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Posts posted by StinVec.3621

  1. @Lynxila.7948 said:Edit: 40/300 Thank you for the donation so much! ^^

    Hi!My only desire is to be able to play through living word season 2.I managed to buy living world 3 episodes a while ago, but I really would like to know what exactly happened in the second one.I still needs like
    260g to have it.

    I would appreciate any help!


    Server: EU

    @"StinVec.3621" said:

    Note to all prospective desire posters:

    As noted in the Forum FAQ thread, Recruit rank has a 4 hour window to edit comments - Member rank has no edit window limitation.

    • Making a desire post as "Recruit" forum rank and then making an additional post to state receipt of assistance is not the correct way to participate in this thread.

    • Potential gifters who read through the thread will see your original desire post as still being there stating you desire the item(s) and they would not know it was fulfilled (partially or fully) unless they read further on through the thread and find your new post stating so.

    • Failing to ensure you are Member rank on the forums prior to making your desire post may limit any assistance with the item(s) you may receive. As potential gifters know you will be unable to update your post to state receipt of assistance, they may be unlikely to provide assistance they otherwise may have.

    To be absolutely clear on this request of desire posters:

    • Please achieve at least "Member" rank on the forums if you wish to participate in this thread.

    Comment in 5 different threads total on the forums to attain the "Member" forum rank (2 star rank) which removes your comment edit time limitation.You will then be able to edit your original desire post via the gear icon in the top-right of your post if/when you receive any assistance.

    Thank you.

  2. Suggestion: Remove HoT requirement on backpack/glider combos so you can increase sales of the items as well as make some players happy at the same time.

    The packaging of once-singular gem store backpack skins to now only be available in combos with an expansion item results in backpack skins not being able to purchased without owning HoT, despite there not being any technical limitation or issue that would require players to own HoT to purchase the combo packs.

    Another aspect of this request is what harm is there in allowing customers to purchase the combo items while they are available in the gem store even if they cannot currently use 1 of the 2 items they contain?

    As backpacks were able to be purchased on their own prior to HoT, and then their being grouped into combo deals with glider versions, I was informed by support some weeks ago that it is intentional that the backpack/glider combos require HoT to be owned to purchase them and that it is not a bug.

    All glider combos can (could?) be purchased without owning HoT, except for the Branded Wing Backpack/Glider combo that is now made available again. As I could purchase all of the previous backpack/glider combos before this one, I had gone through support in an effort to see the item get fixed, only to be told that it is intentional and that it was not that the Branded Wing backpack/glider combo item was improperly requiring HoT, it was that all others were bugged for not being tagged as requiring it and that I was "lucky" I got them without the restriction.

    As I have been "lucky" enough to have previously purchased and unlocked several glider skins due to buying the "bugged" combo packs, and as I do not own HoT and there were no issues with consuming the items contained in the combo packs, I feel the HoT requirement should be removed from all of the combo packs as all it is doing is limiting your sales of these items.

    Buying a backpack/glider combo results in receiving the backpack skin item, the backpack straps item and a consumable item that unlocks the glider skin. The glider skin unlock item gets consumed properly and unlocks the glider skin. Obviously I cannot use the glider skins until I do purchase HoT, so, again, what harm is there in allowing customers to purchase the combo items while they are available in the gem store even if they cannot currently use 1 of the 2 items they contain? The mount adoption licenses can be purchased despite the likelihood of unlocking one or more griffon skins that cannot be used without buying the griffon mount. I do not see that as being much different except that I would choose to purchase the combo pack knowing that 1 of the items cannot be used until I purchase HoT, whereas an adoption license could randomly unlock a single skin that I might not be able to use.

    Again, I do not see the logic behind requiring HoT to be owned in order to even purchase the combo items as it is an artificial and needless requirement which only results in preventing customers from purchasing the items from you.

