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Everything posted by Rikimaru.7890

  1. Very interesting idea. If I may ask, do you select the names randomly or do you also select it based on behaviours and/or habitats of a specific species?
  2. And now for something completely different.We all know how much some players dedicate their time to make their characters stand out from the crowd with their looks. However, few players actually take their time to give their characters a fitting name. Most players name their characters after themselves, other video game characters, and some just decide to use random drivel just so they can get out of their character creation screen. And here is the real problem: What good is having a cool looking character if their stupid name ruins the whole effect?I however give all my characters creative names that fit their theme, so in a moment I will teach all those players using a lot of xoxoxoxo's and IIIIIII's in their character names on how to do it properly. But first, while it's rare there must also be other players out there that like their characters to have proper names, so I encourage you to post them here and explain their meanings to everyone as I will. Also I will already tell you that not all the names I use are equally creative, however they always fit my character based on their profession and/or race.And my account name has nothing to do with how I name my characters, nor does it have anything to do with "Dota" as I never played it and I was called that long before it even existed, however it does indeed originate from a game I played. And now let the big reveal begin, starting in order of their creation: 1) Female Human ~~Meta~~ Necromancer - Shiki LilithShiki has many translation from japanese, I picked it for the one that means "Death Spirit."Lilith however is the name of the mythological first wife of Adam, who is said to be the mother of all demons. Lilith is often associated with "Lamia" who are often depicted as vampiric creatures, which in turn often depicts Lilith as the first vampire. So a fitting name for a female necromancer. 2) Male Charr Engineer - Kikanchou ByakkoKikanchou simply means "Chief Engineer" in japanese. Easy to understand why I picked that right?Byakko however means "White Tiger." Byakko is also one of the 4 symbols of the chinese constelations often called the White Tiger of the West. Since Charrs are "cats" it's a fitting name for a Charr. 3) Male Norn Warrior - Hrólfr RagnvaldssonNamed after Rollo Ragnvaldsson who was a Viking and first ruler of Normandy, Hrólfr is simply the old norse spelling of Rollo. Norn are in many aspects based on Vikings and their savage nature fits the Warrior class perfectly, hence his name fits both the race and profession at same time. 4) Female Sylvari Ranger - Alseid ChrysopeleiaThis is probably one of my best if I say so myself. Although the name is more based on the race rather than profession, however Sylvari fit the Ranger profession the best since both relate to nature. But enough ranting.Alseid is a sub-species of Dryad i.e. Wood Nymphs. The Alseid are Nymphs of Groves - you get where I'm going with this right?Chrysopeleia was a Wood Nymph who's oak tree she dwelt in was in danger from a nearby river, she was rescued by Arcas who built a dam to protect it. For that she became his lover and bore him 2 children. 5) Male Asura Mesmer - Rahu YuthapaAnother name based more on race than profession, however the mythological Asura have several powers that fit a Mesmer such as casting charms and possessing others.Rahu is the severed head of the the Asura Rahuketu who managed to drink the the nectar of Gods Amrita and thus became immortal, but before he could swallow it Vishnu cut his head off. However, it was too late as he was already immortal though now in 2 pieces, so his head became Rahu while his body became Ketu. Rahu is now a celestial body known to swallow the Sun on occasions thus causing eclipses.Yuthapa simply means "leader" or "to lead" in sanskrit, the Asura-Yuthapa are simply Asura leaders who command lesser Asura. 6) Female Human ~~Meta~~ Elementalist - Youso MegamiProbably my least creative name, but still fitting.Youso means "Element," while Megami means "Goddess," so the full name simply means "Element Goddess." 7) Male Human ~~non-Meta~~ Guardian - Zhuge Liang WolongNamed after Zhuge Liang a famous Chinese politician, military strategist, writer, engineer and inventor, from the state of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period.Wolong however was his nickname which ment Crouching Dragon. Truth is I wanted to give him a slightly different name, as someone beat me to Zhuge Liang, but the alternative that I wanted to use required 20 characters while we can only use up to 19 :/ so maybe if ANET changes that I'll change the name then. But anyway if you want to know how awsome this person was then you can watch a really good movie from 2008 - 2009 titled "Red Cliff" however if you do then I advise you to watch the 2 part version which full length is nearly 5 hours in total. 8) Female Human ~~Meta~~ Revenant - Carman AptrgangrThis is also one of my best.Carman or Carmun was an evil warrior-woman and sorceress who invaded Ireland with her three sons, Dub (darkness), Dothur (evil) and Dian (violence), and used her magic to cause an enourmous blight.Aptrgangr is a creature from norse mythology which translates to "again-walker" which is an alternate name for the Draugr who in turn are often know as Revenants i.e. someone who returned from the dead.So yes Carman is a fitting name for a Revenant as being warrior and sorceress she fits the Revenants heavy spellcaster class theme, while Aptrgangr is synonymous with Revenant. 