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Posts posted by MuscleBobBuffPants.1406

  1. 8 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

    Yes then you should have said Outfit since that is what that one is.

    Your trying to compare a set of 6 armor pieces with an one whole outfit all in one piece and say they are the same because they look the same when you have it equiped on your character.

    Totaly ignoring that if you have your legendary armor equiped than don a outfit it dont show that you have your armor on at all.

    So they are not the same and trying to say that they are is bad.

    It take Anet 9 months to do armor sets, outfits they curn out by the bucket loads over the year so it clearly is not as hard to make those even if all there is is 3d modeling on both.

    No armor is a universally understood word when referring to appearance of an object made of metallic and other materials that gives protection to the body.  The focus of the conversation was on the appearance of the armor, which is what it is, it is armor.  As I have said before, the 3D modeling is the same fundamentally between them.  Outfits or armor skins etc.  Fundamentally it is 3D modeling which they both represent.  Therefore, if they can 3D model armor on characters that doesn't show the Charr whiskers, then they should do so on something called Legendary armor.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    Yes still dont make it armor a quote from the same wiki

    Double-click to wear this outfit.
    Outfits are full sets of clothing that hide other armor. This will not change individual armor pieces, and you will still receive your current armor stats.

    Ah ok!  I understand the confusion.  Remember I said "armor" not "armor set" or "armor skin".   Referring to the appearance of armor not on the stats or mixing and match.  My focus and the focus of this updated post was on appearance.  Hopefully that clarifies things for you!

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  3. 1 minute ago, Linken.6345 said:

    Maybe it is because what you wrote in your post?

    It is not a free armor it never was.

    And yes it covers everything up nicely since its basicly a one piece rubber wetsuit with things stuck outside of it that goes onto your character.

    It is because that is how 3D modeling works.  

    It is free armor, here is a quote from the Wiki : "Reward for accounts created before August 29, 2015 as part of the third anniversary of Guild Wars 2.".

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  4. 43 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    But no it is not since having 1 full outfit that dont have to match with anything else, they can make what ever they want how ever they want as long as it fits together with itself over your character.

    Having an armor set were 5 parts out of 6 since helms always cut off at the same line have to fit with every other 5 parts of light medium or heavy is infact not the same thing.

    If it worked how you want it to work we would be able to mix and match light medium,heavy armor skins together dont you think?

    Yeah it is.  It is 3D modeling.  You are very focused on the distinction between outfits and armor.  Your original argument was based on this idea too on mixing and match.  I never mentioned that once.  My purpose of posting the armor gallery and outfit gallery is that it is possible to create a 3D model for an object that goes over the Charr that doesn't show Charr whiskers.  This is true for both armor skins and outfits.  Maybe it takes more work programming wise to allow mixing and matching for armor skins, but it is possible with their models.    

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  5. Just now, Linken.6345 said:

    That is not an armor tho its an outfit way easier for them to make since it dont have to mix with any other armor part.

    You can create toenail and fingernail armor.   I don't think it would be too hard to create for something called legendary armor that is part of an expansion.  There are also other examples of Charr heavy armor without the whiskers showing through.



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  6. Just for context this was free armor from 10 years ago


    I am glad they are listening to feedback.  But painting metal on toenails and fingernails, extending some neck armor and not fixing the Charr whiskers and ears clipping on something called LEGENDARY armor that is a selling point of an expansion seems just low effort.  

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  7. 42 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

    Whole point of crafting legendaries for me is to spend a lot of resources (and so time) ONCE and then not bother later on. Whats the point of investing little to no resources for little to no effect? Might as well use normal relics...

    I think this is going to be the key point.  Should name it to Temporarily Legendary items.  Their logic was to make sure people "engaged with the content", I think the idea was to engage with the grindy part of the content once for a Legendary, hence the name LEGENDARY.  Then to engage with other aspects of the game.  Because the game itself is not meant to be a gear grind.  But their philosophy as a company was called into question rightfully so because they took out an aspect, repackaged it and sold it back to you.  And that aspect now unlike Legendary Runes is also temporary now.  Whoever is making the game design decisions for the company is trying to slowly turn it into a gear grind Korean MMO.  It is lazy game design.  Because instead of creating fun content, the gear grind becomes the content.  Buckle up for 1,000,000 rifts of grinding!

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  8. According to their Twitter bio "immersive stories, stunning landscapes, 2 PvP modes & more! Play free at ".  So they use those PvP modes to advertise their game.

    And WvW is a "cornerstone" of their game from earlier press statements.

    But just seeing the bare minimum content that PvE received from SoTo combined with a WvW update that one person appears to be working on, leads me to believe they are working on another game.


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  9. October 24th, 2022 was the last balance philosophy stream. 

    If you have no balance philosophy, then you are going to balanced based on golem benchmarks and excel spreadsheets.

    You need a better balance system and better balance philosophy.  If you are confident in your philosophy then please share it with us.  Last time was extremely vague.

    You could even create PTR servers as well for a better way to integrate feedback.  This past Summer was 50 pages of feedback and no changes.

