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Posts posted by DreamyAbaddon.3265

  1. I play games not just for the gameplay but for the story... The adventure. If anything, I believe ArenaNet should learn from Final Fantasy 11 and Final Fantasy 14. Those two MMOs have fantastic story and tons of cutscenes and missions and battles and how they present them is great. However, ArenaNet should continue deliverying them using GW2's Dynamic Event method and Story Instances since it works best for this game.


    If Story is not expanded on in meaningful ways, then my interest for the game will die and I would considered this game finished and move on to FF14 (Which I want to avoid because combat sucks there and I don't want to pay subs) Plus, I kinda HATE Square Enix's business model for mmos.

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  2. Hey ArenaNet,

    I'm a long time GW2 fanboy who wants to share this game with my Japanese friends. I also would love to type in Japanese with them in game to help improve my Japanese. GW1 allowes you to type in Japanese but in GW2 you simply cannot. Please consider adding Japanese IME support. You don't need to localize the game just support the input method! It would mean the world to me... 💖😊


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  3. Just now, Dante.1508 said:

    Of course i buy stuff from the cash store, i just do not agree with how they do the armors and Costumes.. Armors used to be bought as a set now its 500gems a piece that is horse kitten.. I will not buy those.


    You are why its like that.


    Actually I agree with you on how they handled  armors and costumes was kitten poor in the cash store. I also think most of these should be earned in game tied to achievements. But actual customers, you and me, are the life blood of this game. Every dollar is a vote and I hope you don't vote to turn this game into a generic mmorpg game. Conservative not Shill.

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  4. 24 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

    Totally agree op this forum is crazy bias against changes.. Remember the people that frequent this forum are Anet shills.. Not actual customers.

    I agree with you 100%


    Ummm... NO?


    I and many others buy stuff in the cash store because we love this game for what it is and we want to support it. We don't come to forums and complain and leave. Did you buy anything in the cash store to contribute to the game? If so then great. If not then your opinions are less valuable than of those actual paying customers who continue to support the game financially even after it's initial purchase. And if you're a Free to Play, Player... you are hardly a "customer"... 


    We want change but only if it follows the game's core founding principles and roots. Not all change is good change and not all opinions or influences are good opinions and influences too.


    Don't like the game? Play something else.

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  5. 28 minutes ago, valeran.3029 said:


    1) Ok. So. A mob died in that spot. Another mob ran to that exact same spot, that I killed, and the first mob respawned in that EXACT same spot? Rightttttttt.... 


    2) It's more realistic that a mob being attacked by numerous players ignores them to attack another player? THAT is what you think is realistic? Ok. You have a guy punching you. Are you going to throw a rock at a guy standing off to the side doing nothing, OR, are you going to attack the guy punching you? THEN, tell me how realistic the combat is....


    3) So. If you're supposed to explore and find things, why does the overland map open up when you walk into an area? Why is THAT area different than caverns? Why not a total fog of war for all areas? See the problem with that?


    4) If you have a balance problem with your core classes after TEN YEARS... you have a problem.


    Conclusion. Want to kitten off new players and lose player base. Tell them to go play another game.


    1)  - Again, never seen this happen in game. I doubt this is the case.


    2) - As I said, it's more realistic to be attacked randomly by an enemy regardless. What's less realistic is a monster retaining aggro by a Tank / Paladin class because it has some gear that increases enmity stats or whatever.  GW2 combat is dynamic and is not based on the Holy Trinity that you so want. If you want a holy trinity with traditional aggro system, there are plenty of other games to play.


    3) - Because that is how it's designed... The map updates when you discover the caverns to encourage further exploration of what you discovered in that way.


    4) - Every game has a balance problem... including core classes... Name me ONE game that is completely balanced with everything else. Not one exists.


    I would rather see a new player leave GW2 who doesn't enjoy GW2 for what it is and how it works, than to keep that new player to spread bad influences that could devolve the game into some generic MMORPG that most of us left. I and many others have left those generic MMORPGs for THIS game because THIS game does things differently than the ones we came from. This game is for those who want something new. Not same old WoW clone we keep getting.


    Suggestion: Play a traditional MMORPG game if you expect and desire traditional MMORPG mechanics. There are plenty of those but there is only one GW2.


