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Posts posted by supreme.3602

  1. @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:Change the "Meteor Shower" into "Meteor Descent"

    Description : No more random fire projectiles that rains on a specific area but One and only big meteor that covers the entire area in one big hit (same has dragon tooth we could say) and that leaves a fire combo field after it. Lowers the damage and apply a Knockdown (to fit the RP behind it)The end of the cast right when the meteor hits the ground for more stylish plays.

    The CD of 60 sec seems fine to me. and then I'm happy for staff ... for a while.

    60 seconds lol stop dreaming thanks

    For that amount of time, I expect the skill to have a 500% damage increase

  2. @"Auburner.6945" said:LWMH2AI.jpg

    Full minstrel + durability tempest btw... btw... btw... I heard it only hits for 7k vs glassy targets btw btw I was tanky and under SM's buff as well btw btw so how can I counter play this if I can only see the thief when dead btw btw, shouldn't it be 7k tho btw btw.


  3. @fewfield.7802 said:The original point is overall dmg is too high and fights were ended too fast. that's why i made this post.And I am on WSR the most 2nd stacked server on EU.

    The fact that you're on the same server as me makes me want to poke my head with a drill. Elementalist damage is not high, mate. The fights end fast because the people here know what they are doing.

    And I really don't get it. Why do people insist on nerfing this class all the time? Just dodge and l2p.

  4. @"Auburner.6945" said:Staff needs no damage buffs. It already can outdps any class in WvW in mid-large scale fights. What staff needs are QoL changes to survivability/utility/delays/projectiles/etc.

    This is a long post, so get ready. Mainly aimed at ArenaNet developers.

    Increase Lava Font and Meteor Damage. Make the red ring for the #5 skill a lot more visible, especially on water-covered ground—maybe a pulsing effect would do the trick.

    Change Stoning's speed so that it matches Fireball, and also make it an AoE skill.

    Decrease the activation time of Eruption.

    Change Pryoclastic Blast so that it is NOT a projectile, as there is so much projectile hate in the game, i.e. Winds of Disenchantment and so on. Make it so that it is a ground skill like its predecessors.

    Change Pressure Blast so that it has a similar effect to Ice Spike, as the former also "violently explodes if it hits the the ground".

    Plasma Blast is fine as it damage-wise, but I would like to see the skill actually track a target, instead of mindlessly going forward and backwards, hoping to hit someone along the way.

    Lahar is not a part of my rotation, so I can't comment on it. Same goes for Monsoon, lol.

    Remove the rooted effect on Pile Driver. Why do we have to be stuck in place for a skill like that? It's not as if the skill does crazy amounts of damage like Meteor Shower. And it certainly doesn't have the same number of impacts as the latter, which is 24. If that cannot be done, then at least increase the damage to a fair amount to compensate our for long-standing vulnerability.

    Now that I've said my piece regarding the issues with staff skills, let me talk about Conjure Frost Bow—mainly Frost Storm.

    This skill had its damage reduced by 50% on the 29th of September 2015. This was just a month prior to the release of Heart of Thorns. Before the first expansion, the meta revolved around a coordinated Frost Storm spike and well-timed CC skills, as we didn't have much else to work with.

    I can understand that when HoT was on the horizon, you felt somewhat concerned that our damage potential would be "too much", when pitted against other classes and specialisations. That would be the case if the damage of Tempest was something to write home about. What seems mad and illogical to me, is that when Path of Fire came out, you went ahead and reduced the damage per impact by 10%, to a minimum of 20%, while other classes are free to have overpowered skills and the like.

    It's bad enough that we are rooted to the spot, like Meteor Shower, but to reduce the damage when we're basically a sneeze away from death, is foolish.

    I suggest changing this skill back to how it was, and then maybe we'll actually see players conjuring the weapon again, because I know for sure that I haven't seen an Icebow actively used by a competent person since the nerf in 2015. That's almost a good four years, you know. Take that into consideration when you're busy with our "concerns", boys behind the work desk.

    https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/51752/concerns-about-elementalist/p1 - 15 pages btw, since August 16, 2018.


  5. @solemn.9608 said:

    @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:@Razor.6392@"Dahir.4158"LolStill not hearing an argument dude. Guess you've forfeit.

    I remember when I was younger I wanted an argument over anything on the internet so that I could prOvE pEoPlE wRoNg.

    You're pre-mashing abilities, which queues them up. It's bad play, and it could get you screwed if you queue up the wrong ability. Fortunately you're fighting potatoes on a very high margin of error build (up until the point where I closed the video) so that will never be a concern.

    So-the first part of your post, that was directed at me? I could easily say the same to you so I fail to see why you’ve said it to me.

