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Everything posted by Warobaz.9543

  1. Another one for me, the kind of growl the Megadestroyer does regularly during the fight. Sounds like "ONE" ou "WAN", maybe "JUAN" ?
  2. "Mmm..Morrre viOLETsssss, lessSSSS VIOLEEEENncccccee" My head does a 360noscope everytime i hear that phrase. It's not the only one of course.
  3. Honestly, with what we learned about the company these past weeks, it shouldn't surprise anyone that it's based on existing assets. Having less and less people working on the game had to have shortcomings. And since it's the first and only mount in WvW, i don't see the real problem with reused assets. The skins, though... The only one I'd be inclined to buy, were it available as a single purchase, is the branded one, because i have the branded pack for the other mounts, but the entire warclaw pack ? nah, thanks i'll pass
  4. I believe i read the entire thread, but i don't remember seeing anything like this, so here goes... I'd like to see the the trait lines completely changed from "choose which element you buff" to "choose which role you want to play"we could have one trait line for aoe bursts, conditions and soft CC, one for high damage on single targets and ways to disabling them, one for defense/tanking/sustainability, and one for support, healing and overall sharing with allies.The current traits allow to choose these roles, but they are also tied to their elements, so the overall damage boost we get from fire traits are available only with fire skills, making use of the other attunements strictly situational, for example.the arcane trait line could be tweaked to be more centered about the core gameplay mechanics, as it has already been proposed, by getting all the utility enhancing traits in this line. Since any ele is able to swap to any element at will, i feel like having to invest in specific elements seems redundant and stupid, from a design point of view.Choosing which kind of role you want to play seems to me more what an ele should be able to do.And it would be more interesting when choosing an elite spec too, since these specs modify the gameplay. I suppose this would bring the oh so abhorrent (un)holy trinity to the class, but being able to do just a little of everything makes the ele too irrelevant in my opinion.this comes from someone who plays almost only elementalist on PvE, even though i have a lvl80 toon for each class.
  5. Some of my characters : Dubh Ghaill (Norn warrior), gaelic expression meaning Dark Strangers (or dark haired strangers), given to the Invading Danes by Irish people. later it'd become a name.Wanda Fylgja (Norn necromancer). a Fylgja is kind of like a guardian angel - or a placenta... That sort of duality would be fitting for a necro :lol: And Wanda sounded niceClide Busco (Human thief), a named I used for FFRGP, an amateur adaptation of the game rules and universes of Final Fantasy.Crimson Fougère (sylvari engineer)... I wanted to mock Scarlet Bruyère (french translation for Briar, and her actual french name). Fougère means fern btw.
  6. Wat... Are... Prosciuttors ?Never had one in any way or form, been playing since early access (3 days pre launch :lol: )
  7. Yes and now that directsong is offline (good riddance) you can't access your own PURCHASED music. Wasted money on a terrible service. You can use true custom playlists in GW2. Basically you make your own playlist with certain names (check link below), for example MainMenu, put it in the correct folder Users[Your Name]\Documents\Guild Wars 2\Music (if Music doesn't exist, create it) and you are done, whatever tracks you put on those playlists they will play when you play the game.More details: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Customized_soundtrack Yep, that was a crappy move. I'm not sure you can buy any special packs anywhere now. Only the vanilla OST is available.Since no one can buy them now, and I have every pack available as DRM free MP3 (got everything legitimately, lucky fool i am), would it be a bannable offense to share them here ?
  8. Both equally.I just wanted to talk about a weird but cool feature in GW1 : you could add more music in game. The OSTs were available through the composer's own online store (directsong), and there was a way to implement them, as well as bonus tracks in game. you could even start from there and add your own choice of mp3s. That was a fun feature, albeit a bit messy. ^^
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