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Posts posted by Shikaru.7618

  1. I think the misconception you have here is that ascended armor is a prerequisite for you to do any end game content and that's just plain not true with the exception of fractals. The difference between exotic and ascended is 5% in stats and no fight is tuned so finely that 5% will make or break it. Exotic gear functions perfectly fine for all content that actually need gear. Ascended gear is the reward for doing end game, not a barrier into it.

  2. @paynesgrey.8932 said:

    @paynesgrey.8932 said:Seriously. Who thought this mission design was a good idea? Gimmick fights can be an interesting way to mix it up, but this one is just awful, particularly the way you can't restart a fight from a checkpoint. By awful, I mean, last portapotty on the last day of Burning Man would be more fun. I mean, if you WANT people to ragequit and buy no further expansions, then I suppose it's a good design... Or if you want to be the Uwe Boll of game design, than yeah, sure, by all means, make more storyline fights like this. I'll try this again later if I can find a guildy or something, but I'm really not feeling the fun here, and I'm experiencing some profound buyer's remorse. Next DLC, I'm definitely waiting until I see if the storyline is loaded with craptastic events like this before I even consider touching it. No pre-order for certain. Gonna go melt midgets in Borderlands until I'm feeling a little less hate.

    What's your build? There's 10 different things that could have gone wrong so instead of blaming on the game, what about looking to improve yourself first? This is the final boss of the expansion afterall, it should have some difficulty.

    I don't have a problem with "some difficulty" or "X or Y strategy works best." Learning the one specific, specialized, super-min-maxed build for a single specific fight is another matter. Instant heals on blighted gram or enemies taking no damage regardless of bar-status isn't a playstyle issue. See above, "Git gud!"

    Yes is a playstyle issue? I don't think you realize this but you are playing guild wars where you can come up with a lot of different builds. Not all builds are equal and some are outright awful. This is not wow or ffxiv where you can just level up to max and still do decently well because there is very minimal customization. So yes if you want to get better, understand how to build your character correctly is one of the most essential things in the game. If you are not willing to adapt to fights based on the situation then this is definitely not the game for you. Why else do you think there are so many options to choose from if not for you to change based on fights?

    So if you could post your build, that would be great. Blighted garm healing to full sounds definitely like an issue with your damage output so you probably have both a build and rotational issue as well. If you are not willing to admit that the issue might be with you instead of the boss, then I don't know what to tell you.

    I appreciate the info. I'd been going ax/torch berserker, with a rifle because that generally just works better for me than a bow for kiting. Gonna try again with a mace since it has more handy CC for blue bar busting, but that'll be un-fun because I've pretty much never used a mace at any point in the game. Fortunately I've got one that's just been taking up inventory space, same with a bow.

    I'm perfectly happy adjusting my playstyle, slotting different skills, etc, to match different circumstances. What has me tweaking right now is that Garm's healing to full was an
    heal. Like under a second after he fell, with Eir's bar not even switching to blue so I could whomp on her. Heck, she was still running over to him when
    he was back on his feet at full health. Happened a couple times in a couple fights. And that cutscene disconnect bug... I got that earlier in the season, looked up the work arounds, applied them. While it mostly mitigated the issue, they didn't eliminate it. And wouldn't you know it, off all the missions to crash/disconnect on so you have to slog through the yard trash and unskippable dialogue... well, let's just call that a cherry on top of the frustration sundae.

    That, and I really just hate gimmick fights. It's one thing when a particular strategy or useful tool is alluded in
    dialogue, but I don't like it when it's "Here's your salad tongs, pull out a guess as to what the dev is thinking."

    Axe is a power weapon, torch is a condi weapon. Right off the bat you're already trying to spread your resources too thin by splitting your focus. Either pick a condition or power build and stick with it. Would recommend axe offhand for power or sword main hand for condition. Your cc comes from your utilities in headbutt and wild blow so no need to bring mace if you dont want to.