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  10. 10 hours ago, ohericoseo.4316 said:

    Same $$ as ordering pizza! Yep. But I do feel anet really needs to release story content faster if they are going with this new content release model. Inner nyos is not really that big and honestly feels empty. Considering what maps we got in LWS2,3,4 and icebrood its a pretty boring map. Just compare it to something like dragons stand, auric, crystal oasis. There just really is not that much to do in inner nyos. 

    I think the pizza analogy is good because like a pizza you enjoy it for one day and then stop playing it.  So yeah don't run MMOs like pizza shops.

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  11. 8 minutes ago, SloRules.3560 said:

    Opinion as someone that has pretty much quit GW2 in 2018/2019. I bought EoD but never finished it as idk, felt meh, hasn't purchased Soto and don't intend to. Kinda just lurking around, looking for something to happen to this game or a new ANet game. I log in for 5 minutes maybe to do a loop around LA with beetle once a month or less.

    I don't get it where are you guys getting the idea that there is no demand for a new MMO, especially from a successfully mmo studio like ANet. Seriously look at MMO releases in last 2 years, even though at least for me they were bad just from looking at videos and right there deciding i'm not even trying them. New world 1 million consecutive players on release, lost ark although i don't see it as such, was mentioned a lot in mmo circles 1.4 million on release, tower of fantasy an anime-ish mmo 250k taken from steam. That's concetive players, probably double in sales if not more. Apparently GW2 sold 2 million copies by first 2 weeks after release just for comparison.

    NCsoft apparently thinks MMOs are profitable with Thrones and Liberty, so does Riot games and Sony (horizon mmo, developed by NCsoft). I'm guessing they don't expect massive market from the west with T&L, so why not new MMO from NcSoft and thus ANet.

    While Soto is apparently a success, i don't see much of a peak in q3 earnings report, but i mean, if you deliver living world like content and than make money for it, it's success, because it was free before and honesty it's about time they made this change, although to late for me as i don't intend to pay anything for GW2 anymore as it's gotten stale and i don't think even migration to a new engine or whatever some are considering would change. The game would still be the same and for a few years now it feels like there's nothing new, even with 2 expansions in this time.

    A new game is also not made in a year or so, which seems to be how some are imagining things. If you need a new game in 5 years you should already be making it now with continued development of GW2 to secure money flow.

    We know there's unreal engine 5 project at work with descriptions being stuff like: has to know mmos, console and pc, established ip, major AAA game title, early development, gw combat system iteration, shaping the visual identity of our unannounced AAA game. There was also another leak that Horizon MMO is developed in Korea. What game could possibly fill these descriptions heh? I really do think they are making GW3, but it's 5 years or more away. Thus smaller GW2 expansions as to have window of opportunity every year to redirect people to new project.

    It would explain the new expansion development cycle and general minimal content people are receiving from them.  They must be splitting their time on GW3 and if they develop it over 5 years, that wouldn't be too far off from the GW2 development timeline (2006-2011).  I think some people are worried about the tech requirements but even GW2 when it came out was playable on a mid-range PC for the time.  If they do like they did with GW1 and allow carry over in terms of achievements etc. or even items or armor skins, I don't think it would be too much of a burden to make the switch.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

    According to NCSoft's previous statements (and their financial rules), sales are reported on an accrual basis in the quarter in which they occurred. Deviating from this, only the sales of pre-purchases of a game or expansion are reported in the quarter in which the corresponding release took place.

    It just seems straight up what others and I thought which is that SoTo didn't sell well.

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  13. 15 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

    Just curious, what extra needs to get done for the captains helmet that drives the cost up?

    (I never got around to unlocking the Special Ops armor when it released so I'm going to be playing catch-up soon)

    Unfortunately it's a bit of a gold or time sink depending on how you look at it.  The ingredients to purchase the components and items are like globs of ectoplasm, xunlai ingot and one more item.  It requires you unlock ALL gear for the set.  I think each item unlock was around 30-65g, the gold increases for the later items to unlock. Fortunately one gear unlock will unlock all three : heavy, medium and light.  Then they require  you to have a certain amount of Luxon weapons, 12-15 if I recall for the total set, so unless you got some stashed away in your bank, they are like 12-15g per.  I think in total my gold spent on the Captain's Helmet was +400g iirc.  Time spent it's about a week or so, but its basically the Gyalva Delve Meta, Dragon's End Meta, some Fractals.  But like ScottCXXV I was going for Doom guy/Space marine inspired look so it looks fantastic.  Especially since the only option up until that point was the Gas Mask from Season 1.  Still might end up switching around a few things later.


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  14. As noted above Special Ops is a great starting place.  Also remember there are two special ops helmets.  Regular and Captain.  The Captains helmet will require a decent gold investment but its worth it.  Just a couple other suggestions as well.

    Reality Rig Armor (SAB event)
    Valkyrie Powered Gloves (SAB event)
    Infused Aurora Chestguard (Black Lion Chest)
    Seven Reapers (Black Lion Chest)
    Inquest Armor (Dungeon currency)
    Warbeast (POF armor)
    Magitech (Gem store)
    Aetherblade (Gem store)
    Ice Reaver (Gem store)  

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