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T G.7496

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Posts posted by T G.7496

  1. 43 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    You do realize... majority of the stackers were just multiple guilds moving right? and then some extra followers or friends which would be less than the guilds moving. There is no pain for them to feel, it's a bonus they can move for free, together, forever, now.

    If that's true, then great!

    But I'm not sure that's entirely all we've experienced - certainly in the worst cases - over the lifetime of servers, links and transfers.

    And except now they will have no agency at all about where they are moved to, and who else they will be teamed with, every four weeks. Zero agency. That's a fundamental difference.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Caffynated.5713 said:

    They won't get better; they will get worse.

    There's no evidence yet for this. I hope you're wrong.

    2 hours ago, Caffynated.5713 said:

    ... designated losing teams ... 

    I don't think this is a thing.

    I hope teams will find the tier(s) where there content is better matched.

    More worrying is that, with now 6 EU tiers but only a 4-week relink cycle, there is potentially insufficient time for teams to find their tier through the weekly up/down process.

    Certainly, if you are in a 'T1 level' team placed in T6 on relink, you won't have even enough time to get to T1.

    That's not great design.

  3. 14 minutes ago, shrew.3059 said:

    It’s a bind for MoL too because they can’t avoid being better organised and playing their best just to encourage more competition, but at the same time, they’ll never get that competition by (inadvertently) teaching their opponents that standing to fight is pointless.

    It seems impossible to properly calibrate for player quality (as you put it) because there are different WvW “modes” being played; a strong 1v1er can’t stand up to a boon ball, a strong roamer can’t stand up to a boon ball, and it’s irrelevant whether an individual member of a boon ball could hold their own 1v1 or roaming because this doesn’t need to happen for them. Boon balling is a skill, but it’s not 100% transferable to the other “modes” of WvW, so the only thing that matters is who wins, and that’s always a numbers organisation game.

    No reasonable player wants to punish players and guilds for trying hard and being good, but I think there needs to be an acknowledgement that the current system might not encourage players to get better or get organised if they get stomped for trying. Maybe this will even out with time, but the question is who will be left?

    Understood. Good points.

    But the boonball vs. 'other modes' issue of balancing WvW is a more general issue we're all experiencing atm.

    Maybe the new process of WR is going to exacerbate this issue for the foreseeable future, particularly in the first week or two of each relink. But maybe this will also shine a harder light on the problem and perhaps Anet will finally begin to do something about it.

    I'm not holding my breath.

    Much as I was looking forward to WR - I had grown almost contemptuous of the old system, in its familiar staleness - I'm always reluctant to go in to bat for Anet. Their performance over the last few years has created a great cynicism in me about their understand of and ability to fix and improve their own game.

    But I think we're all stuck with WR now. I'm ok with that, because I was craving the shake-up and I was preparing for it and looking forward to it. No doubt the novelty will wear off quickly, even for people like me, and then we'll have to see if they can manage the WR mechanics well enough to sustain peoples' loyalty to and enjoyment of the game.

    At least server-stacking and bandwaggoning is dead now. But this new system will still favour those who are more willing to organise with others. Arguably, that's what this mode is all about, after all - but I'm aware people play this mode in different ways. I hope they can all still find a way to enjoy it.

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  4. 27 minutes ago, Kishijooten.5817 said:

    I'm on blue team. We got a perma red blob  vs a few disorganized blue players. What are we supposed to do ? I'm sorry you feel disapointed but we cannot fight you. I wish we could but we can't. 

    Less than 48 hours and I really miss my Jade Sea mates... 😥


    Understood. I'm sorry to hear that.

    I was referring very specifically to the reset behaviour of whomever was tagging for blue. They had a blob, it looked like a full squad. They'd opened green garri and were working on the lord. We were like, yay, content. They were like, nope, port. Different playstyle, nothing to do with numbers or balance, at that moment and for the remainder of the night.

    Since then, several blue groups have put up a fight for things, and I acknowledge that it's been rough on them - not that we've always had full squads, but that on average our players seem more capable. But yes, MoL seems to have all the advantage cards in the Tier 6 match; overall numbers, perhaps better coverage, better organisation, arguably better calibre players.

    Hopefully, from next week, the Tiers can begin sorting themselves out a bit, and perhaps balance will begin to improve for everyone. Fingers crossed.

    Good luck!


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  5. I'm on Mirror of Lyssa, in probably one of the larger alliance guild initiatives, and it is absolutely true that MoL is completely dominating.

    We're not happy about it either, it'd be a lot more fun if there was more challenging content.

    But, and it's a big but, this is not a disparity in simply numbers. There might be a numbers disparity, and perhaps also a coverage one. However, there is also a big playstyle disparity.

    Blue team - we are red - blue team seem to actively avoid PvP. We watched a full blue reset blob disengage from the lord in green keep and deliberately manoeuvre to port away when we arrived to play with them. This continued all night, and since, and if they do fight, or are forced to do so, they're really not up to it - sorry to say so, I'm not a very good player either.

