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Posts posted by StinVec.3621

  1. @Khisanth.2948 said:

    @StinVec.3621 said:If anyone here is desiring a non-bright/white theme for the forums and uses FireFox, I know there are many options out there. However, consider taking a look at the Stylish (CSS) theme I made that is linked in my signature to see if it is something you'd prefer.

    There are some screenshots in an Imgur gallery and instructions on how to install Stylish and use the theme included in the CSS theme file. Can also message me if there are any issues you encounter that I can help with.

    Stylus does the same and accepts the same CSS code but it is available for Firefox, Chrome and Opera. It should work with Edge or anything else that supports WebExtensions as well.

    I've looked at Stylus before, but I've not used Chrome or Opera in a very, very long time. I was not sure if those browsers ever added support for the Mozilla-specific @-moz-document domain to restrict theme activation to only the specified domain, so I stuck with only recommending the theme for FireFox users. If they have not adopted support for it, perhaps there is another way to ensure theme activation for the specified site regardless of the browser used.

  2. If anyone here is desiring a non-bright/white theme for the forums and uses FireFox, I know there are many options out there. However, consider taking a look at the Stylish (CSS) theme I made that is linked in my signature to see if it is something you'd prefer.

    There are some screenshots in an Imgur gallery and instructions on how to install Stylish and use the theme included in the CSS theme file. Can also message me if there are any issues you encounter that I can help with.

  3. ---Not A Desire Post---

    @Turtlesrule.9281 said:(Repost because I can't edit a second time)I'm trying to get my Tailoring to level 500.

    Name: Turtlesrule.9281

    Need:Cured Thick Leather Square (15/250)Cured Thin Leather Square (50/250)Bolt of Linen (170/250)(Completed Bolts of Wool)Bolt of Cotton (90/200)

    As I've noted several times in reply to other people making desire posts on how to remove the edit time limitation:

    • Please participate in at least 5 different threads on the forums to attain 'Member' rank, which does not have a post edit time limitation. You can then come back and edit your original post with your updates. :)

    Do NOT make an additional post. Please comment in a few other threads to attain this rank and then return to edit your initial desire post with the updated desired amounts and replace this second post you've made with [removed post] as its contents so you do not have multiple posts. Thank you. :)

  4. ---Not A Desire Post---

    @Overmind.3094 said:Hi guys,

    Just want to update my post from before, not sure how to edit it,

    ! > First of all I want to say thank you to the 2 people who have donated to me so far, if you read the forums you will know who you both are and I've already thanked you but thank you again for your kind help so far. I really appreciate it!! >! > I now have left to go:! >! > Charged loadstones (28/100)! >! > Cured hardened leather Squares (32/250)! >! > My progress with these two will be a bit quicker now since I got the 100 icy runestones out of the way today after saving up for them myself, so I can contribute more myself now, but any help to get both of these would still be very much appreciated. Once they're both completed and I've made the gift of Light for Sunrise I will update once again.! >

    I've noted steps above in a reply to another person about how to remove the edit time limitation.

    • Please participate in at least 5 different threads on the forums to attain 'Member' rank, which does not have a post edit time limitation. You can then come back and edit your original post with your updates. :)

    Please consider commenting in a few other threads to attain this rank and then return to edit your initial desire post. Thank you. :)

  5. ---Not A Desire Post---

    @fwuffyness.3158 said:

    @fwuffyness.3158 said:I'd love to have a Grenth's Regalia Outfit, 30/160 gold, NA server.

    I don't get to spend money on games too often, and receiving a gift like this would really make my day :)

    I have it now! Many thanks to Aiwendii for your help! :D

    ! I'm very happy for you that your desire was fulfilled! And thank you to Aiwendii for their kindness and generosity.!! A request though, please, if you would not mind:!! *
    !! As you are not yet 'Member' status and because 4 hours have passed since you made your desire post, I see that you are unable to edit your initial desire post to state that it was fulfilled.!! Please consider participating in at least 4 more discussions on the forums so that you will achieve 'Member' status.! Achieving member status will remove the comment edit time limitation and allow you to come back and edit your initial desire post.! Until you edit your initial post to state that your desire was fulfilled, your desire post is still be up there saying you would like it.! If someone does not continue reading to see your second comment stating that it was fulfilled, it will still appear that you desire the item.!! Please consider spending a few minutes to participate in other discussions to achieve 'Member' rank so you can edit your posts without a time limitation and come back here to edit your initial post to state it was fulfilled.!! Thank you. :) Happy adventuring!

  6. @Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

    @RandomWolf.3986 said:When playing with a few friends I noticed a bug where a "swimming" animation was activated for a Raptor for a few seconds. It seems like the original mounts were meant to work on water but the idea was later scrapped.

    And I'm positive we're not getting any new mounts.

    When there’s so many possibilities such as 2 seater mounts, both land and air, or underwater mounts for an expansion against the Sea Dragon?

    One should never say never or positive we’re not, when no one actually knows, as you might find your positive is the alternate definition of

    I would be curious to see how they would implement a two-seater mount as I think that would be quite a nice feature that I do not think any other game has.

    Beyond being great for non-combat traversing for friends, combat would be quite interesting.One person (the 'driver') controls the mount, another person (the 'passenger') can fire off ranged attacks, or in the case of flying mounts, drop bombs. :)

    @Paul Ella.2037 said:

    @Zahld.4956 said:Maybe a lizard that can go on land and in water.

    She turned me into a newt!

    Thanks for the smile!

    It makes me sad that there are many who will not get this reference without looking it up to understand why that was your comment. :\

  7. ---Not A Desire Post---

    Hi, Alatar!

    ! I've very happy to see you've worked to re-create the thread on these forums. I was not aware that the edit limit was increased past 4 hours, so I thought it would still be some time before the thread could make any form of return. I'm glad to see it has been removed for 'Member' status players.!! I did not write the opening post of the previous thread version all that well, even after many edits. As the thread also acquired rules later in the thread's existence, as well as moderator notes (which ate available characters and prevented my making appropriate edits to the post), the opening post was likely not too accurate in relaying those restrictions and contained inconsistencies. You are perfectly free to modify or re-write the entirety of the previous version, or even request others to offer ideas via private message or something (to not clog the thread with non-desire posts) for help in cleaning it up or re-wording it.!! I look forward to viewing continued desire posts made in your re-make of the thread.!! I sincerely hope this new iteration will not be abused immediately by previous posters in the old version of the thread who believe the slate to be wiped - the old forum thread has been saved and is easily searched for the names of those posting in this new thread to see if a previous desire has already been made. In that event they can expect an appropriate response.!! Thank you for your time and efforts and I wish you and any desire posters/gifters fun and safe adventures, in-game and out!

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