  3. @paynesgrey.8932 said:

    @paynesgrey.8932 said:Seriously. Who thought this mission design was a good idea? Gimmick fights can be an interesting way to mix it up, but this one is just awful, particularly the way you can't restart a fight from a checkpoint. By awful, I mean, last portapotty on the last day of Burning Man would be more fun. I mean, if you WANT people to ragequit and buy no further expansions, then I suppose it's a good design... Or if you want to be the Uwe Boll of game design, than yeah, sure, by all means, make more storyline fights like this. I'll try this again later if I can find a guildy or something, but I'm really not feeling the fun here, and I'm experiencing some profound buyer's remorse. Next DLC, I'm definitely waiting until I see if the storyline is loaded with craptastic events like this before I even consider touching it. No pre-order for certain. Gonna go melt midgets in Borderlands until I'm feeling a little less hate.

    What's your build? There's 10 different things that could have gone wrong so instead of blaming on the game, what about looking to improve yourself first? This is the final boss of the expansion afterall, it should have some difficulty.

    I don't have a problem with "some difficulty" or "X or Y strategy works best." Learning the one specific, specialized, super-min-maxed build for a single specific fight is another matter. Instant heals on blighted gram or enemies taking no damage regardless of bar-status isn't a playstyle issue. See above, "Git gud!"

    @paynesgrey.8932 said:Seriously. Who thought this mission design was a good idea? Gimmick fights can be an interesting way to mix it up, but this one is just awful, particularly the way you can't restart a fight from a checkpoint. By awful, I mean, last portapotty on the last day of Burning Man would be more fun. I mean, if you WANT people to ragequit and buy no further expansions, then I suppose it's a good design... Or if you want to be the Uwe Boll of game design, than yeah, sure, by all means, make more storyline fights like this. I'll try this again later if I can find a guildy or something, but I'm really not feeling the fun here, and I'm experiencing some profound buyer's remorse. Next DLC, I'm definitely waiting until I see if the storyline is loaded with craptastic events like this before I even consider touching it. No pre-order for certain. Gonna go melt midgets in Borderlands until I'm feeling a little less hate.

    What's your build? There's 10 different things that could have gone wrong so instead of blaming on the game, what about looking to improve yourself first? This is the final boss of the expansion afterall, it should have some difficulty.

    I don't have a problem with "some difficulty" or "X or Y strategy works best." Learning the one specific, specialized, super-min-maxed build for a single specific fight is another matter. Instant heals on blighted gram or enemies taking no damage regardless of bar-status isn't a playstyle issue. See above, "Git gud!"

    Yes is a playstyle issue? I don't think you realize this but you are playing guild wars where you can come up with a lot of different builds. Not all builds are equal and some are outright awful. This is not wow or ffxiv where you can just level up to max and still do decently well because there is very minimal customization. So yes if you want to get better, understand how to build your character correctly is one of the most essential things in the game. If you are not willing to adapt to fights based on the situation then this is definitely not the game for you. Why else do you think there are so many options to choose from if not for you to change based on fights?

    So if you could post your build, that would be great. Blighted garm healing to full sounds definitely like an issue with your damage output so you probably have both a build and rotational issue as well. If you are not willing to admit that the issue might be with you instead of the boss, then I don't know what to tell you.

    Honestly sounds more like hes not understanding that garm healing is a fight mechanic and you're supposed to dps eir while garm is getting healed.

  4. This is what happens when you add loot accessible to 100% of the playerbase. You have to dilute the loot so hard otherwise you crash the market. I dont think anyone is actually complaining about the free extra loot. It's more about how impactful the loot feels to the individual player. Why even put in the effort if the loot is negligible to the individual? It's like if anet marketed a "bonus raid reward weekend" and only added 3 elder wood logs to each boss chest. Sure it's more loot but who cares? Why even spend the effort to type the forum announcement at that point?

  5. @Odik.4587 said:

    Three Scourges means:Perma Corrosive Poison Cloud.A ton of condi cleanse from Nefarious Favor.A perma barrier from Sand Cascade.Conditions spammed here and there from (at least) one Epidemic.

    And so on.

    If people refuse to change builds, it's been ok (happened to me days ago and I switched to Guard with Shield and Wall of Reflection), don't blame the game.

    Yes, Birds is a problem but, if we merely talk about professions, you have a team to win.

    Have fun and good luck.

    More like beat content with 5 bunkers that eventually outlast everything while happily facetank everything

    Adequate & clever strategy if you can't play such a T4 fractal - which is non-cm - properly anymore with builds that still work for all the other fracs. I still call the gazillion mob phase a horrible design.

