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Posts posted by MuscleBobBuffPants.1406

  1. 31 minutes ago, vrauns.3215 said:

    Yes because rubi said they had to get more servers online to accommodate the overwhelming player count on the first day.



    First day =/= financial success.  The key will be when the numbers drop for the quarterly earnings and sales.  As noted by Rubi she mentions 
    "already-ambitious", which always felt strange to say it that way.  It almost seems like they had low expectations from the get go for this "expansion", did better on day one, but I am very curious to see the drop off over the following week and following month.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Zeph.5927 said:

    If something like this is supposed to help encourage more playtime/engagement from people, it’s having the exact opposite effect. I see this and think “yeah, I’ll just go do something else instead”.

    This is the key problem in their design philosophy.  The person who is guiding these decisions is trying to treat this kind of gear grind as "content".  But GW2 was never about the gear grind.  This is why they made rifts and legendary gear as part of the selling points for the expansion.  No most people really don't consider that "content",  they aren't interested in grinding gear/rifts for the next four months.  They want to explore, they want new worlds and cities, new challenges, new stuff to engage with.  One of the most exciting and resonating videos for this expansion was someone flying around on a griffin and exploring the map in fun ways.  THAT is the kind of content people want out of Guild Wars.  OTHER mmos might treat gear grind as content, which is fine.  More power to them.  But someone is trying to shoehorn that idea into GW2, which is not good.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    I'm not here to sit through some random person's attempt at lecturing at sales or revenue. It's the exact same broken record going on for years that the next expansion will not sell, because they released something bad and when it turns out their sales are prefectly fine it's moved to the next expansion, then to the next and so on.

    Correct you have no numbers or data.   Let's see what they are friend 🙂

    3 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    if Soto was so unpopular you wouldn't see map instance piled on map instance with tens of squads doing events and the meta on the maps.

    You have no data as said before 🙂 

    4 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    I'm not going on with a theory, you're the one who's theorizing that Anet's revenue will be bad, based on a handful of people's complaining on the forums, if you are into data so much you'd know that only taking some people into account will not yield proper results.

    Based on bad expansions, bad content, bad everything etc.  Let's see the data my friend, let's see what the data and numbers this quarter and lets see the SOTO sales friend.  You seem confident, we will put your theory to the test 🙂 


    5 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    I'd love to highlight this part. You're going after me for "not having numbers" while you are certain that Soto is not selling well. Despite you not having access to numbers either.

    I just told you, and I will tell you again, let's put your theory to the test.  Releasing awful EOD, awful Gyala, awful IBS, let's see if these have no effect on SOTO friend 🙂 

    • Confused 4
  4. Just now, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    yet Soto exceeded their expectations to the point where their store went down from the traffic on Soto's release.

    Show me the numbers friend, that's right sales for a day don't mean sales overall for an expansion.  Do I need to explain to you how sales and revenue work?  You don't have the numbers, don't worry friend we will put your theory to the test 🙂

    "Soto is rather well populated for an "unpopular" expansion, which further proves that the people commenting on the forums is a minority."

    You have no data/numbers to back up that claim either, want to continue?

    "Champions was awful and EoD outsold previous expansions. Gyala was awful and Cantha was thrown out, "

    Let's see how SoTo sells, I can only imagine constantly releasing awful content is going to help sales, does that make any sense to you?  It doesn't.  Let's put your theory to the test 🙂 

    • Confused 5
  5. Just now, Randulf.7614 said:

    I don’t care enough to theorise or test a supposition, I’m just giving the info as it is. Let’s remember EoD was critically slammed on the forums (but like SoTo, not as much elsewhere), yet was a massive seller and outsold prior expacs. If you really want to wait a quarter or two to prove something, that’s really just for you. 

    You don't have any info, you have no data or number, just a PR phrase from someone who works for the company.  You will have to wait just like everyone else.  Deal with it.  Precisely, now do you people ever think about things?  If EOD is critically slammed, do you think people repeat the same mistake of buying expansions from this company?


    1 minute ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    It’s their expectations and analysis of revenue, not anyone here that matters

    Exactly, didn't I just say that? You just contradicted your own statement "If you really want to wait to prove something" and then "it's their analysis of revenue".  Yes, which is what I just told you.  Now sit back, relax and wait.  I will put your theory to the test 🙂

    • Confused 3
  6. 49 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    They’ve already confirmed higher than expected sales and an overwhelmed support trying to get additional keys activated. Whatever negativity is on the forum, the sales are unlikely to align with that.

    Higher than expected doesn't mean much in terms of numbers.  Let's see what those sales and revenue earnings look like this Fall!   


