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Posts posted by StinVec.3621

  1. @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:In order to show courtesy to our fellow players, please be sure to mark any spoiler-ish content with spoiler tags.

    To do that:

    1. Start the spoiler with [ spoiler ] (without the spaces)
    2. End the spoiler section with [/ spoiler ] (also without the spaces)


    • Do not use a spoiler in the title.
    • Feel free to say "Spoiler" or "Possible Spoiler" in the title if you wish to do so.
    • If you're linking to potentially spoiler content off the official forums, please be sure you note that there is a spoiler in that content, or put the link behind a spoiler tag.


    Or the quicker alternative of highlighting spoiler text and clicking the 'Format' button above the comment box and clicking "Spoiler" to automatically apply the spoiler tag code to the selected text.

  2. @Jeknar.6184 said:

    @Jeknar.6184 said:Greetings!

    I was very interested in making the Requiem Armor, but it happened that I'm short on some of the materials for the collection... In specific, Sigils of Nullification and Amalgamated Gemstones. So what I need is:

    25 Sigils of Nullification20 Amalgamated Gemstones

    Thank you in advance.

    Greetings! I see that your post has received a thumbs up, which denotes someone having provided you with some partial assistance. However, your post has not been marked as having been edited, so your original amounts are still posted.

    I understand that it is the holidays and things could be quite busy, but if you would be kind enough to edit your post when you are able to in order to show how many are still needed (if any are still needed), I would like to see if I can possibly provide additional assistance with the items (again, if any are still needed). Adding the received amount preceding the desired total amount would be appreciated when you are able to if you are still in need of more (e.g. 10/25 Sigils, 5/20 Gemstones).

    Hello. Yes, I have been away for the past 3 days and didn't noticed. I added the partial donation I have received to the original post.

    Oh! I didn't expect a response that quickly at all due to holiday stuff. :) Thank you very much!I hope you have had a nice holiday!

  3. @Jeknar.6184 said:Greetings!

    I was very interested in making the Requiem Armor, but it happened that I'm short on some of the materials for the collection... In specific, Sigils of Nullification and Amalgamated Gemstones. So what I need is:

    25 Sigils of Nullification20 Amalgamated Gemstones

    Thank you in advance.

    Greetings! I see that your post has received a thumbs up, which denotes someone having provided you with some partial assistance. However, your post has not been marked as having been edited, so your original amounts are still posted.

    I understand that it is the holidays and things could be quite busy, but if you would be kind enough to edit your post when you are able to in order to show how many are still needed (if any are still needed), I would like to see if I can possibly provide additional assistance with the items (again, if any are still needed). Adding the received amount preceding the desired total amount would be appreciated when you are able to if you are still in need of more (e.g. 10/25 Sigils, 5/20 Gemstones).

  4. @Alatar.7364 said:

    @crashburntoo.7431 said:I still browse and enjoy giving what I can. If the request is well beyond my means (and many others), the person requesting simply risks never seeing that request fulfilled. I've been thanked in some instances and not in others. That's not why I give, so I'm okay.

    Let's keep this thread going, certainly at this time of year, though generosity should have no season.

    So true.


    @"mindcircus.1506" said:So after :

    1. Participating in this thread by helping one of the requests out and never hearing so much as a thank you
    2. Now reading the requests for gifts of Legendary Weapons and 100 BL keys

    I move that this thread be closed.The requests are straight up ridiculous. It's not people asking for help.

    Though there are desires posted by individuals that many can agree are unlikely to ever be fulfilled, these posts are a minority of the many desires shared by others. Just because you and/or others may not like seeing such items being requested is not valid justification for this friendly community resource to be removed from being available for the majority of players looking for genuine assistance or removed from those who look to provide assistance to those with desires they are able to assist with.

    If you don't like seeing such "ridiculous" desires posted and are displeased with not being thanked for assistance you've provided in the past (a risk you take when providing help to others - here and in non-gaming daily life), you are perfectly free to no longer look to assist others posting here, as well as to no longer browse this thread at all.

    Recommending that all those who enjoy providing assistance to other's via this resource when/if they are able to should no longer be free to do so simply because you are displeased that others cannot be forced to say 'thank you' when they receive something is flawed reasoning.

    • If you are displeased that an individual -which you are helping of your own free will- is also free to not express gratitude of any kind for assistance they may receive, I move that you reassess the root of your motivation to help others and potentially reconsider your desire to participate in this community resource.
    • One cannot force someone to appreciate something, let alone to express appreciation openly if they do appreciate it. Accept the fact that they have free will to not express appreciation, just as you have free will to choose to send them a gift. Either continue helping others knowing that you might not be thanked, or stop looking to help others via this resource.

    Recommending that all those who utilize this resource as intended (the majority) should no longer be free to do so simply because there are some who post desires that are unlikely to ever be fulfilled (the minority) is flawed reasoning.

    • If you do not like seeing them, stop looking at the thread. Simple as that. Others are perfectly capable of looking past desires that they feel are unrealistic or that they are incapable of assisting with at the time. Look past those desire posts as well or stop reading desire posts in this thread completely, the choice is up to you.