    When I made thread about how sirens c@nc$r it was deleted :(There was on screen about 25-30 mobs and entire screen covered in aoe's . I dont have problem with any fractal but this is exceptional bs. Imagine 30 mobs explode with WE BREED FIRE and OUTFLANKED which was instabilities on that time

    If there are 30 mobs on screen you're doing the boss mechanic wrong. Stop tunneling on the boss and clear out the adds. The boss spawns adds as it drops lower in hp. This fight is an exercise in self control in not just dps racing the boss. Has been pretty easy in all of my pugs when I convinced the group to not tunnel vision.

    We still raced it down fyi ;)

    Your choice to do so. You're complaining because you succeeded using an alternative tactic? When you race the boss down you're opting into the experience that you describe as toxic. That's an option you can choose to avoid the pile up of all of the adds and aoes with different tactics.

    2 paths ahead, one is a cliff that you rock climb up and one is a winding trail that takes longer but with guard rails and gradual slope. You're freely choosing to climb up the cliff then complain about how steep and unsafe it is. No sympathy here really.

    I complaint about it because its literally incarnation of c@nc$r? Tons of unnecessary mechanics ? No CC breakbar on boss? AOE spamfest that also include unblockable daze slam? Should I care for your sympathy ? FYI there was we breed fire that if you touch anything entire screen explode even with MORE aoe and outflanked, turning back to boss to get oneshotted by anything is really smart choice(and my party cba to kill mobs ,not like I can force 4 ppl to do it)

    Then you ditch the party because they are failing mechanics and would prefer to wipe repeatedly. If I was in a group on Broken king with a bunch of dps that focused on bursting the boss and ignoring greens, everyone would tell them to git gud and follow boss mechanics. Same applies here. I dealt with the exact same instabilities just fine in my pugs. I told everyone to bring a reflect, I told everyone to stop hitting the boss and cleave adds. I told everyone to bring a pull. We one shot after everyone made adjustments without going down. Deadeye brought smoke screen and scorpion wire. Necro brought cpc and neurotic grasp. DH brought wall and used f1 and gs5 to pull. Slb ran stance shared bear stance and focused on using axe 4 to pull. It's not cancerous at all if you have the right tools.

  6. @Odik.4587 said:

    Three Scourges means:Perma Corrosive Poison Cloud.A ton of condi cleanse from Nefarious Favor.A perma barrier from Sand Cascade.Conditions spammed here and there from (at least) one Epidemic.

    And so on.

    If people refuse to change builds, it's been ok (happened to me days ago and I switched to Guard with Shield and Wall of Reflection), don't blame the game.

    Yes, Birds is a problem but, if we merely talk about professions, you have a team to win.

    Have fun and good luck.

    More like beat content with 5 bunkers that eventually outlast everything while happily facetank everything

    Adequate & clever strategy if you can't play such a T4 fractal - which is non-cm - properly anymore with builds that still work for all the other fracs. I still call the gazillion mob phase a horrible design.

    When I made thread about how sirens c@nc$r it was deleted :(There was on screen about 25-30 mobs and entire screen covered in aoe's . I dont have problem with any fractal but this is exceptional bs. Imagine 30 mobs explode with WE BREED FIRE and OUTFLANKED which was instabilities on that time

    If there are 30 mobs on screen you're doing the boss mechanic wrong. Stop tunneling on the boss and clear out the adds. The boss spawns adds as it drops lower in hp. This fight is an exercise in self control in not just dps racing the boss. Has been pretty easy in all of my pugs when I convinced the group to not tunnel vision.

    We still raced it down fyi ;)

    Your choice to do so. You're complaining because you succeeded using an alternative tactic? When you race the boss down you're opting into the experience that you describe as toxic. That's an option you can choose to avoid the pile up of all of the adds and aoes with different tactics.

    2 paths ahead, one is a cliff that you rock climb up and one is a winding trail that takes longer but with guard rails and gradual slope. You're freely choosing to climb up the cliff then complain about how steep and unsafe it is. No sympathy here really.

  7. @Odik.4587 said:

    Three Scourges means:Perma Corrosive Poison Cloud.A ton of condi cleanse from Nefarious Favor.A perma barrier from Sand Cascade.Conditions spammed here and there from (at least) one Epidemic.

