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Peter Panda.5629

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Everything posted by Peter Panda.5629

  1. One number 47 for Conjurer Rakk please and thank you 🙂
  2. It baffles me how many people are actually trying to shift the blame to the players for not getting the achievements sooner. Sooner than what? In the past, the only achievements that were removed were connected to content or systems that went away as well. And even then, it was rare that this happened. It was a regular occurence with Season 1, but since Anet changed its philosophy about removing content, it happened like what? Two times? It definitely happens uncommonly enough to be unexpected every time. And even then, I believe with the hint system going away for example, we had some forewarning. Furthermore, the content connected to these recently removed achievements did not go away. Nothing was removed that would prevent these from being achievable. So there was nothing to logically indicate that this category would be deprecated. Of course these achievements were very simple to get, but it does not follow that every achievement hunter would therefore prioritize them. There are plenty of relatively easy achievements I'm still putting off, because it is (for me) more optimal to finish them some other time. And now I'm supposed to play the game with the concern that with every Arenanet's attempt to innovate something, achievements could go away? Should I rush through my dungeon achievements the moment they announce looking back at dungeons? Should I be actively playing WvW because they might deprecate more APs with an Alliance update? This was simply a bad move, regardless of whether it was genuinely a one time thing, because it makes me and many others less confident in this game and its development.
  3. Okay, I actually love this. This gives the studio the freedom to remove unwanted achievements while still maintaining the integrity of the system. I think it's a win-win.
  4. Did Arenanet ever communicate beforehand that these achievements are going to be made unavailable? This frustrated me as well when I logged into the game today and made me feel sour about the whole patch instantly. Besides which, I don't understand why they had to be removed in the first place anyway. It's not like it is the exact same content for both of those categories. I understand the need not to have them listed as "tutorial" anymore, but surely that could've been solved by simple renaming. Anet, please, for the love of everything that's holy, consider reinstainting these achievements. I thought that the days of removing content are behind us.
  5. You've been getting 3 pips for a standard loss for well over 2 years now. How did you not notice? Was every one of your losses a near-win? 😄
  6. Any word anywhere why season 33 is a whole week longer than seasons usually are? I know ArenaNet made a season unintentionally shorter once in the past and had to amend it. I would just like to know whether we can expect a fix again, or if this season's actually gonna last till the 13th September.
  7. In compliance with the forum rules, I’m posting in English, but we’re really looking for new Czech and Slovak guild mates to expand our roster. Most of us consider ourselves to be casual players, which is reflected in our approach to others, but a number of us plays a lot and is not afraid to tackle difficult challenges and all sorts of content – we’re perfect for newer players, as well as some veterans who just want a familiar home. We do regular guild missions, fractal runs, and are hoping to do strikes in Cantha (and possibly raids, if we find commited people)! We have all the important upgrades in our guild hall as well. We use Discord, and we also have a facebook group. Mostly PvE, but we have some WvWorlders, as well as people who dabble in PvP. If there are any roleplayers among you, we would also love to attract those. If you’re looking for a friendly Cz/Sk community, we might be perfect as one of your five chosen guilds :) That’s Legacy of Alchera [LOA], and you can write an in-game mail directly to me.
  8. The in-game description of the season length says the season ends on November 22, which (unless I'm missing something really obvious) makes it shorter than four weeks!So my question is - bug or feature?If it stated DECEMBER 22, that would put it on par with with the previous seasons in terms of its length (55 days), so I have reasonable belief that the date of November 22 has been put up by accident, especially with no formal announcement that this season is going to be considerably shorter.Also, when they last shortened a season (a mini-season that is), they also eventually adjusted the rate at which you get rewards, but it seems that the League chests have the same progression as they always have.So what gives?
  9. What I was wondering as well, so I have to bump this in case it's an oversight. For a minute, I was suspecting a short break just like before the last mini-season, but with the ranking on and the button stating that the season ends two weeks from now... suspicious.These achievements have been a big motivation for me to play outside the regular seasons and without them, I don't really feel like it.
  10. Enetering a PvP match while in a downed state removes all your PvP-specific gear, i.e. your amulet, rune and sigils.
  11. Praise Anet, the exchange is back.I'm surprised they decided to not limit it by time again, but I guess if there's no other use for the currency and possibly won't ever be, I guess it only make sense.So thank you again, ArenaNet, for handling the situation so reasonably quick and unmaking the unfortunate miscommunication :)
  12. Listen. Although I understand minds change, the original forum thread specifically mentioned there will be no time limit on the exchange, so to patch this change in without any warning doesn't feel good.As others have pointed out, we were waiting for the precise number of Divinations required for the ring, because as far as we had known at the time, divinations would've been usefull for crafting the ring only, whereas LIs can always be used for crafting other armor pieces. Not only was the playerbase not notified this option would be going away, nobody even gave us a heads-up that we will be able to exchange Divinations back into Insights. Had we known, none of us would've hesitated to exchange all our LIs.I hope I'm illustrating the problem we have with this change clearly enough. In principle, I'm not against this change, if it would've been communicated properly beforehand. But in this case, I believe it would be only fair to let us exchange the Insights before you remove the option permanently.
  13. @Astralporing.1957 I even remember that post. That's why I never bothered to cautiously exchange it. It's even worse now that you can exchange it the other way around. If they had stated that such change is coming, I would've exchanged the max ammount of LI before patch.
  14. Certainly not for me. I only see the option to exchange Divinations into Insights, which is useless to me.
  15. So I guess we've lost the ability to exchange the limited number of Legendary Insights into Legendary Divinations with the latest patch? When I go to the general raid vendor, the only option I see is to exchange Divinations back into Insights. Which feels really gut-punching, because the only reason I never exchanged LIs before was because I didn't know how many I'd need for the ring and didn't want to buy more than necessary. Now I can't buy them at all.Was there ever any heads-up from ANet that this is no longer going to be possible once the legendary ring is in the game?
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