    Regarding your not receiving a 'thank you':If receiving an expression of appreciation for your assistance is an important aspect of why you look to offer help to others, perhaps reassess the criteria for which you base who will receive your assistance to avoid helping someone who may not be likely to express appreciation for your help:

    • How is their desire post worded? - Did it follow the posting guidelines and does it seem like a genuine desire or plea for assistance and not someone looking to abuse this resource out of greed? If it doesn't follow the posting guidelines, they probably couldn't be bothered to even read the OP and stickied post and were just coming here to post what they want to get something free and never plan to return again. If they can't even be bothered to read the Op/sticky or be bothered to respect the posted guidelines for proper participation in this thread, they likely also couldn't be bothered to come back in the future to update their post to mark it as fulfilled, let alone to express gratitude for receiving assistance.
    • What is their posting history on the forums? - Are they still only a 1 star forum member that will prevent them from being able to edit their post to mark it as fulfilled and to say thank you, or is their desire post their first and only post made on the forums? This could indicate no intention to ever return to the forums. Coupled with disregarding the posting guidelines for proper participation in this thread, this is a very good indicator that they have no intention of coming back and simply came to the thread to post that they want some item or another but really only want it if someone else pays for it and that a 'thank you' to the gifter should also not be expected from them if their desire were to be fulfilled.
    • When you did not receive a thank you, was it a gem store item you gifted them? Keep in mind that gifting items via gem store does not inform the recipient of who gifted the item. If you gift someone an item via gem store, be sure to also send an in-game mail to inform them that you are the one who gifted it, otherwise they will have no idea who gifted them the item, so obviously would have no idea who to say 'thank you' to. Coupled with the previous note, even if they did return to the forums and were not just looking for free stuff, they wouldn't be able to edit their post to leave a thank you to an anonymous donor. (of course they could leave a second comment saying thank you, but that also goes against the posting guidelines, so again, likely didn't read the OP or simply didn't care what it said).
    • Better yet, consider adopting the personal requirement that you first converse directly with an individual while they are online so you can talk with them about what they desire and see if they even still desire it before you send any gifts to them. - Do not blindly gift an offline individual and assume they will be logging into the game within some minutes, hours or days (some players post desires for assistance acquiring some items because of a lack of time to play, so it could be days or weeks between logins, and possibly even longer in some cases)

    (Wording of my sentences may not be the best, my apologies. I can rephrase or elaborate on thoughts if desired for better clarity.)

    (edit: elaborated on a tip for avoiding assisting someone who is unlikely to actually desire assistance, and who may simply be posting for greed, thus is also unlikely to express appreciation for any assistance they may receive)

  5. Wow...

    Well over a year after Path of Fire's release and over a year since I reported this issue and something that would literally take mere seconds to correct has still not been fixed...and it continues to cause players to be confused and potentially frustrated due to wasting time and energy trying to figure out what is wrong when it is no fault of their own.

    (yes, seconds - again, a simple database query for "Jackal Reconnaissance" to get the collection's reference id, copy it, then another query for "Jackal Treat" and pasting the correct prerequisite id over the incorrectly referenced collection within its infobox field)


  6. @Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

    @"kurfu.5623" said:There is already a wide variety of styles to choose from... This sounds more like you just don't like seeing the skimpy stuff on females period.

    You, sir, are a good judge. There's a history here. Let me regale you all with tales from eons past.

    A year ago, somebody made the thread "Best Looking Medium Armor." In this thread, I threw
    into the mix with my Deadeye (now Holosmith) and her outfit. I happen to quite like it, considering how expensive it was to make. But, immediately following this, you see the OP didn't take kindly to this post.

    As usual, I did what I always do, and stubbornly defended my choices with raw, masculine heterosexuality. This rubbed some people the wrong way, but after some banter my natural awe won people over. That or they just gave up. Except for the OP, though. You're probably wondering "why does this even matter?" Well, that thread was recently resurrected from the dead. And with it, the sleeping dogs did not let lie. After a piece of lettuce tried to kill me, I come to find a bunch of notifications. The argument had started up again, except the ideological tide has shifted. Instead of several people exchanging with me, several people are exchanging with Ashantara instead.

    As debate just entrenches people, the end result of the aforementioned three-way rebuking was this thread. Exaggerated, and out of touch with the game, written more as a declaration than an actual idea or discussion. Whether this has anything to do with the previous Red Sonja thread is anyone's guess.

    But look on the bright side. I had completely forgotten that I wrote
    and had a good laugh upon reading it again.

    The OP has called me selfish for a comment I made of not wanting the Zephyrite's Festival of the Four Winds to return for fear of the experience provided in the original release being drastically altered in a new form due to incorporating changes made to the game since the festival's original release. (As a note, I do feel that the re-release that occurred after I made this comment was every bit as bad as I feared.)

    @StinVec.3621 said:The location, its atmosphere, the music and the players were very enjoyable. It didn't feel like another map and actually felt like a place. Everyone seemed to enjoy taking part in the very fun and well-made events or just roaming around having fun and enjoying the actual festival instead of what all events since have turned into; just a map in a game full of people rushing to do all of the achievements as fast as possible so they can farm the festival for gold or leave to go complete achievements as fast as possible or farm gold somewhere else.

    I feel the same about the first Wintersday and old LA before the events and activities became all about farming them for gold or an achievement to get a part toward a unique skin; playing bell choir for the enjoyment of teamwork to produce coherent songs instead of minimal effort or participation in order to farm rewards efficiently; working with a team to fight off mad toys and working together afterward to hunt for the lone decoration left standing and then celebrating when it's found and chatting and laughing about the fight instead of immediately disconnecting to go rush another achievement or farm gold; or to just stand around staring at the snow, listening to players and their instruments when they actually required effort to produce music before they were all just macro'ed songs being played that someone else scripted and non-stop begging for tips for their skill-less non-effort playing.

    It makes me sad to see that festivals aren't festivals anymore - they've become achievement grinds and opportunities for gold farming and have been for quite some time, sadly. :\ It's not just the players that turn them into grinds and farming, the 'new rewards' and achievements added to these festivals when they return that are time-limited, highly complex and require crazy event resources in order to acquire them show that ANet encourages and desires festivals to be treated as such instead of an event to enjoy with a new item that everyone can get just by normal participation in the festival.