    And so on.

    If people refuse to change builds, it's been ok (happened to me days ago and I switched to Guard with Shield and Wall of Reflection), don't blame the game.

    Yes, Birds is a problem but, if we merely talk about professions, you have a team to win.

    Have fun and good luck.

    More like beat content with 5 bunkers that eventually outlast everything while happily facetank everything

    Adequate & clever strategy if you can't play such a T4 fractal - which is non-cm - properly anymore with builds that still work for all the other fracs. I still call the gazillion mob phase a horrible design.

    When I made thread about how sirens c@nc$r it was deleted :(There was on screen about 25-30 mobs and entire screen covered in aoe's . I dont have problem with any fractal but this is exceptional bs. Imagine 30 mobs explode with WE BREED FIRE and OUTFLANKED which was instabilities on that time

    If there are 30 mobs on screen you're doing the boss mechanic wrong. Stop tunneling on the boss and clear out the adds. The boss spawns adds as it drops lower in hp. This fight is an exercise in self control in not just dps racing the boss. Has been pretty easy in all of my pugs when I convinced the group to not tunnel vision.

  8. @Jack Redline.5379 said:

    @Strider Pj.2193 said:Maybe I am missing something... You are in an area of PvP where you can be attacked, and you are upset that someone is attacking you?

    upset about targeting. If you know what it means.

    I'm not sure what the desired outcome is here. You want them to not focus on you and focus on the your teammates instead? I dont see anything wrong with players picking off a target that has repeatedly proven they're helpless to keep the match in their favor.

  9. @yann.1946 said:

    @"Deepcuts.9740" said:Another reason why banning ArcDPS will help no one, specially those asking for it.Yesterday during A W1-E4 run, I noticed the other Druid had very low might up-time.At the end of W2, I asked in private: "what kind of gear are you using because you have a very low might duration". No answer.Start of W3, I got the answer:
    It seems what you feel and think you can do counts more than hard data. The problem is when what you think does not compute with actual data.Who needs ArcDPS when you have a brain.

    Shouldn't 1 druid be more then enough to cap the might?

    What was that frost for 1 dps about tho seems a weird comment?

    My guess is maybe having it in a condi based fight like sh or twins. So calling out theres only 1 power dps?

  10. @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:To really hammer the point home on how easy it is to do bad DPS in this game, I decided to do a couple of tests. Also, I decided to stimulate the economy by buying some overpriced soup. All of these tests basically follow the snowcrows build, with a few exceptions:

    1: I don't have the stat infusions. As rich as I am, I still don't have enough money to outfit 20 different builds with eighteen +9/+5 infusions.2: I still have Sigil of Air equipped instead of Sigil of Impact

    Otherwise it is basically the same. Full ascended. Frost/Sun/Spotter from druid, 9 boons, Empower Allies/Strength/Discipline from warrior, large golem with all conditions. Food is Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup + Potent Superior Sharpening Stone unless otherwise stated. For all of these tests, I'm going to show how much damage is done just using the auto attacks, and sometimes the damage done from very, VERY simple skills and rotations.

    The theory is this: The auto attack and really basic rotations form the baseline of player performance. Even the most helmet player can auto attack. But, it is important to know that, whenever anything goes wrong, your DPS automatically revers to the baseline. If enemies run out of the AoE, or if your skills get interrupted, or if the game lags, or if the game eats your inputs, or if you have to reposition to avoid immediate death, or whatever. The moment something goes wrong, your DPS revers back to the base level.

    Classes and builds that have terrible baseline DPS are accident prone and difficult to play, since your overall DPS is averaged out through all of your skills. It's like your overall grade in school: if you get a bunch of A's, but then a few 0s, your grade can plummet incredibly fast. Now, if all classes had a good base performance, then concerns over DPS wouldn't be nearly as severe as they are now. Unfortunately, for the sake of vague notions like "flavor" a lot of weapons are currently built to be purposefully terrible and inferior. Most of our weapon skills are terrible, and all of our good DPS skills are limited to utilities and profession specific mechanics.

    This won't be a comprehensive list. I don't own a warrior or a ranger, and also I don't have a viper set for my firebrand. If someone else is curious, they'd have to do it themselves.