    Please consider removing the HoT requirement so you can improve your sales on these items.(of course a side effect of removing this requirement would be that it would result in customers who do not own HoT to be made happier as they could once again purchase desired backpack skins from the gem store like they used to be able to before HoT)

  3. @yoda.1823 said:Thanks for posting this- I was about to send a ticket :)

    :)I saw that the November 28, 2017 patch notes stated:

    • Fixed the Jackal Reconnaissance achievement so it will no longer stall if the player recovers Awakened intel before turning in a letter to Nori Mahat in the Bonestrand.

    I'm sorry to see you were left confused by this bug months after my report - something that could have been prevented had it been corrected back in November while they were already in there fixing another aspect of the achievement. Apparently they do not do things too efficiently and correct any errors involving the same item or location at the same time and instead follow a prioritization list. It appears to only be a visual error in the pop-up information, so it should be as simple as replacing the target value on the info pop-up UI element script to that of the correct collection and not something more complex that would take a few more minutes. I expect that it would literally takes mere seconds to query the proper value of the Jackal Reconnaissance collection and replace the incorrectly targeted Skimmer value on the info pop-up with it. As this is not 'game breaking' and likely marked as being very low priority, and considering how long PoF has been released with it still not corrected, it is unlikely to be corrected any time soon. We could be surprised and see it corrected in the next patch, or perhaps not for a few years or never. It is just disappointing that some players starting their Jackal unlock journey might continue to be confused by this for an unknown amount of time.

  4. @"CharuStar.4109" said:Nice to see nothing has changed with the new Griffon skin.eEp8hrG.png

    Thank you for supplying this image. I found it very helpful.

    I had requested that Dulfy take a few seconds to also dye the new mount skins in all shadow abyss/celestial (or the whiter one) in her showcase videos in order to inform viewers if the new skins still have this red issue on those colors. Despite others supporting my request, she still does not, sadly.

  5. @Yukio blaster.9082 said:

    @Faaris.8013 said:Until they add this to the game, I recommend getting a mouse and/or a keyboard that can be customized. I use a ROCCAT Nyth mouse which is highly customizable, and I can switch from one setup to another quickly. I have profiles for the classes I play and don't have to change anything in the GW2 interface.

    I have a 19 key mouse, and i mad this post cos i'm a multi class player.I sometime play thief and i need my F1 F2 skills on R and F, however i main Mesmer so i have the F1 and F2 keybinding to my mouse key1 and key2 and the F3 and F4 on R and F and when i play necro(scourge) i Need MY F1 on R and F2 and F3 to be on my mouse key 1 and key 2 and F4 and F5 on F and R .and when i play engi i need F5 to be on TAB (swap weapon on my other characters) F1 to be on R and F2 F3 F4 to be on my mouse key1 key2 key3 .All that is so much for me to do every time i wanna swap character was it for PVP or PVE.

    Heya. autohotkey is a useful program that can be used to remap your keyboard keys with individual scripts.You can also have it autolaunch when you run the game so there is no need to execute it and then execute the game exe.You could have a key set to change the script based on a key press if you log into another profession.

    Like, ctrl+F1 loads your engi script, ctrl+F2 loads your thief script, etc.Each script would be configured to rebind the keyboard keys to those you desire for that profession, you would just need to remember which of your script keys loads which profession.

    It is very quick and easy to configure the script how you would like and I can assist with this via message if you wish.

  6. Note to all prospective desire posters:

    As noted in the Forum FAQ thread, Recruit rank has a 4 hour window to edit comments - Member rank has no edit window limitation.

    • Making a desire post as "Recruit" forum rank and then making an additional post to state receipt of assistance is not the correct way to participate in this thread.

    • Potential gifters who read through the thread will see your original desire post as still being there stating you desire the item(s) and they would not know it was fulfilled (partially or fully) unless they read further on through the thread and find your new post stating so.

    • Failing to ensure you are Member rank on the forums prior to making your desire post may limit any assistance with the item(s) you may receive. As potential gifters know you will be unable to update your post to state receipt of assistance, they may be unlikely to provide assistance they otherwise may have.