    I guess it is a good thing that FotFW and Wintersday in old LA will never return. I'll just think back fondly on them, thankful that I will not witness their return in these times of festivals being farming and grinding instead of fun.

    That's a very selfish attitude towards those who did not get to enjoy it. I sincerely hope it
    return some day.

    I will take their own comment and say it back to them with the text altered to reflect the topic of the thread they created here:

    "That's a very selfish attitude towards those who
    enjoy skimpy armor and high heels]
    . I sincerely hope
    continue to make them]

    Had they worded their request as being for them to release even more non-skimpy options than there currently are, that would be a fine request for them to make and one I would support. However, they did not word it that way and instead made a plea for them to stop making skimpy armor entirely as revealing armor is against their opinion of what
    all female adventurers
    in GW2 should "
    " wear in order to not appear as what they consider "princesses or seductresses".

    • no, I do not support their request for ending the practice of creating any more skimpy armor or high heel armor appearances.
    • had it been their request, yes, I would support a request for even more non-skimpy and high heel options being created than there currently are.

    I wonder - as they did not provide any examples of what they consider as being "skimpy", would this character not be a "proper female adventurer" due to having armor that exposes some 'skin' on the thighs and décolletage, as well as wearing boots with a little bit of heel on them?

    I do not feel that it is 'skimpy', let alone an improper female adventurer's appearance that is better suited for a princess or seductress.

    Sylvari don't have "skin"

    Indeed. I stated the word 'skin' as such to denote it not being 'skin' skin. I almost wrote (bark) in parenthesis, but thought that 'skin' would suffice.(I like that the glow from beneath the bark is visible in this appearance. Why have it if I have to cover it up to qualify as a proper adventurer?)

  7. @Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    @"kurfu.5623" said:There is already a wide variety of styles to choose from... This sounds more like you just don't like seeing the skimpy stuff on females period.

    You, sir, are a good judge. There's a history here. Let me regale you all with tales from eons past.

    A year ago, somebody made the thread "Best Looking Medium Armor." In this thread, I threw
    into the mix with my Deadeye (now Holosmith) and her outfit. I happen to quite like it, considering how expensive it was to make. But, immediately following this, you see the OP didn't take kindly to this post.

    As usual, I did what I always do, and stubbornly defended my choices with raw, masculine heterosexuality. This rubbed some people the wrong way, but after some banter my natural awe won people over. That or they just gave up. Except for the OP, though. You're probably wondering "why does this even matter?" Well, that thread was recently resurrected from the dead. And with it, the sleeping dogs did not let lie. After a piece of lettuce tried to kill me, I come to find a bunch of notifications. The argument had started up again, except the ideological tide has shifted. Instead of several people exchanging with me, several people are exchanging with Ashantara instead.

    As debate just entrenches people, the end result of the aforementioned three-way rebuking was this thread. Exaggerated, and out of touch with the game, written more as a declaration than an actual idea or discussion. Whether this has anything to do with the previous Red Sonja thread is anyone's guess.

    But look on the bright side. I had completely forgotten that I wrote
    and had a good laugh upon reading it again.

    The OP has called me selfish for a comment I made of not wanting the Zephyrite's Festival of the Four Winds to return for fear of the experience provided in the original release being drastically altered in a new form due to incorporating changes made to the game since the festival's original release. (As a note, I do feel that the re-release that occurred after I made this comment was every bit as bad as I feared.)

    @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @"StinVec.3621" said:The location, its atmosphere, the music and the players were very enjoyable. It didn't feel like another map and actually felt like a place. Everyone seemed to enjoy taking part in the very fun and well-made events or just roaming around having fun and enjoying the actual festival instead of what all events since have turned into; just a map in a game full of people rushing to do all of the achievements as fast as possible so they can farm the festival for gold or leave to go complete achievements as fast as possible or farm gold somewhere else.

    I feel the same about the first Wintersday and old LA before the events and activities became all about farming them for gold or an achievement to get a part toward a unique skin; playing bell choir for the enjoyment of teamwork to produce coherent songs instead of minimal effort or participation in order to farm rewards efficiently; working with a team to fight off mad toys and working together afterward to hunt for the lone decoration left standing and then celebrating when it's found and chatting and laughing about the fight instead of immediately disconnecting to go rush another achievement or farm gold; or to just stand around staring at the snow, listening to players and their instruments when they actually required effort to produce music before they were all just macro'ed songs being played that someone else scripted and non-stop begging for tips for their skill-less non-effort playing.

    It makes me sad to see that festivals aren't festivals anymore - they've become achievement grinds and opportunities for gold farming and have been for quite some time, sadly. :\ It's not just the players that turn them into grinds and farming, the 'new rewards' and achievements added to these festivals when they return that are time-limited, highly complex and require crazy event resources in order to acquire them show that ANet encourages and desires festivals to be treated as such instead of an event to enjoy with a new item that everyone can get just by normal participation in the festival.

    I guess it is a good thing that FotFW and Wintersday in old LA will never return. I'll just think back fondly on them, thankful that I will not witness their return in these times of festivals being farming and grinding instead of fun.

    That's a very selfish attitude towards those who did not get to enjoy it. I sincerely hope it
    return some day.

    I will take their own comment and say it back to them with the text altered to reflect the topic of the thread they created here:

    "That's a very selfish attitude towards those who [do enjoy skimpy armor and high heels]. I sincerely hope [they will continue to make them]."

