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Posts posted by DreamyAbaddon.3265

  1. 20 minutes ago, DarkK.7368 said:

    They look WON-DER-FUL. I prefer 1 less level of zoom (with maximum zoom step slider) so I can better see my foot to avoid AOE's. But it feels a totally different game, it's so juicy to see and feel, not some *generic mmo view*. It feels a single player worth experience. You see every enemy animation to react to what they do like a good action fighting game. EPIC.

    I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    If I knew more people were into this style, I'd definitely record more footage of me soloing and tackling crazy challenges since this is how I usually fight in-game. I’m almost always zoomed in like this when I play, and as you mentioned, it feels like a solid action fighting game. I’ve been playing GW2 this way since the 2012 beta, and I also use an Xbox controller, so what you're seeing is me playing entirely with a gamepad.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, DarkK.7368 said:

    If Xpadder is like joy2key, it doesn't work for menus. I have a button that slows down the mouse and I can use joystick to move the mouse for inventory and so... That I almost never use cause it's so BAD. Native controller support is needed to use menus with arrow keys.

    For combat, yeah, I'm also using Joy2key and I love my configuration, but I would give up that for inventory management. Specially because If I don't like how they do, I can just deactivate controller support and return to joy2key/xpadder. Or maybe some mix.

    Xpadder keybinding and item dragging with a gamepad work flawlessly. The issue lies with your keybindings, which could use some improvement. Personally, I think the menus are great, and I’d be happy to show you how to set it up via Discord if you're interested. I’ve been playing GW2 entirely with an Xbox controller for both combat and menus since 2012 beta, and the only time I touch the keyboard is when I need to type.

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  3. Hopefully not... Console limitations would ruin the game. Reminds me of the dark ages of FFXI when we had to deal with PS2 limitations and devs couldn't do much because of it...

    Plus I hope GW2 never gets native controller support since I use Xpadder to keybind everything to my xbox controller and I don't want in game support to ruin my keybindings I've been using since 2012...

    Please learn to use Xpadder or Steam Input instead. It's much better option.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    Imagine the final boss on an expack being a cute little red Quaggan going:

    OoOoOoOh! Quaggan gonna nuke CaAaAnTha! 

    Balthazar who? Elder dragons what?

    Omg I am already imagining this now! It's perfect!!!

    It’s an ideal combination of humor and apocalyptic intensity! This could really work! Hopefully the Guild Wars 2 writers read this. 🙂

  5. Here is my next expansion idea:

    Guild Wars 2 - Treasures of Lost Quaggan

    This expansion centers around a new storyline where the Commander encounters a charming and seemingly innocent red Quaggan named "Akma." Together with the Quaggans, the Commander embarks on an epic quest to recover a long-lost cultural treasure. However, as the story unfolds, it is revealed that this treasure is, in fact, a powerful superweapon capable of devastating entire islands with a single strike.

    Akma’s true motive is soon uncovered: he plans to use the weapon to exact revenge on the nation of Cantha, which once captured and exploited his people in illegal scientific experiments involving dragon energy. Many Quaggans perished during these experiments, and Akma’s quest has been driven by a desire for retribution against the entire Canthan nation.

    As the Commander, along with your allies and a united force, you must confront Akma and his Quaggan supporters to prevent the superweapon from causing catastrophic harm.

    Would you be interested in exploring an expansion like this, where the Quaggan story takes center stage, and unexpected twists create a compelling narrative?

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  6. 1 hour ago, Ghostkat.9580 said:

    Couple of things... first is the game was actually bigger in Japan than FFXIV until NCSoft pulled the Japanese servers and support for the game. There has been a lot of demand in Japan to bring it back. If they do, I sincerely hope we get some fixes to the EoD story in new content as a lot of the references to GW Factions is actually incredibly wrong lore-wise (especially regarding the Ministry of Purity), and Ashu Yuudachi is completely forgotten about. The writers were trying to do a paint-by-numbers retread of the bullet-points of things from Factions and Winds of Change that they actually completely messed up the lore in the process. Luckily, this sort of thing is easily fixed with a "history was re-written by the victor, but here's what really happened" kind of narrative. I've shown EoD to my Chinese, Japanese and Korean friends/family (my mother is half-Korean) and they all vehemently dislike the way the Canthans were written, and found everything to be SUPER white-washed. The Ministry of Purity Samurai outfit from GW1 is probably my all-time favourite artwork from GW1 of all time, and I think it would definitely be a very popular gem store purchase if made available (moreso than the current Samurai outfit).

