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Posts posted by Shikaru.7618

  1. I spent 300 AA today buying 2 sets of 5 clovers. After my second purchase of 5 clovers, the item was listed as Sold Out! and I could not buy the last 10 clovers. I had not purchased any clovers from AA before today.

    I had bought my weekly 10 fractal clovers this daily cycle so did these count towards the vault's limit by mistake?

    • Thanks 1
  2. Honestly the system seems to be working as intended. Not sure why people have an issue with the cost.

    Open world legendary armor is supposed to be a path for players who don't want to enter the competitive modes or raids where the skill demand is higher. You're trading accessibility for effort.


    Within the obsidian armor effort you have the option to fully grind it out by not making any motivations and joining a train to slowly collect essences at 8-10 per rift by leeching or paying gold to expedite the process by earning 30-40 per rift. You as the player have full control over how much you pay/grind. Don't want to pay? Thats fine, make steady progress by grinding without paying a single copper. Don't want the low essence income? Pay gold. Don't want to play open world? Pursue the other options already in the game.

    The cost of motivations also incentivises players who do not want to make legendary armor to also participate in rifts because they can turn around and sell their essences (in the form of motivations) to players that do.

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  3. On 9/1/2023 at 3:05 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

    So once someone is in the group and matched the spelled out initial requirements, nobody should be kicking anyone anymore no matter what? Can someone join your group and start flaming you, after which you shouldn't kick them "because they met the requirements"? Not everything needs to be spelled out in order for the commander -or the whole group- to still have whatever standards they want. Getting informed about the reason should be enough and is not toxic or rude.

    W2 lf adps/qdps, no going afk for 5.0000001 minutes between fights, no going afk for 5.0000002 minutes between fights, no going afk for 5.0000003 minutes between fights, no going afk for 5.0000004 minutes between fights, no going afk for 5.0000005 minutes between fights, no going afk for 5.0000006 minutes between fights, no going afk for 5.0000007 minutes between fights, no going afk for 5.0000008 minutes between fights, no going afk for 5.0000009 minutes between fights, afk for 5.0000010 minutes between fights is ok.

    I think I hit the lfg char limit.

    • Haha 3
  4. 42 minutes ago, chronometria.3708 said:

    Isnt it being so unforgiving the whole point of the thing? 

    I dont mind it being unforgiving. Giving us practice checkpoints doesn't lower the execution level of the encounter, just the time it takes to practice. My suggestion is to let us practice the thing we need to practice so less time is wasted on parts we already mastered. To be clear, as long practice mode is on, you get no rewards. If you want achievements and rewards you still need to one shot the whole encounter from the start.

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  5. 7 minutes ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

    Really? Elaborate. To me, full boons = raid comp, because that's the lynchpin of any raid group is full organization around boons. 

    Technically they're correct. Aside from ensuring boon roles are covered commanders don't ask people to be a meta dps, or a healer. The rest of the slots could be filled with nomad open worlders. What point they're trying to make in regards to this thread though is beyond me.

    • Confused 2
  6. I want to start off by saying htcm is a very fun and challenging fight. I've enjoyed learning the choreography required to complete it. What I have an issue with is the amount of time it takes to get back to where we were just to practice the thing we need to practice. As you get to soowon, it takes upwards of 10 minutes just to try a slight tactic change. If someone makes a mistake getting there in the earlier phases, it's a reset as well.


    My ask is that there be a practice mode for CM with no rewards that let's you skip to the dragon phases you've seen to be able to cut down the amount of iteration time. NM is not a sufficient practice mode because there are mechanics that simply don't exist.

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  7. Between 6 to 8 minutes is what I've seen with full raid comps. Low dps is really punishing on this fight. Nowadays most squads don't bother killing the tail even when dps is lacking. Think of the tail as a x3 multiplier to soowons current hp to the next phase. Most raid squads can dps at least 15% if not more of soo wins hp before tail happens. This means 15% of non mitigated damage and 5% reduced (roughly 15% of effective hp) totalling to about needing to do 30% of soowons total hp to phase if people are really slacking. An open world squad will maybe get 10% before tail on a good day. This means that they need to do 40% of soowons total max hp just to phase.


    Raid squad on a bad day will need to do 150% of soowons hp over the course of the encounter. Open world squad needs to do 200% of her hp. Also remember that open world squad dps will be significantly lower than the raid squad so the higher effective hp pool is further worsened by the open world squad going at a much slower rate.


    Don't think any of this is a problem. It's about time people learned how not be bad. Just trying to illustrate why it's such a stark difference.

    • Confused 6
  8. 3 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

    Let's say you have a child, its just a little baby. The child could grow up to be a strong, reliable adult, but you expect it to just be an adult already, so you don't take care of it. The child survives on its own, the only ways it knows how, and as a result becomes a completely different person than you wanted.