    Had they worded their request as being for them to release even more non-skimpy options than there currently are, that would be a fine request for them to make and one I would support. However, they did not word it that way and instead made a plea for them to stop making skimpy armor entirely as revealing armor is against their opinion of what all female adventurers in GW2 should "properly" wear in order to not appear as what they consider "princesses or seductresses".


    • no, I do not support their request for ending the practice of creating any more skimpy armor or high heel armor appearances.
    • had it been their request, yes, I would support a request for even more non-skimpy and high heel options being created than there currently are.

    I wonder - as they did not provide any examples of what they consider as being "skimpy", would this character not be a "proper female adventurer" due to having armor that exposes some 'skin' on the thighs and décolletage, as well as wearing boots with a little bit of heel on them?MX8RQKP.gif

    I do not feel that it is 'skimpy', let alone an improper female adventurer's appearance that is better suited for a princess or seductress.

  8. Used to be for fun and for the dynamic aspect of the maps feeling alive to where a lone adventurer could cause a dangerous foe to invade the map. This was prior to their being placed onto timers. Since the change? Meh. If I am taking part in one then it is by accident, and then I continue participating just to help and try to guide new players in what to do.

    Prior to their being placed onto timers, I would set out to adventure in maps and I would often find myself leading the way in performing the required events that would spawn the world bosses. Others would often join in on this journey and a lot of fun was had, even if we failed to spawn the boss due to failing an event or due to it having already been spawned recently. World bosses were fun and offered a very enjoyable feeling of my actions in the game world having an effect on the maps.

    However, once the 'bosses' were changed and placed onto pre-defined timers, the dynamic and spontaneous feeling of my adventures leading to something important and rare was destroyed. The living aspect of the game essentially died and this change directly caused me to no longer actively adventure around the world of Tyria due to it having been made so much less enjoyable.

    I do take part in Shadow Behemoth maybe once every few months, but that's mostly by chance and it's mostly to help guide players that are new to the event in what to do by way of utilizing my commander tag to guide what to do at the pre-event locations and during the boss fight itself. As nearly all participants just afk auto-attack at his face the whole time and ignore the portals, I don't want new players thinking that is what is needed to defeat it and actually lead them to do the event as intended. (DEVS - it has been asked for since the boss update release: please finally place an AoE damage or insta-kill zone or something in front of SB during the portals phase to discourage lazy afking at his face and encouraging actual participation in the event.)

  9. @Danikat.8537 said:

    @Jarl Petter Hinrik.1409 said:With a little html, you could already post embedded picture... It's faster now but not new... Yay I guess...? I find it annoying to have to post pictures on imgr first. Random people rate them. Like, it's to post somewhere else, guys!

    I'm sure there's a setting somewhere on Imgur to make all your images private, so other people can only see them by following a link you provide. But I can't find where it is now, because the website keeps telling me it's over capacity and not working.

    Well that is one way to prevent people from seeing your images ...

    Edit: Just checked through the settings. Didn't see a setting for that but the default for new albums is Hidden which will make it hidden from your account page but accessible with a direct link.

    It helps with the problem Jarl Petter Hinrik mentioned. I never get random people rating or commenting on my images and they don't appear on the main Imgur site, only where I link them. Which is good for me because I use it almost exclusively to upload pictures so I can link them on forums and without the content they look really random.

    Just to note for anyone looking to change the settings on their Imgur albums:

    While viewing your albums there is a colored circle on the bottom right of each album that denotes its access configuration.Green = Public (Anyone can see the album by going to your account page.)Yellow = Hidden (The album is hidden from your account page, but is still accessible with the direct URL.)Red = Secret (You are the only person who can see or access this album and you must be logged in to do it.)

    To bring up the album settings screen overlay and change this setting on the album:

    1. click the gear icon in the top right that appears on the album while hovering over it in your album list
    2. click 'Change Settings'
    3. make the change in the settings overlay and hit 'Save'
  10. @Iris Ng.9845 said:

    @torakun.9638 said:Definitely need your help!

    I am super conflicted with my Charr.. I want to have a main character that's very accomplished across the board. My 5 y/o charr war is fitting the bill.. However, I hate hate hate his armor/looks! I dislike the hunched posture, I dislike the jump (cant change that I know..), I just cant find a good armor for him!

    I need your help badly because I dont want to make a new Warrior just so that I can enjoy having a good looking armor for him.

    My theme is some kind like dark/evil theme. I am planning to make Twilight to go with it as well. I also unlocked shadow abyss dyes.

    SO please give your input! I cant wait!

    thanks in advance!

    I think the hunch back is a physiological charm but it does pose a serious challenge in how the armor would fit. The back is broader, chest are less visible, knee shorter so any long skirts will look weird.

    The theme you mention is pretty vague, do you have any reference pictures? It doesn't have to be the same beastly race. Also if you reread this thread. I had a few examples. Are any of them to your liking?

    @torakun.9638If Iris does not mind terribly my offering of a possible look for your Charr Warrior, this is what I use on mine that might be of interest or inspire a direction for you in achieving a desired look for yours.


    I prefer streamlined, non-skirt appearances on Charr and looked to fashion him in something that I could see a proud Charr warrior actually wearing into combat. This look achieves my personal goal for him as it leaves all claws exposed to be used as weapons - the boots are more like metal plating around the 'soft' parts of the foot so it actually looks like functional armor and not just a big cat wearing a human's boots.

    The primary goal I wanted was to find an overall appearance that did not ignore the fact that it is a Charr and not a Human - the pants account for the tail; the boots account for 'all' claws on the feet and aren't just flat boots a human would wear; the gloves account for all of the claws; the helm accounts for the horns, ears, brow, jaw/teeth/muzzle.

