 said:Attunements need to be drastically different even on the same weapon, with better single attunement specialization (or 3 if you run triple elemental traitlines).

    Two attunements should be melee focused, two should be ranged, while retaining the weapon's overall theme.

    Example:Earth Staff, originally a ranged disruption kit (immob projectile, lame wall). Now a heavy melee disruption kitStaff 1 is now a Melee Auto Chain similar to the Warrior Sword auto chain, bleeding, crippling, then both on the final.Staff 2 is still eruption, but it pulls enemies to the center. If needed, rename to Epicenter. Lower bleeding dealt. Still ranged.Staff 3 is now Magnetic Shockwave, combining Magnetic Aura and Shockwave. Projectile speed greatly increased. Enemies that are already immobilized take extra damage and are pulled towards the caster as well.Staff 4 is now Sand Shield. The ele summons armor made of sand to protect them, gaining stability and blocking attacks for 2 seconds. If you block an attack, flips to Sandstorm, canceling the remaining block duration and summoning a sandstorm that follows the ele's position and bleeds and blinds foes within a radius similar to wells for a short time.Staff 5 is now Unsteady Ground, but reworked to be a line attack similar to CoR, but you cannot move during the channel windup. Does heavy bleeding and cripples foes. Enemies that are in the area too long are immobolized. Enemies that are immobolized are knocked down. Damage is increased against enemies that are Hard CC'd. Long cooldown (think Guardian Hammer 5). Can immobolize multiple times similar to the Ranger Roots if enemies remain crippled too long, or not at all if they are immune.

    Ever wanted to call a meteor or glyph of storms on your own position and prevent them from running away using the power of earth? This earth staff has you covered. Or maybe you just want to punch people with rocks, I'm not one to judge. Feel free to swap after starting any of these skills so you can quickly use another attunement as needed since some of the cast times might be longer, or just protect yourself with staff 4 and go for raw meteor.

    Some real good ideas here, especially #2. We definitely need a pull skill, and one that isn't on a conjure weapon. It could work like quick sand, or something related to the earth on the ground crumbling, pulling the enemies together towards the core. Even #1 is a cool concept, because the thing we have now is literally (insert your choice of wording here). It's slow and will never hit a target. Tell me if I'm wrong lol.

  6. @"DiogoSilva.7089" said:The idea I get is that Anet developers do read this thread, and they are preparing something for the elementalist class, but they're not allowed to talk about anything.

    In other words, this thread exists because they need it (or else Gaile Gray wouldn't have given the amount of attention she gave to it), but they're not allowed to share their thoughts or communicate with us, even if they wanted to, because the company's policy forbids them of doing it.

    That's some nice optimism you have there. I would hope for that to be the case as well, but I can't be arsed anymore. I've lost all hope. Not even a three-month long bug can be fixed, so I doubt the patch will be anything but good.

  7. @Derkon.7408 said:Did anyone else noticed that this thread was reduced by 3 pages? anet moderators up and about again x)

    I remember when this thread used to be 15 pages long. So, it looks like the mods frequent this particular thread quite a bit, but do nothing to relay the suggestions we have to the developers, or provide any feedback here. What a shame.

  8. WvW staff elementalist used to be high risk/high reward, and I was fine with that, but now the reward for putting ourselves in massive danger amounts to nothing. We get low damage from nerfed skills which shouldn't have been touched and next to nothing to compensate for that. Sure, the ferocity buffs were nice, but an added 10% on Lava Font ain't gotta cut it, mate. Not after shaving off 40% before. Let's not talk about Meteor Shower either.

    It's coming to that time where we should just give up on the class altogether, but those of us who have put countless hours into it, myself included, will play it regardless, because we can't let go of what was once a great class that has turned to (insert your choice of word here which isn't kitten) because of stupid changes done to benefit the carebears in PvE.

    cue sad music

  9. @Jski.6180 said:

    @Dante.1763 said:Ele was my favorite class in GW1 because of how it was done, here its saddly the opposite. I want to love ele, but the lack of knowledgeable developer attention i cannot.

    I never played Gw1. Can you elaborate how Ele was done there a bit for me?

    Well first off you could choose which of the elements you wanted to use, or multiple. Fire, and Air where the heavy damages if i recall properly, earth was control, and water was both healing and damage, and yes you had multiple weapons not that that mattered much because skills werent locked to weapons and honestly not gonna lie, i wish that in GW2 you could just..choose one or two elements per weapon and have a secondary set with the same or alternate elements.

    The "arcane" trait line increased the amount of energy you had available so more high damage skills if you wanted.

    Fire skills applied burning it was far more effective in GW1 than our burning is on ele currently. I forget what the other ones did(I think earth would apply bleeding, Air would do some kind of weakness where it reduced either the maximum HP you had or the maximum energy you had available.) because i barely ran builds that werent fire, and Fire skills where overall high damaging, AOE skills(at least the good used ones for PVE.) unlike ours fire skills..which are AOEs, on long cooldowns..but do very little damage.

    Are you sure it's not mostly nostalgia speaking here?

