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Posts posted by Riba.3271

  1. @"Infusion.7149" said:I think I mentioned this when the balance preview was up. Keep/camp/tower bonuses should be reevaluated since you get +200 power and precision in a keep (along with toughness ad vitality) or +100 power and precision in a tower/camp.

    In order to make bloodlust / ruins more attractive the bonus ought to be scaled down. That's a better reason than "it's harder to take things".

    If the bonuses were reduced and the walls were restored to more hit points, you'd have a greater time for a response with more balanced stats if the number of players is relatively even.

    Ah yeah, is this better way to look at it?

    At friendly keep: Friendly Group has +800 stats ( +3 ascended trinkets)At enemy keep: Enemy group has +800 stats (+3 ascended trinkets)Difference between fighting at these locations: Godmode. Only one side needs to play "defensive" and the other can't do much even if he takes down all enemy siege down from a far playing patient and smarter than enemy.

    Then what if all servers have 3 fully upgraded keeps on their borderlands? Well borderlands are unplayable, provided there are scouts, unless you somehow manage to gather 20 more people than enemy, which is hard on offensive BL because each server gets more players on home map.

    Yes the stats should be toned down if it makes such a massive difference. Defenders have ton of other advantages, even more than before claim buff was introduced.

    WvW is supposed to be about epic fights for objectives, not epic fights or objectives

  2. @TheGrimm.5624 said:

    @"Threather.9354" said:WvW was functioning very well even before claim buff even started existing. Lack of tags online is the reason you have only "roamers" defending. The reason those tags don't log in is because if they don't have 60 people, stepping onto enemy bl, is a suicide. Even upgraded SM is the same. So they just sit around waiting for enemy to come to their BL. Oh wait, enemy commander is doing the same. Wow, no real commander on either side, I guess WvW is dead.

    It is simple, WvW needs more groups. Right now defending groups are so heavily favored that while people are willing to defend, they're not willing to attack. Commanders and guilds included.

    Your logic is flawed. Havocs already don't think about this buff because they know they are choosing when to attack something and it won't matter. I run both roamer and havoc and this never plays a factor into whether or not to attack something. Nor does its tier after they removed the extra HP from higher level walls. They have only strengthened attackers and reduced the Time to Take a structure over the last year. If this buff is causing a zerg to pause, that's just a mental block in the tags head or they broadcasted where they are going and didn't use advance forces to weaken something. There have never been tags dedicated to just defending, this has always been regulated to smaller forces if not individuals. There are some tags that will response but never that just defended that I have ever seen ranging from T1 to T8.

    WvW could use more reasons for small scale but this buff is not one of the factors. If you are looking for that, up PPT and add in rewards for winning the week. But if you go there also up the personal rewards for PPK since killing other players is far more difficult than taking an empty structure.

    Claim buff doesn't prevent you from taking empty structures, it prevents you from taking manned ones. Add 3 extra ascended trinkets worth of stats (800, in keeps) to defenders and you can see how busted the buff is. Try removing 2 ascended trinkets from your build and you will see how weak you are compared to before. You think it is only "800" stats but even much much smaller advantages make massive differences in PvP games. Like I am asking for them to reduce the stats for sake of PvP balance (think of any popular PvP game balancing) at locations, camps and upgraded keeps included.

    You just don't understand how much difference having your own claim buff (400 stats or 800 stats) or enemy claim buff (400 or 800 stats) makes in how strong you are in fights. That is why people play defensive, not offensive. It isn't just 400 stat difference, it is way more, even up to 1600 for every player. There are no hierarchy of power between commanders, blobs, guilds, roamers because just STATS (not strategy, discipline or how you use tools provided (defender has much more)) decide fights.

    Just try it, take 2 ascended trinks off and try saying you're still strong against people that have full build, go ahead. Claim buff is busted and shifts blobs/guilds winrate against another from 1 keep to another from 0% to 100% (not even considering respawns, tactics, siege, positioning and other defender advantages), even from 1 camp to another from like 35% to 65%. Are these numbers acceptable for a passive buff? No, I say.

    WvW is supposed to be about epic fights for objectives, not epic fights or objectives

  3. Condis not a problem largescale. Parties are literally running 4 people capable of removing decent amount of conditions.

    Roaming seems kinda different tho. Tanky condi Scourges kiting until eternity and Soulbeasts everywhere.

