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Everything posted by BluJasmine.2190

  1. You can use the warclaw in pve NOW. It was added to pve awhile ago. The reason why you rarely see one in pve is because compared to the other mounts, it offers nothing extra or better than any of the other pve mounts. Hopefully the new mastery will address this, much like how we got new viable skills for the skyscale in SotO.
  2. One thing you should have on the table is, adding extra guild slots. Many of us are maxed out and cannot join a larger guild so that all of us on the same server can play together. Some of us have been with the same server for several years, if not since launch. There is a flow that's disrupted when we have these betas, because we get scattered to the 4 winds often never being on the same team. Many of my friends will play the first week but then wait until the WR betas are over, because they aren't enjoyable. Basically we're forced to join a large guild, just to be able to stay together. Many of us aren't in a mega guild and are maxed out on guilds so we can't even join one if we wanted to. Larger servers have already joined mega guilds to dominate so I'm not sure how this is going to solve anything in terms of balancing the teams/servers. All it seems like it's doing is fracturing the communities that have evolved from the servers we have.
  3. Ummm...isn't the purpose of stealth to be idk invisible??? If you make this skill that provides stealth have a visual indicator, you need to then make any skill that provides stealth in wvw also have a visual indicator (I'm looking at you, thief, mesmer, and ranger.).
  4. 10k hours? Makes my 25,674 hours seem like overkill. 😂 Seriously though, congrats to Cal!!
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