    They got there without your support, but ended up becoming something you didn't want. This is how casuals complete hard content in this game but remain casuals instead of becoming something better, because they have no choice but to do it their own way, in their own time, instead of the way that others would prefer, as there's no magical stepping stone to go from child to adult as is expected.


    This is how they become a "toxic casual", and this is the Guild Wars 2 community in 2022.


    I understand alot of the complaints here, I do, but you're not seeing it from the other side, which is just as toxic. Of course its not your job to take care of newer players, but at the same time this mentality that its always "somebody else's problem" is harmful to the entire community long-term.


    It starts out small, just one group doing an efficient run here and there, then suddenly the entire LFG is efficient runs, fully EXP, title, KP and so on, while veteran players complain the population is dying, no one wants to do the content anymore and the devs don't want to develop it. The only reason we're having this discussion is because they tried to change that, just a little bit here and there, to try and see if something sticks.


    Go and try to do T4 CMs on a fresh account without DwD title and no static group. See how long anyone listens to how experienced you are ("this is my alt account, I swear!") or just immediately kicks you. Not even being an adult is enough--you have to have a house and a fancy car too!


    So it becomes: Force your way in, "fake it until you make it", and so on, because their only other options are to get static groups or make their own group (which lets be honest, experienced players rarely join), and it comes to the point where they'll do anything to just get it done with.


    But we didn't arrive at this point immediately, it was little bits and pieces over time. That's why I always go out of my way to help other players, even if it means suffering a little myself.


    Not everyone is lazy like you think they are, they just need a little help "growing up".

    Except it's not just "somebody elses" problem. There's literally dedicated communities with hundreds of people willing to take these players in called training guilds who are dying to help all new raiders out.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

    Iam implying that was boyoted , bu not from the casuals.

    Because this featured helped people to use 4 healers to cheeze the Boneskinner.


    Why not repeat that ?

    If it fails , then the company will sent a massive rorar to the community that say " we dont like instance content"

    Who leaked the private boycott public strike instance plans to this guy? We were so close to eliminating 4 healer groups but now our plans are ruined. nooooooo...


    And then everyone stood up and clapped as Killthehealersffs.8940 staked the "we don't like instanced content" flag over the groveling defeated elitists who could no longer gate casuals from private instances with their KP.

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  10. 13 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

    I agree their behavior is awful, but... you're kidding with this analogy right? The LFG system is an open invitation system (whether we like it being that way or not) and it's a group you started in a video game. It's about as far away from a private residence as it gets. If that's how some people are actually seeing it, that would explain a lot.

    It's an "open" invitation with very clearly sign posted requirements that state you need to have killed the boss to join the group. If you choose to ignore that requirement and invite yourself in anyway that's completely on you. My squad, my house, my rules.

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  11. Why would mature players identify with the toxic casual portrayed in the reddit post?  Toxic casual is a player that exhibits a very specific behavior pattern which is:

    1. Ignores requirements listed on LFG because they think it doesn't apply to them.
    2. Proceeds with verbal abuse when said requirements are enforced upon them (despite the reqs being very clearly spelled out before they joined the group)
    3. Then spreads extravagant stories about how the raiding community is toxic because they were kicked while conveniently leaving out the reason they were kicked
    4. Ignores any post that offers actual advice (join a training run, join training communities, join guilds)

    Players that have come to ask for genuine help (eg. I don't understand this boss mechanic, I don't understand how to play this class, where can I find like minded players) the end game community are more than happy to help. So again, the casual players that identify with the toxic casual mindset laid out above, why do we care about them?

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  12. 5 hours ago, TeeracK.3601 said:

    took a break form this game for a few months and came back to find dragonstand in a worse state of it constantly being full of failed maps. Who(but the entire community) could have foreseen this very predictable problem?? 

    Dragonstand almost never fails nowadays not sure what you're talking about. If you mean Dragons end, that also successfully completes if you join maps that care about boons and subgroups. Stop joining random spam 1 groups who think boons are elitist and you won't have any issues. Have not failed dragons end for at least three weeks now.

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  13. 3 hours ago, Sunchaser.9854 said:


    Good on you for trying to lead man. I already got my egg, but it's a minor pet peeve when people say dps doesn't matter. Followed by "OMG. EVERY CLASS SHOULD DO AT LEAST 20K AUTOING. PEOPLE UNDER THAT HAVE NO EXCUSE"


    20k dps for auto attacking is a generally not a thing created equal or with practical survivability in mind. Downloading a dps meter in was pulling off a rotation with 15-20 abilities, only to my analytical mind's dismay that gw2 is a game where some abilities can lower your dps from auto attacking. Alright fine. But every time I use the golem's rotation on a open world mob, im aware that the boards fill with 3-5 mechanists I'm every squad often doing 20-40k while 25 other players will be doing a literal 1-5k dps. 