    WvW maps weren't designed for increased movementspeed. The distances between places is very small, increased movementspeed would make sense in other RvR MMOs that have bigger maps like ESO. You can't just die and be back in 15 seconds.

  4. @"TheGrimm.5624" said:No I wouldn't touch this one. This adds more emphasis on taking it before it ranks to the point that it could be applied and more reasons to hold the structure if you are the defender. I can agree with some of the above that the radius could be contained to inside the keep versus on the open field around it. Attackers already have more of an edge since they can choose where and when to attack and as has been stated above attackers are more likely organised and defenders will be roamers in the area.

    WvW was functioning very well even before claim buff even started existing. Lack of tags online is the reason you have only "roamers" defending. The reason those tags don't log in is because if they don't have 60 people, stepping onto enemy bl, is a suicide. Even upgraded SM is the same. So they just sit around waiting for enemy to come to their BL. Oh wait, enemy commander is doing the same. Wow, no real commander on either side, I guess WvW is dead.

    If there are more "attacks" on your bl, more people will log in to defend. If there is "dead" weeks, people won't be logging in.

    It is simple, WvW needs more groups. Right now defending groups are so heavily favored that while people are willing to defend, they're not willing to attack. Commanders and guilds included.

    You worry too much about roamers being able to defend against organised groups just because they have been able to do so for such a long time. Let them fail defending on their dueling builds for a few months and they will start logging good classes to defend things with, it isn't a problem. Catering to lazy players isn't the way to go. And no server should be able to hold T3 sm all day. And flipping upgraded EB/side keeps shouldn't be limited to nighttime or guildstacked blobs.

    WvW is supposed to be about epic fights for objectives, not epic fights or objectives

  5. @aspirine.6852 said:Well the best position is usually for the attackers, lets say it like that. Its not uncommon that a group attacking a T3 keep has the numbers. If the defenders have similar numbers I have no idea what they are doing on the walls and behind siege. Since it is easier to take an attacker down on the ground and without siege. AC just tickles a bit these days.And attackers clearing all siege first, well yes of course. Don't tell me that Deso doesnt siege up their keeps =) And also it should be hard to take a T3 keep. Hell they sieged up our keep during the night when they nightcap everything. And dont tell me that a group like deso has cannot clear all canons and mortars before they even start on the wall or doors.. They are the most useless of sieges of them all. If you die by mortar fire you should rethink your capping :)

    And of course they will try to close the gate, that is the risk of being the attacker, and the strategy of the defender. Easily overcome by every group that has portals will them. So no big deal there.If you remove the presence of the keep you will kinda hurt the defending party that does not have nearly the equal numbers of the attackers. And for this I dont mean organised guild groups hiding in keeps, but defenders are normally a bunch of people thrown together. They do not have the perma boon spam that every single attacking group does have. It is kinda leveling out for them in this case.

    My point was, defenders already have too much advantage even without claim buff. Claim buff isn't necessary. Losing keeps with 15 less players should be nothing to be ashamed of. Also you shouldn't have to have a big group to attack upgraded things against small numbers. Right now, yes if a group is attacking T3 objective they have big numbers, but small groups should be able to have fun against small number of defenders as well. Especially since coverage is so bad even in T1 that it isn't uncommon for all borderlands to be fully upgraded.

    Like big deal, you lost bay or hills against a group that showed up. Now then you def garri and can have even hour or two of epic defending against a willingly attacking group, because attackers will also have fun with better balance as well, instead of enemy commander disappearing after 1 failure. Sometimes you lose your map because no1 logged in, sometimes you don't. At least this way the more players from enemy players will have more fun rather than the side that has half numbers.

    We can just use your logic to make it so that claim buff should be even stronger so even smaller groups can defend against larger groups. This doesn't make sense or seem fun, right? The other way makes much more sense. Reducing claim buff and increasing activity. Because attackers are the proactive side. Defending doesn't occur unless someone willingly attacks something.

    WvW is supposed to be about epic fights for objectives, not epic fights or objectives

  6. @"aspirine.6852" said:"Defenders already have tactics, siege, portals, respawn, better positioning and even something like stealth traps."