    See what I mean:
    • We can currently choose which element to use - via the attunement mechanic.
    • Fire and Air are usually the damage elements across the different weapons. Dagger, Sword, Scepter both offer their best damage in these two elements. Staff is the sole exception, relying almost exclusively on Fire for damage.
    • Water is control/heal element across all weapons, with touch of damage here and there (e.g. Twin Strike, Ice Spike).
    • Earth offers a mix of control (blinds, knockbacks, immobilizes), and condi damage. There's the occasional direct damage as well, but it's more of an exception rather than a rule.
    • Unlike most condi builds, which apply a multitude of damaging conditions, Ele ones are heavily biased toward Burning. The only other build I can think of which is so burn-heavy is the Firebrand one.
    • Arcane line achieves a similar effect - reducing attunement cooldown means easier/faster access to your high-damage skills.

    It seems to me your description is surprisingly accurate for the GW2 implementation of the profession as well.

    No, its not, because ele was very well off for DPS in GW1 at any range, it was very well off for support at any range, and as i said, i would rather we could pick one or two elements per weapon and gain a weapon swap so i could have a melee weapon and a range weapon slotted without having to leave combat, the attunement system as a whole with how they implemented it, has failed in my opinion of what ele should be like. ,
    i could stand it if we actually
    something for our complex(overly so) rotations, at the moment that is not the case. Our rotations are the most complex out of all the classes and they require a ton of skill to pull off correctly to obtain that damage, one or two mistakes and you obliterate your DPS where as other professions have alot more lee way in what they can do and the mistakes they can make. I can do more damage with my ranger camping SB(Literally 2 skills) than i can with my ele if i mess up one attunement, and in my opinion that is not how it should be.

    That's a balance issue now, not a mechanical design one. I agree ele needs to be more rewarding in terms of performance.

    More rewarding?! have you tried at 14k 15k hp ele build in wvw yet? The level of risk you must put your self into to land viable dmg on part with scorge and rev is out right silly when you realized both scorge and the rev are far more tankly and more able to self support there dmg. Mostly dying to retal alone in wvw fights.

    When a rev can hit you for 6k but you can only hit them for 3k back (1 skills) there is something very wrong.

    Ele needs counter dmg mitigation badly hitting harder vs lower hp targets is not working at any level for counter dmg mitigation nor is vulnerability working and burning is not dealing with healing. Ele needs real counter def tools unblockables counter boons counter healing and real dmg buffs vs high armor classes (not higher dmg but blunt conter to high armor).

    Listen to this guy. He's talking sense.

  10. @steki.1478 said:

    @"Dahir.4158" said:I think we need Arcane Fury back. It would really help to get some more fury from other places instead of having to rely on Raging Storm (crit). Having that trait back would definitely benefit staff weavers and those who use scepter.

    We actually have builds that can one shot people, but we are held back by our own lack of fury. The might gain is a nice idea, though it's not what we need. We can get that from multiple sources via sigils, runes and other places. Fury is the one thing DPS weavers need on demand right now since you've introduced the ferocity buff to Raging Storm.

    Maybe I'm talking rubbish, but it's worth changing it back to what it was and then having a look at the impact afterwards.

    Do the same for Lava Font. I'm still pissed off.

    Tbh ele has horrible might uptime compared to most of other classes. It heavily relies on spamming fire skills with fire GM trait (which is basically just wvw staff build) and might from blast finishers is both weak and limited to melee builds (ranged builds have fire fields on enemy, not on self). I dont see a reason why arcane minor trait cant provide both might and fury, since both boons are required to be a cannon on a naturally glassy class. Ele also needs boons that proc on certain skills under certain conditions, unrelated to traits. Skills like unload on thief p/p or unrelenting assault on rev sword, which give might on hit.

    Basically ele needs better uptimes on boons that isnnt swiftness. Ele needs boons that arent limited to single build/weapon and boons that dont require taking 3 specs and boon duration gear to be impactful.

    Yeah, I had the same idea after posting that. The trait should definitely have both boons.

  11. I think we need Arcane Fury back. It would really help to get some more fury from other places instead of having to rely on Raging Storm (crit). Having that trait back would definitely benefit staff weavers and those who use scepter.

    We actually have builds that can one shot people, but we are held back by our own lack of fury. The might gain is a nice idea, though it's not what we need. We can get that from multiple sources via sigils, runes and other places. Fury is the one thing DPS weavers need on demand right now since you've introduced the ferocity buff to Raging Storm.

    Maybe I'm talking rubbish, but it's worth changing it back to what it was and then having a look at the impact afterwards.

    Do the same for Lava Font. I'm still pissed off.

  12. @Silence.3702 said:this might sound rude and i apologize for that, but they must have tried really hard to kick elementalists out of the game , I guess high skill high reward doesnt apply here? you need to be really,really,really good at weaver to be able to compete with average players let alone 1v1its main purpose is to somehow tank? for a few seconds using alot of heal untill he dies,thats its only purpose, its damage is,.... medicore? at best? any DPS build is laughable with 0 mobility and sustain. alot of self sustain is fine sure but thats litearlly all weaver got, i got to play this game because i really like playing elementalist but this game has by far the most inferior and ridiculously laughable mage class in every game, they made it into a useless tank. horrible design.

    True that.

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