    To be absolutely clear on this request of desire posters:

    • Please achieve at least "Member" rank on the forums if you wish to participate in this thread.

    Comment in 5 different threads total on the forums to attain the "Member" forum rank (2 star rank) which removes your comment edit time limitation.You will then be able to edit your original desire post via the gear icon in the top-right of your post if/when you receive any assistance.

    Thank you.

  7. @"Xeneth.9260" said:Hello fellow guildies,

    I want to apologise beforehand since I'm seeing a lot of people asking for help with those pesky mystic coins. I really like the legendary The Shining Blade and was hoping to complete it all by myself but lately it's become really hard to get the last components I need for it and I feel a little disheartened. :c

    So far I've managed to craft :

    Save The Queen2 Gift of Condensed Magic2 Gift of Condensed MightReally close to finishing Gift of insights.Gift of MaguumaClose to finishing Gift of the Bladeand some other necessary components

    And the kicker is that I still need 381 Mystic coins and 231 Amalgamated gemstone. I know they're hella expensive in bulk like that so any help with any amount of these will be very much appreciated !

    Bless you friends ! ^o^;

    Mystic coins ( 0 / 381 )Amalgamated gemstones ( 0/ 231)

    PS: I'm on EU server.


    Congratulations on achieving all that have so far on your journey to crafting your desired legendary! Well done.

    Also, thank you for itemizing your desire with counts as was requested so potential gifters can see exactly what you still desire.

    However, I noticed that you are currently still Rank 1 "Recruit" on the forums which causes you to be unable to update the counts on your items in this post due to "Recruit" only having a 4 hour window to edit comments once they are made.

    If you would be so kind as to please:

    • Comment in 5 different threads total on the forums to attain the "Member" forum rank (2 star rank) which removes your comment edit time limitation.

    You will then be able to edit the item counts in this post via the gear icon in the top-right of your post without restriction if/when you receive assistance.

    Thank you very much!

  8. @levcsu.7892 said:

    @levcsu.7892 said:Dear Kind Souls!

    I Really, I mean REALLY love to get a Glider skin, since I bought the HoT Expac, I can't keeped the ammount of golds, to purchase any of the gliders.I don't want an expensive 700 gem one, Id just like to get one different glider, the default one is really meh.

    Server: EUDesire:
    Glacial Glider
    (price: _500 _gem) OR 130 GOLD to let me exchange it to the GEM for my wanted glider

    My Desires Goal:
    • 500 gem:
      Glacial Glider
    • 130 gold: (
      0/130 gold

    IF Anyone can help me with this glider OR with some golds, please don't hesitate, I Really appreciate it (and ofc when Im be able, i will return your favor - when you in need / or ingame help, anything what i can do).

    Thank you so much!Id like to edit this to: FULFILLED



    I'm glad to see your desire was fulfilled!

    However, please do as requested previously and:

    1. Comment in 5 different threads total to get member status that removes your comment edit time limitation (2 star rank).
    2. Come back and edit your ORIGINAL post with this message (via the gear icon in the top-right of your post), not make an additional one.

    Otherwise, people who read through will see your original desire post there still stating you desire the item(s) and would not know it was fulfilled unless they read further on and find your new post stating so.

    Thank you.

  9. Sounds fantastic. I look forward to this starting.

    One question though, will this be taking place in all sub-forums, a specific sub-forum, or will the sub-forum change based on who the participating dev(s) is(are) at the time and their position/specialization?

    (Ex. A pvp dev doing an AFC, would it be in the pvp sub-forum or are all going to be in general discussion regardless of topic?)

    If it is taking place in a single sub-forum, I imagine all of the thread creation spam asking questions may fill page 1 quite quick and push any non-AFC discussion threads to be lost to the back pages.

    Is a dedicated sub-forum for AFCs going to be created, or would a separate place for this only attract those who seek it out and lessen participation compared to if it were always in existing sub-forums?

