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Posts posted by Bollocks.4078

  1. I could be wrong but I think Shadowmoon meant that they were trying to match the current precursor prices when they made the collections, not that they were trying to keep precursor prices at that same price forever.

    As I recall the main reason for the precursor collections was to provide a guaranteed way to get the precursors rather than relying on extremely low RNG odds or extremely high TP prices. 

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  2. 12 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    I'm not sure about the player benefit...sounds like it would cause the price of Black Lion Chests to skyrocket.  🤷‍♂️

    That's because you are only considering the minority of players who have keys but no chests and need to buy them on the TP.  This would benefit the majority of players by making them higher value for selling on the TP or by allowing them to salvage them instead.  I get lots of chests from regular play but I don't consider that lucky.  For me getting chests is not much better than getting junk trophies.  I already have a full stack in the bank for when I want to use keys.  I sell the excess on the TP.


    To be clear, I'm not arguing for this idea.  I'm not against it but I don't see it making sense for Anet to implement it.

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  3. @OP
    The issue is more to do with your choice in how you are progressing through the game.  You could do just enough to get into the first map of each of those areas then you'd be able to do those dailies as needed.  Based on the WIKI you might be able to get to Dry Top without doing any story.  For HoT and PoF you could do just the first tiny bit of each that gets you to the first map of each.

    This is definitely not a bug.  At worst it's an oversight in the way they designed it regarding how it might affect a few new players.  Many players would have hit level 80 long before any of those areas existed and unlocked them pretty quick after each was release do this issue never came up.  This is only potentially an issue for people who came into the game much later.

    It would be nice if they made it so that the dailies are based on what areas you have accessed but the bottom line here is that this issue is self-imposed more than anything else.

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  4. One thing I wish they had in the game is a simple chat command to find a map area.  For example, you'd type something like

    /map Thunderhead Peaks

    and it would take you to the world map where Thunderhead Peaks is.


    I'm not saying it's difficult to look it up on the wiki but this would be a really nice QoL addition and should be pretty simple to add since this sort of thing already exists in the game, like where you can click something on a collection or daily or whatever and it will show you a map location.


    Edit: /Map is already a chat command that does something else, so maybe something like/Goto or /Find or /Area instead.

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  5. I never said I don't want a cache.  I just don't see how caching explains the issues.  Caching is to make things faster but something that's not in the cache should still be accessible even if it is slower.  Are you saying that any info that's not cached is not accessible?  That wouldn't make much sense.  Is this a caching issue:

    Error: No waypoint named "Observation Deck Waypoint" found. Check if it has been added to the area.


    I know TP prices are pulled each time the pages are loaded.  I've seen times when TP prices are slower to populate if the API is slow or even fail to populate if the API call fails.

    Since my first post in this thread a lot of the issues have cleared up but there are still plenty of issues remaining.  I've also seen some stuff that was working go back to not working but in a different way.

    What Inculpatus cedo pointed out makes way more sense as an explanation for the issue. 

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  6. When can we expect pages to load correctly without errors and jiberish. 


    The way it's behaving seems like something is broken.  Wouldn't all content come from hard-coded text or from API calls?  Any hard-coded text shouldn't have changed and anything t it's getting through API calls should be pulled each time the page is loaded.  What does it need to cache?  

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  7. This sounds to me like a scheme to circumvent gemstore prices.  How many skins could you get in 1 month?  What would the sub fee cost?  Could someone do 1 month and get 100s of gemstore skins for like 20 bucks?  Why would anyone pay the sub fee for years and years?  Wouldn't most people just subscribe for a month or a few months, grind through whatever content for the skins they want and then cancel the sub?  How does that even remotely work for ANET?


    GW2 is a non-sub game.  No matter how you try to spin it any kind of subscription doesn't make sense for this game.

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  8. It's OK if you're focus is on the game.  It's not OK if you focus is on something else like reading a book or folding laundry.  It's just easy to get away with it.  If someone pays just enough attention so that they can respond if a GM checks on them then the GM can't tell for sure where their focus is and nothing will happen to the player. 

    It's like using a radar detector to get away with speeding.  If you're doing the speed limit when you pass the cop nothing happens.  It doesn't mean that you weren't speeding right before and right after you passed the cop.  It just means the cop doesn't have enough evidence to say you were speeding.


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  9. 18 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

    The expected number of charms/symbols from ...

    a stack of greens is 4.75 if you identify all of them before salvaging the amount should be 4.9555

    a stack of rares is 9.75

    a stack of exotics is 22.5

    If you are not getting numbers along those lines then something is wrong. For example results might be different for unidentified.

    If you were salvaging 2 stacks of green(identifying before salvaging) for a month then you should have an average of ((250*2*30)*.049555)/6 = 123.8875 of each symbol/charm.

    If you have been doing it "all this time" implying 3 years then you should have more than you'll ever need.


    On the other hand salvaging 2 stacks for 2 days is still "at least 2 stacks per day" ...