    51 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

    Whatever negativity is on the forum, the sales are unlikely to align with that.

     We will put your theory to the test!  Looking forward to it!  🙂

    • Confused 3
  7. 1 minute ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    GW1's not getting updates and not getting bugged out, it's in maintenance mode. 
    If you think GW2 then define "unpopular", because I've seen bigger complaining when HoT came out. Hell, even Kourna had comparable complaints. Most of the complaints about this "unpopular" update you see are either "I couldn't be bothered to check the system, so it's bad" or complaints about loot and rifts.

    Maintenance mode implies bare minimum to keep people barely engaged which means bare minimum updates/content etc.  As I have told you in other threads, I am going to happily put your theory to the test on sales, reactions etc.  Looking forward to it 🙂

    • Confused 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Zeno Iagara.8540 said:

    You are comparing a log-in reward system with a daily action system.  The items you listed from the old system were purely for logging in, you didn't have to do anything else for them.  So, to compare the old with the new you have to use the same basis, purely logging-in.  Therefore after 77 days of logging in only, you have 385 AA (5 per day * 77 days), now try to buy all the original log-in rewards with the 385AA and see how far you get.

    Correct, this expansion is selling you back what you already had.  

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  9. 52 minutes ago, gkoogz.3089 said:

    With the old  daily login reward, laurels were a currency tied to days logged in. AKA reward just for playing.

    Now that laurels complete for Astral Acclaim with all the other better rewards, laurels are now UNACHIEVABLE.


    Op is being sarcastic.  Of course OP won't also address the problems with the expansion itself, so he makes a strawman argument.

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  10. Just now, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Champions caused them no issues with sales, neither did them throwing EoD's line away abruptly. I don't care about what the Japanese say. The Hungarian says that the community will largely forget the state SoTO released in because by the time the next preorder comes the issues will be solved, trash system fixed and the players will be fine with it, just like with EoD, just like with Champions. 

    Oh yeah definitely just keep releasing worse expansions with poorer quality etc.  Definitely will have no problem with income or sales or word of mouth etc.   Keep burning through people's goodwill.  Great idea!

    1 minute ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Poor expansions are not like being in an abusive relationship. You'd tell someone that their relationship is exactly like the devs of a game you play releasing awful expansions you'd be happy to walk away with only a spit to the face.

    It is exactly the same as being in a bad relationship.  Eventually you walk away.  And usually it ends very abruptly as well.  Everyone has their limits, even gamers.

    2 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    I'm still 100% confident that the state of Soto's release will mean nothing for their next expansion

    We will put your theory to the test!  Looking forward to it!

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  11. 1 minute ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    You made it seem like everyone hates the new expansion, but I suppose if I mention how most of the complaints are just echoing "Soto bad" such arguments mean nothing.

    Argue the points, you don't so you go to an argument that it is just a few players, like the other guy argued.  You can't argue the points, so you go to an argument that doesn't have an answer yet.  But like I said, I am confident in my theory that this expansion isn't going to do well, I wonder how confident you are?

    2 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    The problem with your analogy with abusive relationships is that such realitionships are abusing because, as their name implies there is abuse going on, you know, one hurts the others. Anet changing how systems work is not causing you harm

    Uhh yeah that is precisely what is going on, Anet is causing people harm from poor quality expansions, systems, designs, balance patches etc. etc. etc.  They are ruining my gaming experience.

    3 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Anet also won't have issues with you leaving, something you are free to do whenever you want without consquences.

    Anet is definitely going to have issues with people leaving.  I am telling you man, as the Japanese say "read the air", the game is NOT going in a good direction and I would advise Anet to start correcting course.

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  12. Just now, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    And how many are complaining in those threads? If you have 5 threads with the same 10 people it's not magically 50 people. You're acting like the entire community is smashing the desk over Soto being bad while the threads each have 3-4 players arguing that "yes we are right soto bad". 

    Ah the ol go to argument for people who don't argue the bad points of the game or expansion, instead say "well it is just a small portion!", should I say the same thing it is just a small portion who like the expansion?  It is a complete strawman argument, but I feel confident in my theory and we will put it to the test, let's check those pre-order numbers and profit calls when they are released.

    3 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    All these "look at me" I'm not spending money on this game anymore until Anet does what I want threads achieve nothing. I have guildmates who whined they'll leave GW2, because EoD is like this or that and I see them playing even today. 

    I wouldn't recommend that you go into marketing or game design.  The more you burn through people's goodwill, the less they have it.  Like someone in an abusive relationship, and then one day they leave.  Not really a good strategy.  The Japanese even have an expression "read the air".  

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