    I lolled about this. What the attackers cannot respawn all of a sudden? The best position is to the attackers, not the defenders. And stealth traps, ohhhhh so dangerous for the attackers :D

    Best postioning is for attackers? So they can build siege prefight? They can choose the spot they start the fight from? They don't have to stand in lord room for several minutes to kill the lord? They don't have advantage of infinite respawns from EWP near most Keep/tower entrances? The attacker literally needs to run through the enemy damage, clear all the mortars, cannons, acs, while fighting the enemies. Yes you can maybe try to portal inside to clear a few acs but what if theres more even further....

    Point is defenders will close the gate and their spawn is literally like 5-10 times closer for both garri and eb keeps. Even on offensive bls there's massive advantage in travel time having T3 keep there provided you keep enemy garrison contested.

    This way: The players who prefer attacking will feel better after fighting near enemy objectives and defending players will get more action. The game is quite literally in state where almost no one attacks enemy t3 keeps during hours enemy has players but no commander. Having a commander should even out the advantages of a side that has no com but is defending

    Like yeah, you can farm new players as much as you want in keep with a guildblob but point is guild blobs should at least have a chance of wiping another guild blob in enemy keep once or twice. Yes they will still fail taking it because they'll just respawn and build siege if they're weaker, but at least the stronger side will be stronger and bad commanders can't just "show up and keep will magically be saved" but actually have to learn some basics of leading.

    Let me tell you how WvW used to be: Guild didn't have anything to fight? They grouped up and attacked garrison. Then some enemy tagged up to try to def it or guilds showed up. Then they had epic fights inside or they lost garri because no1 cared. Atm guilds don't even try to group up to attack objectives because they know the fight inside will be terrible quality and all they can hope inside is to get farm some roamers, if anything decent shows up, even a chatmander, they'll just go splat. Same applies to open tags. Same applies to smaller guilds attacking upgraded towers. All they can hope is to Backcap things.

    WvW is supposed to be about epic fights for objectives, not epic fights or objectives.

  7. @ChronosCosmos.9450 said:Keeps are meant to be hard to capture.

    Yes, and they will still be even if the claim buff is nerfed. Just sayin' 2 servers should be able to beat 1 inside their keep if they play smarter.

    Just now it is practically impossible. They can buff wall/gate HP back up as long, and maybe increase guild golem supply cost, as long as the fighting ground is more even. There are other ways to make keeps hard to cap than making them terrible places for any group that wants to have fun to go to.

    Don't forget that attacker doesn't have luxury of jumping off walls, going outside or gliding around to save their life midcombat. Or running back very fast after dying.

    And claim buffs extend literally everywhere on the map, they decide both small and big fights on seemingly even location.

  8. It is just busted, Defenders already have tactics, siege, portals, respawn, better positioning and even something like stealth traps.

    You can play around most of them but Claim buff is something you cannot.

    When you have a blob, you should be able to poke enemy keep and force enemy to get someone to tag up. Great roamers should be able to outduel good ones instead of getting overwhelmed by someone having 800 extra stats.

    Taking enemy upgraded stuff after a long duration fight is just epic. Even when EB has 3 servers with a blob, 2 of them are reluctant to doubleteam the slightly stronger server because they just get god mode near their objectives.

    Making the base claim buff something like +40 power/precision/toughness/vitality instead of +100 would improve state of WvW a lot. Removing the combat stats from claim buff completely would be the better choice for WvW balance but as it is guild upgrade, I don't see it being possible.

  9. @JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

    @JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:I don’t think you actually play large scale. The Meta hadn’t changed much, it’s just condi now.

    People think antitoxin will save them is a huge joke to me and it should be pretty obvious why it won’t work to counter the condo meta.

    Build diversity took a nose dive, as most builds in large scale became completely non-viable.

    If there is one thing I do enjoy, it’s the implementation of the warclaw aura, which helps new players without a warclaw. And 2v2 I enjoy.

    Who says antitoxin saves them? It only increases incoming condi cleanses by 1. Anyone running those runes is trolling. Scrapper still cleanses a ton, tempest cleanses a lot, scourge cleanses even more. It isn't a condi meta, just your party members aren't cleansing you. Just run trooper runes on tempests (10 man cleanse shouts), maybe some warhorns on spellbreakers (more 10 man cleanse!). Most condi builds are a joke against resistance. As a condi blob you will lose headon clash to powerblob running "shake it off!" instantly.