    The plated chest armor is tight-fitting and conforms to the actual chest without any excess flair or spiky things sticking off. This raw, natural power showcases his natural bulk and strength and doesn't rely on the aforementioned spiky things and excess flair to make him look intimidating to foes.

    The helm is not the best as it does not cover the neck, but there are not many (or any?) options that cover the neck. The forward-stabbing spike on the helm seems to go against my above-noted style regarding spikes, but I do like the effect it gives of appearing as a bull - a streamlined, muscular, raw power of a "don't mess with me" body with horns you don't want to go anywhere near with the added third horn to bring in the added ferocity presented by a 'triceratops' (or equivalent Tyrian animal).

    The design on the Priory chest also offers options when dying that can produce the 'spider' emblem on the back. This might fit well with your desire for a dark/evil theme as you can blend it in with the same color as the surrounding armor so it is just a spider pattern, or you can make it stand out by using a different color entirely.

    Going primarily shadow abyss with a few highlights on pieces as needed should achieve the dark/evil look quite well. I have also used mostly dark, steel-toned dyes on the armor in other versions of the dye scheme.

    Shoulders are hidden on the armor as I think they are not needed at all and any shoulder armor would ruin the look. (ignore the snow)

    I have more photos available that also include creation/makeover kit slider settings if more details are desired: https://imgur.com/a/mapDc

  11. @"Zash.1564" said:Can anyone else here show some love for the PEG-LEG? I really need it for a character design. Please, it would mean so much. I've been waiting for a long time. Did it show up recently and I missed it?

    Browsing the Gem Store News thread wonderfully updated by @"Astral Projections.7320" (which is not a discussion thread), it looks like the last time the peg-leg skin was available was back on December 3, 2017 and was available for 7 days @ 300 gems (along with the other Swashbuckler's Package skins).

    I feel like I've seen it for sale again more recently than that, but I cannot find anything online to support that feeling and it last being for sale in December is the only information I can find. It should be about due to return, though more likely it will be in 2-6 weeks if/when there is a GW2 anniversary sale.

    You can also designate items where you will be alerted if/when they return to the gem store so you do not miss them being for sale via the GW2 Timer website.

  12. @"Briareos.1865" said:It would be nice to have this miku concept art armor as a skin for medium armor. Not as an outfit though.https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/3/33/"Miku"_concept_art.jpg

    Hiya. For future note, to add an image you just need to click the 'Picture/Landscape' button above the comment box and paste the link that points to the image there. It'll automatically convert it to the format to embed an image in your post.

    Inserting the image link via the 'image' button results in this:


    If it is hosted on a supported site, it'll actually display the image in your post (imgur, etc). More obscure/unsupported sites will just post the link to the image.

    EDIT:To help out to make the look with existing skins - the boots, leg coverings and gloves are pretty much available already (or close to it) as medium armor skins (human cultural armor). The skirt and chest are also pretty much available, but are for light armor (maybe incarnate for chest, and then the starter skirt). There aren't really any medium skins that can work as a stand-in for the skirt other than the miniskirt skin.

    However, I'd still second your request for armor skins that are just like or close to those in the image. Unfortunately for both of us and many, many others, ArenaNet doesn't really do armor skin sets anymore, let alone via gem store, disappointingly. :\

  13. @"StinVec.3621" said:

    • Branded Sight (Purple Glowing Eyes)

    Or would that be Kralk-o-vision?

    Anyway, I would like more glowing eye color options than just Red, Green and Blue please.With the current LW story, a 'Purple Glowing Eyes' helm skin of the Branded color of purple would be something I would love.

    At the end of a story chapter involving the Pale Tree some time ago, the colors on the screen inverted/altered and it showed my green-colored character with elements of purple, including the Green Glowing Eyes being a wonderful purple color. (I haven't been able to find the screenshot that I took of this scene, unfortunately)

    An actual branded helm skin, which adds a bit of sub-surface purple glow breaking through fissures in the skin on the face, would also be something I'd be interested in.

    It took me 2 months, but I finally found the screenshot that shows my Green Glowing Eyes being affected by the story instance effects to be purple:P41Oeh7.jpg

    As a reference, this is what she looked like prior to the story instance 'memory' effects altering colors on the screen:sxXY8CY.jpg

    I would still love to see other hues for the Glowing Eyes skin sold - specifically Branded Purple.

    (Also, purple/other hued Spinal Blade Backpacks being added that can be crafted would also be very welcome as several of the colors that are available are unusually hued and do not really feel too neutral, which limits matching with hues on character armor appearances.)

  14. @Chiluver.9253 said:

    @Chiluver.9253 said:Desire: Griffon MountI've been grinding for enough gold to start the collections and I am EXTREMELY close. I have 195 gold so I only need ~55 more. No obligations to any passerby who see this of course, but if you feel like lending me some assistance I would be super grateful and make sure to pay your kindness forward in the future!Edit: Thank you SO much to a recent donator for the 3 gold, I can't thank you enough for the help <3

    Thank you for editing to note having received some assistance so far in your quest for the griffon mount. However, as you are currently a 1-star "Recruit" rank on the forums, you have a time limit on how long after you make a post you will be able to make edits to it.

    Because of this limitation on this forum rank, you will soon be unable to edit your post to note any further assistance.

    To avoid this limitation, please participate (comment) in at least 5 different threads on these forums. Doing this will result in your being granted the 2-star "Member" rank that has no time limitation on editing posts.

    As you have already participated in 3 different discussions, please consider participating in 2 more to achieve the "Member" rank that will allow you to continue editing your desire post to note any further assistance you may receive in your quest.