    ScrapperHammer Auto: 16.6kHammer Auto w/ Rifle Turret: 18.3kHolosmithSword Auto, 0 heat: 17.3kSword auto w/ sword 2, 0 heat: 17.7kBomb Auto: 17.5kBomb Auto w/ Fire Bomb: 17.9kGrenade Auto: 14.0kPhoton Forge auto (sword on cooldown): 22kRifle Auto: 12kTool Kit Auto: 13.4kFlamethrower Auto: 14.6kCondi (Red Lentil Sorbet + Master Tuning Crystal)Pistol Auto: 9.9kPistol Skills off cooldown: 15.3kGrenade Auto: 12.1kGrenade all skills: 15.6kFlamethrower Auto: 12.1kFlamethrower + Napalm: 14.0kBomb all DPS skills: 13.7k

    Next up, Revenant. Build is

    because Snowcrows isn't hosting power rev for some reason right now.

    HeraldSword Auto (with 3 facets): 20.0k DPSSword auto (no upkeep): 18.6kSword auto (Shiro/Jalis with IO/VH): 26.6kStaff auto (3 facets): 17.8kHammer Auto (3 facets): 13.3kHammer Auto + Hammer 2: 17.2k DPSCondi Renegade (Red Lentil Sorbet + Toxic Focusing Crystal)Mace Auto: 16.8kAll mace + axe DPS skills: 22.2k (Note: would be lower on small hitboxes)Shortbow Auto: 12.7kShortbow all DPS skills: 23.0kMace auto + elite upkeep skills: 22.1k

    Necromancer. To keep this more "sterile", I'm going to do a minion test alone, so I won't have to worry about minions when looking at all the weapons. If you want to know the combined damage, just add the two together.

    ReaperMinion Damage: 1.17kGreatsword Auto: 17.9kGreatsword all DPS skills: 20.7kAxe Auto: 11.8kAxe DPS skills: 15.2kDagger Auto: 16.6kCamping Reaper's Shroud (Dagger out of Shroud): 22.3kShroud all DPS skills: 23.0kScourgeScepter Auto: 12.7kScepter/Torch all DPS skills: 17.0kStaff all skills: 6k


    Mirage (Note: using old chaos/dueling build, I swear the build updated as I was writing this)Axe Auto, no clones: 10.8kAxe Auto, Clones: 21.0kScepter auto, Clones: 9.5kStaff auto, clones: 15.3kChronomancerSword Auto, Clones: 13.8kSword + Sword all DPS skills: 20.7kGreatsword Auto, Clones: 10.4kGreatsword all DPS skills: 14.6k

    Elementalist (don't have a condi set)

    WeaverSword Fire Auto: 17.7kSword Water Auto: 7.9kSword Air Auto: 17.8kSword Earth Auto: 13.5kDagger Fire Auto: 14.8kDagger Water Auto: 8.1kDagger Air Auto: 16.8kDagger Earth Auto: 12.1kScepter Fire Auto: 9.2kScepter Fire DPS skills: 13.8kScepter Water Auto: 8.9kScepter Water DPS skills: 11.3kScepter Air Auto: 9.6kScepter Air DPS skills: 12.2kScepter Earth Auto: 4.6kScepter Earth DPS Skills: 5.2kStaff Fire Auto: 11.1kStaff Fire + Lava Font: 16.3kStaff Water DPS skills: 5.6kStaff Air Auto: 7.9kStaff Earth Auto: 5.6kStaff Earth + Eruption Auto: 7.9kTempestDagger Air Auto + Air Overload (Fresh Air): 18.9k


    Firebrand GrieverAxe Auto: 17.5kAxe all DPS skills:17.8kScepter auto + scepter 2: 15.3kDragonhunterGreatsword Auto: 18.2kGreatsword all DPS skills: 24kSword Auto: 17.0kSword all DPS skills 20.4kScepter DPS skills: 21.6kMace Auto: 13.5kMace all DPS: 16.0kHammer Auto: 19.2kHammer All DPS: 20.9kLongbow Auto: 12.8kLongbow all DPS: 18.0k


    DaredevilStaff Auto: 25.2kStaff 2 Spam: 28.7kCondiDagger Auto: 14.1kDeath Blossom Spam:14.7kDeadeyePistol Auto: 15.8kPistol Unload spam: 22.4kShortbow Auto: 13.0kRifle Auto: 22.4kDagger Auto: 25.5kSword Auto: 25.9k