    Condi isn't a problem, just it exists now on smaller/unorganized scale. Yes most of the time if you're dying, you most likely have some conditions on you, but it isn't the conditions killing you, it is the power damage. Literally add 1 decent firebrand in your group and it makes half your frontline immune to the "Condiclouds”

    You misunderstand. Im not dying to the condi-cloud, I’m the one running the condi-cloud.

    And again you don’t do large scale, otherwise you would know that firebrand isn’t what keeps conditions off of your party.

    Hehe, I think I better know if I do large scale. But yeah, I know Firebrand isn't the main cleanse but is still the most important role for frontline to be able to push. (Resi fields, stab, cleanse, heals)Anyways if you run condi cloud and having success, I doubt you're fighting real strong blobs and just farming the influx of PvE players this week. Or maybe you're one of those comms that play full defensive gameplay with acs and other siege as you can't cloud in most enemy objectives. Obviously you will have higher winrate like that.

  10. @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:I don’t think you actually play large scale. The Meta hadn’t changed much, it’s just condi now.

    People think antitoxin will save them is a huge joke to me and it should be pretty obvious why it won’t work to counter the condo meta.

    Build diversity took a nose dive, as most builds in large scale became completely non-viable.

    If there is one thing I do enjoy, it’s the implementation of the warclaw aura, which helps new players without a warclaw. And 2v2 I enjoy.

    Who says antitoxin saves them? It only increases incoming condi cleanses by 1. Anyone running those runes is trolling. Scrapper still cleanses a ton, tempest cleanses a lot, scourge cleanses even more. It isn't a condi meta, just your party members aren't cleansing you. Just run trooper runes on tempests (10 man cleanse shouts), maybe some warhorns on spellbreakers (more 10 man cleanse!). Most condi builds are a joke against resistance. As a condi blob you will lose headon clash to powerblob running "shake it off!" instantly.

    Condi isn't a problem, just it exists now on smaller/unorganized scale. Yes most of the time if you're dying, you most likely have some conditions on you, but it isn't the conditions killing you, it is the power damage. Literally add 1 decent firebrand in your group and it makes half your frontline immune to the "condiclouds".

  11. Power is way better in a group setting. If you run any condi, you run either Cele (Healing power for barriers/blood magic) or Dire/TB for sake of being supertanky frontline (condi revs). The main purpose of running condidamage isn't to deal more damage but use the fact that it only requires 1 stat (condi damage) compared to 3 that power builds require (power, precision, ferocity) so you can access more tanky/supportive builds.

    Condi is just terrible source of damage against coordinated groups that have some resistance and lot of AoE cleanse. Newbies just don't cleanse in time so condi feels stronger now. Against a metagroup, your condis will get max 1 tick of considerable damage off.

    TLDR; If you run condition damage in group setting, you don't run it for the damage. Condi builds aren't necessary, power builds are.

  12. My experience on this patchLot of enemies and fights last a while. There has even been lot of epic moments where 2 servers where doubleteaming the 3rd one which would have never happened in old 1-push meta.

    Yea, there are lot of new players that follow the "zerg" instead of the commander which leads into lot of funny moments where commander is far away from his zerg. Imagine when these new players with their new found passion for WvW will integrate into server community bringing new passionate players, guilds and commanders to keep each and every day active. There were even days without a proper commander just because fighting wasn't really that fun....

    Even heal firebrand is somewhat tolerable now that fights aren't over before you even get to pull out your justice tome.

    Build diversity is also a thing now, condi/hybrid builds are arguably viable now, condis were nonexistant before. Reapers and core Necros can finally survive long enough in shroud for meta to not only be "shadebombs", stealth cheese and pirateship. I can play even shout spellbreaker and feel useful because there are actually condis to cleanse and fights last long enough for my shorter cooldowns to get some advantage over yolo stance builds. There is also stat diversity other than Berserker and Minstrel.

    Overall this patch is amazing, it brings back so many things from that have been missing ever since PoF came out. I don't think it fixed all glaring issues, but at least the most important ones: fight quality and fun.

    What I'd like to see next?Now what I'd like them to nerf next is duration of group stealth and strength of claim buff a bit. This is for purpose of increasing amount of fights and enemy objectives being approachable even with a dumber/smaller zerg. T3 keeps are still way too strong. Also mount stomp is a stupid RNG mechanic, the worst feeling is when one enemy just happens to join the fight with his mount when you or your teammate is down and finish a player that you would get otherwise up.