    Thank you. :)

    Hi, thank you for letting me know! I've been participating in other discussions for this very reason since I didn't realize there was a time restriction on editing for "Recruit" ranks until after I'd already made my post. Sorry for the trouble!

    Not a problem. :) However, I also just noticed that you are still within the 3-day mandatory 'Recruit' period (mandatory for various reasons, including ANet's fraud protection policies). I apologize that I failed to note that before - I forgot all about it.

    Even though you have participated in 5 different discussions, the 3-day 'Recruit' (new forum member) period needs to also pass (the only other requirement to advance to 'Member').

    After 72 hours have passed since you were active on the forums (first comment made), you will be granted 'Member' rank. This should be at 9:55pm EDT on the 17th.

    Sorry for any confusion there may have been by my misleading you to believe making the 5 comments was all that was needed.

  15. @"Chiluver.9253" said:Desire: Griffon MountI've been grinding for enough gold to start the collections and I am EXTREMELY close. I have 195 gold so I only need ~55 more. No obligations to any passerby who see this of course, but if you feel like lending me some assistance I would be super grateful and make sure to pay your kindness forward in the future!Edit: Thank you SO much to a recent donator for the 3 gold, I can't thank you enough for the help <3

    Thank you for editing to note having received some assistance so far in your quest for the griffon mount. However, as you are currently a 1-star "Recruit" rank on the forums, you have a time limit on how long after you make a post you will be able to make edits to it.

    Because of this limitation on this forum rank, you will soon be unable to edit your post to note any further assistance.

    To avoid this limitation, please participate (comment) in at least 5 different threads on these forums. Doing this will result in your being granted the 2-star "Member" rank that has no time limitation on editing posts.

    As you have already participated in 3 different discussions, please consider participating in 2 more to achieve the "Member" rank that will allow you to continue editing your desire post to note any further assistance you may receive in your quest.

    Thank you. :)

  16. I really loved hearing Jennifer Hale voicing the female sylvari player character prior to the Path of Fire expansion (and HoT? Haven't and will never play it), which I do not like.

    I understand the reasons behind the change in vocal presentation of the character's lines (war-weary, hard decisions, all the death, etc.), but understanding why it has changed does not mean I have to like it.

    I no longer hear any voice actors anyway as I've been playing with dialogue muted at all times due to annoying voice elements everywhere you go in the game (so many are still not covered when muting other player elements). As it is a hassle to have to constantly raise and lower dialogue volume because of sounds coming from other players being nearby, I just leave it off all the time now - which is sad as there many voice lines I do enjoy hearing, but not enough to weather the storm of annoying sounds at all times just to hear these enjoyable ones on rare occasions.

  17. I definitely think it should be higher than 1 before kicking in (which it sounds like this is unintended and being worked on), but I do not see there being many common occasions for needing to send more than about 4 in the span of seconds to under a minute.

    In the case of prepping for a dungeon (sending food items to the other 4 members of a party or coin/items afterward), and with raids, perhaps the algorithm could detect that you are in a full party of 5 or a full squad of 10 and temporarily boost the message limit higher.

    With this temporary relaxation of the restriction after verifying your party/squad status and count, it might help prevent message abuse by gold sellers/spammers that an outright increase of the limit would permit. I can't imagine many gold sellers can fill entire parties or squads in order to trigger the increased allowance of message sending, though they clearly could join parties/squads via LFG in order to gain the relaxed restriction. Perhaps a timer of needing to be in a party/squad for so long before it is relaxed would help alleviate that as an issue. I don't know, but perhaps it is an idea ArenaNet can consider looking into to see if it would be a viable option for resolving this issue.

  18. There is already the same thread over in the Players Helping Players sub-forum which you even referenced in your OP.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/5065/id-really-like-this-new-gifting-strangers

    More than likely this will be merged with it as it is an identical topic to that one which is 7 pages long on this forum and its predecessor on the old forums had reached17 pages.https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/players/I-d-really-like-this-Gifting-Strangers

    • Branded Sight (Purple Glowing Eyes)

    Or would that be Kralk-o-vision?

    Anyway, I would like more glowing eye color options than just Red, Green and Blue please.With the current LW story, a 'Purple Glowing Eyes' helm skin of the Branded color of purple would be something I would love.

    At the end of a story chapter involving the Pale Tree some time ago, the colors on the screen inverted/altered and it showed my green-colored character with elements of purple, including the Green Glowing Eyes being a wonderful purple color. (I haven't been able to find the screenshot that I took of this scene, unfortunately)

    An actual branded helm skin, which adds a bit of sub-surface purple glow breaking through fissures in the skin on the face, would also be something I'd be interested in.

  19. @OkamiLuna.5182 said:

    Regarding your situation of being unable to attain Member Rank:You do appear to be bugged as you seem to have satisfied all of the requirements to attain Member Rank.

    As noted in the Forum FAQ thread I linked, Member Rank requires that one not be marked as a 'New Account' to attain it. Your first comment was made on March 7th, so it has clearly been more than 72 hours since your first comment was made, which is the New Account period. After 72 hours have passed from your first comment, you will no longer be considered a New Account and will achieve ranks normally. You have also participated in more than 5 different discussion threads, so you should have attained Member Rank 4 days ago when the 5th discussion was participated in, which was your initial desire post in this thread.

    As you've already posted in more than 5 different threads and it has been (much) longer than 72 hours since your first post, you may want to email the GW2 Forums team to inquire as to what is causing you to not attain Member Rank properly. I hope it will lead to the issue you are experiencing being corrected.