    The unfortunate thing about all of these weapon sets and benchmarks is that condition builds suffer the most from disparate performance between weapons and utilities/profession mechanics. In all of the condi builds, less than half of the damage comes from auto attacks. Right now, Power Thief sits exactly where I would want most classes to sit: a solid 20k-25k DPS baseline, with 30k+ DPS with good rotations/skills. Of course, ranged weapons should sit 5k lower than the power than the melee weapons, to encourage people to melee for more damage. But, some of these sub 15k damage sets shouldn't exist IMO. I'd rather have less burst from utilities/profession skills and better weapon damage than the current system, because the current system is idiot-prone.

    I get where you're going with this post but unfortunately in the overall game, people dont even have zerker gear to reach these baselines. Not only that, but I've seen players who struggle with targeting and end up shooting their longbow arrows into the ground because they don't have anything targeted. I'd be curious to see what these numbers are using soldiers gear with no buffs look like as that would be the true dps floor.

  11. @Zaklex.6308 said:

    @"gateless gate.8406" said:DPS meters should be banned, BUT Anet would also have to allow players to actually lead groups. This proto-communist grouping system whereby the creator of the group can be kicked by the people they invite is beyond weird, and one of the consequences of it is that players cannot make their own groups to solve toxicity/elitism issues.

    These issues being brought up in the thread about people being toxic prior to DPS meters are valid -- but very easily solved by simply making your own group, which in most games means you can't be kicked (which therefore lets you play any build you want). That's impossible in GW2's system.

    Note also that GW2's grouping system is one of the big reasons why this game has such strict meta requirements. The inability to truly lead groups means that people are socially encouraged to always play "safe" builds and to never rock the boat or speak out against absurdities. It's essentially mob rule, and mob rule has a chilling effect.
     Nobody as far as I know has gone this route yet, or offered this suggestion:  ban all third party add-ons, eliminate the kick function and vote to kick function, prevent people from leaving an instance other than shutting down the game(and then build in a 60 minute wait period before the executable will run again)...then make sure on the loading screen in BIG  BOLD LETTERS it states:  PLAYERS CAN PLAY WHAT EVER BUILD THEY WANT IN ANY TYPE OF CONTENT THIS GAME OFFERS!Extreme, maybe, but that is how this game is supposed to be played, play what ever build you want with what ever character you want in what ever content you want...if people don't like it, go play another game.

    Except you can already play with any build you want without all of these insane restrictions. Players with trash builds can go into fractals and raids and play with other players with equally trash builds and they can have a grand old time. Yet for some reason trash build players want to play with non trash build players. Why do they insist on doing this? Why join a group of players you know you're not going to be welcome in?

  12. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Today I have a situation where I join a CM group. We start with Dru/Chr/BS/Holo/My DH. We finish 100 and get to Ensolyss with no wipes, then the Chr has to leave. Rather than posting for another Chro, some guy invites his friend into the party and it's another Holo. Then for whatever reason he asks me "can you chrono?" I tell him no, because this Power DH is the only character I have geared for fractals. He says "sorry man" and I get vote kicked out of the party because apparently they'd rather have two Holos, kick me, and then search for a Chr?

    Lots of stuff like this happening lately if you aren't running a preferred elite meta. People don't even have enough respect to let you finish a fractal that you've played all the way to the end of. The disgusting thing is how it wouldn't matter at all if we didn't even bring a Chr into the Ensolyss fight or even if we had tried to 4 man it. The group was strong and we would have completed it one way or the other. But it was important to kick the Power DH for 2x Holos and the Chrono. Important enough to disregard someone's time invested.

    Elitist habits at their finest ^

    Thats why we need to remove kick and leave mechanic

    Yeah I've started to think about what kind of systems could be implemented to help resolve these issues. You probably think I'm embellishing this and I am not: "I have had more inconveniences with random kicking and unnecessary party reformation within the last 2 months, than I have had in the last 6 years combined. I am not yet sure what exactly is influencing this new behavior, but people in fractals are starting to get weird. And this time I wouldn't even call it elitism.. it's just random favoritism of one class or player over another.