    Regarding balance, I think "Break Enchantments" is little too strong right now. 4 (skill) + 1 (trait) AoE boon removal on 25 sec CD just goes against purpose of the recent changes. When 1 guy can essentially remove all boons from 5 people without coordinating with others, there is definitely a big issue. Fights will basically be decided by which side has better spellbreakers. I am sure there are other broken stuff, f/e I heard Scrapper is little overtuned still, that I haven't noticed yet. At least blood magic feels busted due to siphoning not getting nerfed yet.

  13. It is much more fun (blobfights).

    Fights last longer and the strongest server doesn't 1-push the other 2. Also if you get jumped by stealthcheesers, you don't usually get 1-shot but can regroup.Also you can usually get past chokes without getting 1-shot.

    Now attacking enemy keeps is still quite terrible as they have the double claim buff and such making equal fight quite impossible. Hope they fix that.

  14. Overall I like these changes.

    I don't think condis were ever that impactful in WvW, even epi meta was only working because pets and downed states. So I don't share anyones conserns regarding condis being too strong in group play, in non-support roaming setting maybe.

    My main consern is that player/commander skill level is already so low due to people relying to 10 man supporting and permasuperspeed that they won't be able to survive.

    Thankfully times of one meteor, rev or warrior deleting your whole team will be over. Literally the most optimal way to play the game was just pressure enemy group 100% of time and ignore your own commander, provided you were skillful enough to stay alive. Now you can't just "do your own thing" but you need to do so with at least 1 other person if you hope to down people.

  15. Nah, I am pretty sure NA needs you. I would recommend staying there.

    No warrior can overcome the deeds of Sov AlmightyShould he choose a kingdom, may it not be region alrightySovs sword causes fear deep into hearts of menas he rides into battle to destroy the malicious denFor glory he would have to cross the atlantic seabut behind he would leave brave men with echoing pleasNo, the true warrior shall not get on a boatElse NA won't stay afloat

    See I wrote a poem! NA time!

  16. I had my ping spike to about 1k in the past that, it had something to do with my NVIDIA drivers, there was mildly upvoted reddit thread about it. The Graphics card in question was NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970 but there could be other issues with other cards. I basically had to run older drivers for little over a year else I would get massive ping spikes.

    It has been fixed since then tho, so if you haven't upgraded your graphics card drivers recently, I recommend it. If you have, then you can try going to older drivers.

  17. I would:

    1. Upgrade EB and Borders so they don't feel so crampedAdding 3 cappable sentrytowers at the NPC locations, namely where the large hut is at the ogre camp, where krait skillpoint gates are and in the "crossroad" where the dredge skillpoint is. These towers would be unupgradeable and would include no supply, they would be just filler content to increase the amount of options groups have when they're weak. Of course the NPC event would be removed. A stronger version would be added to borders to replace ruins and bloodlust. This would remove the "stonemist castle" as sole "neutral objective" and punish teams that only camp SM and north side of their borders. You don't need to cater to current "kill farmers", they all started from nothing. This would help the "nobodies" to enjoy the gameb before they become "somebodies"

    This change wouldn't cramp any of the existing interactive gameplay, rather add new ways. It would support new commanders and groups smaller than 25 mostly. This change would maintain WvW as 24/7 gamemode as even 2 players have something to cap.

    1. Nerf claim buffAll Claim buff stats would be +50 instead of +100, this would also nerf presence of the keep. Defenders already have too many different advantages, thus tuning them down should Increase the offensive gameplay and thus increase the amount of epic moments, legendary commanders and fights.

    This change would balance the fighting field and increase amount of commanders

    1. Make watchtower tactic only activate when tower is contested.It simply limits the map too much f/e langor watchtower covers even the keep watergate, the north alpine watchtowers make playstyle of roaming and sniping objectives too monotonous.

    Just make WvW complement to smaller groups by not limiting peoples options regarding movement from place a to b.

    1. Remove desert mapThe map is literally a desert, only camels spend time there. It is widely known as the map you go to when you don't want fights. Yes people like desert for "no lags" but they can just find the one alpine border that will have no enemies.

    My suggestion 1 makes a "sniping objectives on empty map (Desert)" pointless by adding objectives you can do so to.

    1. Make KDR stats of skirmishes only available after the skirmish.You would build hype every 2 hours for revealing of how well your server did in fights. Not a big change but pointplayers get their results every 2 hours too, so it adds something for people to talk about.