    Just wondering where to watch for it to be and if I need to watch different places each time. On that note, will there be a news/announcement (an actual news/announcement in the news/announcement sub-forum) when one is scheduled to take place?

  10. @SolitaryPillarist.5740 said:

    @SolitaryPillarist.5740 said:Hi guys. I need 250 Cured Hardened Leather squares.

    Thanks in advance if anyone can help me out. I would be grateful.

    Someone gave me 50 of these already so I only need 200 now. Thank you very much to the person who sent me the 50.

    1. Comment in 5 different threads total to get member status that removes your comment edit time limitation.
    2. Come back and edit your ORIGINAL post with this message, not make an additional one.Thank you.
  11. Issue: Floor texture overlay blocking portion of animated environment artLocation: Djinn palace for Jackal acquisition in The Desolation

    In front of the Djinn Jackal trainer are two rotating animated rings of characters on the floor. Nearby there is a transparent, semi-circle floor pattern where it overlays a portion of the animated rings, blocking them.

    This is apparent on both animated rings.

    Recommend: Removal of the excess transparent portion of the floor texture so it does not overlap the animated rings and block them from visibility.


    ! zNWweGY.jpg

  12. Issue: Triple-stacked JackalLocation: Djinn palace for Jackal acquisition in The DesolationProp Name: Feral Jackal

    In the northern section of the palace there is a Feral Jackal standing near the trio of Djinn. This jackal is triple-spawned.I'm not sure if the added effects by their presence could have a negative impact on nearby players' game performance.

    Recommend: Removal of the two duplicates


    !! OHNoXsK.jpg!! oiXS3s4.jpg

  13. ! > @"Cyninja.2954" said:! > Yes it is, but maybe give GW2hook a try, it's sort of a beefed up version of reshade. Woodenpotatoes made videos on both:! >! >

    ! >! > WPs take on GW2hook, definitely take a look if you want to beef up your graphics and the visual quality of the game. I'm personally running GW2hook atm and it looks great.

    May look to give this version a try soon.

    Really glad to see the 1.1.0 release notes showing the fog removal is no longer questionable in regards to the ToS. That was my first concern as I was watching that video - glad to see that I can try it out now without worry.

    Release 1.1.0

    • Modified with the help of Chris Cleary to be TOS compliant.
    • Changed folder structures, files are now stored in [GuildWars 2]/addons/Gw2Hook/
    • Fog distance is locked to 1 when entering a competitive map.
    • Fog distance can now be changed in real-time.
    • Added Auto preset selection option, that allow to use specific preset in specific map or region.
    • Removed the lightmap hook for now, will be added back when it will be useful.
    • Fixed a bug that affected performance in some instances.
  14. Absolutely safe to use and many have been using it for many years.

    Note that installing it to the GW2 executable would also need you to then manually move the files into the proper "bin' folder.

    So you add/install ReShade to the GW2 executable in the top directory to associate it with that game executable, then move the installed files into the appropriate bin folder - 'bin' if using 32-bit client, 'bin64' if using the 64-bit client (which is most likely).

    ...\Guild Wars 2\d3d9.dll...\Guild Wars 2\ReShade.fxMoved to:...\Guild Wars 2\bin64\d3d9.dll...\Guild Wars 2\bin64\ReShade.fx

    The newer '3.0' ReShade or whatever they developed may not need this to be done if it functions different from old versions and auto-places the files into a bin folder if it exists, but if using a previous release (like 1.1 with Mediator) then it would be required.

  15. The Jackal Treat sold by Drojkor where you earn your jackal says that it requires the completion of the Skimmer Search collection to unlock it.I have the Skimmer Search collection completed and it is not unlocked.

    I was initially coming to report this as a bug for my account, but checking the wiki shows that others have noticed this item stating the wrong collection requirement as well and that it is supposed to state that it requires the completion of the Jackal Reconnaissance collection. Apparently it is just that someone put the wrong collection requirement on the item and not that my account is bugged (thankfully).