    Does that assume using a Runecrafter's Salvage-o-Matic?  Surely you wouldn't expect that yield from a crude salvage kit, right?

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  10. 3 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

    My impression was this is on purpose to inflate the cost of making Legendary Runes and Sigils, which would otherwise be some of the cheapest legendaries in the game. Not that I agree with it, but I figured that's why.


    But symbols and charms are used for all runes and sigils so it inflates the price of those as well.  If that's why they did it then they needed to find a better way that didn't have as much impact Superior, Major and Minor runes and sigils.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:


    And here you are wrong, unattended gameplay is prohibited as the policy states.

    I spend lots of time having my legs up and tap the spacebar here and there while my pets kill mobs.

    While this is automated gameplay, it is NOT unattended and completely legal and supported by A-Net


    What would make it illegal is a script that beats out the time out counter to keep the character from logging out.


    The reason why the Mods lock this kind of thread within hours is that the people who open those, violate at least 3 rules of conduct plus real existing laws right in the first post.


    I think you are kidding yourself.  The policy also uses the term "actively playing."  What you are doing is not actively playing.  I still am 100% convinced that what you are doing violates the policy.  I'm also 100% convinced that nothing will happen to you, not because what you're doing is OK, but because Anet's enforcement of the policy is extremely lax and generous.  We'll never know for sure unless someone official tells us one way or the other.  I'm 0% convinced that will ever happen.  I have nothing further to say to you on this.

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  12. 12 hours ago, soul.6527 said:

    Issue about diminishing returns is how to implement it without punishing the active player, due to the obvious fact that in meta events usually more than 50+ of one type of mob is killed there for, if it happens quickly the player whos playing the meta will have a wtf moment. Secondly Anet mods have a hard time to be honest due to the fact there's many ways to afk in the game without a script which makes it technically TOS legal. Which makes it harder for mods to tell who is  and who isn't. Plus technically speaking you can make a script that goes to a single account does a action and goes to the next falling within the "One action per one account" rule and the mods will be none the wiser and think its a actual player.


    Not using a script or bot does not make it OK.  Automated game play is not allowed.  Period




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  13. Probably what most people are seeing is people using in-game mechanics to automate farming.  It's still a violation of the rules because automating game plan is not allowed at all.  It baffles me that Anet is so lax about this.  I see this all over the place.  From what I've seen they don't care about DR.  I know there are some places I can go and I know before I get there what auto farmers I'll see.  I report them all the time.  Nothing seems to happen, they are always there.  They are clearly not actively playing.  It makes no sense at all to have an AOE skill on autocast if you're actively playing.  That's an obvious tell.  There's a reason it's always certain classes with certain builds.  There are definitely other clear tells.


    Based on what I've read on these forums every report is investigated.  I'm a bit skeptical on that.  The way it supposedly works is a GM will whisper them or sometimes do other things like move them.  If they respond within a ridiculously generous amount of time then nothing happens.


    Maybe the best incentive for Anet to do something is that the longer they wait the worse it will get.  By the time it gets bad enough for them to do something it will have a much bigger impact that if they did something sooner.

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  14. Average player = Sum of all active players / Total number of active players


    Actually, I don't think it makes sense to say one definition is an average player.  There are too many variables that vary independently of each other.  For example, you could say the average player plays X hours per week but if you look at all players who fit that you'll find a wide range of skill.  Or, if you look at all players who are at the average skill level you'll find a wide range of weekly play time.  If you look at either of those you'll fine a wide range of how much gold they have or how many legendaries they have or what game modes they play in what proportions. 

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  15. 4 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

    I do. You're welcome.

    @OP: Better how? Kinda vague. Highest DPS, best looking animations, most fun, best | worst skills...?


    OP can clarify if I'm wrong, but I think it's pretty obvious they mean most effective so DPS.  Most fun and best/worst skills would tie into that.  Having worst skills wouldn't be fun.  Not being effective wouldn't be fun.

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  16. 15 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    If you're referring to anything I wrote, not once did I suggest any of them are PvE methods.  I've characterized them as the easiest.  The only WvW daily that doesn't require any risk of PvP is Big Spender.  There's no way to guarantee that you won't encounter hostile players, but it's also true that many times you won't encounter hostile players.  WvW isn't full 24/7.  It's even reported to be completely dead most of the time, especially Desert borderland.



    If you didn't say "PvE" then my comments are not related to what you said.  The potential for a PvP encounter is always there, 24/7.  I fully agree that there are easy dailies.  I just don't agree with calling them PvE.  If you have Boxes of WvW supplies you can do World Ranker without any risk of PvP.


    15 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    INo, nor should it.  Providing a good enough and fair estimate of reward track completion means reducing certain variables like that one.   Including it would make estimation overly and unnecessarily complex without being able to obtain an average participation level from the data of thousands of players. We don't have access to that data.  Since participation only builds up and doesn't decay when you exit WvW, someone actively doing dailies and not afking is only ever going to max out their participation.  It's the same reason to exclude variables like the Instant Reward Track Progress item from the skirmish rewards which are dependent upon an individual's WxP rank and server's 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place tick.