    Please also include your 'Guild Wars 2 Display Name' in your initial message (OkamiLuna.5182) if you choose to contact the forum team - it should expedite assistance as they'll be able to instantly check and see exactly what I've noted above (that you should have attained Member Rank) and look to correct the issue without first awaiting a reply to a request for your display name to then begin offering assistance.

    Yeah I was hoping some time may have triggered it, but like you said, time has passed and it hasn't happened. I will contact support about it though as I do wish to update my own request in this thread as well. Thank you for the help. :)

    I took a look at your comments and thought to give something a try to see if I could trigger your Member Rank to get awarded. It worked.

    I saw that you had one Thumbs Up on your first comment that was made while under the New Account period, so I went to that comment that received it and gave it a Thumbs Up as well. It triggered your account to be updated immediately and you are now Member Rank.

    I think it was just bugged and it for some reason was not updating and awarding the Member Rank and required something to trigger a script to update it properly. As Helpfuls and Thumbs Up are tracked and affect account badges, giving you that Thumbs up caused it to recalculate and update your account. No badges were awarded, but Member Rank was.

    You should now be able to update your desire post normally via the edit button in the top right of the initial post and there should be no need to contact the forum team unless future badges and ranks are also not awarded properly, though I believe that is unlikely to be an issue.

  20. @OkamiLuna.5182 said:

    @StinVec.3621 said:This is the THIRD time I've had to post this on this one page...

    @Haelow.7243 said:Updating my previous post: I'm doing what I can to save up and earn the Living World Seasons. I haven't experienced a lot of the story, especially since I did much of core almost two years ago. Upon my return a couple days ago, I've made it my goal to really dive into the lore of the game and revitalize my interest in Guild Wars as a whole. A huge thanks to anyone who can help me get even a single copper piece closer!

    Request: Gems for Living World Season 2 and 3.

    Living World Season 2 - 1280 Gems (Currently marked as 20% off in the store for me, uncertain if this is a temporary sale or not.)Living World Season 3 - 480 Gems

    Acquired so far:
    Gems - 0/1760Gold - 21/517

    Note to all prospective desire posters:

    As noted in the
    thread, Recruit rank has a 4 hour window to edit comments - Member rank has no edit window limitation.
    • Making a desire post as "Recruit" forum rank essentially forces you to have to make an additional post to state receipt of assistance if more than 4 hours has passed since your post was made - this is not the correct way to participate in this thread.
    • Potential gifters who read through the thread will see your original desire post as still being there stating you desire the item(s) and they would not know it was fulfilled (partially or fully) unless they read further on through the thread and find your new post stating so.
    • Failing to ensure you are Member rank on the forums
      to making your desire post may limit any assistance with the item(s) you may receive. As potential gifters know you will be unable to update your post to state receipt of assistance, they may be unlikely to provide assistance they otherwise may have.

    To be absolutely clear on this request of desire posters:
    • Please achieve at least "Member" rank on the forums if you wish to participate in this thread.

    Comment in 5 different threads total on the forums to attain the "Member" forum rank (2 star rank) which removes your comment edit time limitation.You will then be able to edit your original desire post via the gear icon in the top-right of your post if/when you receive any assistance.

    Thank you.

    The Member rank isn't triggering for me though, and it may not have for that person as well. I've done everything I can find in order to get the "Member" rank but no luck for me either. Just wanted to let you know that this may be a possibility.

    Thank you for mentioning this, however it is not the case for them and all others I've posted that message to (I check on their activity prior to posting to verify it is not a case of being bugged). In their case, as it was for those who have posted desires as recruit in the past, it is not that they are bugged, they just haven't participated in any other discussions on the forums at all other than 'participating' in this thread by making a desire post (and then inappropriately updating it if an update post is made at all).

    Regarding your situation of being unable to attain Member Rank:You do appear to be bugged as you seem to have satisfied all of the requirements to attain Member Rank.

    As noted in the Forum FAQ thread I linked, Member Rank requires that one not be marked as a 'New Account' to attain it. Your first comment was made on March 7th, so it has clearly been more than 72 hours since your first comment was made, which is the New Account period. After 72 hours have passed from your first comment, you will no longer be considered a New Account and will achieve ranks normally. You have also participated in more than 5 different discussion threads, so you should have attained Member Rank 4 days ago when the 5th discussion was participated in, which was your initial desire post in this thread.

    As you've already posted in more than 5 different threads and it has been (much) longer than 72 hours since your first post, you may want to email the GW2 Forums team to inquire as to what is causing you to not attain Member Rank properly. I hope it will lead to the issue you are experiencing being corrected.


    Please also include your 'Guild Wars 2 Display Name' in your initial message (OkamiLuna.5182) if you choose to contact the forum team - it should expedite assistance as they'll be able to instantly check and see exactly what I've noted above (that you should have attained Member Rank) and look to correct the issue without first awaiting a reply to a request for your display name to then begin offering assistance.

  21. This is the THIRD time I've had to post this on this one page...

    @Haelow.7243 said:Updating my previous post: I'm doing what I can to save up and earn the Living World Seasons. I haven't experienced a lot of the story, especially since I did much of core almost two years ago. Upon my return a couple days ago, I've made it my goal to really dive into the lore of the game and revitalize my interest in Guild Wars as a whole. A huge thanks to anyone who can help me get even a single copper piece closer!

    Request: Gems for Living World Season 2 and 3.

    Costs:Living World Season 2 - 1280 Gems (Currently marked as 20% off in the store for me, uncertain if this is a temporary sale or not.)Living World Season 3 - 480 Gems

    Acquired so far:Gems - 0/1760Gold - 21/517

    @"StinVec.3621" said:

    Note to all prospective desire posters:

    As noted in the Forum FAQ thread, Recruit rank has a 4 hour window to edit comments - Member rank has no edit window limitation.