    I've said this before, but I felt a smarter story would be to have the current Cantha basically be Korean-inspired, but then have two new locations based on Feudal Japan during the Tokugawa Shogunate, and China during the Han Dynasty, based on the two regimes that were forced out of Cantha proper. Say they all have historical beef with one another and point fingers at each other for who is at fault for what, but due to "fate of the world" circumstances  we (the Pact Commander) have to convince them to put their differences aside to join forces against a common enemy. Maybe Largos invasion, or a 7th dragon we don't yet know about? Plenty of water between the three nations to put to use, and get more mileage out of the skiffs.

    Would be a good way to finally get some fists weapons, too, if ArenaNet were to finally implement all the other stuff they promised and decide they want to go back to adding in a few new elite specs to the game. Everyone says it should be on Guardian because GW1 Monk was similar to Guardian, but people forget the whole "Cynn marrying Mhenlo" thing with Elementalist and Monk both being light-armour classes, so 250 years later it would totally make sense in the lore for elementalist Monk to be a thing (and more on-brand with most martial artist power fantasies coming out of Far East Asia, where they  have element-based abilities; even Capcom does this in Street Fighter with lightning kicks and flaming uppercuts). We already have a lot of focus skins that look like the knuckles-style weapons we see in FFXIV (if not even better), and we already have plenty of cosmetics for gear that fits the bill... just not the weapon itself. I'd love to have a flaming Shoryuken, or Tifa Lockhart's Dolphin Flurry in water mode, for Overload-style skills! 🙂

    My second point is I also play the game exclusively on controller due to nerve damage in my right hand from an accident that makes it impossible for me to play with kb/m, and am an ex-FFXIV player. I use ReWASD instead of XPadder, and the control scheme I made for it is actually way more natural-feeling for action-combat gameplay than FFXIV's native controller inputs. I've been thinking of trying to share it in the Accessibility Wars Discord server, since I think it might help people, but I think it would serve as a great guide for what GW2's controller support would look like if they ever implemented native gamepad support.

    But in any case, you don't need to worry about controller support interfering with keybinds. Even the console version of FFXIV lets you use kb/m. There's a whole toggle between kb/m mode and control pad mode in the settings, so there's no need to worry about that. In all likelihood, the controls themselves for gamepad support would be rebindable/customizable, so you might be able to set it up how you want to within the software itself without having to use an external program.

    Interesting first point. I'm not knowledgeable enough lore wise to add anything to it.

    As for the 2nd point, as long as the game doesn't automatically detect my gamepad and start messing with my keybinds on Xpadder and Steam Input settings then I'm fine. But if it's anything like how TeraOnline was, were you couldn't stop certain keybinds on gamepad to be disabled within game, then no thanks. I do not want to use the built in keybind in game because it's always bad from my experience and nothing can be as good and in depth as how I have it setup on third party external program like Xpadder & Steam Input. I think not having controller support is better since we already have options using external programs and those programs are way more in depth than anything in game keybindings can do. Controllers are more customizable because of it and I don't want to lose that deep customization I already have on my xbox controller and steamdeck.

  7. I rather ArenaNet add Japanese Input IME support and port the game to Japan & Korea tbh...

    I'd love to play this game in Japanese.

    Plus if they do add controller support for this game, I want an option to turn it off so we can continue to use our controller's keybinding using Steam's Input API and Xpadder. I dont want the game's native controller support to interfere with my keybinds. I am the first to play this game on the controller since 2012 beta so I put a lot of work into my keybinds. The last thing I want to see is ArenaNet mess that up.

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  8. 4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Sounds like the description of gear progression trinity design games. Where the encounter, instead of being a skill challenge, is primarily a puzzle to be solved, and a gearcheck to be passed. And most of the "challenge" gets resolved before actual encounter by reading a guide and gearing up properly.

    Everything you just said here perfectly describes FF11 and reminded me why I quit that game for GW2.

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  9. No thank you OP...

    I don't want traditional roles in GW2. I like all classes being able to do damage, while taking control and being able to support themselves and their allies in their own unique ways. If I wanted the holy trinity I would go back to Final Fantasy MMO... I left that awful game for Guild Wars 2's unique approach to combat and open world exploration.

