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Posts posted by ixon.2496

  1. 5 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

    They clearly said it's going to be a PvE patch.


    The phrase "This will include changes to address some overperforming builds in PvEimplied there would be more than Just pve changes to the balance. And that is on CMC.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Okhu.7948 said:

    Equating losing pips in a video game to getting lashes, stabbed, or shot is peak terminally online. People should be punished for surrendering instead of playing through the game. They should lose pips til they reach the end of the pip-line they're currently on. And they should lose more rating. 

    Enjoy an even longer queues and a completely dead game mode, rather than the walking corpse of a mode we have right now 😘

  3. 26 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    Oh, you can--especially IRL if you are in a field that requires teamwork such as engineering.  You at points are forced to carry stupid lol.

    But in GW2, it isn't too hard because the entire team usually isn't 'stupid'; as the matchmaker may roll a few people in there that have no idea what is going on but usually never the entire team. 

    If it IS the entire team, it's still a time to look inward because the chances you are the only competent player is pretty low.  

    It doesn't even have to be about the team being stupid, you are forced together as a group of strangers with different classes and playstyles. 

    There's no voice comms, typing is costing you time and people just get annoyed and ignore pings on the map. 

    You can carry a team if the conditions are right, but matchmaking and skill disparity are so high within the same ranks that its a dice roll if its a possibility or not. 

    Everything about ranked is a dice roll, its not competitive. 

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  4. 52 minutes ago, Libera Simio.1592 said:

    Right, it's only your fault if you go into games and tell yourself it's okay to quit halfway through. It's not a good thing to do, as I said it is selfish and childish. It's that simple. No one likes when you do that except you since the selfish aspect. This whole argument is "my time is more important than other people's experiences." which is selfish, and something that generally children do before they understand fully the repercussions of their negative actions on those around them. You are free to disagree but it does not change that.

    I will also point out that this negative behavior drives the player base down and lowers the chances of this game mode being supported.

    Too little too late. The experience was already ruined, people just like a scapegoat rather than accept PvP is a broken mess.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Libera Simio.1592 said:

    Yeah I think if that is the outlook just do not play it. There are other ways to farm things. No one is forcing anyone to play it at all. If you attitude and outlook in bleak maybe it is a sign you should be doing something else with your time.

    Nah, I'm too far into getting my second legendary pvp armor set. And FYI I like PvP, when it's a fair match up, win or lose. Not my fault the matchmaking sucks.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, Libera Simio.1592 said:

    I would say if you sign up to play a game, stopping in the middle because you are "not having fun" is childish and rude. Don't agree to a match. No one wants to play monopoly, chess, poker, etc with the guy who just walks out in the middle of the game because he isn't winning, no one would ever invite you to play with them in person. It's really negative and selfish behavior. It's even worse in this case because we have no choice but to play with you, we can't even play with a full group of people with sportsmanship if we wanted to.

    Until anet removes duo queue or just let's people 5 man again. There is no point giving a kitten, the population and attitude sucks because anet neglected pvp and burned it to the ground. 

    Players have so little agency on the outcome of matches I don't blame them for not wasting their energy on a lost cause. Just farm your rewards and call it a day.


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  7. 1 hour ago, Iridi.8473 said:

    I crawled my way to mid plat on scourge and im currently sitting in G2 as of 2 days of pvping. I've lost about 15-20 games and won about 4? The games i've lost, for the most part, havent even been close. Im talking like 300-400 point deficits. It feels like a team of silvers fighting a team of plats. Im not saying im a god player, but this is just ridiculous. Here im thinking "ok maybe im just getting unlucky" but ive literally gone 9 losses in a row now with the games not even being competitive and someone screwing up. My entire team just gets run over. Idk wtf is wrong with matchmaking.

    Literally everyone ends up in gold 2 or 3, even brand new players playing on core classes. Then when you start climbing out of gold into plat, the matches become more and more one sided facerolls. 

    It's deliberate, Anet forces everyone as close together in rating as possible and as soon as you become an outlier it stacks against you. Unless you party up to skew an advantage the system doesn't want you to climb. This is all made worse with low population. 

    It's not just low population being the reason there's literally next to nobody in legendary rank anymore, its the system. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Mhina.1827 said:

    Thank you for extending your insight as a long time player of the role! I think my issue with trying something else is I'm struggling to find something that feels like a thematic successor. I enjoyed playing Dagger/Dagger trapper soulbeast prior to the removal of the stealth component of trapper. It was a great duelist, it had the assassin look with medium armor and daggers, it had the fast animation typical of the assassin archetype, it had decent mobility, healthy access to stealth, but I had to stick to your kitten and play incredibly aggressive to do any meaningful damage, not just watch you slowburn from range. I feel like in any other game, that actually would have been considered a thief/assassin, and in my head canon it was just a variant of thief. Not sure where to go now 😞 that may be my next forum post xD 

    I found that Revenant/Renegade scratches that itch for me in some ways. Revenant weapons like sword/sword feels quite thief like. And the renegade shortbow for the rogue archetype. Add on Shiro and you have your shadowstepping and dodge rolls.

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  9. Honestly thief just takes more effort than other classes to perform well, little to no passive defenses. After maining thief for over 10 years and over 4000 pvp matches on it, I hardly touch it now. 

    I'm just as well chilling on soulbeast or scrapper without feeling like I'm having to play perfectly with no room for error. Mainly because I like commiting to fights and cba doing stealth/runaway/reset. 

    Also now that thief mobility is no longer the shining star it once was, mesmer used to be the only serious competition in that area. 

    It just feels like thief is kinda lackluster and lost a lot of its place in the game to other classes, which while great for those classes, thief hasn't really evolved with the times. Spectre should have been game changing, as it stands now it's more underwhelming.

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  10. 47 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    And they told us up front, before people could spend money on it, that SOTO would be smaller, and with fewer new features, than what came before it. I am as critical of the game as the next guy, and moreso than many, but announcing a new product, announcing that it will be smaller than previous products, and charging less than previous products is fine. Then it is up to the consumer to decide if they want to buy the new product.

    It doesn't bode well for the future of the game, all the scaling back on the level of content released.

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  11. 1 minute ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

    How people see this expansion is their personal opinion. My statement is aimed at the fact that people expect an expansion to be 'complete/in full' when modern games show that expansions are never released with full content available from the get go

    As much as we'd all like to have games where all content is available in full, most game devs keep content then release them after a certain date to keep their playerbase interested, especially when it comes to MMOs and other multiplayer online games

    Anet are the ones playing semantics with what they decide to call an expansion. Compared to their previous releases its obvious where this lies in relation to their previous content. 

    We had expansions, fully released, way more content, and what we are getting now sprinkled in between. 


    Now they have redefined what they're willing to call an expansion. 

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  12. 30 minutes ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

    So that's a complete lie. Monster Hunter alone is an example of an expansion where all its contents were NOT available at the launch of its expansion. It had content drop after the release of the expansion that were already planned during development but devs didn't release straight away. And that includes explorable locations AND mechanics that could have easily been included since launch

    There are plenty of other examples but no, an expansion is as the name states, it EXPANDS content but it doesn't always come with all of its intended content, similar to SoTO as of right now

    This is by far the weakest "expansion" in guild wars 2's history. Its a huge downstep from the high bar they had set. 

    EoD was a downgrade as well but it at least felt like a complete expansion, they are now releasing basically what used to be living world/icebrood saga and calling it an expansion. Its a weak effort and as soon as people finish with what new toys we have to play with they'll realise it too.

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