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Everything posted by Whiteout.1975

  1. @"Swagger.1459" Thanks for explaining the idea. I was more confused as well tbh. All I really want is for WvW to be more competitive so that I and others actually have a good reason to try and Win a match. That is done in a fair and respectable enough manner around it's playerbase. And of coarse have fun in the process. Honestly, if that's what the "SuperBowl" part actually entails... I'm Not for it. In part, because I actually agree with you about the maps issue. Rather take my chances with Alliance's as I can relate much more to that idea anyways.I just thought he wanted it to be as Big as the Superbowl, but for gaming lol... So I was like "Sure, why not?". Anyways, yea, Thanks again for the clarity B)
  2. @Diku.2546 Don't take this the wrong way, but does @Anet even want it to be a "SuperBowl eSport event"... Like ever? I'm just curious... Because if not, then you or I will probably just be wasting more of our time here. Announcing Alliances almost make it seem possible in that direction. Though, now we have the Warclaw around the corner before that. Which, makes me more confused ATM. I'm trying to figure out if WvW is just gonna continue to be "The Red Head Step Child" or actually trying to become the opposite of a joke. Maybe once that's made clear, we may get a bit less "hilarious" "topics" around the joke. Though instead, more with your kind of "substance". :Edited In light of new clarity.
  3. I Just posted A Cure for this here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/34417/raymond-lukes-6305-the-cure-for-roaming-those-alike/p1?new=1 going into great detail for You @Raymond Lukes.6305
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