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  1. Disclaimer: If my spoken english is terrible (I know it is) just read, I'll put a written description of the 2 bugs. In Janthir Syntri adventure: Save the woodland creatures, there are 2 bugs: You can "dig" in mid-air and it doesn't works. This is specially problematic because due to how the game works sometimes you do a normal dash and then press skill 2 but you are 1milimeter above ground and... it doesn't counts, and you can't move either. The ideal fix would be to ignore air presses and just fall to ground, so you can smash skill 2 a few times and it will trigger the first one on-ground. There is something invisible on that spot in the video that puts you in combat. It's not an enemy, it's not an NPC, it's not the tree, it's something. I don't know what, but it makes you lose 4 seconds on the adventure. Edit: Further research shows that there is a mursaat relic(mine) there. And even when disabled, it will still put you in combat. Needs fixing. It happens with all mines, so make them not put you in combat please. For the sake of competition I feel these 2 bugs needs to be fixed because going around them is annoying to say the least. Wasted like 200 tries in the past week because of specifically those 2 bugs (this is not about getting gold, but about getting a good competition with my guildies). Happy hunting!
  2. That thing is way too funny to just have it on Janthir. It would be hilarious and funny to see a lot of salmons jumping around the mystic plaza and the streets of Lions Arch. (And while we are at it, please a Griffon adventure on Divinity's Reach).
  3. When we ALL stop. Because that is probably the number 1 request of everyone since game release.
  4. I am sad to see this ele change hasn't been reverted in today's patch.
  5. I have been Tempest for 8700 hours. Yup, I've been 8 years being a tempest, it's my favorite class and it's because of the dagger. Now this change makes my life very miserable and it's NOT FUN at all to play it. Seriously anet, why? I can understand the "not going past the enemy" change, okay, annoying but understandable to a certain degree. But....... WHY, seriously WHY does it needs to rush towards the target now if I am facing another direction? Really?! If I want to flee from combat, to hit 3 enemies at the same time by positioning myself or to move fast in a direction now it's impossible because these skills now go towards your target instead. I've just wiped at gorseval because I was trying to stop an add with 3 from dagger earth but the game made me unable to untarget a kitten wall in that fight (u know, they are really hard to un-target those walls due to hitbox) and my character dashed towards the outside, like... WTF? Please Anet, revert the change. This change single-handledly breaks all the fun of dagger on elementalist, to the point that I am about to stop playing elementalist after it's changed. It is not fun anymore.
  6. Agreed. This is going to be a pain in the kitten now, if it stops on enemies...
  7. Exactly, it not being in the patchnotes made lot of us not even wanting to try in the mindset of "it's bugged anyway, why to bother". So please Anet add it on future patchnotes even if it's outdated patchnotes, that way you spread the word that it's fixed and we will have enough people to try it.
  8. The game needs in-game moderators like 9 years ago, not only because of this issue but because of afk farming, lfg selling and many other activities that corrupt the players experience. Please bring back in-game moderators.
  9. This is terrible bad decission, it would only work if all elites has the same cooldown, which is not the case. I almost always use Fiery Greatsword elite, which is a 180s cooldown. Now with this change you kinda want me to use glyph of elementals which is only a 40s cooldown, if I want access to that shield. Of course the fix would be to lower the FGS cooldown because 180s is insane nowadays.
  10. Sorry for necro-bumping this but I've got a question: Do you get Mawdrey II if you craft it again? A friend deleted Mawdrey II, she still has Mawdrey (the backpack).
  11. The game could desperately need an in-game browser. You already have it half-way with the way the trading post is created. Just drop a new icon top for "News" and drop there the information. Most of the time people won't read external sources but if it's inside the game (AND IMPORTANT: it has a red dot like when we have a new item in the trading post) we will read it. Such a News system could be very helpful for everything in the game. Patchnotes specially would be great to be able to read them in-game. And let's not forget, having the wiki embedded as another icon would make the experience a lot better as well. Just my 2cents.
  12. With the same exact build I was doing 24k on the aerodrome golem before patch. After patch and with a 7% more buff on Trascendent Tempest trait I am doing now 23k. Using the same exact build, same exact skills, same exact rotation that I've been using for months. Can it be the change didn't make it live or it is bugged?
  13. That is amazing news. I hope other classes can benefit from that train of thoughs. There are some classes that are really fun to play but get nerfed because the 0,01% of the players are able to do something insane with the class. And the nerf breaks the fun for the other 99,99% of the players that love playing that class and our performance is average. I hope you can find a good way to avoid this issue (maybe a hard cap on DPS calculated by the server, where a player can't do more than 40k or something? IDK, it's probably something impossible in gw2 due to the way the engine works).
  14. A cool update for warrior indeed, but I am still missing fury on warhorn 4 in fire for Tempest. It was removed last year for no reason and it would undoubtly help a lot to fix some of the issues of the class.
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