9) Female Human ~~Meta~~ Thief - Sophia BlyuvshteinNamed after the famous Russian Master Thief and Con Artist Sofia Ivanovna Blyuvshtein, also known as Sonya Golden Hand - I don't think I have to explain why I picked the name do I? If you believe in "love conquers all" you obviously have never heard her story. As love was her ultimate undoing, she fell madly in love with a man named Volodya Kochubchik who simply gambled away all her "scores," forcing her to take more and more risky "jobs" which eventually led to her capture - sad.Anyway yes I named her Sophia Blyuvshtein because Sofia Blyuvshtein was already taken so I decided to use the english spelling of the name - no big deal. Right, so that's all of them, now how about all of you who are reading this? Do you put as much work in naming your characters as I do? Or do you just wish to get out of the character creation screen as quickly as possible? NOTE: I notice some players don't understand what I ment by "drivel." By that I was refering to names that have random letters added to them just so GW2 accepts them like IIIII Maximussss III - thats drivel. And I'm also not saying it's wrong to name your character after a character from another game, but the thing is we are all players here and obviously we play more than just GW2. So obviously if you try to name your character after Mario, Lara Croft, Solid Sanke, Shepard etc. there will be 1000+ other players who will try the same. So what I'm saying is there are so much more sources of inspiration you can get your names from. So don't get offended, just get creative like you do with your fashion, you don't want to look like every other person you meet right? So why would you want to be named like every other person? ;)
  3. And you can also use WvW to get back to LA fast, I know all that. That's all the more reason why these Portal Scrolls are less attractive.However this is about getting around as fast as possible no detours required, it's about having more convenience.
  4. Since Halloween is not very far I believe it's the right time to talk about this.Yes, I'm talking about a Tome which would consume City Portal Scrolls, just like the Living World Portal Tomes consume the Portal Scrolls to the new LW areas.We need such a thing because it's the only thing that would motivate anyone to making all 7 scrolls, as why would anyone waste 7 shared inventory slots on them when they will mostly use only 2 or 3? To make it more clear I will point out which cities are most commonly visited: 1st place goes to Lion's Arch obviously, not only do most events occure in LA, but it also has portals to all the other towns, WvW, Fractals of the Mists and the Aerodome. Which is why the Portal Scroll to Lion's Arch is the hardest and most expensive to make.2nd place goes to Divinity's Reach as it's where many other events occure, most notably Wintersday. For some it may even be the 1st choice as the Scroll to DR is much more easy and cheaper to get than the one to LA.3rd place goes to Rata Sum due to the presence of the Super Adventure Box there4th place goes to all 3 remaining main race cities: The Grove, Hoelbrak and Black Citadel, as they have no special reason to visit them other than for their appearanceAnd last place goes to Ebonhawke as who want's to go there? The only reason there even is an Essence of Ebonhawke is so there is a 3rd essence for making the Essence of the EastSo yes most players won't create all 7 Portal Scrolls, but just 2 or 3 at best as the remaining towns are rarely visited. However if we had a tome that would pack all 7 Portal Scrolls into 1 slot there would be motivation into making them all. The Tome could be sold for Laurel's or Candy Corn Cob's.I think a lot of people will agree it would be a nice idea if such a feature was introduced this years Halloween.
  5. So last stress test I did a mastery point that requires you to take on the role of a Sous Chef and throw ingredients at the Head Chef he tells you to bring while he runs around the kitchen.It was quite amusing to do but the thing is I find it to be a huge waste of time from the developers. I don't mean it's bad or anything, it's just that since it's a mastery point you can only do it once and only once, as unlike Hero Point's, Mastery Point's are per account not per character.So I find it a waste to create a mini-game that that we can only play once.Maybe it will be possible to redo it like some Hero Point's for additional rewards, but I doubt it and it would never be as popular as HP trains in HoT.So is this a mistake from ANET and it was suppose to be a Hero Point?
  6. There are no party leaders anymore which is actually a good thing. Before that happened the "party leader" i.e. person who opened instance could not be replaced. If he got kicked the whole party would be kicked from the instance too, even if he simply DC and couldn't come back caused problems as then it was possible to kick them without everyone else getting kicked, but then a new person joining could not join the instance so the party would either had to start over or 4-man the rest anyway.The opener also could not change characters once inside as that would kick everyone out too so it was a huge con both ways. On the other hand if we leave it to the squad leader to decide to allow the merger it wouldn't really do much. As how is the squad leader suppose to know the party does not want to join his squad? It might however give us time to kick the troll before the squad leader approves it.
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