    Yet, the kicker is. Sometimes execution speed doesn't even matter, it feels so much about the class. Mechanist afks or presses 1-4 buttons I hear from the people saying they afked top dps to 30k while another did 4 weapon swaps and stance swaps and found it felt like twice the effort to go half as far.


    There are some really fun specs out there and I do enjoy the game overall. But I find the attitude perplexing. New players will want to play all these diverse classes and enjoy the uniqueness of gw2. But they have this weird mix of "play whatever you want! Then get spawncamped if your build by mechanical limitation sucks or was powercreeped". The novelty of that really fun and flavorful spec wears away when raiding guilds don't even care about benchmarks and just ask mechanist. Sure not everything can be viable.


    But it's kinda a huge disparity that anyone talking about dps should try a meter and find out that some other classes need literal 15-20 button rotations with second wide swaps and generally less available prefix gear to get the results another class can spend 1 click on. 


    People want to help their groups, how can people not see the irony when 90% of average Joe squads have everyone thinking they're the hottest stuff on earth and a afk mechanist pressing one button to 20-30k does the literal dps of 10x 2-3k dps who think they're doing 20-30k, going gear doesn't matter and thinking everyone else is a problem too?


    Sure, some people do it to flame, I actually just want to improve my own experience and want to help and carry my weight. Faster dps means faster catching up. More efficiency means I can catch up to masteries faster. and I need group content to get my runes for +20% dot duration and dps. 


    Mmorpgs are a group experience. Designing a class to auto to 20-39k dps while 90% of players flail buttons to 2-5k dps while making dps checks is messy desjgn. as far as auto chains go, 7-20k dps from auto chains isn't global. Some tested alt auto chains are only 2-4k dps or even lower. The content is designed so some presses and rotation literally are traps that lower dps from a game design perspective or have been so power creeped by ability buffs that like 90% of dmg might come from one button and 4 dead ones below autoing dps. It's really strange design.


    Good game overall imo, but very still strange game design for a mmorpg.  And players get mad when content fails. But what kind of healthy game design is 90% of the group's dps for 10% the effort? 

    Unfortunately this is a reflection of anets lack of understanding of their own game in pve. Time and time again they've demonstrated that they don't understand how to power budget things like range, practical dps uptime, and strength of core classes which leads to major problems when combined with specializations.

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  14. 1 hour ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

    Do you not feel that if you had a build that outperformed a meta build so well that it would be nice of you to share it so that everyone could benefit from your work?

    Sadly no. People like us are going to use "numbers" and "meta build websites" to point out the flaws without using our brains to think for ourselves. A good build doesnt conform to our numerical standards. /s

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  15. 17 hours ago, Voyant.1327 said:

    Case in point.

    "You can't do something different then the website bible told me"

    "Pics or it didn't happen"

    These are childish forms of peer pressure. I have zero interest in contributing to that culture thus why would I want to throw the information out there.

    There are plenty of skill methods to increase dps beyond meta recommendations that aren't utilized. Such as becoming skilled with interrupt procs and utilizing weapon sigils that feed off of em. Strawberry Cilantro can be utilized to generate might with lifesteal, etc. 

    It shouldn't be the job of the player to defend himself against the overlords of the meta. 

    I do not care about bragging rights, who cares about being top dps. I left a range as it varies due to proc timing.

    But yes please demonstrate the lack of elitism by utilizing elitist judgment because you know better then someone else bc a website said so.

    Literally described this scenario pre-emptively as an example and still it occurs. Not sure how else I can highlight the issue for elitists to see. 


    If these are the metrics you're using, you clearly do not understand how damage is being measured or how the game is played in a group setting. Having a dps build generate might on interrupt might as well be a net 0 gain because in high level groups, might is already capped at 25 by the supports. In fact I'm so confident your claims are nonsense that I will personally fully fund any legendary you want if you can demonstrate with me present in game that your claims of hitting 2-10k higher while healing and providing relevant boons is true.

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  16. 2 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Considering the other two still have a very high playerbase, which is either on par with GW2's or even bigger I wouldn't really say they are "bad", but, as it was said before, you can't tell others how to play and you can't tell others what games to play and enjoy. Them being successful is a proof that those kind of games are in fact successful.

    Their definition of fun is the only acceptable one and any deviation is blasphemy and must be silenced by stoning.

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  17. On 7/4/2022 at 12:07 AM, Voyant.1327 said:

    Here we go again "would you mind telling me what kind of bounty run" it doesn't matter. No one, not you, not me, not the next guy has any right to go "hey you play this way." If a civil discussion is had or something is requested, sure. That is not what the majority of players do here. There are countless threads on the subject of this problem and how its suffocating enjoyment.

    No one wants to log into a game to have a bunch of people tell them how they should play it. Worst is it so not necessary 90% of the time.