    I suggest you play other Final Fantasy / WoW clones if that's what you're looking for. We don't have another alternative like this game yet. If this game ever gets unplugged and we don't have a sequel, I'm done with the MMO genre for good.

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  10. 17 minutes ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

    Thanks @DreamyAbaddon.3265

    Thank you so much.

    Anytime! ArenaNet is a great company and the devs really care about its players. You may know me by Rebecca Chamber in Queensdale if you hang out there. I've been helping newbies since 2012 so if you ever need help with the game or want some tips on gamepad layout, feel free to whisper me in game anytime!

    @Colin Johanson.8310 If you guys ever do decide to make an official gamepad support for GW2, please consider an option to toggle it off completely for some of us who prefer to continue using our third party app like Xpadder or Steam Input to prevent our existing Controller Keybinds from breaking. Been playing GW2 with my xbox controller using my keybinds on xpadder since 2012 beta and it would be terrible if my keybinds for the game suddenly become unplayble. You play the game one way for sooo long and get so used to it then suddenly need to change how you play would ruin the experience unintentionally. So I do hope if such a feature is being developed, a toggle off option would be baked into it in the menu so the game won't detect the gamepad even when plugged in to prevent conflicting keybindings.


    • Thanks 1
  11. Let me be the first to tell you this, you are 1000% safe to use third party apps to keybind whatever you want to a gamepad in GW2.
    I bought GW2 collector's edition back in 2012 with Rytlock Statue and continue to support the game and I played GW2 beta back in 2012 using a third party app called Xpadder which allowed me to fully play GW2 using my xbox controller. In fact, the first 30min of Beta weekend event 1, all I did was keybind everything to my controller with xpadder to make sure the game felt right to me on the xbox controller and I STILL use xpadder today since then to continue to play the game that way. I only use keyboard to type but gamepad for everything else.

    I talk about it in game and mentioned it in other posts on the official forums and I would be the 1st one banned if ArenaNet wanted too but yet, here I am, able to continue enjoying the game using my gamepad since 2012 and talking about using it in the official forums.

    You're fine... As long as you aren't botting or using third party app to let the game play for you, there is no issue with this.

    So have fun and game on!

    Tbh, I pray ArenaNet won't add official gamepad support in fear of their gamepad support may interfer with my already well established keybinds with Xpadder for my xbox controller layout.

    Edit: I'm also the guy who made Guild Wars 2 - Season 1 Movie on youtube back when Season 1 was unplayable and ArenaNet employees have seen my video previously and I am sure some already are aware that I use a gamepad to play this game. So if I'm okay, you'll be too.

    • Thanks 2
  12. On 5/3/2024 at 6:27 PM, cyberzombie.7348 said:

    As someone that uses IME I'm 100% on-board on this. There's random moments where I had to restart the game because I couldn't type anything in chat, due to it auto-switching to hiragana. Even switching back to alphanumeric kept me soft-locked from using chat.

    Ah yeah, this is indeed a problem. Really annoying when this happens to me too. 😔

    • Confused 1
  13. On 12/21/2023 at 7:31 PM, firedragon.8953 said:

    While this seems to make sense, it actually doesn't. People who speak Japanese in game just chat using romaji (English letters). Assuming none of the people who monitor (?) chat logs know Japanese, it makes little to no difference if it is using Japanese script or not. You can still call someone baka without calling them バカ if you know what I mean.

    As someone who runs/ran a bilingual Japanese-English guild, most of us just chatted using romaji in game. It's not great though because, yeah, Japanese has lots of homophones and without using kanji sometimes it's not so easy to understand, and reading romaji can just feel cumbersome. But, for the most part it's fine. For more important group activities (raids, etc.) we used used discord voice chat.

    So although I wouldn't be against Japanese IME support in game since I use the language often enough with guild members, etc., I'm pretty ambivalent to it, mainly because of current 3rd party options that allow communication.

    I know this is off topic but can you invite me to your guild and discord? I would love to play with other players who can speak or is learning to speak 日本語

    Always fun to make new friends too. ❤️ 

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  14. Imagine you can play an MMO and you are unable to use lowercase letters and spaces in with the characters used in English, but you CAN use capital letters.

