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Posts posted by Tammuz.7361

  1. welp, i guess i shouldnt be surprised at this point, but after latest patch, CoR still in an unusable state with the slightest terrain slope change :(

    Heres to hoping anet actually starts caring and fixes their bugs... Hopefully before the company goes under completely.

  2. @Virdo.1540 said:

    @"Arkantos.7460" said:I have a bad feeling about CoR "fix" ....

    tbh in wvw it was even better than before they "broke" it

    How so, other than the bugs?

    Its was a terrible weapon before for non Herald/Assassin Revenant's, now the aiming is worst for all Revenant's, yet it's the only ranged weapon core Revenant's have.

    yes, the aiming got a little worse. But to that, enemies wont see it coming because its invisible, has much bigger range than it should, goes through walls and gates & over huge gaps in the ground

    it also doesnt hit anything at all if theres the slightest terrain change

  3. @Shao.7236 said:Seems like they really broke CoR and it won't be fully patched in that update, too many details missing. It's worrisome.

    i really hope its a full fix... if they just went through and fixed the LOS part of the bug without fixing the elevation pathing when they had it working before the October patch... thats just pure laziness on their part, its clear they know how to code it since they had it working in the past....

  4. Maybe tues the 3rd fingers crossed? Or maybe they just fixed it going through gates and left the rest of the bugs in place which would be unbelievably frustrating. Meaning they actually took the time to go through the code, but didnt bother fixing it despite us pleading with them to do so for the past 2 months.

  5. If they fixed the going through gates without fixing the pathing bug they introduced same patch, I swear I am done with this company. This would just be them saying "we dont care" to all the players who have complained about this on fourms and elsewhere after taking the time to actually go through the code and fix the gates part of the bug. Especially when if they want to know how to fix the pathing bug all they have to do is look at how CoR was coded prior to October compared to now.

  6. @Catchyfx.5768 said:I see oposite. on 50man squad i usualy see 5 rev max. Hammer is just so bad right now. Change to skill 2 or even 1 would be good. Projectile or not. Rev is now without power blob weapons cuz sword is bad for this.

    turning into a projectile = gets reflected, blocked, etc = now useless and dead skill in wvw

    turning something into a projectile is how you remove the skill entirely from relevance in wvw, it would now literally deal more damage to allies than enemies, this would be the end of rev which has already seen its core legends gutted in wvw.

    they had the pathing correctly working BEFORE the october patch, they simply need to fix whatever they broke in the october patch.

    on another note: would be kinda nice if brutality procced with legend change in addition to weapon swap, would mean it might actually get used instead of swift termination which is basically always better right now.

  7. Good to see the appropriate key changes being made, in my opinion these changes bring scourge back into line with other dps classes, leaving it still very powerful, and certainly a META class (where it should be in WvW), but no so powerful that other DPS options like rev, ele, etc are worthless as they currently are in comparison.

    Also leaves much of their support aspect un-nerfed which is nice.

    May want to consider slightly reducing the cooldown on sand-savant shades to compensate, since now the trait basically just doubles cooldown and axes multi shades for the larger AOE size.

    On the other hand, I do think you may finally see a shift away from 100% of scourges in wvw using sand-savant if you do the changes like this... maybe.

  8. @"Kalan.9705" said:Your better balance initiative is doomed to fail unless you admit WvW and PvP combat are fundamentally different, and therefore MUST have separate balance teams (who can consult of course, but need to utilize autonomy and split states).

    Otherwise you only have 3 bad outcomes:

    1. deference to PvP balance makes WvW combat bad.
    2. deference to WvW balance makes PvP combat bad.
    3. trying to do half n half makes both WvW and PvP combat bad.

    quoted for truth...

    would also add a 4th point in there for PVE...

    Also outliers really fall into 3 categories: boons, strips, bugs.1) Strips: shades hitting 10 targets. This is now the only offensive AOE in the entire game that is not subject to the 5 target cap. This has taken what was a powerful WvW class and mechanic, and pushed it over the edge into the overpowered realm. Consider making it obey the 5 target cap that all other classes, abilities, etc are subject to. What i DONT want to see is a flat: "nerf scourge and boon strip into the ground", boon strips are a good mechanic and SHOULD remain the counter to boons.2) Boons: only one class and build type having good access to buffing stability. this means its mandatory to have a 1:5 ratio of that class since there are no alternatives. Obviously the ability to spam stability becomes even more important in a meta where strips are also OPed. Consider focusing on buffing other dedicated support classes and builds by giving them access to this buff. What i DONT want to see: "nerf firebrand into the ground" or "nerf stability". Absolutely NO ONE wants to play a CC fest. (If they do there are plenty of MMOs out there (both new, old, and remade old MMOs) where you can sit and watch your character be CCd into oblivion.)3) Bugs: Fix the COR pathing bug already please!

  9. Umm, no if theres the tiniest bit of elevation difference it shoots into the ground or goes through the air now where as before it would at least try to track up a slight incline or decline.

    Not an LOS issue.

    Actually this used to be a huge problem with COR way back in the day, but they FIXED it in a previous patch ... now its broke again apparently.

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