    You may think I'm a GW2 Elitist but I'm actually a GW2 conservative. I want this game to keep it's identity and keep true to it's roots. If changes happen, I want it to improve upon this game's philosophy not adopt the ones of others.

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  6. 1.  Mobs spawn around 30+ seconds. I never seen a mob insta-spawn. What most likely happened was another monster that died before got spawned right after you killed the one you just fought. It's not the same monster.


    2. Aggro is suppose to be random for the most part. Enemies should attack anyone and anything it feels the need too. This is a Dynamic Combat system where you need to adapt to situations surrounding you. It's more realistic this way than mobs only attacking a player who engaged it in combat like traditional MMOs. Also, we don't have Tanks, Healers, DPS roles. Don't treat your bear like a TANK either. You need to learn how to survive without your pet and not rely on your pet for your survival. If you want traditional combat system with traditional roles and traditional aggro management system, then go play a traditional MMORPG... GW2 doesn't and shouldn't become another WoW clone.

    3) NO.... You're suppose to explore and discover them. They are suppose to be hidden away to encourage you to find them.  The map system is perfectly fine the way it is.


    4) Balance can make or break classes. But every game has a problem with balance. There isn't one game that is flawless when it comes to this aspect of MMORPG games.


    Conclusion: Play another game if you don't enjoy this game for what it is. Many of us enjoy this game and don't want to see it devolve into "Just another WoW clone". For many of us, we left those games for this for a good reason.




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  7. This is a serious issue.

    When I switched to Dirext X 11 beta to play the game on my 4k 65" TV, the UI is extremely small and the text is not readable even with the UI Scale selected as "Larger" and DPI scaling checked. I hope the team address this issue because this game is only playable with my monitor with Direct X9 which sucks.


    Here is a screenshot of how my game looks. Keep in mind, this is on a 65 inch TV which is my primary monitor.


    This is how UI scaling should NOT be (DirectX 11):



    This is how UI scaling SHOULD BE (DirextX 9):



  8. ArenaNet should certainly allow the option for people to type in the language input they desire. It's a great way for people to connect and learn each other's language while playing and exploring the game. More options is never a bad thing.

    And I already suggested, for those who don't want to see foreign text, they should also have the option to censor it in the settings menu in addition. All this does is improve the social interaction element of the MMO. It doesn't divide people because people are already playing with the people they want and can understand and not everyone knows English that well when playing the game. Making the game more accessible and giving people more options is a good thing and only improves the game. I don't understand how some people would even defend the idea of declining others choices when it doesn't effect them personally. The game isn't made just for you, it's made for all of us who want to play it too and not all of us are native English speakers or can speak English. Some play this game to improve their English as well as enjoy the game as a whole and I think allowing access to different language input will let us English speaking players do the same. I would like to practice my Japanese where my Japanese friends can practice their English during game session. It makes it more enjoyable. Learning a language while playing a game we like together is fun. So it's worth allowing a universal IME chat system so all sorts of fonts can be supported.

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  9. 4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    You play the game that's in 3 languages, you understand and can speak those languages. Making a choice to use language you know majority of community won't understand isn't an improvement in mmorpg.

    Not everyone who plays GW2 actually is good at English. Allowing people to use the languages they prefer to interact with others who can speak the language they know is improvement and does enhance the MMORPG experience social aspect. That is what I believe anyways.


    To be honest, I am jealous that FF14 allows people to speak Japanese and English and I wish it was in this game since I don't like FF14 as a whole. If I had a choice to interact in Japanese with my Japanese friends, that would certainly improve my GW2 experience greatly. It's like a huge cherry on top. So sorry but I really disagree.


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  10. 2 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    I disagree.  Significant is very subjective.


    Adding more languages might, in my opinion, further segregate the player base which would reduce social interactions to dedicated groups whereas the limit of current languages forces interaction on a larger scale.  In my opinion, this would not enhance the experience.


    Good luck with your request.

    I disagree. More options do enhance the game. People should always have a choice in how they interact with each other. But you and I are both entitled to our opinions.


    Take care.

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  11. 1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

    Anet isn't lazy.  It's a business decision.  Apparently, they don't believe that it would "make significant improvements" to the game.

    I would argue that it does make significant improvements to the game. By allowing people to use Japanese input to communicate with each other as an option improves the game's social aspect significantly for those who wish to communicate and socialize with each other in that way. This is an MMO after all and social interactions is a big part of this genre. In fact, I say the more language input they allow the better the experience overall. And what would even improve the game even further is adding an option in the settings menu to allow individuals to filter foreign languages if they do not want to see it in public chat.