    THISISWHATTYPINGKANJIONLYINJAPANESEFEELSLIKE -   "This is what typing Kanji only in Japanese feels like"

    If they enable Hiragana and Katakana, it would be complete!

    「ひらがな」と「カタカナ」お願いします。🙏 Please give us Hiragana & Katakana.

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  15. I'm so glad to see this thread is still going!

    For those who don't understand, all I am asking is to allow players like me, to use Japanese characters in game chat so that we can communicate with friends who speak Japanese. I'm not asking for game translation or localization or anything like that.

    My character in game is Rebecca Chamber and I often study Japanese while helping newbs in Queensdale and wanna know what I do while I offer to help asnwer newbies questions in map chat? I study Japanese. And once in a while I may type Kanji (Chinese Characters) in game chat to show friends what character's I'm learning. But because the game doesn't allow me to use Hiragana and Katakana, I can't really properly type in Japanese since Japanese cannot use Chinese Characters alone. If I had this ability, me and anyone else who is able to use Japanese would be happy to communicate with each other while playing together.

    GW2 is my home, and I only wish for ArenaNet to enable Hiragana and Katakana so I can communicate with friends since Chinese Characters already work.

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  16. GW3 as a single player game wouldn't hurt GW2 as an MMORPG.

    Look at the Final Fantasy Franchise... FF11 and FF14 are two MMOs Square Enix maintained while they continue making great single player games like FF15 and now FF16. The single player games aren't getting people to leave the MMO games since they are not the same genre. GW3 as an MMO would be a mistake but as a Single player would be great way to bring in new blood to the franchise who may even look at getting into the MMO GW2

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  17. 8 minutes ago, starlinvf.1358 said:

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that a single player game will NOT work within the Guildwars universe.  And this is largely to do with the lore itself.   Guildwars thematically has largely been about people coming to together to solve a big problem.  The Lore actually does not like the idea of a singular chosen one.  Whenever a single person tried to solve a big problem, they either made the problem worse, or invented a whole new problem that everyone else now has to deal with. (And I extend this idea into everything involving Aurene, dating all the way back to Kaithe taking the Egg) Even in GW1, it was heavily implied that you were part of a diverse group of heroes who banded together to stop an existential threat.  In GW2, that was the premise of the entire 2nd and 3rd acts; with at least half the options in the first act being about leadership and cooperation.  

    To make a single player campaign in the way modern players expect things (aka straight up power fantasy), you'd end up being the villain with how this universe treats powerful independents.  Even the OG Best Dude of Tyria's History, ended up causing not only one of the single biggest disasters, but set the stage for all subsequent major magical disasters.  His name was Abbadon.  And he gave the people of Tyria the gift of Magic.  

    I have to strongly disagree. Hear me out:
    The GW2 universe is like any universe; StarWars, StarTrek, whatever. It's just the lore and world and races we use. Meanwhile, the writers of the game can choose a race and character they want to tell a story of and make a compelling story about that character in this world. The story wouldn't have to be about the world itself but the characters and their relationships and struggles. All you need is motivation, flaws, and how the main char will overcome their flaws and deal with obsticles to reach the climax and achieve their goals for a satisfying ending. Everything else about the world is extra. Seeing how the other races interact in the future and stuff. There can be tons of great side missions too like in Mass Effect games or Starfield or even Fallout games. Side missions could be the bread and butter of Guild Wars 3 were you get to know the characters in other planets and solve their problems. Making new friends and enemies along the way.

    I love to see how the Mists can be used as a worm hole to travel longer distance using space ships

    Something like a WarpDrive but call it the MistDrive using modern tech to travel through mists to reach other solar systems or galaxies faster. Waypoints can be Space Stations too.

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  18. 17 hours ago, Batalix.2873 said:

    I've been saying this for a few years:

    GW3 will be an action adventure game. We have seen too many hotbar MMOs try to conform themselves to simpler action-style spatial combat and simpler gamepad layouts(to massive commercial success) for this not to happen. That is just where the potential market is; a very large casual consumer-base that doesn't want to micromanage too many complicated subsystems.