    No one is saying you can't build groups how you want to, its simply saying being suffocating elitists who determine they're right on everything without even a conversation bc of a meta website is wrong.

    You, me, or anyone else has no right to bully people to playing the way we believe is best. And yes it is bullying people into doing things they don't want to so they can be a part of a social activity. It's just the majority seems to have convinced each other this kind of intolerance is tolerated. Any justification of that is simply denial of the problem or an inability to see it, which it can be hard to see outside of a perspective that's been established I can sympathize with that. Google "Elitism in GW2" you'll find plenty of people being put down bc they don't play how they're "supposed to"

    You can have a different view, but justifying the rude & intolerant behavior of a toxic aspect of the community should never be allowed. 

    Edit: Prime example, I've had my build for a month or so, I put out about 2-10k more dps on average while also providing healing vs the snowcrows bench mark. I was vote kicked numerous times by groups bc I didn't want to use a SC build after being told I should (not asked, not discussed), the snowcrows recommendation is now 90% of my build and still doesn't provide the boons. Essentially I was pushed out because the Virtuoso snowcrows guy wasn't faster then me figuring out the ideal build, but efficiency! Community responses are always more toxicity "post your build.","post your dps", "what no that can't be right", "I don't believe you unless you meticulously step by step show me how." etc. Simply bc I did things my own way not how everyone else wanted. Why would anyone want to contribute or be a part of that? 

    Also just saw your reply about majority/minority.... And I would say this is the first MMO I've encountered more toxicity in PvE then PvP, Its subjective whether its the majority or minority as its relative to experience, but I've definitely seen more elitism then not in the community. 

    Like other people mentioned, please share said build with a video on the golem. If there's a dps build that benches 2 to 10k higher with healing I'd love to see it. I'm not quite sure how asking to see something demonstrated after you make a claim is toxic. Any claim with measureable results would also recieve the same scrutiny. If someone from snowcrows made a serious claim that "i have a heal warrior build that will outdps the warrior benchmark" people would also ask them for proof and not take their word for it on good faith.

    • Like 5
  18. 16 hours ago, tekmo.3076 said:

    My point is, where do you draw the line of asking players for too much?

    Sometimes I feel like I’m going for a job interview the way some players will grill you when you want to join their group.
    I get that a commander/squad leader needs to know you can perform your role adequately and it’s their group/squad so they can ask for whoever or whatever they want. I just think players shouldn’t need to fill an exact cookie-cut build/profession to get the job done.
    Which I know for most endgame GW2 content is unfortunately the case.

    It's never about the build but always about output. It's simply easier to talk about output when you have a build to reference. When people join my group as a dps, I expect them do damage. Idgaf if they're running shouts, traps, signets, whatever. As long as they output 20k+ and dont fail mechanics who cares. Same with supports. If they can heal, provide quick/alac and the other boons I know the class is capable of providing, I don't care what they run.

    The problem is that the build system is so free-form, the average player will almost always get it wrong. I will have druids that can't seeker control properly because they didn't take entangle and verdant etchings, or a dps that brings no cc on samarog. At this point they are no longer meeting my output expectations and getting the job done hence the need to interview.

    • Sad 1
  19. Just now, Silabus.4273 said:

    thank you for completely missing the point of this video.

    I got the point. Your argument is that this does not conform to the other meta events in the game and your suggested changes are an attempt at making it easier (paused timer on splits effectively increases the hard enrage timer), and also partial rewards for a failed attempts so people with less time don't feel like their time is wasted. 


    I argue the meta is fine as is. Most pug commanders are learning that Quickness, Alacrity and Waystations are crucial to the completion of this event. I've pugged DE every day for the last week and none have failed. The meta demands higher than the bare minimum from the player which is not a bad thing, especially when that demand is very easily obtainable (run a build that either is dedicated to power, condi, or boons). So yes, you're free to ask for the already low bar to be even lower, or you can lift the player base up by helping/carrying them to reach the higher demand the meta asks of them.

    • Confused 4
  20. Overall this change is going to be positive for the community. It makes the game mode way more accessible to players with a bad perception of the game mode, or those feel like they've been locked out due to performance. It was done in such a way that used way less dev resources than making an easy mode with mechanics taken out.


    The only thing I'm keeping my eye on is how bad habits will form because of this buff in newbie runs. Hypothetically, with increased healing and hp people will ignore eating mushrooms on sloth, ignore the blacks on gorse, not bother kiting sabetha flak. Who knows only time will tell.

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  21. 3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    You're talking about organized groups solutions. I am talking about random pug groups. Those are two different worlds.

    Didn't take any coordination. I joined pugs and just used my eyes. You can see on the ground what blind fields are there. If you dont see one drop your own. Even if you layer them, trash mobs die so fast in the old fractals with 5 dps that it won't matter.

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