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ConceptualGamer.8102's Achievements

  1. I just used a random pick up exemple of how a player could be interested in one archetype but disapointed to not be able to play it since for long GW2 PVE has always been leaning to full dps meta. Yes other games always try to get more dps out of every role couse the only way to win a fight is making the boss HP to 0 and time efficiency. But other roles and playstyles beyond dps have purpuse. GW2 doesn't demand the holy trinity, but presents you with gear, traits and weapons that missleads you to these "builds that suck" in pve. If they want to teach the players the fundaments about what is important they shouldn't be releasing more and more stats combos that "suck" (they could easily separate these for wvw inn the same whay they do to spvp). What I meant was fewer tools necessary to reach the crits caps. You could reach the caps with only berserker weapons and 2 trinkets and a mix of less specialyzed gears, or choose trait lines that gives more critical chance or use a sigil or food lefting more space to use the rest of your gear, or build or traits or foods for things like survavibility or utility. lesser crit caps would demand less full investment in purely offensive gear and traits to maximize it. and would decrease the gap between a buld that even didn't reach the max crit cap. There will aways be a diference between Joe and the World First, but WF usualy are 2 Joes, not 10. So when the developer is making a mathematic balancing aroud DPS and the judging time to kill to an encouter being fun, not a joke or a slog, it would be better to find a middle ground. Absolutly right. A decision I 've sadly made, leaving nice guild friends couse I couldn't stand the game statuses anymore.
  2. No it's not. Most of tha games (and belive me, i've been playing lots fo them in the past 20 years) don't allow 100% critical chance 100% of the time. Other more balance MMOs have the dps disparity between elite players and casuals ina marging of 2x the damage and not 10x. There is no way you can balance any timme to kill with that gargantuan margin. 100% crits in CD steroids is not the same as every single second of the fight. Again, GW2 have the most atrocious disparity between meta builds and ok builds I ever seen. And before Alacrity introduction (whitch was supposed to be only for cronomancer couse "time manipulation", til they realise ppl were always taking crono so they started to split it in other classes) the damage output of players and the disparity incresead a lot. Some older mildly harder content are bein obliterated in seconds nowadays. Maybe not. but the point is today we already have a critical cap and an arguably ferocity cap since we will use the most power/ferocity increments available to reach it. And to have this trinity escalating the most of it's potential requires a set of builds, gear and traits that limit players to the most boring and restrictive combination. If players could use fewer and diferent tools (gear, sigils, food, traits) to reach the damage caps, tehy could have some space for build variety for playstyle. Here you missed the point. What i'm trying to say is that GW2 presents us with a variety of weapons and playstyles per classes but the player is not allowed to choose between all or even most of them couse the meta in PVE is about the choices that provides you more damage and the damage discrepancies between suboptimal choices and optimal choices is huge even both in the hands of skilled players. In the end, this discution will probably taking us nowere. You like the game the way it is and it's fair. But now that ANet put the reality in the face of a broader community these old long time discussions are intensifing, even in popular streamers talks. I just shared my view in a game that I've played for 5 years as my only main mmo and left couse of these points and now, returning for the expansion ending the 10 year dragon story, I just see the reality is even worse than when I left 3 years ago. I'd like to clarify that I don't have the right answers, It's always more complicated. And it's not a matter of just changing the classes numbers. What I think is that GW2 have some fundamental problems in its systems that prevents the game to reach it's potential. The combat controls are awesome, the skill animations are awesome, the movement, the idea behind the builds are great. Everything lost in mathematic madness that intead of promoting the dynamic action GW2 proposes, makes players brutalise all the content with insane DPS outputs that skips all interisting mechanics making bosses nothing more than Golem dummies. Rest assured ANet will never do something like that. It's risky and ppl rage at every single thing they perceive as "nerf", even if they, in pratice, need less time to kill things with these changes.
  3. It's called "false choices" and there is no fun in choosing about being accepted in grouop content or not based in wich build you want to play (assuming your supposition that the fun in GW2 is building a different character). People don't realise, even after 10 years, how it the does exact opposite. It has been limiting GW2 builds too much more the way it is. The builds are very restrictive and berserker gear is the only power gear to go since the release of this game. If GW2 introduced gear that does even more survivability losses for more damage gain, people would make this the new meta My following post argues that whitch matter when u are balancing the game is about time to kill, the fancy number means the same thing no matter you are seing big 500k damage or 4 damage in your screen.
  4. As a compliment to the previous post... Anything about balance in mmos revolves around Time To Kill . If you do 200k damage per second and a mob have 400k HP. You will kill the mob in 2 seconds. Now, if you get "nerfed to the ground" to 2 dps and the mob now have 4 HP you gonna kill the mob in the same exact 2 seconds. The reality in GW2 is as it's follows: If a non meta casual player do 2 dps and a mob has 10HP, this mob will die in 5 seconds. A skilled meta player does 10x more damage than the previous exemple (second ANet). Whitch means this player will kill the same 10 HP mob in 1 second. The meta player could even kill a 20 HP mob in the same 1 second, while the non meta player would take 10 seconds to kill this mob. So now, get the picture that a mob that takes the meta player 5 seconds to kill needs to have 100HP. The non meta player will take 50 seconds to kill this same mob. Multiply this gap by 50 players and now you can see the DE nightmare balance hell (as anything "challenging" in this game). The numbers means nothing more than time to kill. Anet has made a game that deceives it's players for decades that "they can play anything they want". Divided, intentionaly, the community into "casuals", that can kill anything with what they want in OW, and "hardcore" that need to play meta builds to do anything in instanced content, when in other games there are lots more of space for midcore players between these mindsets and skills. It's a shame this game shows us we can be a cleric type staff guardian, but we can't play it couse it gives around 20k less dps that the meta sword/torch one with 0 survivability and boring "adds more X% damage when 'insert anything here'" traits. That any new stats they give us is just "garbage" couse berserk/viper exists. This meta is just pushing over the dps disparity reality to a playerbase that has choosen to ignore it in favor of fun. But there is a point that giving up efficience in favour of fun is not fun anymore.
  5. The problem is the DPS gap. No game can be balanced around this ridiculous DPS gap. No game should NEVER EVER alow players reach 100% critical chance and build critical damage to up to there is no more points. If you can reach 100% critical chance so there is no critical chance, there is only a new standard damage. If ANet capped critical chance at 50% and citical damage at 200% it would help a lot in drecreasing the gap between skilled and non skilled players and would immprove build variet, since then ppl could reach criticals cap via trait lines, sigil/runes or gear and food, allowing more space for investmment in survivability or utility and decreasing the dps gap between using viper/berserker and anything else.
  6. As a criticism of this battle: - Targeting Soo-Woon is very difficult. Please make her targetable along her model. Right now I feel I can only target her if I click the small ui cross and that is very frustrating since there are so many visual cluter and other assets obstructing it. - The whirlpools seems to be very much unfair. They don't seem to be dodgeble aoes and once u get stucked in it there is no way to break it reasonably. - The tail needs polishing. Its very deceveing her tail to move but the target to be acttualy an invisible asset. Many times i lost dps just trying to run after a tail that is not real.
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