    Please correct this item to reference the proper collection as needing to be completed to unlock it to prevent further confusion to future players.


  16. @Wolfheart.7483 said:.> @UncleHank.8160 said:

    I was planning to ask for gem cards for my birthday and christmas. I've decided against that after seeing this debacle.

    I don't understand statements like this. You disagree with a gem store item so you decide not to buy
    items out of principle. At first glance, that may look reasonable. In the real world, however, if you stopped buying products from every company that made decisions you don't agree with you would probably not buy products from any company, anywhere, ever again.

    Exactly...If everyone (or enough) stood to their principles and didn't give these companies their money then these companies would be forced to behave and conduct business in an ethical manner with their consumers' interests in mind to stay in business or disappear and be replaced by companies that do.

  17. @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:I convert to exotic (500 luck) and store them on an alt, because I can afford the space. If I couldn't, I'd "consume all" (rather than the delete). I don't believe ANet will increase the cap, but if they did, I'd rather have them as part of my account then lost to the ether.

    My behavior is identical.

    Nearly done filling another mule (4th?) with exotic stacks. I do not believe they will, but if they ever were to add another use for luck in the future then I'd have it. In the meantime, storing them is no issue and the characters are good for prezzies.

  18. ---Not A Desire Post---

    @"DazedH.1280" said:

    Hello, I've been playing for about 3 years now and I just crafted my first Ascend. Now, I'm really into getting the different skins for my Shortbow and Backpiece
    (because Fashion and Roleplaying ofcourse!)
    I can't really put money into the game thru gems due to real world stuff and I'm really not into farming stuff to buy them on TP.

    > 1. Beastslayer Shortbow Skin

    1. Rox's Quiver

    Thank you!!!DazedH.1280

    Thank you to you!!! I won't mention your name but really, I was jumping with joy the moment I saw your mail! Sorry, I don't know how to edit my earlier post so yea. Omg, I wasn't really expecting it but it did really happen. It shows how people do really like the idea of giving and helping others!

    ! If you would please consider commenting in at least 5 different threads on the forums to be promoted to Member rank, which will remove the edit time limitation. You can then come back and edit your initial desire post to reflect receipt of items and give thanks. :)!! Thank you!

  19. ---Not A Desire Post---

    @"Miss Lana.5276" said:I'm trying to remove or edit my post, as it's a "Self-fulfilled Desire", but I can't seem to be able to do so.!! Heya. One thing you could do is to edit your original desire post (gear icon in top right of your post) and add an "Edit: Self-fulfilled" at the start. :) You could also highlight all of the original text and then hit the "Strikethrough" button to also show it as not being a desire post any longer.

  20. I've noticed the Branded Wing Backpack combo is no longer for sale. I do not believe it was given a 'leaving the store' timer. Astral's thread also does not list it as 'leaving', so it seems it just disappeared.

    Was this item pulled while the issue of it not being purchasable by those who do not own HoT (like all other backpack/glider combos could) gets corrected and it would then be brought back with this issue fixed?

  21. @Khisanth.2948 said:

    @StinVec.3621 said:If anyone here is desiring a non-bright/white theme for the forums and uses FireFox, I know there are many options out there. However, consider taking a look at the Stylish (CSS) theme I made that is linked in my signature to see if it is something you'd prefer.

    There are some screenshots in an Imgur gallery and instructions on how to install Stylish and use the theme included in the CSS theme file. Can also message me if there are any issues you encounter that I can help with.

    Stylus does the same and accepts the same CSS code but it is available for Firefox, Chrome and Opera. It should work with Edge or anything else that supports WebExtensions as well.

    I've looked at Stylus before, but I've not used Chrome or Opera in a very, very long time. I was not sure if those browsers ever added support for the Mozilla-specific @-moz-document domain to restrict theme activation to only the specified domain, so I stuck with only recommending the theme for FireFox users. If they have not adopted support for it, perhaps there is another way to ensure theme activation for the specified site regardless of the browser used.

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