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  12. 11 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Prior to the system the EU servers had their designated languages.

    There were German servers, French servers etc.

    But now, instead of having one Mega-Server for each supported language, they are all mixed together.

    This is a big flaw with the mega-server system.


    And those languages you mentioned being usable is just a by-product of using Roman, unlike Japanese which uses neither the Roman set nor the Chinese one (even if there is much overlap).

    But just because languages can use systems already in place, while still not being supported, doesn't mean Arenanet has to add more sets of letters. Also, Japanese can simply use the official romanization of their language.

    Official Romanization that no Japanese people use. It's the most hated writing system for a reason. It doesn't work well for Japanese language. Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji makes Japanese easier to read when  used together.


    I also agree with trixantea.1230

    I think ArenaNet can easily add input support if they use Japanese IME.

    I would like them to allow any script really.



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  13. 皆さん!こんにちは!🙃

    Hello everyone!

    As you know, I am studying Japanese and I have some Japanese friends who I like to type Japanese to in game. The problem is GW2 doesn't support Japanese Hiragana/Katakana and Kanji fonts. It saddens me when I can't interact and learn a language with friends while playing the MMO I call home.

    Please consider allowing full Japanese input so that we can practice communicating with each other while playing the game we love. FF11 and FF14 are MMOs that allow both Japanese and English players to communicate so why can't GW2?


    Thank you for your time!



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  14. Best way to experience the game and story is playing it in chronological order.

    First complete the Personal Story. There is a total of 8 Chapters.

    Then watch GW2 Season 1 Movie: It's a youtube video I made that's 3hours and 24min long and it shows you the entire story that you missed and cannot currently experience. After that, you should start playing Season 2 story in game and onwards.


    Here is what the story in chronological order looks like:


    Personal Story -> Season 1 -> Season 2 -> Heart of Thorns -> Season 3 -> Path of Fire -> Season 4 -> Icebrood Saga -> End of Dragons (TBA)


    When you finish personal story, watch this GW2 season 1 movie before playing Season 2:



  15. Hello community!

    I'm DreamyAbaddon, the creator of GW2 season 1 Movie.

    A few days ago, Season 1 Movie was blocked in most countries by Youtube because of Content ID claim caused by some of the soundtracks that where added. However, the Movie is back thanks to the audio changes I made plus I used this opportunity to add a few new scenes as well.  Spanish subtitles will be worked on next! Check out the changes below and enjoy the Movie! 🙂


    Changes made to the Rebirth Edition:

    (New Scene) - Kasmeer's Origin Story,

    (New Scene) - Kasmeer's arrival to SouthSun Cove

    (New Scene) - Taimi's Origin story

    (New Scene) - Blish & Gorrik both meeting Taimi

    (New Scene) - Taimi's travel to Lunar Pass to meet Scarlet.

    (Extended Scene) - You will now see Rox and Braham's dialogue before entering Scarlet's Playhouse.

    (Upgraded Scene) - Scarlet's dialogue is more clear during combat in Scarlet's Playhouse.

    (Upgraded Scene) - After the Marionette fight, "A moment of peace" is sharper and has higher resolution than the original.

    (Upgraded Scene) - Scarlet's Laugh is not cut-off during Nightmare Tower intro.

    (Upgraded Scene) - Smoother transition between Scarlet's hologram confrontation with Caithe.


    New soundtracks where added and replaced to prevent YouTube Copyright Content ID blocking from happening again. And many more changes made to enhance the experience!


    Enjoy and please support the original content creators! Without them recording the footage, we would not have this epic movie.



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  16. 9 hours ago, Kou.2568 said:

    Thanks for your kind information!

    I think I would like to use this opportunity to try speaking English too.

    I hope I will meet you somewhere.

    Thank you.



    I hope you enjoy the game!

    Please add me to friends and we can play together!




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  17. I don't support this at all.

    GW2 should NEVER be a sub game...

    If the game becomes a subscription game then the devs would be incentivized to making games grindy as hell to keep you paying and staying and that is exactly the type of content I came here to escape from.


    I prefer to support ArenaNet by purchasing what we presently have in the cash shop rather than a sub.

    I prefer to purchase new story content than a sub.


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