    I remember old dungeon runs or even just 2 years ago in fractals, if the party was solid and getting things done, no one would vote kick anyone, they'd just finish. Even if the DPS felt slightly lower than normal or if there was one guy who needed to be picked up off the ground a few times, if it was doable people just finished. Nowadays they kick each other over nitpicky reasons, any nitpicky reason.

    Maybe this is a good idea:
    • Remove vote kicking while in a fractal.
    • Keep party vote to return to fractal organizational lobby.
    • Allow party to directly vote kick while standing in organizational lobby, before actually going into a fractal.
    • This way, if a party is mid fractal run and really wants to vote kick a player, they would have to return to the organizational lobby to do it, which would mean that the progress of that fractal would reset for all 5 players and not just the 1 player who is vote kicked. This would encourage any party, for the purpose of saving time for everyone, to just finish the fractal "if it is doable" and vote kick the guy out afterwards, before starting a new fractal. If the party deems the fractal is not "doable" with the person they need to vote kick, then they will return to the lobby to more carefully select a player to enter the fractal with. This would eliminate almost all unfair vote kicks mid-fractal, saving a lot of people a lot of wasted time. This also plainly encourages all party members to get along while in the fractal and to actually help and teach each other for the purpose of completing the fractal at hand. The more I think about it, this is probably the way it should have worked from the beginning.
    • And of course if a player straight up leaves the party mid fractal, the party can still bring another player in directly from LFG without needing to return to lobby.

    ^ I certainly hope Arenanet reads that, because it would immediately solve most of the problems players experience with LFG abuse in fractals. As far as other gamemodes are concerned, I think the current system works just fine.

    This system would be horrendous. Now you're incentivizing even stricter requirements pre join because you can't risk someone being bad. You punish parties that have a DC to redo content. You incentivize people to actively bully someone to leave the party by spouting toxicity because no one wants to redo encounters to get back to the last boss again. You allow a single troll to hold instances hostage ie. Give me 5g or I only auto attack at arkk and there's nothing you can do about it. Don't like it? Sorry you should have developed mind reading skills to know I would do that. Honestly anet needs a show of force and publicly ban any lfg abusers who kick on last boss for their guildy friends.

  13. @Naxos.2503 said:In your previous post's edit, you mentionned 25 stacks of weakness. The test I did, with the results I mentionned didn't have that. The golem had no debuff (that I didn't cause). So my DPS is infact incorrect, based on what you mentionned, I also only used All boons, not all class buffs, or food utility buffs.I'm not refusing evidence, I just Assumed that you cannot realistically get All the ideal that this test allows. I went with what my group at the time could provide. So fair enough, my assumptions are incorrect, and I can infact perform much higher based on the settings you're saying.

    One thing however is unlikely to change, my rotation. That's not due to unwillingness, but due to (ugh) dyspraxia. I would if I could, but cannot. That doesn't mean I'm not aware of it though. I Simply Cannot run my rotation in order. I consciously use engineer's wide availability of skills to make up for that, and Kinda focus on consistently doing damage. That does mean I occasionally miss my CC (trigger them after the boss defiance bar entered recovery) for example. That part falls in an impossible challenge for me.

    Edit : When I mean consistently keep the tick at peak, I do mean on the same target, not the whole fight, apologies for the confusion. I was also instructed to stay on the red area until the other two were killed, so during the split, after the red target was killed, I literally stood around dodging seekers. Wouldn't that mean my DPS dropped then ?

    A few clarification points. In order to add 25 vulnerability (not weakness as was stated above) it is a setting in the golem summoning panel. As for rotations, the meta condi holo build does a decent amount of swapping and isn't the most friendly build to play. If you love playing it, more power to you but there's a sword variant that does competitive power damage but much much easier to execute. If you want to reach some higher numbers you should check out kitless holo.