    • Making a desire post as "Recruit" forum rank essentially forces you to have to make an additional post to state receipt of assistance if more than 4 hours has passed since your post was made - this is not the correct way to participate in this thread.

    • Potential gifters who read through the thread will see your original desire post as still being there stating you desire the item(s) and they would not know it was fulfilled (partially or fully) unless they read further on through the thread and find your new post stating so.

    • Failing to ensure you are Member rank on the forums prior to making your desire post may limit any assistance with the item(s) you may receive. As potential gifters know you will be unable to update your post to state receipt of assistance, they may be unlikely to provide assistance they otherwise may have.

    To be absolutely clear on this request of desire posters:

    • Please achieve at least "Member" rank on the forums if you wish to participate in this thread.

    Comment in 5 different threads total on the forums to attain the "Member" forum rank (2 star rank) which removes your comment edit time limitation.You will then be able to edit your original desire post via the gear icon in the top-right of your post if/when you receive any assistance.

    Thank you.

  22. @Belgarion.2678 said:I would love a Copper fed salvage o matic or A pack of unlimited gathering tools for convenience sakes,I'm always finding myself running out of both so would really appreciate either :)

    Thxs in advance if someone is so kind.

    @"StinVec.3621" said:

    Note to all prospective desire posters:

    As noted in the Forum FAQ thread, Recruit rank has a 4 hour window to edit comments - Member rank has no edit window limitation.

    • Making a desire post as "Recruit" forum rank essentially forces you to have to make an additional post to state receipt of assistance if more than 4 hours has passed since your post was made - this is not the correct way to participate in this thread.

    • Potential gifters who read through the thread will see your original desire post as still being there stating you desire the item(s) and they would not know it was fulfilled (partially or fully) unless they read further on through the thread and find your new post stating so.

    • Failing to ensure you are Member rank on the forums prior to making your desire post may limit any assistance with the item(s) you may receive. As potential gifters know you will be unable to update your post to state receipt of assistance, they may be unlikely to provide assistance they otherwise may have.

    To be absolutely clear on this request of desire posters:

    • Please achieve at least "Member" rank on the forums if you wish to participate in this thread.

    Comment in 5 different threads total on the forums to attain the "Member" forum rank (2 star rank) which removes your comment edit time limitation.You will then be able to edit your original desire post via the gear icon in the top-right of your post if/when you receive any assistance.

    Thank you.

  23. If the item you wish to sell resides in an invisible bag, it will not display when selling at merchants or on the trading post, as well as not displaying at the mystic forge.

    However, as you likely know what an invisible bag is and that it isn't a case of trying to sell items that reside in one, another possible cause could be a strange, but possible bug.

    As an example of what the bug might be:

    • You have an invisible bag equipped and a regular bag equipped below it, but the items are in the first slots of the regular bag, not the invisible bag
    • You also have shared inventory slots unlocked on your account
    • There could be a bug where the shared inventory slots are not properly being ignored when showing your bag listings and the number of shared slots is throwing the count off and causing items that are not in the invisible bag to be counted as if they were.

    If you do have shared inventory slots as well as an invisible bag equipped, if this bug is happening then it could explain why your clicking to display the contents of one bag results in it showing some items from another bag (as well as not showing items that should be shown) - the shared inventory slots might be causing the bags to not properly display.

    It would take some testing, but if you have 2 shared inventory slots (as an example), you could see if the contents of your bags displayed at the TP or a merchant are off by 2 slots, which causes 2 items from a non-invisible bag to instead be included in an invisible bag's contents at the merchant/TP window.

    Ascii representation of the example:

    [ ][ ] = two shared inventory slots[ ][ ][ X ][ X ] = 4-slot regular bag that contains 2 items you want to sell.[ ][ ][ X ][ X ] = 4-slot invisible bag that contains 2 items that you want protected from being displayed at the TP/merchant.[ ][ ][ ][ ] = 4-slot regular bag that is empty.

    Displayed at TP:[ ][ ][ ][ ] = 4-slot regular bag shown as empty as its 2 items are being incorrectly bumped into the invisible bag slots.[ X ][ X ][ ][ ] = 4-slot invisible bag that is incorrectly being shown as containing the two items from the first regular bag, hiding them.[ X ][ X ][ ][ ] = 4-slot regular bag that is showing two items that actually reside in the invisible bag, but the bumped count caused by the shared inventory slots causes the game to see them as being two slots downward than they actually are, which causes them to no longer be protected from being sold.

    Selecting to show the contents of the top 4-slot regular bag at the TP/merchant may be showing it as empty as the two items are being seen by the game as residing in the first two slots of the invisible bag. Perhaps this is why items you want to sell are not being shown as existing. It could also be showing two items from the invisible bag in the second regular bag due to all of the displayed slots being off by 2 due to having 2 shared inventory slots. If so, then there are two items able to be sold that should not be as they are actually in the invisible bag.

    Perhaps it is actually the reverse of what I outlined and instead of the shared inventory slots bumping the slots downward into equipped bags, it thinks there are more shared slots than there actually are, which causes the bag slots to shift upward instead of downward.

    Note that this is just a theory that came to mind just now reading your thread and that I've not done any testing to see if this is actually what is happening.

    If you would be interested in looking closer at the scenario I outlined with your actual shared inventory count and equipped bag types, perhaps it will result in finding whether what I outlined is happening. If so, this might help guide your efforts with support toward getting it fixed.

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