    Yeah that’s kind of the idea though? When there is only really one or two possible ways out of a combat situation and I commit to one by queueing it up how is that necessarily sub-optimal? That’s what I am trying to do. You did not make a very compelling argument.

    I don’t see what my build has to do with it, or my opponents either for that matter. It’s one of countless builds I play and some of countless opponents I’ve fought. An apple is an apple ... not an orange. Could care less if you think it is.

    Couldn't* care less, young man. Also, idk why you're jumping into this argument, this has nothing to do with you unless you're OP's alt.Sorry but how exactly do you know that I can’t care less? I care considerably less now that you’ve nitpicked my grammar - incorrectly, as well - telltale sign of having nothing of value to say. Bold of you to assume you’re interpreting my language correctly after the above demonstration of character.

    @"Dahir.4158" said:

    @Razor.6392 said:Couldn't* care less, young man. Also, idk why you're jumping into this argument, this has nothing to do with you unless you're OP's alt.

    It is, lol.Ty once again for your enlightening contribution

    Why are you mad at me? Calm down boy

  6. @solemn.9608 said:

    @Razor.6392 said:Holy kitten you are mashing the keys... hard pass.What is this comment even supposed to suggest?

    “You are using the appropriate skill at the exact time it is needed and compensating for lag/ensuring every hit registers by mashing the odd button, NOOOOOOOOOB!”

    Have you just never played this game before or what exactly is the issue here ? Hard pass on taking you seriously.


  7. @narcx.3570 said:They should bring back lava font's damage and buff meteor shower--but instead of front loading MS's damage, make the harder hits at the end of the channel.

    And then maybe nerf either weaver modifiers slightly, or fire/earth 3 and fire/air 3 for staff, so staff weeb's aren't out of control again... It made no sense to nerf staff so hard when they could have adjusted the weaver only aspects of it.

    I do remember WvW people crying about Meteor Shower before the nerfs too, but making the harder hits at the end of the channel instead of the beginning would help balance it for pvp vs pve... Since like, if you stand in an entire MS channel you deserve to die.

    I agree with everything you said, but the only reason why people cried about Meteor Shower was because it was bugged for like a week or so, doing crazy amounts of unjustified damage, which was capable of one-shotting people with ease. Standing in one of those back then was suicide, unlike now.

  8. @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

    @"Dahir.4158" said:

    @otto.5684 said:@Jski.6180 and @"LazySummer.2568", if you guys just bothered to read the remainder of my post. To summarize, staff nerf is not the cause of ele issues and buffing it will not resolve said issues. There are far more important issues that need to be addressed.

    It IS the cause of a big issue. Take a look at Lava Font, for example. This skill used to do on average 5K - 7K, but then it got nerfed by -40%. Why? We don't know. Nobody complained about it. It wasn't a big deal. Nobody ever said, "Oh, we should nerf Lava Font, because it hits too hard". It's not rocket science to move out of the field, and it's not so obscure that you can't see it. It was once our main source of damage, but after the childish nerfs, we are lucky to get about 2K-4K out of it.

    Not trying to single you out but this is sort of what I mean. Lava font is fine. Staff Weaver in particular is probably in the best shape of all builds, the problem is that people want things from it that it will simply never provide them. People want staff weaver to be on par with sw/d weaver - it never will be, it was not designed to be. A staff weaver that knows their stuff is ALWAYS top damage in comparison to other classes/builds in wvw zergs, and can break through tanky frontlines by coordinating their bomb with the tag (which entails more than just simply dropping meteor shower and lava font).

    Any meta comp that doesn't have their head up their butt (and believe me, meta groups that avoid weavers exist - they are not very smart) runs at least 2 staff weavers in a squad of 25 with the exception of GvG groups where that is more rare, but still acceptable if the weavers (sometimes core staff ele) are particularly talented. It does not need any buffs, if you buff staff weaver you will just make me and other staff weaver mains VERY OP and people will cry about it and then it will be nerfed again.

    Nah, I don't agree with you on that.

  9. @otto.5684 said:@Jski.6180 and @"LazySummer.2568", if you guys just bothered to read the remainder of my post. To summarize, staff nerf is not the cause of ele issues and buffing it will not resolve said issues. There are far more important issues that need to be addressed.

    It IS the cause of a big issue. Take a look at Lava Font, for example. This skill used to do on average 5K - 7K, but then it got nerfed by -40%. Why? We don't know. Nobody complained about it. It wasn't a big deal. Nobody ever said, "Oh, we should nerf Lava Font, because it hits too hard". It's not rocket science to move out of the field, and it's not so obscure that you can't see it. It was once our main source of damage, but after the childish nerfs, we are lucky to get about 2K-4K out of it.

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