    Hopefully, as the weeks pass, these week 1 disparities - of all kinds - will diminish as teams find their place in the tiers.

    Relinks were always a bit like this, and for obvious reasons. I imagine WR relinks will continue this inevitable week 1 chaos, and it is probably likely to remain a more pronounced consequence of the process. 

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  6. Server stackers, bandwagoners, call them what you will, are going to feel the pain of WR most acutely. WR is specifically designed to kill that sort of thing. I've no sympathy.

    If organising to play together with up to 500 like-minded players, friends, and friends of friends is either beyond people, or isn't enough, I dunno what to tell you.

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  7. It seemed to me that those players for whom server identity remained important created organised or impromptu events of their own to mark the moment.

    I think that was sufficient.

    I acknowledge the loss of community a lot of these players have experienced, and at times it has been painful witnessing their pain. I am sorry for their loss.

  8. On 5/29/2024 at 11:59 AM, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

    Sure. But there's a difference between drama which goes on around you and can be ignored, and drama which boots you from the community of your friends with no way back. Servers don't force you to leave and not play with your friends again. Guild leaders can and inevitably will under WR.

    I can't think of a single player I know, and I know a lot by now, who has been kicked from a guild as a result of drama.

    I've been kicked, amicably, for inactivity occasionally. That's already a thing, for good reasons.

    If you've often found yourself a part of communities where guild drama and guild kicks are a regular thing, experienced by yourself or others, then perhaps you're making poor choices.

    Guilds under WR should be no more or less benign places to be than they are now. Same people, same friends, same guild leaders.

    On 5/29/2024 at 1:52 PM, Thea Cherry.6327 said:

    What confuses me is, that some people think the change will be positive which can be true for them, but they don't see that for many others it will be the death of the game mode and as we have seen the past years, we don't get new WvW players easily. So the overall WvW population will sink, not enough people will be coming back for this mode, because many left due to core WvW problems which are not adressed by the perma beta.

    Let's wait and see how good/bad the change is in around 3-6 month (the playtime in the summer is usualy lower anyway), but right now i have a very bad feeling about this.

    The very nature of the the new WR team and match-making mechanism will mean that any reduction in overall WvW population numbers should be fairly unnoticeable to the remaining players or their experience of the game.

    In a specific sense, of course, you may miss individual players or guilds if they stop playing. But that erosion won't leave increasingly deserted servers, if it does happen. It will simply result in fewer matches being created at each rematch.

    Of course, any dwindling population may then reach a point where the tier system itself becomes a little less populated. Maybe eventually they have to move to a single league, and endgame would be just three competing teams, the component parts of which are shuffled each month. But by then we might be playing GW3. And anyway, by now people only care about winning or losing matchups insofar as by doing so they might avoid playing against WSR 😛 

    • Like 2
  9. A lot of the catastrophising you're doing, OP, is in your own head.

    There are already several, well articulated responses in this thread, and I haven't even read the whole thing.

    I was tempted to come at you harder, because your level of hysteria about this isn't helpful. But then I figured you were, understandably, just afraid of the monumental change that is about to happen to your favourite game mode.

    I get that, we all do.

    But take some time to actually read, and digest, the calm, considered responses some people have taken the time to provide here.

    It's the end of servers.

    It's a new era for WvW.

    But there's a view of all this which should acknowledge that Anet are placing greater agency, into the hands of players, over who we choose to play with, and when. We just have to be prepared to make some effort, individually and collectively.

    Good luck.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Gop.8713 said:

    If you're of the opinion that stealth and ports are garbage and represent poor game design you may want to accept that this just isn't the game for you . . .

    But you are  correct that it's irrelevant since neither has anything to do with exploits which is the subject of the thread  . . .

    Stealth and ports are legitimate game design features, it's just that neither is well implemented in this game; stealth especially, and the classes that rely on it, are poorly designed.

    And you're right, I'm certainly at a point right now (of not playing) where the current state of the game, including but not at all limited to the kitten implementation of stealth, means that this may no longer be the game for me. Which is heartbreaking, because I used to love it, but at the same time as neglecting elements that already badly needing fixing they've continued to make one poor design decision after another.

    It's a shame.

    One of the few remaining ways in which I engage with this game - which is no less foolish a thing to do than picking at a scab - is to suffer the indignity of visiting this ghetto of a forum from time to time.

    The end of any relationship can be an ugly thing.

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  11. 6 hours ago, Gop.8713 said:

    I'm just saying you started with "let's fix these exploits", which I think a lot of ppls can get behind, but moved pretty quickly to "let's negate entire class mechanics" which is going to receive less support. You're kind of undermining your own point . . .

    Depends if the class mechanics are also garbage and represent poor game design.

    It's a moot point anyway, since the Devs are fully absorbed right now with optimising the location of all the synths.

  12. It must be a full time job for someone at Anet, fiddling with the location of synthesisers - important stuff, and hopefully will silence all the people who have been screaming for these changes to the game mode for years.

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