  14. @Vashan.3098 said:

    @"Blake.1908" said:I play my own style making me as a player unique, yes I do have not so good dps, but I have a bunch of other great attributes, so my questions are as follow1: why are people allowed to see my dps? it is my account and allowing others to see what happens on my account is in my opinion not fair.2: if i dont want to run Beserker stats on my warrior (meaning I don't do enough dps) then am I not entitled to get my legendary armor?3: players say guild wars is a game about player skill... uh so wheres the "player skill" in pressing what a website says you must press? isn't that the same as bot... hmm makes it pretty hard to mess up... might aswell use macro's because its the same keys over and over, I mean who will ever know4: and last question is... instead of making it so that players have to depend on each others healing/damage buff's. why not make it an individual thing? (will add some competitivity)

    thank you in advance for any feedback

    I completely agree with you, Iam quite new player (about 330hours in), playing mirage and I am still learning new things. I recently went to Jahai and started closing those rift where there are hordes of creatures and a boss, I found out that with my build I am able to deal all by myself without dieing (actualy without a problem, just requires sashing buttons for a while) yet I think I would get kicked from raids too because people are like you need to play meta or you are useless.

    If there's a raid encounter that requires one to solo a bunch of mobs and a boss you'll be the first one I call. The current raid environment does not require that. If I'm taking a mirage they need to be dealing 15k+ dps in a raid setting. If your open world mirage can do that you're more than welcome to join. Don't actually care what build you run as long as it produces results.

  15. @Dante.1763 said:I still think the most surprising thing about the difficulty in this game is that a good player will do 5 times the amount of damage as an average player, that tells me something about this game way more than the difficulty of said game. If the average player was doing 2.5, or 1.5 times less than a good player imagine how many less complaints we would have!

    Honestly, that differential is almost made up entirely by a barrier of knowledge and not mechanical prowess. (with a few exceptions like engi and sword weaver). Deadeye DPS is literally 3 buttons. It's just that most players don't care enough to seek out that knowledge and then make excuses when their toughness vitality gear gets them stuck in a boss fight 10x longer than intended. If more people actually had a growth mindset and realize that maybe there's something they don't know/understand we wouldn't have such a huge gap.

    If players enjoy being a meaty tank and not knowing what their traits do, then they are opting into a terrible experience completely of their own volition.

  16. @Diva.4706 said:Title says it. I am not saying the game is too hard for everyone, just that most solo encounters are really hard and I usually fail, (the later queen pavilion solo fights being completely impossible). The constant knock downs and knock backs are very aggravating, making it hard to even play my character. I am more casual and struggle with action combat, coming from more old school type MMOs. So the game has become less fun for me, and I feel the game is moving away from what it once was, and targeted more for the younger audience.

    Whats preventing you from bringing stability?

  17. Also another thing I forgot to mention. With Minstrel/zerker mesmer this achievement was pretty easy. The thing about rifts is that they can convert multiple mortalitys if you focus pull them in. This means you can turn 4 adds surrounding you into a huge advantage because you can now spawn 4 orbs in a single spot. You can also safely throw all 4 orbs with a 3 clone shatter distort. This gives you a ton of time to whittle her down with phantasms.

  18. A few maybe obvious but easily missed points about liadri.

    1. You can rally off the cosmic rifts. Use this to your advantage.
    2. Remember middle school geometry. The further away you are from the center, the further you have to travel to move out of the quarter circle slices. Stay as close to the center as combat will permit to shorten the distance you need to travel.
    3. When evading out of the quarter circle slices, make sure to stay as close to the edge of the orange aoe as possible because once that aoe hits, thats going to be your next safe zone. I see a lot of people who fail liadri over dodge way too much and end up in the center of the non aoe zone only to get caught with no dodges because now the dead center of the safe zone is now orange aoe covered. Again, minimize the distance you need to travel to get to your NEXT safe zone.
    4. Cc works on liadri during phase 2.
  19. They're also a pretty reliable drop from fractal CMs. Doing all t4s and cms I usually walk away on average with 3 coins a day, two of which go towards the 2 clovers you can buy from fractals which guarantees you 77 clovers over 39 days using only 77 coins instead of having to roll for them in the mystic toilet and having to expend on average a full stack of coins.

  20. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:@"tim.4596"

    I get elitist with raids and CMs because it is necessary. I do not get elitist with normal T4s because they are easy and it isn't necessary.

    That about sums it up, take from it what you will.

    Depends on your the definition of neccessary which changes from person to person. Much like how a shovel isn't "neccessary" for getting snow out of your driveway, if the option is available, people certainly prefer it. I don't think anyone in this thread is under the delusion that fractals is literally impossible without a meta comp but it is still their perogative to spend 5 minutes less on content by being selective.

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