    And GW3 will very likely be a sci-fi fantasy spin on the genre. The time jump conceit was an extremely successful way of both expanding/opening up the lore while having a lot of material to reuse/rework. Assuredly they are tempted to do this again, because it would be very resource conservative to reimagine old places/characters instead of designing totally new places. Also the only remaining major mysteries in the game are fractals and Orr, both of which would lean very comfortably into a sci fi setting. Other pros of going sci-fi GW:

    1 - GW1 was very traditional high fantasy and GW2 has been very "industrial/modern" (generally, the Asura and Cantha are on the brink of technological breakthroughs but most of GW2 has been defined by the Charr/Dredge, the steampunk Pact and jungle airship fleet, the Amnoon oil, the Dwarven furnaces, etc.). Moving into futurism naturally opens up a lot more design space to have enough "new ideas" to sell to consumers without retrodding or obviating the old games.

     2 - It would accept globalization of Canthan/Asuran tech as a fact and basis for the next era, rather than "destroying everything with dragons" again. We already did the "post-apocalyptic world" thing in GW2, where the desert was Kralk'd/Joko'd, Kaineng was drowned and necro'd, and the north was politically insurrectioned. There really isn't any appeal to tearing down these cultures again internally when GW2 was that to GW1. Sci-fi allows us to move past apocolypse into Utopia, show all of these regions fully modernized, and introduce exterior threats from the stars and other dimensions rather than retrod dragons.

    3 - It would be a fantastic setup--if they put forth the resources to achieve it--to remaster/rework GW1 and GW2. The mists were a mysterious part of lore in GW1. We were experimenting with how to traverse them and re-experience past events in GW2. If the technology is fully realized in GW3, we could have diagetic reasons for cross-play between GW1 and GW2, where you could bring characters and/or skins back and forth between them. It would solve the issue so many games have of splitting their playerbases with new releases, by building a more robust version of Hall of Monuments that sustains continued player interaction across the history of Tyria.

    I do think GW3 will have MMO elements like you state, but you are spot on that if they are developing it, it is going to lean heavily into single-player campaigns and action combat.

    NOW, all that said...given how much the current design team is myopically destroying everything solid and good about GW2, I highly doubt that (a) they would design GW3 in a manner any way complementary to and respectful of GW2, and (b) that they have even a fraction of this sort of vision planned for GW3.


    Man you are making me want to hire a Concept Artist to make Tyria 5,000 years in the future with all the main races becoming space traveling species and get art made for it plus art made to show case what places like Divinity's Reach, Black Citadel, Lions Arch and Metric Province would look like.

    Tbh I think I can imagine Lions Arch being were the Space Elevator would be located for all races using Cantha + Asura tech and I can totally see Charr + Asura tech being used for Battle Spaceships and Cantha + Asura tech used for Space Stations. Omg I will DIE to see this become a real game using the latest game engine!!! 

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  19. 6 minutes ago, illuminati.8453 said:

    I don't think companies really make sequels to MMOs, so if there is a Guild Wars 3 it will most likely not be an MMO. 

    Yeah, I don't want another MMO. Single player Action RPG Space Adventure in Guild Wars universe would be epic tho! It's a great way to take a break from MMO and stay invested in the world. GW2 can tell the story of Tyria the planet and GW3 can take the stories beyond the Tyrian planet. So many cool stories can be told with new protagonist and I love to see how each race evolved in culture and technology and magic development from that era.

    What would be so cool would be if Tyria was the only planet that has Magic and we introduce the concept of Magic to other creatures we meet in other planets. Human Earthlings meeting Tyrian Humans would be such an interesting interaction were Humans from Earth don't believe in magic, only science and tech and Tyrian Humans introduce them to magic with tech.

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  20. 6 minutes ago, Erich.1783 said:

    I would say they would be better off just making a new game and not attaching the Guild Wars name to it.  If that is done too many people who have some investment in GW will be turned off by it.  A better option, I would think, would be to advertise (something Anet is very bad at) that the game is from the creators of GW, but is a completely different game.  There have been many examples of developers trying to leverage the name of an existing IP and ending up alienating the existing fans, while simultaneously turning off people who are not fans, or actively dislike, that IP.

    I don't want another generic space adventure game tho. I want to see Humans, Charr, Sylvari, Norn and Asura going on a Space Adventure specifically in a time period were Tyrian races making new friends and foes in other planets with something that threatens all of the universe that they must stop. I want Guild Wars universe to expand beyond the planet.

    I quickly put this together in photoshop as a concept:


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