    2. Some balance stuffEh, some basic stuff like reducing cast time of dwarf elite in WvW, buff water/lightfield blasting and some other stuff that makes fights last longer. Balance is okayish tho, skill lag not. Any balance they can create can only extend to max 40v40 because else it becomes pirateship where most people get oneshot unless they abuse line of sight.

    3. I would teach the remaining anet devs to love WvWTheir WvW streams are so painfully bad. From builds to way they start the fights. They can't even find a proper fight because none of them has the necessary experience to do so.

  18. Yea additional "neutral" objectives, ones you can cap but aren't as advantageous as existing objectives, would be nice. Maybe ones you can't upgrade, claim or have supply in but provide point income of a t2 tower. Add 3 on EB and 1 on borders, making the 1 on borders worth a bit more with inner and outer walls, like an unupgradable easier-to-take SM. Obviously the borders one would be at the middle, and eb ones would be at current "NPC camps".

    Time for ruins, ogre, hylek and dredge camp to become something useful? The point isn't to block the existing routes but add like a siegeless "watchtower (EB)/watchkeep (borders)" slightly off the way. Of course you can siege them up, but you have to run the supply for both siege and repairs from pretty far away. This way they can have pretty simplistic design. Surely, they'll have to design Ogre, Hylek, Dredge tower to match them, but this is exactly the kind of work that the artists working for Anet would love. First they'll just ask some balance guy to choose the spot that isn't too remote or gamebreaking, toss it to the artists, that use existing resources f/e dredge stuff for dredge tower, then make some balance tweaks, and boom we got beautiful changes for existing WvW maps that don't hinder existing gameplay while adding new options .

    This would solve the issues of small groups not having much to cap because all the "defenders" while adding some neutral things to fight in, instead of defender always having such a massive advantage. The objectives would have very small strategical impact but add variety while fixing some defense-offense balance issues.

    However, I do not agree that they shouldn't rush alliances. Right now, the moment you create a semi-competitive effortputting server, the bandvagoners, and a lot of them, come to your server to taste some real WvW. The national servers are struggling, they aren't even close to competitive with the international ones. Smaller changes like what I am suggesting should be done within a few week, just smash something together while having a complete vision of it , easy.

  19. So the weaver elite skill has some weaknesses namely:

    • The fire form only buffs condition damage making it bad for power builds
    • Once you gain Perfect weave, your attunement cooldown goes back to 4 seconds. So attuning to 4th element doesn't just end the effect sooner, it makes the skill weaker despite Perfect Weave being the "ultimate form".

    This affects mostly WvW and PvP because there you actually have reason to sometimes use water, air and earth CC and support skills.

    So these are my suggested buffs to the skill:Old:

    Woven Fire: 20% Condition DamageWoven Water: 20% Boon Duration, 20% Outgoing Heal EffectivenessWoven Air: 50% Movement SpeedWoven Earth: -20% Incoming DamageDuring Perfect Weave your attunement cooldowns are back to 4 seconds.


    Woven Fire: 10% Outgoing Damage, 10% Condition DamageWoven Water: UnchangedWoven Air: UnchangedWoven Earth: -20% Incoming Damage, -20% Incoming Condition DurationDuring Perfect Weave your attunement cooldowns are still 2 seconds.

    Now I do understand that the Woven Fire change might hinder weaver raid balance or condition builds so it isn't as important of a change as perfect weave still maintaining attunement cooldowns. I want to feel powerful after attuning to 4 elements and gaining my ultimate form, not become weaker.

  20. They should just name Ranger and Thief to Scout junior and Scout senior.

    This way people know that these classes are not ment to ran in large groups. Stay alone, defend camps, take camps, build siege, snipe small towers, get one scout friend and run around with him.

    Any server that doesn't have competitive people (people who realise having a ranger in a largescale fight is worth having 1/3 of a real class), is already a linked server. Commanders want to win fights and/or take/defend objectives, this means they want a strong group. If they don't, their server will die.

    Typing in team/mapchat that ranger is not preferrable class to educate people is not bullying, attacking a single player personally is. Just block them.

    Yes Ranger could be mediocre in a fight where it is flat ground, but unfortunately most of WvW fights happen near and inside objectives, meaning your pewpew will be less than half as effective. It just isn't a good class. Lack of good melee weapon.

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