    I disagree with almost all of this.  It's not rocket science.  Over simplifying and massively understating the time requirements isn't going to help anyone who's struggling with it.  How about we say "4-8 hours if you are already at Tier 6 participation, longer if below T6."  That's pretty simple.  It lets people know that 4-8 hours is best case but depending on participation it may be longer.  Just saying 4-8 hrs is not fair or good enough.  Participation level is retained when you leave WvW but it can decay while you are in WvW.  That's a very important detail.  "...someone actively doing dailies and not afking is only ever going to max out their participation" - this is not entirely true.  You don't get participation for Big Spender.  You have to complete activities in the hostile areas to get participation.  If you happen to get killed you may end up losing some participation.  There are some easy ways to build participation but there's always risk of getting into participation decay.  I do agree that skirmish rewards can be left out of the discussion.  It will be minimal or negligible for someone who does very little WvW and is only in for a GoB.  That still doesn't justify over simplifying other details.

    I think if someone is just getting in for short periods to do some quick dailies it's gonna be more about the weeks/months it takes to complete the track with potions and what little track progress they might get along the way.  The hours in WvW becomes secondary at best and possibly even irrelevant.  It will just depend on how much they are depending on Potions vs Participation to progress the track and how much they are doing to increase participation.

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  17. I think a lot of people are stretching things a bit on getting GoB.  Most of what people list as PvE methods really are not.  Anything that requires going into hostile areas like Camp Capturer, Master of Monuments and Veteran Creature slayer are really not PvE.  There's no way to guarantee that you won't encounter hostile players.  Using boxes of WvW supplies to do the world ranker daily isn't that simple.  First you need one or both converters.  Then you need enough boxes to get two levels.  The ley converter and karmic converter don't give them often enough to always have enough to be able to do that daily any time.  I did that one today and it took 8 boxes.  A few days a go it took 3 boxes.  It's very RnG.  I just happen to have a buch because I was hording them for a while.

    For all the people saying a WvW track takes 4-8 hrs, does that account for starting at zero participation and having to build that up?  Does it account for the fact that you don't get anyting for the current timer cycle after first getting into WvW?  I'm sur any good WvWer can do a track in 4-8 hours no problem.  It doesn't makes sense to assume that non WvWers should automatically do it that fast.

    I'm mainly PvE and I don't care for WvW but I don't think anything should change.  Making a legendary should require doing difficult content.  I'm currently working on my fourth Legendary.  I already have enough track progress and potions to get my GoB with 21 potions left over.  I've figured out what works for me to get my GoBs.  I think each player needs to figure out what works for them.  You just have to be willing to either take a long time to get it or take more risk to get it faster.

    The only alternative method to get GoB that makes sense to me would be to add a PvP reward track.
    I don't think it makes sense to make GoB and GoE or any other GoX sellable or tradeable.

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  18. 2 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

    I did test it. That is what the above image is for. That was in Bjora Marches with Dragon Slayer still locked. 8% left on Skiff to test "unlocked but filled".


    That image doesn't really show how you got the spirit shard.  Level 80 chars can get them as random drops. So do you see you're XP bar filling up and resetting as you get XP currently?  A screenshot of you XP bar with partial progress and the locked mastery would have been more telling.


    Maybe you're getting normal XP only because the whole Dragon Slayer mastery is locked.  I'm not sure if it works that way or not.  What happens once you unlock it?  I bet once you unlock it you won't get any spirit shard XP until all of that mastery is done.

  19. 17 hours ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

    When did you max out your mastery? They changed it not too long ago (either in 2021 or at the most in 2020) to allow spirit shards to be gained as long as you have no open mastery bar for the experience to go into.


    Ah, I didn't realize that had changed, that's great!


    I know I didn't get any XP in HoT areas until I had all HoT masteries completed.  That was well after PoF was released.  I have no idea  exactly when that was.  Within the last few weeks I had completed the second Dragon Slayer mastery, the third was still locked, everything else in IBS was complete.  I'm wasn't getting any XP in IBS areas, should I have been?  I have the third and fourth unlocked now but have a ways to go no the XP.  I'll have to see what happens when I get the fourth  finished while 5th is still locked.


    Apparently I need to pay more attention to the update notes.

  20. 2 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

    As long as there is nowhere else for the exp to go then the exp will go towards generating a spirit shard.


    That's not correct.  All available masteries for a region have to be completed to get spirit shard xp.  I've had tons of XP go nowhere while working on masteries because I either filled a mastery XP bar but didn't have the mastery points or because the next mastery was still locked.

  21. 8 hours ago, HellsPriest.6745 said:

    It took me 10xtimes to get in a group that successfully killed Soo Won. 


    How many days did you spend on those 10x tries?

    I think you are making unfair assumptions about the people who are complaining.  Maybe not everyone has that much free time for such a steep learning curve.  Just because someone complains doesn't mean they want it to be face roll easy.  Just because you like it doesn't mean everyone else is required to like it.

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